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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Sweats, he is at 3rd, and there is no 4th per Vegas. Wilson was dropped out even though he was the lead candidate in the beginning of the year.
  2. I heard Moulds, Stevie, Peerless, and what the heck, Andre can still jump over the middle (picnic table that is).
  3. Nasty, that’s an old but a goodie. I laughed so hard I had to reply.
  4. Karlos Donuts? You just missed him at the buffet line. 🦥. Just kidding, I know you meant Darryl. I’ve been beating that drum all year, and so many people keep contending, “he’s just another guy”, amd then the same people say wow what happened in a positive way to our defense. I’ve already mapped out twice he’s not injured as much as many household names around the league, guys that have gone on IR for a year. If they get their wish, and I know the people who’ve said this over and over again, say there is something wrong with our defense next year, I will be bringing up their old posts back to light. He means more to the team than many see. Our defense with Nasty’s very well written comments looks at the whole season. If you just look from Seattle til now, it’s even more positive. It’s why I have so much confidence now even compared to a month ago about our chances at the Chiefs in a AFCC game.
  5. Agreed completely. I have a hard time feeling for people when I know so many hurting terribly over this virus. As mentioned above, people losing homes, their small businesses, politicians making this crap political when I have friends who could use the stimulus. I can’t believe I’m even saying it, as I’ve never been one to want the govt to take care of people, but this is an exception. I know so many who are not lazy, or not working hard at making ends meet, but the I have to parent, I’m isolated, I could be in the media, ok. How about so many others who are really suffering. Its just a bad time for most. NFL spouse are very very low on my list. Lime is absolutely 100% correct though, let the families using all CDC protocols take their families to games. How difficult is it to let a couple hundred people as a family affair enjoy seeing their husbands play with maybe their parents, siblings etc. The teams could help too to make it enjoyable and a thank you for what sacrifices those families make. Well written Lime.
  6. Stills is a body. Go look at his stats or watch old tape. I wouldn’t overreact on Beasely. Why? When Kumerow was claimed, we only have 1 WR left on the PS. That sounds like insurance with maybe Beasely, but maybe not. Also, the unknown for all of us on Brown. We don’t want to be in a corner as Roberts is too important as a returner to use him as a WR as we did in TN. They haven’t sign3d him, just taking a look. He wouldn’t play if not signed on a Wed. For this game so just insurance for the playoffs. It does tell me they wanted to place Kumerow on the PS, but the Saints scooped him up fast.
  7. Prime, you’re completely misunderstanding me and a little sensitive. Lamar is an anomaly as he ran more than anyQB in history, amd will be a flash in the pan. The three in the MVP race are the right three. Mahomes, Rodgers and our guy. I just know we have a very sustainable elite QB for the next 15 years or more barring injuries. Lamar, not so much. I never thought Lamar would have a long career, more like Vick, minus the off field stuff. Much like Murray has talent now, but can he last. Those two guys are small, and rely way too much on their running game. Josh runs like Wilson just enough to keep defenses honest now, and buys time with his legs, vs. just taking off and running. Again, for a second time, thank you for you’re research.
  8. That’s funny, that used to be one of our powerlifting songs, where I had teammates head butting bars before they squat. God we were knuckleheads. Id rather go corny like the Kevin’s James movie, Here Comes the Boom. since we don’t really care if we win or lose as now the Browns should get their WR’s back, and Ben’s out, this is what I want McD and Frasier to say to the defense. We may rest White and maybe Milano on defense, but.... 1:52 in. The Dolphins needs to remember the day they played THE BILLS!!!!! (I don’t even care if we play vanilla somewhat on offense, just beat the Dolphins into submission so we strike fear into the Wildcard opponent. Whooo! Need another Red Bull. That’s when we score brother and couldn’t agree more. Song coming out of the tunnel, that’s different.
  9. I appreciate you’re research. I really do and you make a point. With Allen, you have to consider 420 yards rushing and receiving in addition to the 4320. It’s a huge part of his game and why he so dangerous, but you also have to consider last year Lamar’s passing at 3127 passing, and 1206 rushing. He’s an anomaly. im not disagreeing with you at all. I’m just saying you have to look at everything. Passing, Rushing and Receiving, TD to INT, and fumbles lost by the QB. Think of it this way. Most people in retrospect would say Mahomes was truly a better QB than Lamar, but Lamar won, and Mahomes won MVP of the SB. This is the 3rd time I’ll say it, but Brees never won MVP, but he won a SB, has more 70%+ completion years than just about everyone, and will be a good jacket after he retires. I wouldn’t worry about it. Again, appreciate the hard work you put into you’re research and you’re right there is an argument. He repeats and makes it to the AFCC and plays well, and god for bud dare I say it a SB apprearance, or even the taboo wins, no one can deny him being the best QB in the NFL. For the old guys, the future is so bright, we have to wear ....
  10. That would truly be fun. As much as I want the Jests to beat the Pats emotionally, the jests can’t move down on the draft position with a win, so I’d much rather have the Pats win so it could be anything from 7 to 14th spot. Let’s hope closer to 14. Screw the Cheats. From what Sal said yesterday, they don’t have another pick until the 4th so yeah. No replenishing anything. They have an again team with an adjusted $175 cap of $44 mil. That’s $, but they need way to much to make that work. They desperately need a QB, WR’s, probably a TE, and much more on defense. wish list... Belichick is steeped by the Fins and us, and has another losing season so I can make my obligatory call to Coach Weiss on NFLR and say it was always Tommy. 🥵🙂👹
  11. Donuts, I don’t even know how to track that with Bass, but thanks bud. It is possible as much as I love the TD’s as we may be pulling guys in the second half, or even the whole game. I’ve already said I like the idea of preparing like McD did last year for the players to play, and just pull as necessary when he feels the time is right. It would be great to knock off the Fins, and the best is to drive up a significant lead in the first half, and just run the ball in the second half. McD can pull people as he sees fit. If that gets Bass over the top, go for it bud. I’d love to see him hit some long ones Sunday.
  12. Jack, I can relate in it’s become so normal to always have a feeling when does the ball drop. I still have this sick feeling like, yeah this is great, but wait we’ll lose in the first round of the playoffs. It’s like battered wife syndrome. But then I remember how myself, friends and family used to always feel when we were down in the Kelly years, “don’t worry we can score in less than a minute”. I feel like collectively the confidence is coming back and when I hear the WGR morning show they posed an interesting question. It resonated with me as the guys have stated where are you’re expectations in the beginning of the year to now. For me it was winning the East, double digit wins, and winning a home playoff game. Now, I’m up to where Sal pointed it out the other day on his bit, he wrote an article before the season he expected what I wrote, but in addition we should make it to the AFCC. I agree with him now. I don’t where you guys are at, or do you realistically think we will beat the Chiefs to get back to the SB.
  13. Virg, thanks as always. I can never comment on all of you’re points, as too many, but just two. First, I’ve been noticing for weeks how clean Allen’s pocket by outstanding line play, but then Allen is great with his escapability, but unlike years past doesn’t take off too many times. On a lighter note, I honestly believe Allen should start intentionally throwing it poorly to Knox (but don’t tell him). He’ll be an automatic. It sounds silly, but when the ball is thrown poorly, he can’t have his mind start racing about what to do next and just catches it. Virg., lastly it was actually anti-climatic, and great. It was great to go into this game knowing we already had the division locked up, and McD still played the starters until the 4th quarter. Looking forward to next Monday Virg.
  14. Seriously, I hope they elevate Dane. I liked what he did this year even if just back up for Wallace.
  15. No that’s just Wang, Ed Wang. This is funny. Hey if we’re going to sign Kyle and Zo, maybe Fredex and Eric are still in shape. What the heck, bring the gang back together.
  16. Diggs and Allen are definitely in the running for the AFC, but I hope whatever is given out goes to Diggs. Allen has deservedly received a lot of love. Diggs should enjoy a week in the spotlight. God bless that guy.
  17. Don, can you move, Karlos was in that buffet line. You know he had that glaucoma problem. Vilanch will tell ya. (Just kidding Bruce, but I believe Karlos liked that wacky tabackky a little too much).
  18. Have you even looked at the NFL team stats. The Bills are second in the league in passing behind the Chiefs, but barely at 283 yds./ game, vs. the Ravens 31st at 174 yds./game. The Ravens are 178 yds./game in rushing #1, vs. the Bills are 110 yds./game 20th. Last time I checked 352 total yds./game loses (Ravens) to 393 yds./game (Bills) and we faced and won more games to winning teams than anyone in the NFL. The Ravens just like they did against the Chiefs in the beginning of the season will fall behind against us, and they will be forced to pass. They are the weakest there. If they run up three TD’s against us running, ok maybe, but I don’t see it happening. The Broncos were ok on defense, the Steelers and 49ers, are two of these defenses in the league. The Ravens against weaker opponents are 9th in defense, and we are to some surprise 10th. As Drago said, YOU WILL LOSE! Meaning them, not you. Something to think about.
  19. The Williams comments although tasteless is not worth getting even remotely upset. Let’s not have the skin of a grape. He’s meant to be in the PS. Nice guy, but can’t hold a candle to what we have now in Diggs, Brown, Beasely, Davis, and McKenzie. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it’s the strength of our team. Maybe next year in the draft we get another TE. I know Smith had a couple of catches between his buffet (my god, I kept thinking about the Fat Bastage clip from how much for the babie), and Knox with some mistakes also made some nice catches.
  20. I’m not going to send the link, but this is just like the Austin Powers, omg, my eyes have gone crossed bit. We’ll all know at 4:30pm Sunday. The night game is meaningless.
  21. I know people don’t like the Pats examples, but more times than not, they played starters if not injured for at least a half. It makes sense. Keep them in rhythm. Worrying about an injury could happen on one play. For example, if Beasely could play, but would benefit from rest, then sit him. The same goes for Brown, Tre, Milano, Edmunds, or anyone else you might have a concern.
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