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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I don’t know why some are overreacting to these Covid hold outs. Wallace and Norman have been out for weeks, Marlowe is a back up, and Kroft, ok, but Knox was going to get back in there anyway. You’d think by some reactions, it was Diggs, Allen, Poyer, and Tre. In that scenario, ok the sky is falling, but not these guys.
  2. I couldn’t find the exact link to the Matchup show, but Cosell’s piece on OBL, he references it. I hope that helps a little.
  3. Hey Guys: Happy Gameday. I don’t normally start threads, but I record NFL Matchup each week (its the only show I really like on ESPN) and if you’re up it’s replayed this morning at 6:30am. If you go to minute 10-14, there is a nice breakdown of Diggs from 10-12, and Kyler Murray, 12-14 minutes. For those interested they then breakdown Tua from 14-20 minus the commercials. I love Greg Cosell and how he dissects in a positive way why Diggs is the most productive WR in the NFL this year. Very positive showing for us. Cosell also mentioned with all of the Arizona CB’s back, they have a history of showing man coverage. Cosell said I don’t know if they want to do that against Allen. Last point is he said Allen is #1 in the league in passing success on 1st down. If you wake up, DVR it, amd I think you’ll like it. I love Cosell. He is up there with Jim and Pat on Movin the Chains for me. He’s not a real biased guy, but just breaks down tape so we’ll, and provides solid information for us. Go Bills!!!!
  4. Lime, you old Rough Rider. Looks like I’m going to Wild Wings again. I expected it though when the Fins play a different time than the Bucs. It’s too bad in that Bills/Cards is really the game of the week, and the Allen donation angle (great cause I participated) for their human interest piece. You know it will be on every pre-game and most likely halftime this week. The good thing from it is the Bills coverage is pretty vast so maybe some people in other parts of the country that aren’t necessarily Bills fans will donate. It’s not like it’s a huge hit for many for $17. I would think people in Cincinatti given what we did for Dalton will remember.
  5. Don and Eball, I think you’re both right. I do see McD having confidence in our offense to stand toe to toe with anyone, and Don, we were ravaged with injuries mostly on defense, but when you add Brown and Feliciano, that’s rough. For the record, E-man, I don’t mind another Allen thread from a true Bills fan.
  6. If you consider the Mahomes deal a discount, then yes (it’s built so he ends up not even eclipsing Wilson’s money until year 7 as referenced by Pat Kirwan on MTC who is usually spot on when it comes to contracts). Mahomes by doing a 10 year deal not only allows the team to sign a bunch of others, but his deal will be eclipsed by several others in the coming years. The other point is with a declining cap in 2021, it would be crazy not to exercise his 5th year option so we don’t have to deal with it for two years and during that option year, the league will see new tv revenue coming up and a significant increase in the cap. The question is how much of a % to the overall cap will he be taking up. This is nothing to be concerned for a long time.
  7. I agree and a spy won’t work as who do we have that has 4.3 speed. It will be a contain game plan with some blitzes. The answer is we have to out score them. We need a repeat of the Hawks game. Notice we didn’t spy Wilson either.
  8. When you’re contemplating, it’s always safe to go with the “Wang”. God bless ya Ed.
  9. Cheese, love ya buddy, and couldn’t agree more on the surprise of the takeaways thing. Otherwise, you remind me of Raj from Big Bang with those graphics. 😏 As they say in Seinfeld, “Not that There is anything wrong that that.”
  10. I never thought of Flutie as a back up, but I guess he was given R. Johnson. If accepted, he was high on the list. For all of his flaws and some people who don’t like him he turned around an anemic offense when we had a tremendous defense. It may have ended with Johnson losing the Music City Debacle, but we weren’t even close to getting there if we put him back in after his injury. I know I’m in the vast majority from the vets here, but I like D him, and do know his flaws.
  11. Agreed. i know Reich and Davis are the obvious, but Davis really was the change up back for Thurmon. Reich is hands down and everyone is a second. Take that one out and Tasker when asked delivered not just on ST as a HOF there, but could run the right routes, catch and was durable. I remember him as a WR and was impressed when we needed him. I’m sure there are others. This is one I have to look up and don’t have the time during the day.
  12. No argument Ethan on OJ. Most of us didn’t see him. I was 3 when he hit the 2003 mark, and only an early memory for me as my oldest brother and dad went nuts, so I didn’t know why they were excited, but they explained later. No one wants to talk about him because of post career, but he was a man amongst boys. Thanks for sharing.
  13. GET OFF MY LAWN! Just kidding Don. My kids had to remind on him. As long as he doesn’t do the malfunction, I’m good.
  14. You mean the guy over 18 years which is a feat in itself of the NFL record of 200 sacks in a 3-4 defense as a DE, which was unheard of back then Bruce Smith. I know he didn’t blow it up, but what he did was just keep winning over 18 YEARS. He’s the best Bills athlete we’ve ever had on this team. It’s not even close,
  15. Happy happy birthday, happy happy birthday, happy birthday, SDS, cha cha cha! My kids used to do that to me when they were young. It involved clapping and all that stuff. Have a great one SDS.
  16. Buftex, well said my friend. For an example I typically jump on the in morning and use as a coffee wake up things to scan here. Usually busy during the day and take a quick look at night as all if you are good about posting different interesting articles, etc. I just don’t have the time or the inclination to watch much of anything. Confessions, I’m in sales so while driving around I have either WGR in the obvious Bills spots, or NFLR. Just passes the time while traveling from hospital to hospital. It’s funny, I typically like the interaction between the callers and hosts better than many of the interviews as it is all coach type speak whether a player or coach.
  17. That fumble was the turning point Chandman. I remember having hope until then, and even though I believed in them, I was watching them make mistake after mistake after that play. It was like from the TV they were emotionally rattled. It’s too bad.
  18. Drought, that’s been a saloon conversation for the last 25 years. I’ve heard everything from we don’t ever go back as we won the big one, to we get a taste and lose to the Skins, but beat the Cowgirls. I appreciate the topic and those were good times, but looking forward to our team creating lots of new positive memories.
  19. There are hundreds of examples where a player is nursing an injury, doesn’t practice all week, and still plays the following Sunday if cleared by medical.
  20. The first statement holds some truth to it. I also think there is some zoom fatigue. It was funny a lot of the shows new season started tonight, and on Chicago Med, they talked about this phenomena, and made me think I’ve felt it too at times.
  21. The next 30 years of 1st round picks and then the answer is still no.
  22. Some people get so wrapped around the axle on this stuff. White on blue sounds cool. It would be nice someday if we could bring back the red helmets once or twice a year, but honestly I don’t care, like I don’t care about power rankings or things that don’t matter. 8-2. That matters! Go BILLS!
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