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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Guys, when did this board turn into the grammar police. I thought this is a place we can discuss respectfully the Bills and NFL issues. For me, I could care less if you make a comment that ends in a preposition. Considering, I have 44 doctoral hours beyond my Masters degree,I could care less about syntax and grammar. For me, it’s a safe zone. To the OP, thanks 619 for youre point on the consistent success of our beloved Bills. It was quite impressive, and I’ll use it when I go to my favorite spots bar on Sundays.
  2. $80 mil. Is in my opinion, an exaggeration. $60 mil sure as someone will break it, but we’ve also increased the cap by $20 mil/yr. The key question is % if the cap as it’s a fluid number. Josh a few years ago was the 2nd highest paid QB until he’s not. Now I believe he’s 13th.. im not sure why people get so obsessed with a number when first, it’s not the posters $, and 2nd, it’s fluid target. Beane has been masterful with the cap and when to pull the trigger on extensions.
  3. Chand, thanks for asking and yes, I’m fine. My wife’s parents home lost power last night, but back on today so just an inconvenience for about 8 hours. At our home, it was just a bunch of heavy winds and rain gusts most of the night. I believe you live in Jax and you know the deal with FL meteorologists where they scare ever living heck out of the little old ladies and people in their manufactured homes. As far as the topic, I truly don’t mind an occasional night game, but this is overkill. I’m not griping,but just frustrated I constantly am caught sleeping 4-5 hours and it gets old. I can’t change my work schedule and never sleep past 5 am. On weekends try to sleep til 6 am, but inevitably it rarely happens as my body clock is conditioned to get up. Any way, enough of my grumpy old man griping. We can all hopefully enjoy another victory Monday after we contain Lamar and King Henry.
  4. Donuts, well written, amd not even sure who are these talking heads, but the fact Sal and Jeremy bring up not the # of turnovers, it’s the TD to Int %. He’s one of the best. Talking heads have nothing to talk about with Josh as he’s one of the top 2 in the NFL and it’s not close with Lamar. Lamar is a good QB, but he’s not in Mahomes or Super Allen’s league. Lamar has been the darling by media, and have my reasons on that, but when you’re Josh who has consecutively started approximately 100 games or so, and has a vastly higher TD’s than about anyone in NFL history for that # of years, and will no doubt someday be in the HOF. I'm feeling confident on Sunday night as it will be our biggest test this year, but we can do it. Lamar has been better contained by McD’s Bills defense than just about anyone. The Line will have to contain the edge and keep everything inside. King Henry in addition has some explosive plays against the Bills, but these are breakdowns on the interior. Overall his YPR have been pedestrian minus the 80 yard runs that skews everything.
  5. Sorry bud as I’m sure you’re looking for ways to improve, but the simple fact is you can get a top draft prospect with a 6th round pick. My hope is Bass has some Sports Psychologist fix him this year, because it’s not his leg that’s the problem. It’s his head. On the other hand, a trade makes no sense. A draft next year makes perfect sense if the season persists this way.
  6. Virg, I agree with almost everything other than his promotion to HC next year. It’s possible, but he’ll make a stronger case for a decent team in two years. McD had the perfect storm as he had talent entering 2017, but had to build a team, get rid of bloated contracts, and restart. He did that in 2018, it started to bear results in 2019 and beyond. If Brady is smart, he won’t be desperate and take a Panthers type job. A team like the Bears if they remove their coach eventually, has a lot of talent, and can be a build up into something great. That’s just one example. I’m sure there are others. Why not be picky and choose a talented team underperforming. it may be wishful thinking, but he’s young and smart. McD took our job as he s smart and a team builder. He aligned with Beane and what they built was so impressive. That’s why I shrug off the “it’s his last year talk”. I’m constantly reminded of the drought with these conversations. People just don’t remember how horrible it was for 17 years. It was a nightmare over and over again with no hope of success anytime soon.
  7. Jack, as always interesting info. Personally, I can’t stand these games as I’m up at 5 am. Each day so I always miserable the day after a Bills game. I can live with 5 hours, but less stinks. I do love 4 pm games as it’s easy and you get the 1 pm games out if the way so you know what the landscape looks like from the early games. I don’t mind an occasional, but this enamored opinion of night games is for those who sleep obviously until 6 am or later.
  8. Sabres, you mean Nick Wrong. That hot take baffoon is doing nothing but getting more clicks. It’s one of the reasons I won’t watch so many so of those shows. I think I’ve mentioned on the board before I enjoy the morning WGR stuff as I feel I’m still connected to Buffalo, and MTC on NFLR. Those guys are phenomenal in a not hot take, better analysis of the whole league. GMFB is ok, but I’m so busy all day I have more time for radio as in medical sales. I’m perpetually driving to another hospital or specialist to help patients. My daughter hated when younger I rarely put in music.
  9. Noggin, I agree you stick with an excellent tandem in Douglas and Benford. I’m almost always with Donuts, but you made the case. If we lose Josh, then it makes sense, but otherwise another two years for Douglas makes sense. Contracts can be written so they are loaded into a future year when we have cap space. As far as organizational continuity, it’s one of the Bills best strengths. These players are developing so well because of the right coaches, amd logevity, to keep the band going, vs. blowing it up every three years. That’s a death sentence for recurrent playoffs.
  10. I thought it was just a band from the 70’s and 80’s. Just kidding Hondo. I’m not as familiar as you with ELO. It’s an interesting topic.
  11. I’m in the camp of let’s get younger with extended contracts. This year we’ll see what we have, hopefully use our 1st or 2nd round pick in another WR (preferably like Shakir), and then we’ll hopefully get better. There are other opportunities, but none more pressing than WR. We’ll know by the end of the year if we have our Safeties in hand, we have our D Line and LB’s. On offense we have one of the best O Lines in the NFL, the 4th best RB from last year, the best TE tandem in football, and a unicorn in a QB. One can make a case for a late rd pick for a K, and of course more depth. I also advocate the case extending rising stars is excellent like Benford, Douglas is a consideration, GROOT of course, etc. We need this gang together, not over priced free agents. We have a lot of picks next year. I know this is really a February topic, amd honestly I’m bored from this dumb Hurricane that will blow past us again in Tampa. It’s already almost Tallahassee bound and will be in NC by late morning.
  12. I knew it was all youre fault. 😭😇🦬
  13. Exactly bud. These knee jerk reactions even though positive by the minority is floating things that we have a 1st team all pro WLB who is everywhere in the middle of the field. Williams has significantly improved, but he now has most of the year to demonstrate growth. Once December hits I’m sure they will split time until McD decides who makes the most impact on the field. Even if MM plays out his contract, we have a successor with real time to progress.
  14. Allen, thanks. Yes, we live in elevation C which is the higher one as well as my three children as all are full time employees and also in college. I mentioned to some friends that Charlie was the only one that scared the heck out of me in 04. That was a cat 5+ and tightly bound. The fallout was a. Night mare south of Sarasota, specifically Port Charlotte. I was a new rep for Medtronic and went there two weeks and couldn’t even get through the city as so much was destroyed. If it didn’t turn south, it would have been a Katrina event and South Tampa would’ve been under water for years. Allen, you’re always kind, so for that I appreciate it. I’m doing what probably 80% of Tampans are doing. Binging Netflix. With each game on topic, I fall in love with Shakir more with each week, and so does Josh.
  15. I’m guessing we’ll either do mid season or at the end of season. We’d have to backload it so the hit would start next year as well have the $ to do it. I agree it’s a good idea as he’s worth a solid contract. The earlier we make the commitment, we could probably get a better rate so there is an argument to do it now if more of a discount than after the season, but again it has to be loaded for a start next year. Im good with that one.
  16. I didn’t know how to send a laugh and I agree Emoji at the same time, but as always Logic, spot on. We’ve had a similar pattern each year, but maybe the injury gods we’ll sine on us and we get through it. Im still reticent in my hope for the season so let’s just say cautious optimism. Get through the Ravens and Jets, and I’ll be much more convinced.
  17. Stuck here inside in Tampa with the hurricane looming. For the couple of posters I’m pretty good friends, thanks for the well wishes and everything is fine here in Tampa. Uninja, Brady is on record which I like that until opponents can stop us with certain plays, we’ll ram it down their throats. It’s Football 101, but it works. As much as I hate BB, he notorious with this type of philosophy.
  18. Well your’e getting the process. 😇🏈. Just kidding. We have our team very well coached.
  19. Unlike others I have no inside knowledge, just an educated guess especially because as you point out, it’s an injury that just doesn’t go away easily.
  20. Well written Sabres. The thing people keep forgetting is injuries happen to everyone, but when Milano is playing, he is the most impactful defensive player on the team. That’s not me saying it, it’s Bill Polian. A broken leg is not injury prone. This bicep was unfortunate, but Williams has not faced the top teams like we will face later in the year including the Ravens, Chiefs, 49ers, etc. Milano’s level of pursuit explains his 1st team all pro status. Please don’t misunderstand I think Williams has done a fantastic job this year, but the season is going to get tougher. Many people know I’m a fan of Milano back to 2017. If we keep him through 2026, that’s a 10 yr. Run and done his part to get us to the big show. Bernard is the guy we need back soon. He’s a very high impact player even though Spector has done well so far. As Sal states repeatedly, Spector and Williams are are guy finds bal, gets ball LB’s. Milano and Bernard are even better.
  21. Logic, I’m guessing the turf toe is still lingering for Samuel as he should be making more of an impact.
  22. I wouldn’t place a lot of thought into rankings. There’s only one ranking that matters. #1 seed in the NFL, 13-4 to 14-3 and an easy pass to the SB. It’s been long enough. It’s like power rankings. Throne I do take stock are the 1st and 2nd team all pros.
  23. Chandman, you and I are thinking alike. Beane is a master at finding depth on the roster. Just thinking of guys like Benford, a 6th round pick, Milano, a 5th round pick, and so on.
  24. It is problematic to make presumptive decisions on this team after three games. AZ is in a rebuild development mode, but looks promising. The Fish’s defense is suspect, and the Jags look like a train wreck. With that said, I’m moved by how well we’ve performed through 3 weeks. Im very hopeful for a win over the Ravens, and beyond. Once we start facing really tough teams, it will demonstrate our metal. Go Bills!
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