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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Whoops. Sorry Seasons. That’s what happens when you’re decorating the tree with you’re daughter and getting distracted oh great one. Tis the season, you know.
  2. It’s good news it happens, but there are assumptions on this Florio article. This makes assumptions there is a viable vaccine, there is complicity of every state govt., and governor, and agrees full stadiums in 2021. His is not a Covid point, it’s just an NFL issue leading to salary cap. The last thing I want to do is promote another Covid debate thread as the mods were clear to keep those discussions on the Covid thread. My comments are simply related to players being retained, how that relates to free agency, how that changes draft strategy, and the ability for us to all enjoy gong to games which I believe is the feelings of most people here. Thank you for the find Shady. It was an interesting, brief read.
  3. That’s what kids call it, hunting for a cigarrette? Ah yeah, and I was born on a Thursday, not last Thursday. 😇
  4. You keep that second on there the mods are goin to get ya, oh wait...
  5. This is definitely a matchup we’ll do much better in a base defense if Milano is ready. We’ll find out by 4pm Monday if he’s playing. We keep going back and forth with disguising safety blitzes from Poyer so !uplinks gets confused not knowing where it’s coming from and we’ll prevail.
  6. it is just amazing to me a 3-4 DE in really a true 3-4 unlike today when almost all teams are somewhat of a hybrid. He had 200 sacks in 19 years, the all time sack leader and as Reggie said to him, if he played in a 4-3 what would the numbers look like then. Reggie may have been 198, but Greene was 40 down to 160. Below that it gets bunched up so he far outplayed along Reggie any DE we’ll probably ever see again in our lifetimes. LT maybe one of the best overall defensive football players of all time, but on the sack metric, he’s at 132. Think of that.
  7. Bienemy is most likely getting a job. Pederson received his Philly job after following under Reid, and he won a SB. He also didn’t call plays as their OC. There will be one of these owners who will want to have a part of the KC tree.
  8. Doc, who is then going to replace most of the defensive line. Another RB is not the answer, but better push from the O Line is what will improve our running game. Last week we ran between our two guys 141 yards. We have a lot more pressing needs (this is to the group, not you specifically Doc), and a lot of people keep forgetting the cap going. Down from what would have been $210 mil. based on a normal cap increase, down to $175 mil. Now given our current contracts were originally based on an increase, there will be a lot of purging, restructuring, etc. to maintain a whole team. We can’t afford luxury acquisitions of expensive players, vs. making the best of what valuable players we have in the team, amd purging that just aren’t cutting it.
  9. If anyone picks up updates on the direct tv/cbs negotiations, please share. I can’t seem to find any new info. yet.
  10. I saw a noticeable difference in the Chargers game. I saw him blocking better and particularly liked when he pushed the RB forward for a couple of tough extra yards a couple of times. The coaches made the right call keeping him out as it seems.
  11. Beast, sometimes people over complicate things with too much analytics and searching data to support an argument. You made the best point. The best data comes from eyeballs if you know what you’re looking at and know football, whether you played, or coached.
  12. Matter, great idea for a thread. Thanks, and I like you defended you’re position on pressure rates.
  13. That graph was really cool. I didn’t realize how accurate Carpenter was while here. Everyone retires from professional sports at some point, but was a great teammate while here.
  14. Well said Hondo. Case in point, the Ravens were always the top in the power rankings, yet they lost their playoff game for two years straight. Then again, the same could be true for their record. One metric I like is that we have played more winning teams this year, and should end up with more wins against winning teams by the end of the year, so hence they are battle hardened. Barring significant injuries down the stretch, I like our chances in the playoffs.
  15. Don, are you just trying to torch me? 🤣. I live here and it was not hard enough for me to root for Brady, but I have so many friends here, I want them to have a winning team again. The notion of trying to support a Belichick team is too painful to consider, so he’ll no. Besides Arians isn’t getting fired. They just stood toe to toe with the Chiefs, losing 27-24, but a nice comeback for the Bucs. I don’t think it’s a gimme Peterson is fired. It’s possible, not an absolute. The others are probably a lock. GB, not sure on McCarthy as he may get a pass because of Dak out for most of the year. If he repeats next year, then I would say yes. Anyway, GB nice write up and very well thought out. Someone on another thread asked about posting. For this guy who asked about how to post, I would say read GB’s post here as it is exactly what TSW guys enjoy reading even if people disagree. It’s thought provoking, thoughtful, and lots of good information.
  16. Even when healthy, we traditionally whether this year or previous ones, McD’s defensive scheme usually goes to a nickel defense. I’m not opposed to a healthy team doing some base defense if we are opposing a run heavy team, but even in the TN example mentioned above, they keep Henry in check in the last game. We just had too many turnovers and a short field making it nearly impossible to win. Their Star WR torched us. This thread does beg a reasoned answer so thank you.
  17. The Bucs/Chiefs game which is going on right now. As a matter of fact, the Chiefs came out swinging going 17 unanswered points, but now the Evans TD gets Tampa back in it 27-24. There is only about 4 minutes left so we’ll see. Not just because I like the Bucs, but a Chiefs loss is always a good thing.
  18. Thanks for the recap Hap. I too like Simms as he breaks things down pretty well, and I don’t always agree. At least he gives substantive reasons for his opinions. It’s annoying some hosts uses regurgitated ideas without putting any facts behind their opinions.
  19. JG, this looks like it took quite a bit of work. Thanks for making the effort, and agreed Beane has done a good job. I don’t know how you can combine drafting, trading, and acquiring free agents as it’s so subjective. Simply, we had one of the hardest schedules in the NFL this year, have played more winning teams than just about anyone, and are still 8-3. Thats pretty good from an eyeball test. Seriously, JG, you did a nice job.
  20. All kidding aside, it’s a PT exercise as one of the guys posted usually for disc issues.
  21. That doesn’t normally happen. The mods do enough. All of us can simply google records, schedule, etc. I don’t expect them to do this and usually comes up from someone every year. Also, in the off season, once the schedule comes out, someone always asks the mods to put it on the board. The thing is these guys basically volunteer their time for years, and they have lives, jobs, families, so I don’t expect them to do this regularly. You’re request is not a bad one so I’m not criticizing the request. I just appreciate all of the positives they perform on this board, and a lot of stuff they have to put up with from a certain group of people. No worries Quinn. Have. Good night, and enjoy the game tonight.
  22. Most power rankings have us most of the season at 4th-6th. Honestly, the only metric that matters to me is wins/losses. Next Monday night we’ll be 9-3. I can easily see 12-4 this year. I’ve contended we will finish 11-5 this year, but starting to hope this will be a 12-4 year. As the football gods always say, you’re ranking is 0-0 once you make it to the dance. The Ravens have proven this point these last couple of years. Who cares what the Athletic author thinks?
  23. Happy they found a way to get him used to his strengths. Now that Milano is practicing, they may be able to use Milano in a pitch count to ease him back this Monday so we can try more base defense against Pittsburgh. A good problem to have, but I wouldn’t expect sweeping changes as the abills strategy has been all along to have a nickel defense.
  24. There is no comparison. The Eagle are an aging team, with serious cap issues. Wentz unfortunately, has tried too hard to save the franchise, but has been beaten up along the way. We have a franchise QB, and a team built over four years for long term success. I’m not up for another we suck thread, as is dumb. Maybe after the year, we can shape the conversation on the team and what needs to be done. for now, I’m in.
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