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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Patricia will not be our. DC. McD is. Happy even if some here are not with Frazier’s performance. Recently, even Sal said specifically on the Hawks game, we took the gloves off and became more aggressive. I like what he was saying in that. McD is finally trusting this offense to keep up in scoring so the defense can take more chances. Its not a surprise they fired these guys, although Kirwan even mentioned it’s not like anyone they would want can talk to them during the season. About the only thing these firings mid season is put the players on notice, you are playing for you’re job as new management and coaching means no one owes you anything and doesn’t care about letting you go.
  2. Why do we add to a position of strength? We have Diggs, Beasley, and Davis of Brown is out for a couple of weeks. Makes zero sense. Roberts is an emergency guy and one of the best returners so he has a duel role. This is not even close to a position we need at all nor need to let another go to pick him up. It’s funny how many people the moment someone goes on waivers, “let’s pick him up”. We also might have Hodgins practicing who could maybe get some time before the end of the year. Maybe not, but this is not a position, we need to bring in an 8 year veteran.
  3. That guy was a mountain to me as I met him as a little boy at the convenient store in Blasdell as a little boy. This ought to tell you how little I was at the time. I would go down there during the week to get the newest CPtIn America comic, and he was there. He was four times my size, and he asked me about captain America. I asked, are you captain America? He was kind and said, no, but I try to act like him. It was a great memory from a guy who was good with kids. Thanks Pete for a nice memory,
  4. Doc, thanks for inserting common sense. We are week to week the #1 or 2 10 or 11 personnel team in the NFL. We have Diggs on pace for over 1400 yards, Beasley 1100 yards, and if Brown wasn’t hurt a couple of times, he would be up there as well. Given we run these groupings, you can assume the Bills know it’s better for 3 or 4 wides on the field and Davis is having a very good rookie season. There just isn’t room for a ton of TE work, but when we need a serviceable TE, it’s Kroft, not Knox as he’s just not reliable yet. He’s going to have to prove in practice he stops trying to look up field, and secures the ball first. I’m betting in a solid TE class, we take one in the draft. As far as the Washington TE, he has a low ceiling. If we make this WR Corp into the best in the NFL, I can live with that all day.
  5. Transplant, this is a great thread and love how you update each week. Watch after this Sunday and the next, my bet is those numbers will go up. I know SF can be stingy on defense, but without Kittle and Garoppolo, we should be passing on them all day.
  6. Just because it’s thanksgiving I’ll play. The one that erked me was 2003 McGahee pic, when Larry Johnson, Dallas Clark, and Nandi Asomugha. He has to sit for a year, gave maybe one decent performance and cried out the door to Baltimore how boring and how much Buffalo sucked. He is the antithesis of thankful given our team was stupid (thanks Tom Idunno) for taking a guy who could have been a career ended knee problem in the first round, and paid for a year to sit in the training room.
  7. I think it’s on today. For me now that the Steelers game is off, my daughter and I are going to watch our favorite holiday movie (I think it’s because I do all the goofy voices and songs). Yep, it’s “We’re off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz, because, because, because, ... because of the wonderful things he does”. As Allen will say this Sunday to Herbert, “put em up, put em up, I’ll beat you with on hand tied behind my back, with both hands behind my back, ruff, ruff!” 🦁🏈 Go Bills!!!
  8. New Era, I think because the Ravens have 6 identified, but another 6 and growing of tier 1 staff interacting with the players. I’m guessing they were concerned with the numbers continuing to grow. This may suck for some players, fans, staff, but it’s just reality now, but why complain (not saying you New Era) when we could have cancelled games, 8 teams per conference in the playoffs, season extended or cancelled. There are a lot worse alternatives than a game moving back three days. What really stinks is I bet the game will get most of the markets in the country so I’m guaranteed having to go to Wild Wings. Bright side is the last game not on TV. It’s almost a lock we will get the Bills/Miami game in week 17. If that game has meaning, it will be blanketed throughout the country.
  9. Chand, or should I say William Bradford (guy known for landing on Plymouth Rock in 1620), that’s a nice pic of you and you’re grandson. Thanks for sharing bud.
  10. Hap, you hit a bunch of the points. I would add one in a fullback helped us in the past, but the trade off is using more WR’s allows our passing game to flourish. We’d have to use more substitutions and that begs we’d have to give up some options in the pass. I do agree our constantly shifting line is part of the problem, and Winters is not playing well. I wonder if they look better with the following combination of Dawkins, Ford, Morse, Feliciano, and Williams. I can’t figure out if behind closed doors, Morse didn’t play because of the concussion issues, or lack of production. I understand they may move on from him to have $ ready in a Covid cap year, but if he is better than Winters meaning Feliciano playing Guard.
  11. I’m not sure why some keep restarting the same thread with different ways to ask the question. A month or two ago, it was would you rather have Tre White and Allen, or Mahomes. It’s a moot point. He’s there, and we have our two guys here. I’m happy Mahomes is doing well and seems to be a class act. I also love our guys. Allen fits very well for our culture, town, and hope he retires a Bill.
  12. Nice touch with the picks Chandman. Happy Thanksgiving guys!
  13. I used to love prime time. My kids were young and would climb into bed with us and they would laugh so hard with Berman’s stumbling bumbling comments. That was the last show I really liked on that network. I don’t ever watch them anymore as they just talk over each other, and have almost no facts to support their bold (or idiotic) comments. I can watch a little NFLN, but not even that as much. I enjoy this site and always have during the day as I drive from customer to customer NFLR. Im sorry about Wings, but I believe they just failed to renew the John Clayton gig as well. At least that was what I heard on a show with NFLR when Pat and him were on together.
  14. Well, then there is the mountain Jasper, or can we ever forget the legend of the Wang.
  15. Thanks pride. I loved that guy. Real bills fans will always remember the man on the wall, where he should be.
  16. No worries my friend. I was with 14 friends both college and high school, and we had a competing fraternity that we were friends for that weekend across the tunnel. What a great day. My buddy Dave lost his sneaker in the malea, and as much as I want say it was great, I did get up there a few seconds, I was yanked off by others, and the. It was ridiculous if you remember after. We all were trampled falling one each other and thought I would break my knee with five layers of people on me. I still loved the memory. I’m sure that was you in the hat. That’s what I’m sticking to bud.
  17. And key grip and boom man in the movies. These are ....... Moving onto real Bills fans.
  18. Ethan, on the fandemonium pic where you’re in it, was that the Jets win where Smerlas blocked the kick, and we won the AFCE in 88, or one of the other games? Wondering only in that I was on the goal post for that game for all of 7 seconds until too many were trying to use me to climb up and I eventually came flying off (after I smacked my jaw against the post on the way down). I didn’t care as it was just too much fun. Anyway, thanks for sharing. This thread is great, and brings back very fond memories.
  19. Thanks Dawk. I’ll take that matchup all day long. Garrett is a big part of their defense and currently is out, but should make it back for the playoffs.
  20. We’ve played and beaten more winning teams than just about everyone. When done with the Fish, and Steelers, we should have the winningest schedule and played the most teams with winning records. Not saying we will beat both teams above, but we will be ready for the playoffs. More battle tested than anyone.
  21. Sarcasm brother. I know you’re not holding back. You know me by now. As far as TB, that’s why I understand why so many can’t stand the guy. I guess I just feel for my fellow Tampa folks here who finally have some hope on their team as maybe not as bad as Buffalo during the drought, but it has sucked down here for people who may not be Bills mafia, but some good fans. As I said, I know I’m in the extreme minority on this board as expected. It is odd fir me to root for him.
  22. Hap, you really need to it hold back and speak you’re mind. 😏. I’m probably the only one rooting for Tampa as you guys know I live here. He’s been classy since here and just reaffirms to me how much I hate BB. There is a reason he left there on purpose. I understand the sentiment though. I do and expected with the thread.
  23. LB, you mean like that no name Larry Fitzgerald who ran a 4.63 in his 40 time. The guy that’s in the HOF 5 years after he retires, and one of my all time WR’s. Then there is Anquan Boldin who ran a 4.71. Another fantastic long time WR. 40 time isn’t everything. Happy he’s getting some practice or maybe spot time before the end of the season. I remember before the season how Brown, Diggs, etc talked how well prepared Davis and Hodgins were before the season. It would be great to see both of them get some time.
  24. You’re lucky Lime. I loved when he was a footnote, at the end of the Express with Ernie Davis in that movie. I can’t imagine a team having Mr. Lacrosse, Jim Brown, then Floyd Little. Not a SU fan, but what a concession of RB’s in those days. My memory of little was only NFL presents as before my time, but he was special. Thanks fir sharing OP.
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