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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Hammy, say it with me, WOOSAA, WOOSAA. (Note to mods and kids, colorful language so don’t click if offends - seriously I don’t want to break the rules, buts hilarious, you guys probably know the clip).
  2. I get any more hyped, and I’m going to need an Interventional Neuro Radiologist to fix my freakin aneurism or stroke. No matter, same doc fixes these things.
  3. As the immortal Frank Burns from MASH once said, HARD CHEESE! A couple to make you chuckle for anyone old enough to remember the reruns.
  4. GBF, welcome to the board as I see you’re a little new, so sincerely welcome. You know pick you’re stat. Best at throwing on first down, best at 3 and 10, and so on and so on. I was just watching NFLN, and they claimed the last (can’t remember exactly how many games) a top 5 defense. These guys were claiming why the Bills are destroying teams partially by the defense. They were saying which we know the offense has been explosive, but the defense is just pounding teams.
  5. I can’t believe it, but it’s GAMEDAY! Normally, I sleep like a baby, and get up at my 5 am wake up call, but I’ve been restless all night in a good way. Excited, not nervous, scared or any of these other descriptions I hear from other posters. How could anyone be nervous with the most explosive offense in the AFC and maybe even surpassing the Packs. The Chiefs are going into these playoffs somewhat limping. The Bills on the other hand are destroying opponents. Wont it be so fun to win today, amd just relaxing LT watch the other games knowing we pulled the W first. Then I can just sit back and watch the other AFC games to see who we play. Assuming we win, I’m rooting for the Steelers to win. I’d love to kick their arses next week and shut up some of these whining Steelers players, and fans. (Secretly, I’m hoping JuJu breaks Tomlins direction and does it again in Buffalo). It will be rock papers, scissors between Milano, Poyer, and Hyde on who gets to decapitate (metaphorically mods) JuJu beads.
  6. Thanks for sharing OP. For me, that’s an off season read. I don’t care about anything other than the playoffs. Once they are done, I’m sure their will be another free agent (or 30) listing later. For me p, I spend zero time on free agency, the draft, trades, until after the season. We have months and months to discuss it. Why invest time now. We are the AFCE champs. Something to enjoy. And, oh btw, only the third time we have ever gone 13-3 since we went to 16 games.
  7. If Beasely is healthy, fine, but if not I think some are forgetting how good Brown is when healthy. I don’t see Diggs having that many problems and was on the practice field Thursday. Sal stated yesterday morning when he was at practice Thursday he was only allowed to see the warm ups along with the rest of the press, but he commented they were both jumping, stretching, and dancing with the other players. That doesn’t sound like anything to be seriously concerned for today. If we had to roll with Diggs, Brown, and Davis, with a little McKenzie, we’ll be fine. Beasely probably will be so amped up to play. Side note, if anyone reads this in time, NFL Matchup will be on at 6, and 7:30am this morning on ESPN2. It’s basically the only ESPN show I’ll watch. I miss Hodge and Jaworski (even though he is kind of a tool), but they put together a grea show. Cosell was on WGR the other day so gave a prelude to it. Not sure, but I can only guess they are doing a Saturday show for today, and then another separate show for the Sunday games. A lot of questions will probably get answered on that show. I would imagine we will be on the first slot for the first 10 minutes or so.
  8. Have you seen the amt. of time the O Line is giving Josh. Buckner is good, but so is Donald. We won that game. No one completely stops Donald, but we slowed him down and that was without Feliciano. As soon as he got on the field, the line played better. As Howard and Jeremy said with Sal yesterday morning, do we EVEN think about the running game at this point. A little, but we’re just used to having an explosive passing offense (basically 1 ft./game behind Tampa for 2nd for the entire season). Our line is the best once we settled in accepted by most including guys like David Diehl (multiple pro bowl O Lineman) Coach Paul Alexander (30 yr. O Line Coach) with Dawkins, Boettger, Morse, Feliciano, and Williams. Coach Alexander mentioned our unit excels in pass pro, but is avg. in the rush. Both examples were on NFLR so I don’t have the reference. It was brief comments on two different shows.
  9. It’s difficult to say as it depends on what offense they employ, but the obvious answer is simply our stars need to act like it. Allen has been so calm all year except for maybe the Chiefs game (he seemed too amped up thus causing mistakes).
  10. Something small, but we were 6-3 against winning teams, and the Colts are 4-4. We have been on fire against some top defenses (Rams, Chargers, Steelers, and 49ers). These four teams ended up in the top 10 for the year. To the contrary, we have the second best offense in the NFL in both yards and points. It will be fine.
  11. That would just keep you awake, focus and be countering the alcohol. Besides alcohol actually provides interrupted sleep. Yes, you fall deeply asleep in the beginning, but is why some of you guys wake up mid sleep. melatonin my friend, or the Tylenol pm (but for many it provides a sort of hangover feeling). You’d be miserable if you took a stimulant and a depressant together. Bottom line is worrying about something you have no control over doesn’t help.
  12. They are known for that strategy like Tua and Miami. Our DB’s jammed them at the LOS, and broke up their timing. They don’t have an explosive offense like us. They employ this strategy and we will kill them. They have to try and keep up, and they can’t do it.
  13. Fair pt. Miyagi San. Remember that guy who ran over 2000 yards this season (King Henry - 5.4 yds/carry) was kept to 3.0 in our game. You make very good pts. We can slow down Taylor like Henry and then what do they have to beat us. They have one WR and a couple of good TE’s. As far as the SB25 is not relevant. We used a no huddle 2 min. offense the whole game, and Levy and Kelly were stubborn and outcoached. BB stated he was not going to let our passing offense beat them. Therefore he played 8 men back just like he tried this year in the wind game. This coaching staff was smart enough to run the ball down their throat for approximately 190 yards. Thurmon from memory ran about 145 yards on 14-15 carries. Had Marv simply forced Jimbo to keep using the running game, it would have forced the Giants to play more up front eventually, or would’ve been a slug f3st between Otis and Thurmon and the Giants wouldn’t have been able to control the clock, as we would’ve done the same. That singular point would’ve caused a different outcome. We had a very good line back then. Back to Saturday. This coaching staff is better than that one, and Rivers is not Hostettler.
  14. tHey Colts, Can’t Touch This! Milano, Edmunds, Tre, Jordan, Micah, HAMMER TIME!
  15. omg it’s so much fun they are so lose. I. Guess that answers the question are they too tight. McD, quick question. Can you at least show the video before the practice of “Hammer Time”. These guys can probably dance. If they caught a 30 second tutorial, would’ve helped. How about tonight they practice and they try again for a TD fun thing. now that would be cool.
  16. Damn, the 66 Chiefs are playing on two weeks. We’re toast. well played CB.
  17. Have a great time guys! Given 9%, and no tailgating on or off property, my guess a lot watching pre game warm ups. Have a ball, and as quiet as it will be, if a player is close enough for you to yell out a msg., please for fun, have you’re spouse, kid, fried get the phone cam out so maybe a Diggs hears from one of us. that would be awesome. Get Loud Mafia (like I needed to that one). Im eternally jealous.
  18. One of you gurus tell me, when I checked months ago, I thought the NFL was not allowing beer or tobacco companies couldn’t do naming rights. I’m probably wrong. I know they loosened restrictions, but didn’t think they went that far. I know other sports don’t seem to care. if so, they were talking this morning on wgr on Labatts as a player. I’m fine with it but more of a question if anyone really has a definitive answer. Not that anyone is asking me, but would love a BLUE Stadium.
  19. I just care about tomorrow. We win, we can have a never ending discussion on Pitt, or whoever else pans out. Still a bunch of scenarios. We beat hypothetically (not really as we should win) the Colts, then the Chiefs gets the next worst seed, so if Cleveland wins, we get the winner of the Ravens/Titans. I thought the WGR guys said it best this morning. The only one to be afraid of is crazy mistakes from us. Not any opponent. My hope is the Steelers win. The Titans/Ravens beat each other up as they are both physical teams. We get the Steelers and destroy them. The winner of that team beats on the Chiefs. We face the Chiefs and I hope it’s the Titans so Henry just pounds on the Chiefs. the Chiefs like a ripened pounded meat is tenderized chiefs team faces the hottest team in the NFL.
  20. Easy answer Mannc, wait til tomorrow. Cant wait for the nay sayers have to do a 180 if, probably when we destroy them. Good, keep underestimating us. I love it. I don’t want to be favored by everyone. Just watch next year when we go deep the people that kept underestimating us and then will completely change. Remember the guys behind us by at least this year.
  21. I hope because of you guys they settle in on the white on white. I think that is most persons favorite. To me any white/blue or white/white, blue/blue is cool with me. Just please white face masks. Those looked so darn good.
  22. The only curse I know is the Doug Flutie (Greg Brady tiki curse from the Brady Bunch in Hawaii) post music city debacle. Sean paid him on the downlow to dig it up from the 50 yard line before the beginning of the 2017 season. 👹😷😂🤪🤓🏈🦍 Middle aged guys know what I’m talking about.
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