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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Not that I care as I really never even look these things up unless you guys make a thread, but at the risk of Sounding like Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory, how do you have power rankings come out before the Ravens play the Cowboys. What if Dallas pulled out an upset? Wouldn’t that affect their ranking. Honestly I don’t care and prefer just to see the graphic who is leading the divisions and who are the current wild cards and their rankings based on their wins/losses. That at least for the week makes a projection of who could be possibly our opponent in week 1 of the playoffs. I enjoy those graphics.
  2. So when Gruden was hired for Tampa back around 2002, the Glaziers were concerned as he was considered then an offensive hit shot, but the Bucs were known over 10 years (not then when he came into the organization, but later overall) for their punishing defense. Monte Kiffin was offered $4 mil. To stay as defensive coordinator and that kept him from taking offers for a head coach in D1 college. He did later, but the point is as mentioned above there is no cap, but owners don’t usually want to pay coordinators that much money. Besides Kiffin was getting older so he accepted to basically run the defense for the Bucs. Daboll is younger (I think 45) so it’s not $ that will keep him here. He may for reasons of wanting to get a ring under his belt before he accepts a HC offer, but he will go one of these years. Now he might interview for positions even if we don’t win the SB just to get experience interviewing for HC jobs. There is nothing we can do about it so why worry. A good leader wants to develop his people, so it’s a plus if McD helps Daboll get his own team. It also helps McD as hot assistants who are valued will want to be on an explosive team like the Bills, and know they will have a HC who will help develop them for their team someday.
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2004/10/04/sports/football/coughlin-teaches-barber-learns-and-the-giants-are-the-big.html I don’t know if you guys read this article or heard what Coughlin did to Tiki Barber back in 2004. The previous four years he had 35 fumbles. He kept drilling it into Barber to keep the ball pinned to his chest vs. extending his arm. Assistant coaches would try and punch the ball out all around the facility, and made him carry the ball around. Barber said, eventually it worked as his comment was it was Coughlin’s way or bye bye. Coughlin was definitely old school, but it worked. These tenets for running backs is drilled into them since they were in Pop Warner. I think I said this 10,000 times to kids I used to coach. It’s funny as it’s just natural to have kids extend their arms, but it’s fixable. I’m sure Moss will be fine, but I couldn’t agree more with McD’s decision to have him sit for the game. One positive is Singletary had a nice game. It wasn’t spectacular, but he kept us from being completely one dimensional.
  4. Well said Bob. People making comments like “oh watch out, they will be mad” comes from people Who have never really played sports at a high level”. Each team has their own motivation to win. With that logic, the Jags wouldn’t be fighting every game as hard as they are and only won one game. The Broncos have no hope, but still play to win like they won on the Dolphins. Did the Chargers give up with only three wins, or did they fight as hard as possible against us. I have hope for us Sunday. It will neither be easy or impossible to win. It will be a battle, and the team that game plans, and executes better will win.
  5. we have the most complete win, talk of Allen fir MVP, and even now announcers are talking about how we can beat the Steelers after the way they played for two games and you’re hot take is Lee Smith is fat?
  6. Swat, I get it, but Allen has proven he can throw short as well. The real 7/11 is Beasley, not Hogan or Welker. We also have if you can believe it a better running game than Pitt. Lastly, I trust our new fully functioning line with Dawkins, Boettger, Morse, Feliciano, and Williams, over a Pouncy less Stillers line. And if on the line, Allen can hit Diggs at 10 yards.
  7. If this economy having problems and all of the pandemic stuff, I would have thought the negotiations would have led to a Indy type stadium with a retractable dome in the first ward right by the Buff News building so near the Pegulaville they are creating. I thought maybe 202-23. Now, we’ll have to see. I still think that is the final spot and I do think that is the type of stadium they want and we can use the retractible stadium to our advantage. It’s our choice when we open or close. From a business standpoint for them between their plaza, hotel, Sabres, etc.., and affordable real estate, this makes the absolute most sense. Don’t be surprised if the Pegulas don’t build another hotel or two to capture revenue and then compete for other NFL venues like the combine. They are not dumb owners. They didn’t build that much wealth by accident if you look at their history.
  8. Rain nor snow bothers me. Wind, I’m hoping stays at 10-20 mph, because as good as Big Ben is, and he still is that good, Allen is better. As they say on fan duel, Make It Rain. Rain hurts defenses and our WR’s will know how to make those guys miss.
  9. I hope McBeane as they both have a hand in this one do the same darn thing. When I coached, I used to balance teaching not to be afraid balanced with having fun so the players wouldn’t get too tense. There is a fine line and McD knows it far better than me or the guys I coached. The psyche and making sure they have fun in practice balancing fun, execution, staying in you’re lane, and a rip their hearts out attitude will show up, and yes, that is coaching. People underestimate sometimes how important the balancing act is in coaching. If McD, Beane, Daboll (he’s going to have fun in his evil mad scientist dungeon), and Frazier (taking a play out of Remember the Titans playbook). Starts at 1:50 in for the scene that makes me want to rip the heads off the whining Stillers.
  10. I know it’s probably unspeakable, but for the first time, I am dreaming of 13-3. As the OP said, and don’t worry, no one should flame you, nor is it expected it happens, but Pitt. Has flaws. They can’t run to save their life. Advantage Bills. They rely on Ben throwing 50 times a game to get to 300 yards ( with our secondary and now that Milano, Edmunds, and Klein are healthy, adv. Bills). James Connor may come back off Covid, but how much rhythm will he be. Adv. Bills. Allen is playing lights out and even without Brown, we have Diggs, Beasley, and Davis playing with incredible rhythm with Allen, adv. Bills. I think we might finally have our line with Dawkins, Boettger, Morse, Feliciano, and Williams (hell or run game). I thought all year we can’t beat the Steelers (sorry Virgil as you have been the one with the most confidence in this team and a rock for us), but I’m getting behind it now. Not a lock, but I see enough to believe. The games after that are all winnable. I know we can conceivably give the Steelers a second loss, but don’t know if we can get to three losses for bothering the Steelers and the Chiefs. I DONT CARE! What I’m selling like the OP is hope. No more we’re second tier. Screw the idiots who analyze and want to not pick this team. The Chiefs, Bills, and Steelers are the best AFC teams in this conference, with maybe the Browns and Colts after us.
  11. This anti Bills troll isn’t worth a response other than have fun looking like a moron.
  12. The most fun part of it is they were really having fun. You can’t fake that. It wasn’t let me show off how great I am, but we did it guys, and just celebrated like I and many of you did when we were young football, or other sports players. My oldest son used to have the best celebrations with his lax players after he left football and it was about his team and his brothers, not about him. It wasn’t about putting down another palyer(s), just excitement. That I’ll never mind. This team from a team guy is a dream come true. Win, and win the right way. I love you guys! We’re here Bills fans. This is what we wanted for 25 years.
  13. Man I love McKenzie on those gadget plays. McD and Beane knew what they were doing with retaining him and McKenzie.
  14. Anyone want to question retaining Roberts now as you can’t just insert anyone when you have a stud.
  15. Who gives a crap with those whiners over the delays. We win this one and we are 9-3, vs. 11-1.
  16. Whoops game over. Bostic picked off. Game over. Redskins win. Now I can delete this game.
  17. Glad I recorded the Bills game as now with it tied, I want to see the end with the WFT.
  18. Wow, two guys going down which I don’t hope for and hope they are ok, but if out for one week, not a bad thing. I really do hope Haden and the LB are fine. That stinks.
  19. Our roster will change significantly next year. Happens to every team. Insert underperforming or older player.
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