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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Alex, I’ll take Poyer’s wife for $500. Wow, we really have ran out of anything football to talk about when the debate is who is more attractive, and that great topic, the weather.
  2. I am born and raised in Hamburg, and could care less about national attention. We’ll get all the attention some people need when we win. If we lose, we were not the better team on that day. It’s going to be a great game, and as long as we play our best, I’m happy. I expected to win the last two games, but just hoping for the best this Sunday. Just expect everyone all week will predict a Chiefs win. I could care less. It makes it that much more enjoyable of we win. Then if the SB opponent is GB, I’ll expect for two weeks we’ll hear about how they are the better team. Win that one and we’ll get all the recognition some desire as SB champs.
  3. Lime, I’m sorry for you’re troubles. Sounds awful. I hope you’re in a better place now.
  4. Watson may want to push for a trade, but that doesn’t mean McNair will honor his request. He also is so expensive with his contract. The big mistake was in ownership telling him he would have influence over the coaching Mgmt hire. That should’ve never happened. The GM already said they are not entertaining trades. If Leslie gets the job, with his demeanor should be able to calm the situation down. Besides no decent head coach would go there without Watson.
  5. Playing or not playing, I hope he is ok and can get healthy. The NFL is better when he is playing. I’m actually looking forward to a Mahomes/Allen matchup. My reasoning is simply my confidence in Allen.
  6. Have you been watching Hawaii Five 0 reruns? It doesn’t really matter as it’s not changing. I like that we have a unique identifier. I have one of my face masks as a bills one and get comments down here all the time in the phrase. It’s grown on me over time. It’s funny as so many tell me how nuts our fans are compared to other teams.
  7. Well whether it was a concussion or a blow to his carotid and jugular doesn’t matter. He may come back, and yes a blow to the carotid and jugular can mimick concussion symptoms. Just ask someone who is a martial arts expert. I honestly don’t care as I just hope he is ok. An independent Neuro will decide whether he plays. He also as mentioned had a toe injury so he may be limited in his mobility. Even if he plays, I still believe we can beat them as they are not playing at the top of their game. We are and are very healthy. It will be a great game either way. I give us 65% chance we win. They are a great team and the SB champs.
  8. I’m confused. Kelsey was the Chiefs man of the year fir the Chiefs. If you’re just saying he is a bad guy, you’re right. This caption is confusing. Why don’t you just say he’s been convicted of domestic abuse, and the Chiefs should drop him. I don’t condone his behavior in anyway. Anyone who could hurt a spouse or child should be in jail.
  9. It is a passing league, and we are not taking a RB three years in a row. They will continue to develop the two already picked. There will be other needs far more pressing than a RB. Whether it’s a CB, or DE, would be more logical. This is supposed to be a very deep TE class and could see taking one in the second or third is not inconceivable.
  10. I am shocked 6700 fans could affect two false starts. Makes it even more sour the Browns didn’t win. Bad things comin KC, bad, bad things. Hope you’re ready. It’s goin to be chilly. im actually excited for GMFB as you know our guy is going to talk it up in the am.
  11. The new GM is not a moron. He knows he trades Watson, he loses the team, hopes fir the future, and even though they haven’t gone far, the fans there have been used to the playoffs fir a long time. Would any of you if you’re career is on the line seriously give up one of the best up and coming QB’s in the league, or would you repair a relationship? Bottom line is they own his contract and a hefty one for quite some time. For those thinking)g if other teams, I hope you checked out their cap space for the next five years and their needs. That’s how GM’s think and owners. Could it happen, sure, but is it likely, no.
  12. they can’t cover it up. Everything you wrote to that point is spot on. The team doctors are independent evaluators and I know the team doc fir tampa. He takes a risk for multi million malpractice if he plays with his e v a l. this is early and we’ll find out by Friday. I wouldn’t worry about it. As it’s pointless. If we win, this will be our best win if the year, and prepare yourself as everyone will pick against us, amd I mean everyone.
  13. Humpty, you hittin the bottle a little early today or was it a bender from yesterday as you look like you’re going to fall off that wall. 🤪🏈
  14. As far as next week, Beasely is playing on an injured knee, but he was cleared so he doesn’t have a bad knee as that infers a chronic issue. It’s the NFL, everyone’s playing hurt by this time of the year. If Gabe simply had a Charlie horse, that’s nothing. A lot of us have played ball, wrestled or my sons played lax with severely bruised legs. He’ll be in an ice tub all week. Sucks going through it, but it works. If they place Bease on a pitch count, then it will probably be Diggs, Brown, Davis, and McKenzie. They may activate the new acquisitions, but they won’t see the field.
  15. Nice catch Hap. The final part to that awesome play by Taron was Tre plowing the way ensuring a a route to the end zone.
  16. I don’t know about the walls, but if that happened with 73,000 fans in the seats, the Pegulas may be buying new goal posts. He’ll, even 6700 could’ve done it.
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