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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I’m sorry to see him go. 78 is too young. I wish only the best for his family. It was a nice little vignette at the end of the Express movie where Ernie Davis was recruiting Little. I’m not an SU fan, nor have anything against them (heck I went to Oswego for undergrad), but having Brown, Davis, and Little successively is incredibly impressive. Before my time for all three, but his videos were impressive.
  2. Im with you bud as I wasn’t choosing the best which is this one. We can always roll with this as it is the only team! And yeah, we’re the only NY Team as Jimbo, and Josh have clearly stated this year. If I’m going to make it, I’ll make it anywhere, Buffalo, Ny, New York, Buffalo, New York. I may live in FL, but my heart is in upstate NY. KICK ass Allen!
  3. You’re right! I didn’t either but just gave up fighting it. It literally has nothing to do with us. We are more like just in terms of loyalty, nothing else like a military division, or an old fraternity, or the Masons, even though I’m not one. The connotation of a criminal family although loyal is akin to a gang. That’s not us, but we won’t be able to stop this one. I just thought it was easier to try and just embrace it and look at the good parts of it. I hated the mafia thing in the beginning, but I’ve come around.
  4. Karlos, I’m settled bud, you’re topic is the new shout song. Hell NO. Now I’m not crazy about anyone that displays meat cleavers and called the Butcher as the advocate for our team. A song positive about the Bills, great. Not my thing, but maybe some young people like it. That’s ok. You asked if we liked it. My answer is no. Change you’re title if you’re really asking, hey what about another fun song for young people on the Bills. If you really think anyone over 40 is going to like it, not mention those over 60, um no. Its ok as we can have fans of all generations. If this pumps you up on some tweet, great, not in Rich Stadium, ever.
  5. That was awful. Why would anyone want to replace the Shout Song, our fav. Some since 1988 to this? Hard No.
  6. Ok, not sure where to place so I’ll do it here. After I eyeballed the Ravens win/loss record against winning teams (I’m not going to figure out if opponents had a winning record at the time, but just are they a winning team now after 15 games. Honestly, my head would explode if I tried that trick), I thought what about the other AFC potential playoff opponents for you guys to make up you’re own mind. It was interesting. Then because I’m taking a day off from the gym, I then took just the most likely SB opponents from the NFC. AFC Bills 5-3 (even with backups, we might still beat the Fins) Browns 2-4 Colts 4-4 Dolphins 2-3 Titans 4-4 Ravens 3-4 Steelers 5-1 Chiefs 5-0 So, to me we will be the only team after tomorrow played 9 winning teams in prep for the playoffs. Whether we win or lose tomorrow, us and the Chiefs are the only ones with 5 wins against winning teams. Are you guys really afraid of any of these teams as potential wildcard opponents? I’m not. I have respect for them, but not worried about them. The best outcome (assuming the Browns and Titans win tomorrow) is the Browns win their first round as well as the Titans. We get the Browns in the divisional and Henry and the Titans get to beat up the Chiefs defense. NFC Saints 3-2 Bucs 1-5 Packers 3-2 Seahawks 3-3 I didn’t bother with the others as they’ll never make it to the SB. If we can I dare say it beat the Chiefs, every one of the NFC teams is beatable the way we are playing. If you guys have other measured opinions, please feel free to share. Again, if you’re going to look at their records as of today, these are the winning team opponents. There are one off like the Raiders at one point, as well as the Pats. They are not now, so we’re not included.
  7. One last thing, the Ravens are 3-5 against teams with a winning record. I included the Pats as the Pats beat them when the Pats had a winning record, so at the worst, 3-4. They've had a relatively easy schedule playing the NFC Least, and AFCS. They don’t have nearly as much experience playing well performing teams. The same goes for the Steelers and Browns. I know it concerned some our SOS was looking cough for opponents at the beginning of the year, but that changes year to year. Bottom line after tomorrow we should finish 6-3 against teams with winning records, or 5-4 if we sit a ton of people and was a gimme for the Fins. I actually had a tool Jests fan come up to me in the gym (wearing Bills or Sabres clothes a lot when I workout), “but yeah we beat you last year”. I didn’t know the guy that well, and just stopped in the stairclimber and simply said, “do even watch football”. He said, “yeah, why”. “Because we rested our whole team and you still barely beat us”. I’ve listened to you guys and I guess not just the stars, but a lot of people, ok, fine.
  8. You know I think he might actually do that is Knox drops an easy pass to win the SB, and we lose to Brady and the Bucs. Now that’s a nightmare I’ll never live down here in Tampa.
  9. It’s pretty simple in the teams we missed. We play the AFC other divisions every three years, and NFC every four years which is why we haven’t played the Bucs, Saints, Panthers, and Falcons. I assume Allen didn’t play the Colts and Bears as in 18 he was out for some games. That must have been one of them, but don’t feel like looking it up. As far as winning against 18 different teams compared to losing to 7 is interesting. I appreciate you sharing. Finally someone looking at another board turning into an interesting topic vs. those that just like being a troll.
  10. Jeremy, it took a couple of pages reading before someone basically brings up Tretter’s real intentIons. This is nothing, but a negotiating play. One side floats one point to the other floating a counter point. I’m sure in many of you’re job responsibilities, many of you have a negotiated a deal with a business. Tretter knows these COVID changes will probably lead the league to change in many ways. 18 games is coming sometime in the future, preseason down to 1-2 games, and I’m guessing (not that I want it) 8 playoff team slots in each conference with back to two byes. This is one concession he can win that is not a $ maker for the owners or even the players.
  11. Moving on... We are one of the better teams in the league and is set up for long term success, vs. waiting to fall off a cliff as we overpaid way too much for free agents vs. this coaching and admin. Staff having a long term sustainable vision.
  12. You said he likes Sinatra. or Love that Neal Diamond. Both are inspiring , but also calming. Wide, nice topic for a thread even if just for fun.
  13. First, concerns for opponents based on a children’s game is dumb. As far as opponents, I’m not worried, but respect all of them. Offense Yards Bills 4th Ravens 18th Offense Pts. Bills 6th Ravens 8th Passing Bills 2nd Ravens 31st Rushing Ravens 1st Bills 19th Note the Bills passing and rushing avg. 45 more yards per game then the Ravens. The Ravens have to play with a lead. When KC put up a lead on the Ravens, Harbaugh was stubborn and kept blitzing Mahomes and he torched them. If we win the toss, I hope we receive if we play them. The way we’ve lit up other teams in the first quarter, they’ll fall behind. Defense Yards Ravens 9th Bills 10th Pass Bills 8th Ravens 14th Rush Ravens 9th Bills 20th (Note: that has improving every week since the Seahawks minus the wind game with the Pats in Buffalo) The easiest way to knock them out of their rhythm is a fast passing game. Barring a mistake tomorrow, we will be the healthiest all year next week. Just watch Allen, Diggs, Brown (thank god he’s back), Beasely (we hope), and Davis just torch them down the field. I know it would be fun with a fast Diggs or Brown deep ball for a TD IN 30 seconds, but I’d rather see a methodical moving the ball down the field drive that takes up 8:43 and they have no answer for us.
  14. Drought, I remember the story, but as you said, since the dad is gone, he probably would make part of the negotiations in the interview his ability to make all personnel and football decisions only needing the approval of ownership. He goes there if given the opportunity, and the it’s a battle between Bieniemy and Daboll probably for th HC job. Too many positives about both jobs. Between QB’s, and familiarity with GM’s, it’s a no brainer. As I mentioned before, I’m happy for anyone getting a deserved promotion. It’s what each of these guys has been planning most of their professional lives.
  15. If the Browns get their players back given their Covid outbreak, and it becoming public knowledge the Steelers are resting a ton of their talent, we are pretty assured the second seed (not about fans, just if we win twice we delay the Chiefs to the AFCC). With that said, I would consider based on the injuries we’ve faced this year the following either resting or play a series. Allen Diggs Brown (if cleared from Covid, Id only want him to play a quarter or a little more, but then sit him. He just needs to knock the rust off if completely healthy) Singletary (we need one completely healthy so we see Yeldon if cleared and Moss, again if cleared on both) White Milano Edmunds Poyer Again, Beasely, Yeldon, and Brown will probably be out anyway between an injury and Covid IR. i suspect McD will start pulling others as the game goes on either we’re blowing them out or they are blowing us out. Hopefully the former and we can just run and pound them in the second half. With the Steelers proclaiming they are out on the last game makes the decision that much easier to pull people either completely, or very quickly in the game. The unknown the trainers and coaches know, not us who is dinged up and could use the rest.
  16. John, thanks for sharing this video. Nice touch. Mods you may want to merge this excellent post into the Happy New Year thread as I think people when they are waking up today would love seeing this video as it is a new year. A year we can go deep into the playoffs.
  17. Ethan, I value Milano more than a number of people, here, and to dismiss his role in the defense that is easily replaceable by a guy is silly. It also speaks to a person’s knowledge of football. Then again, Edmunds does a lot right and the MLB vs. WLB are two completely different roles. These two compliment each other when both healthy. Besides given they play mostly nickel defense, their roles are slightly different than a traditional MLB, and WLB. The pressing decision is not Edmunds as we have another two years and the cap will be much stronger by tha time. Milano is more pressing so we’ll see. Only because of the expected lower cap, and Milano knows he has a much better chance at a better second contract if he takes a one year deal. He also hopefully will bet on himself showing a healthy year in 2021.
  18. Do Bad Things happen to Miami? 😷🤪 Happy New Year Everyone! It has to be better than this one.
  19. Flores is getting a lot of love for how well he supposedly is handling the flip flopping. Pundits are stating he’s handling both egos so well. Traditional logic is this is a bad idea, amd either stick with Fitz or really make the switch. It just seems he’s trying to break in Tua, yet sees a shot at the playoffs and his hand is shown Fitz is better for that goal. I’m open to hearing what people think. I know I would have gone with Fitz longer as no one would question Flores call, if they stuck with Fitz for another few weeks. He could have made the call if bad Fitz came out. Once switching to Tua, I would’ve stuck with him. Then again, they are doing a similar thing in Chicago.
  20. Thanks Jack. I wouldn’t be too concerned about the Patricia Allen fund. We know what we’ve done for years, and people from Buffalo past and present will do it again. It’s why it’s special to be or have lived in Buffalo.
  21. Miyagi said it best, it feels like an empty win when you don’t play their best. Barring us, all the best for GB.
  22. I’m really sorry for his injury as well as anyone else. It’s why I hate posts if “I hope he breaks a knee thing”. These guys are sons, fathers, husbands,etc. On the football side, it sucks for GB, and our buddy over here Ice Bowl (haven’t heard from you in awhile buddy) as if we actually dare to dream to make it there, it would be great if it were you’re team. Woulda, coulda, shoulda been a repeat of SB1. Without Lou Saban and Lookie, lookie, here comes Cookie, we didn’t have a chance. For the youngins, we won the 64 and 65 AFL Championships, and went to 66, but was creamed by the Chiefs without these guys. We could’ve been in SB1. Probably would’ve lost to the Packs, but would be nice to be there. Before my time. Anyway, Ice, as long as you’re not playing us, I’ll root for ya bud. If you and us by luck get there, all bets are off. You have you’re 4. We’d kind a like one for the last 60 years.
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