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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Roy, auto correct grammar police. My point was my dad never let us talk during a game until commercials. My brother being a stinker would argue with him I think just to tweak him. What teenagers do I guess. Have a good night.
  2. My throat hurts laughing so hard. In my house, it’s called daddy juice. Look kids, see how dad loved ginger ale. Now eat you’re vegetables. Daddy needs a nap.
  3. Why Johnny Ringo, it looks like someone walked all over you’re grave? McD should play this clip in the locker room before a rematch if there is one for the Steelers in the divisional game. 😏
  4. Not because of the Nick thing as I do think it’s great kids can enjoy football like we did as little kids. I wasn’t aloud to talk during a Bills game. The problem down here and probably other places is Tegna and my provider are in negotiations over CBS so I’m out. I’m switching if not fixed soon. I read the other day someone from another part of the country isn’t getting NBC with the same problem with Tegna. I can imagine everyone gets Nick so that is great news and again thank you for sharing this point. Very valuable.
  5. Only if you practice you’re best Gene Deckerhoff imitation. 😇
  6. Seasons, you should’ve photoshopped a terrible towel on that table (not that I even know how to do that one)
  7. It’s about time Virg. Bean waiting. Shaw told me he’s older than you and he sucked it up. 😂. Just kidding and thanks as always for the review. I even did a search as I thought I missed it yesterday. Now that the busting chops is over, take a look at where the Bills and Steelers are at now. Offense. Yards/Pts. Bills 10th/9th Steelers 12th/23rd Defense. Yards/Pts. Bills. 20th/15th Steelers. 3rd/1st We dismantled the #1 defense in the league in pts. Allowed. We proved we are the far superior offense, and can beat them whenever we play them. If we get the #2 seed which is possible, they have to come to us considering we win round 1 and KC will get the lesser seed. JuJu, please dance again the rematch. Steelers fans, please put you’re gear on Ralph again, even though the Bills have never done that to the Rooney statue. It’s crass, but whatever. Anything to give more fuel to McD and company. If we get them in round two, I hope for no other reason than bulletin board fuel, put pictures of Steelers Ralph everywhere in the locker room, and have JuJu video on a loop all day, especially on the defense. I honestly worry a healthy Milano, Poyer, and Edmunds will decapitate Ben if that is the case. I thought the same.
  8. Oh, one last thing, Biden nor Trump chooses attendance or anything else as it relates to state matters of Covid. The Governors since the beginning of this pandemic choose these State matters.
  9. Only if you practice you’re best Gene Deckerhoff imitation. 😇 It’s actually fun up there. They used to have a cool bar by the ship, but my guess this year closed down. Haven’t gone to a game this year.
  10. First, the current vaccination that is not even commercially available outside of elderly, sick, first responders and military at this moment is a two shot vaccination, and nowhere near ready for shooting someone up going through the turnstile and it doesn’t work like that one. Second for futurist, beaches are open, restaurants down here, no travel restrictions, just CDC recommendations, (if you didn’t read below, I live here) are at 50% occupancy, and can take off masks at restaurants. Public gatherings are supposed to be at 10 or less, and the stadiums currently are at 25%. The only reason Dallas can occupancy now 26,000 people is that their stadium has 100,000 seating. Bottom line is people barely, especially the young, abide by the 6ft rule now, so these rich and celebrities are going to come and the hotels are open. The resort pools are open. They will have no problem having fun down here in February. The weather is heaven in February. Cool evenings, and warm days and almost no clouds at that time. Everyday practically in December through April with some exceptions is a sunny day. If the demand is so high with hypothetically 15-20,000 fans, the tickets will be extraordinarily high. Do you not think the Governor of FL who’s economy is dependent on tourist $ getting killed until the virus is widely available probably in June to July doe not want SB guests here, your not thinking about it. FL doesn’t have a state tax because we have tourism $ from the NE. Texas relies on oil. We rely on tourists. I wonder the Vegas over/under is $10,000 per ticket on avg.
  11. You know it just depends. It was a good sincere or even PR move for the Pegulas. We have two solid Coordinators, and both could probably have a good chance at success as a HC. Frazier’s not too old or a retread. He had one 10-6 season of three. Interim doesn’t matter. His defense since being here prior to this year is top 4. This year he’s now climbed on our defense to 15th. My guess with the Broncos and Pats will probably make it climb higher. He’s learned under Sean. He might be a good head coach this time. Remember Belichick didn’t exactly get a gold jacket from his first HC at Cleveland. Im happy if either of these guys get the nod, and will attract the best talent wanting to move up under McBeane. They will have proven with one or both promotions, you come here, and adopt the Bills way (couldn’t resist), and do a good job, you can be developed for you’re big job. Go get em Frazier and Daboll. Confidence means we’ll get the next Daboll and Frazier. ThTs leadership which is what these guys at the top emulate.
  12. It wasn’t just Bortles. It was also the Foles contract. There are so many things there. I was at the playoff game in 17 as many of you. Caldwell (Frannies grad with Chris Polian and Telesco and a guy we know Daboll). Coughlin really started this team off in a trailer as they had nothing then before he went to the Giants. There is no doubt Khan had his eye in London. For a purely business standpoint it makes sense. There wasn’t a 70+ year history there and London would’ve been a cash cow. They dodged a bullet as they would’ve had to move back here this year. Funny as there was a story either this morning or last night how Daboll is being speculated as an in for LA with the connection to Telesco. All speculation and click bait.
  13. As always (or almost always Royal) yes. The league hasn’t made a decision futurist. You can’t buy tickets or sell them if you don’t know the occupancy, and don’t know the restrictions. You’re not going to look to smart on this one when the decisions have been made and the tickets go through the roof. I don’t care and if you want to hold onto that idea, no worries. Just expect to be disappointed on you’re previous comments. For me it stinks as I’d love to have a rewind of the last two here for the first one I mentioned on the Giants (moved here five days before), and the second where I coached at the experience. It was fun helping out kids coaching them with NFL previous and current players (Calvin Johnson was my favorite as that was the Cardinals/Steelers game and he was the most humble guy of all the players). They tore that mall down from the Giants game and made it One Bucs Drive. If you guys can go, you’ll love it. They typically adjust the Gasparilla parade to that weekend to make the SB fans have fun. If you don’t know it, it’s even better than St. patty’s in Buffalo. About 500,000 fans down on Bayshore.
  14. This is hilarious. Tampa is not the Wild West. They are allowing 25% which is basically 16,000 fans. This isn’t decided by the Bucs, nor the State of FL. The NFL is making a decision, by Goodell and team, and has to ratified by the Governor. $500 is a joke. It’s the opposite. Corporations will eat up these seats in a heartbeat except for anything mandated by the league for hometown teams. The supply and demand ina capitalist society dictates they will be upwards of $7000 a ticket. It will be a SB for the rich. Now I live here so I may go across the street like my first one here for the Giants in 25 and watch from the Mall across the street with 15,000 other fans. This time probably not. It really doesn’t matter as I’d rather watch silty my sons and dad and have a great day, enjoy the moment and hopefully see us win it. The reality is if we beat the Chiefs in the AFCC, we’ll win the SB. Our SB is the AFCC. We do that, we can do anything.
  15. s, are just curious. I could care less what other team fans have to say. We have more than enough on this board who are passive aggressive. I honestly don’t care what another teams fans say. They have a right on their board to vent. We’ve certainly heard enough here from real Bills fans on frustrations especially during the drought. I feel for lately Broncos, Jets fans. They are are just frustrated. I don’t care to read about it as I don’t care, just like 98% of other teams boards could care less about reading what we think. It just seems childish and middle school.
  16. Guys, do yourselves a favor. STOP READING OTHER BOARDS POSTS. There is nothing good that comes from it. Most guys when they go to other board
  17. Teddy, if you’re saying maybe he didn’t do it and let due process work, ok. There’s nothing holy than thou about confirmed hitting a woman, and as an aside hitting kids. I don’t mean a quick spank with no Mark as they are so little they don’t know to not touch a hot stove, and you’re trying to save you’re little boy or girl from getting hurt. I understand that one. To hit a woman just because you’re rowdy or drunk is absolutely no excuse and you can’t make one. It’s wrong and simple. That’s not holy then though, just simply wrong. A man doesn’t hit a woman even if she is awful and insighting problems. You excuse yourself and leave her. More times than not, it’s someone you have a relationship, and just say goodbye. You can’t in any situation excuse the action. Nothing!
  18. Not sure what you’re looking at as Denver is ranked 16th in defensive yards, how most people evaluate defenses, and 23rd in pts. allowed. That’s not a top 10 defense. Conversely the Bills are 20th in yards, and 15th in points. Different fans like different stats, but I prefer pts. On offense Denver in yards is 25th in yards and 29th in pts. We are 10th in yards and 9th in pts. This doesn’t on paper look like a very difficult game. It doesn’t mean it’s a pushover and an easy win. We have to be up for every game and even though these next two look like winnable games, I never want a team to take an opponent lightly. I don’t see McD allowing that to happen.
  19. And, there are a bunch of solid TE prospects expected to come out in the draft.
  20. I think they will Virg. As you know, this can’t be fixed this year. He’s cheap and probably will be depth next year behind whoever we draft. When we have Brown back, we most likely won’t see as much of Knox. If we see a TE down the stretch after Brown returns, it probably will be more of Smith for blocking.
  21. Happy where we are at in terms of talent. No team is perfect, and I don’t spend a lot of time in life wishing for this or that thing.
  22. 716, thanks for sharing this story. Very heartwarming.
  23. But our backup QB, now that’s a problem, right? 😏
  24. I wouldn’t worry about it. The best that can happen and don’t care is second seed, only because they still have the Colts and Browns. They’ll beat the Bengals. We’d have to win all three. I don’t see it mattering as we either play the seventh or sixth seed. I guess if we win wildcard weekend, it could matter in the second round. I guess there is some value assuming we beat whoever in round 1 as the second game would be at home, and if KC keeps winning the AFCC would be in KC. There is some hope there. Pittsburgh has a good defense, but those injuries may plague them against the Colts and Browns. By then, they should get Hayden back, but thin at the LB corps.
  25. There is no this one vs. that one was worse. You don’t hit women. Period. I want nothing to do with an animal that hits women.
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