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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. To the OP, do you still love this WR room as we basically have Shakir and that’s it. I’m not including TE’s and RB’s.
  2. House, The authorities will not let you if you are in coastal are like Clearwater Beach. For the last 18 years or so all homes built with mandatory hurricane shudders. That’s a little saving Grace as before the flooding and storm surges, the extreme winds can send branches like missiles. Everyone I know is already prepped so now it’s just get you’re mind off it, binge shows, get on here as a distraction.
  3. Many of you know me so you know I live in Tampa. The good news for us is we are elevation C so not a mandatory evacuation. A, B zones are mandatory so basically anywhere near water including all the areas around the Bay. I’m fortunate as our condo is although on the 1st floor, my glass and windows is all East facing so the front of the building will get nailed. I appreciate the well wishes. Once you gassed up, get the shudders up, buy you’re perishable foods and water, and get gas. Then it’s just wait it out or leave. We stayed.Bottom line is heavy wind and rain and then it gets really bad from 7pm to 7 am. It’s too bad there is not more interesting NFL news as well get cabin fever by Friday. All shops etc. are on a mandatory close now until 7pm Thursday. We’ve been ordered to stay in homes or shelters during this time. Only emergency vehicles moving forward.
  4. I know posting myself, but an extension of my earlier post. One has a lot of time when hunkered down for a Cat 4 hurricane. Side note, Tampa hasn’t had a direct hit in over 130 years. Charlie scared us in 04 p, but it broke south to Port Charlotte 40 minutes before landfall. So this is my first in 30 years when I left Buffalo. Anyway, my add is now that Salah was fired this morning from the Jests, will Adams really still want to go to NY? Beane just has to listen to the noise in the fanbase is so sick over his decisions on WR.
  5. Royale, if you remember Samuel in Carolina was a downfield threat. Now, go get us Adams or at least Cooper amd we’ll have separation so Josh will stop getting hammered. The line can’t hold on forever, and Josh needs someone to throw to on a regular basis. No one is getting separation which makes our offense anemic.
  6. You’re way off. He just won OPOM, hasn’t thrown a pic, amd incredibly efficient. Lastly, he’s throwing to a bunch of Jags minus Kinkaid, Shakir and Cook. The others are worthless. It’s the main reason Allen is getting hurt, or at the least banged up as Beane royally screwed the pooch in the WR selections.
  7. Spikes, there’s always people to restructure and convert to a signing bonus. Allen, Dawkins, Knox, Taron, Oliver, and McGovern. I can’t believe Josh isn’t slamming on the desk by now as he looks so frustrated with his WR’s. They can make it happen. After all the years the Saints kicked the can down the road, they maintained a decent team, but didn’t have the QB. If Beane and McD want it, and Terry signs off as there will be cap over cash issues, but that’s Terry’s wallet. The last thing is Brady better figure out quick how to get Samuel back involved in the down and distance threat like he did with Samuel in Carolina. One stud WR and healing up our defensive players, and we’re back in it.
  8. Chans, you made some solid points although I still contend Beane has done more right than wrong. The part you lost me is an Eagles AGM. Haven’t you watched them last year how they fell apart, and have been the walking dead this year. Specifically, when I saw them against Tampa, they were outclassed in every way. That is not a direction I’d be looking for our next GM. As far as the older players, that was just to fill gaps with limited funds. I’m willing to give him more rope, amd I constantly remind myself what Bill Polian used to say on Late Hits (NFLR on his spot Wednesday nights) that he looked at his own picks with a scrutinous eye amd said he nailed it only 57% of his career. Now he’s in the HOF amd he may be arrogant, but he was brilliant in his younger days.
  9. My thoughts are similar in the overall job of free agents, drafts, etc. with some gaps. The most glaring as you state is the WR room. We just don’t have enough talent. Shakir is fine along with our TE’s, amd Cook. MVS, Hollis, and if Samuel is not hurt are worthless. Your assessment to add one of those two names is right. If we don’t, it will be a big miss. Although Adams is the better weapon even at his age, but Cooper mid season is I think they assessed only be $600,000 to the cap. I don’t know what is wrong with Brady’s use of Samuel. Samuel had his best professional seasons under Brady in Carolina with an old and broken down Cam Newton and Bridgewater. Samuel is being missed in this offense. He was an effective downfield threat, but he’s being used as a gadget guy. Adams/Cooper, Samuel for the outside and Shakir in the slot along with Kincaid as the primary TE in 11 personnel. I don’t mind 15% 12 personnel to keep the opponent honest as Knox is still a decent TE, but again underutilized. Brady has to be more creative and effective for that matter. I thought he was a breath for fresh air last year, but now he’s coming across predictable now, amd I do t want us to be some ground and pound running approach. Being balanced is fine, but Josh has to do what he does best, driving it downfield.
  10. when we have these embarrassing losses several people look for every little thing to second guess, but cold reality is we were outplayed and out coached. That’s it, and our WR’s stink.
  11. If you look at the next 5, games 4 and 5 we’ll have Von back, amd hopefully we’ll have Taron by the Jets. The real problem as we know are our WR’s. If we don’t acquire Adams or at least Cooper who is less of a cap hit we’re going nowhere. Sure it would be great being 8-2, but then we hit the Chiefs and 9ers. If Beane does nothing, there is little hope of a post season.
  12. I love Milano amd Bernard, but that’s a stretch saying they are best duo in the league. Our backups are just that. Backups. Yesterday was a colossal failure of coaching. I normally in favor of McD and his staff, but this was inexcusable. We have to pick up a top WR, and we have one definite and another decent one in Cooper. We won’t win with this core even if Shakir is playing.
  13. His name is Adams. If yesterday didn’t confirm it, I don’t know what will.
  14. I’m trying to look at the glass half full. If god forbid amd we lose, maybe that could be the kick in the tail and seal a Davonte Adams trade. If yes, we should end up with Adams, Samuel once we use him how he’s supposed to be used, not this gadget crap, amd Shakir. Add Kinkaid, amd that’s a competitive lineup. Please sit all the time MVS, and Hollins. This touchdown was awful and a huge f up of the safeties.
  15. Samuel yes, MVS is washed up. He was a cheap. Chance. Now spend $ on one of the top guys we might be able to get like Adams or Cooper. Use Sa,Joel like Brady did in Carolina and were fine.
  16. Pony Boy, I’ll take that as a compliment, but middle aged at best. The point is well taken, and I loved the Outsiders when I was a kid. Stay sunny PonyBoy.
  17. I see the upside for us, but not for GB.
  18. Yes, but it didn’t even remotely work. It was a terribly called play. Talk about Captain Obvious the ball was going to back to Josh. We were embarrassed in that moment. BTW- I’m not one to crap in the cornflakes of the coaches, but that was horrible. If we Called a straight game at that point, we could’ve been back in it.
  19. Thats a blast from my early childhood and that was reruns. Good old Channel 29. People under 45 have no idea what is Channel 29. You see younger guys, we had 5 channels. ABC, NBC,CBS. Then CBC as you know on the Canadien borde, the. The little kids loved ACH. 29 as it had the Munster, Adams Family, Star Trek, Gilligans Island, amd of course the Brady Bunch. Great watch between getting home from pa,ting with your buds after school sports and dinner. Then it was homework and be bored out of your mind Dad watching g the nightly news.
  20. As good as the wings, it’s about friends. I have the ticket, but usually like a half 5ere to bust chops.
  21. For me it’s somewhat of a tradition to get 8 garlic hot from a sports bar, McDivots in a suburb of Tampa. They are as good as any I’ve eaten in Buffalo, growing up. The garlic makes it even better than just hot. Let’s hope it s a celebratory lunch. I’m fortunate it’s on regular tv tomorrow, but have the ticket just in case. Enjoy the day guys.
  22. For me about the announcers, I really don’t care. If I don’t like their commentary, I just mute the tv and watch. Not sure why so many have such an issue. As far as Brady, he was fine in The Bucs game. He made a funny comment on Mayfield as it plays out. Mayfield mentions in an interview he wants the guys to get to back having fun. Brady reports on air he said it’s not daycare. We’re here to win. That’s admirable, but maybe he’s been too intense which could have an oppositional effect. Honestly, who cares? He’s retired. Even if he is the GOAT which is a valid argument as much as I hate the guy, he’s still a footnote eventually.
  23. Thanks as I just read this and it remedies nothing like a flea flicker. For the OP, a flea flicker is simply you hand off to Cook as an example, he pitches back to Josh, and Josh nails one to Coleman or Shakir downfield. They are rarely tried in todays NFL as it doesn’t work with NFL speed. Ill add when it works it’s a very exciting play.
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