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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. mango and bite, Mahomes contract is worth than his current one. Why? Because Mahomes signed a team friendly contract where he kills it in the last three years. Capologists, one is MTC, Pat Kirwan has been on record for six months Mahomes doesn’t even reach a Wilson contract for almost server years. Mahomes will get it but after Covid other qbs will get more based on inflation like Watson with what they have now. I think Watson wants to get the heck out of a dysfunctional team. I don’t see Texans buying it. Watson will make a lot more $ if they don’t give him up and f8nd a way to win moving forward. I do trust Frazier he can be a calming force in this situation.
  2. Indy would make the most sense. He’s only 33, he played behind a crap line and skill players for the most part. Indy has some $, they are a winner with good coaching and Mgmt, and a line he could throw a ton. If they get him, they are a serious contender. I’m less worried about the Jets or Pats with Stafford their. Indy will keep moving north. Reich has done a tremendous job. I guess I’m biased, but he’s going to be known in the next 10 years as a top AFC Coach.
  3. Chaos, that’s twisting my words. Did I say McD groomed Frazier or did I say inferred he hired a good DC as he hired a good OC, and he has developed good coaches overall. Frazier has a nice resume his whole career and deserves to be seriously considered for a HC position. MOVING FORWARD, McD who was developed by the great Jimmy Johnson (a defensive guru from Philly) is more than capable of developing the next DC especially if he is coming up internally, or even an up and comer elsewhere. Does anyone think McD doesn’t already with Beane have a succession plan for both of their coordinators, and their front office staff as it’s likely more guys will get poached (and they should). That is a sign of a great organization. Chaos, c’mon, if that was you’re interpretation, you didn’t get the point. That’s silly to infer I said he developed Frazier. Really silly. Anyway, Go Bills!
  4. What bet did you lose. Did he sound anything like this? I hope you brought over the hazmat suit and a industrial size can drum of febreeze.
  5. Era, I can live with that and my base emotions is I get worried even though incredibly effective in the pass, they have to at least get some concern for our running, and either you or another said, that can come from Allen. He gets hurt more in the pocket than mobile because this year especially as he’s improved with sliding or running out of bounds. Seems he is steadily improving with each year not to play hero, but just get as much as he can without getting hit. whatever it takes to not get them in dime as that can impede our movement down the field. They blitzed us a lot last game so we’ll see as Allen is now one of the best picking up the blitz and torching opponents. A piece of advice for my TBD friends. Don’t get rattled by the 90% of sportscasters picking the Chiefs today. I’d rather our guys playing that underdog Schtick .
  6. New Era, a for effort. Given a potential toe mobility issue and expect whatever meds they give to manage the pain, will wear off in the 2nd half. I’m hopeful for some with delayed safety blitzes, or CB blitzes up the middle while the DE’s play contain. There is now way they go to a base defense when we have a less than average running game and Moss out. They will be in nickel against Buffalo.
  7. Im almost embarrassed I thought the same thing. I really do like him as our DC, but McD can groom the next one, and the pick in a lean cap year would really help.
  8. I don’t know if we would have a trade, but we would get the comp pick. I thought he has been a good DC, but McD can groom the next guy in ascension. Noggin, you peaked my interest so I read it and agree. Besides the article discusses Caldwell as well. I seriously can’t believe they’re that dysfunctional to hire a HC who has almost no coaching experience.
  9. Jay, thanks for sharing. As if I didn’t need any other stimulation to cause a stroke. I think my BP will be 182/110 by game time.
  10. ED, that’s different so ok on the short passing game as the WGR guys have even said that became a much bigger part of their game after the Chiefs. What you’re suggesting is similar to the Pats did as their run game in short passing. What I don’t see happening is the first game with the Pats game, a different reference. The winds were so high we went heavy run sets with motor and Moss. It worked, but slowed down our offense. what you’re suggesting I think we just had our wires crossed as I get that all day. That’s a fine plan and expect to see a lot of the short stuff, but then keeping them honest on our 4 wide sets.
  11. Josh, they can extend both. Shrewd GM’s move $ around all the time. They can restructure contracts, convert to bonus, kick the can down somewhat, and there are just role players you can cut. Not all are cheap. Anyway, OP, nice catch with this video so thank you for sharing.
  12. But, But, Turk he’s so easily replaceable by any old LB a lot of guys said. Thanks for the breakdown. We are miles better with a healthy Tre, the safeties, Edmunds, and yes Milano, not to mention an unsung hero on Hughes.
  13. Tre plays both man to man and zone depending what is asked of him by the coaches. He’s shadowed guys, but when it’s a zone call, he plays his area. I don’t think you’re being critical of him, just great CB’s where I agree are not robots. Every excellent player on a team makes a mistake every once in awhile. Remember how both Stevie Johnson and Sammy at times could burn Daryl Revis when he was in his prime.
  14. Emotional, I remember SDS said in a previous post on another thread he was thinking of having one thread where every talking heads take is in one thread. I love the idea. Close them down as soon as they open for all the one offs. I don’t mind guys putting good or bad takes on the Bills to light, but how about we don’t have 47 threads for every yahoo who says this or that. Please title it Talking Heads. I hope it’s a mod who starts it so everyone can have a nice forum and keep together. If we win tomorrow, there will be over 100 different pundits giving their hot takes. It actually would be fun. Yolo, you have the juice, as Picard used to say.
  15. I guess we are at an impasse. Have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, yes, MORONS. what was that guy talking about with Tre and a bad year. When we played them in week 6 which kind of means nothing as we were both two different teams, but Tre was still not at 100% with his neck/back. He played, but Kelse didn’t burn him all day. Sometimes NFLN is as bad as the other four letter word, yes, ESPN.
  16. I didn’t either. We may have different outlets, but I saw a lot of love for the Ravens. It doesn’t matter to me, and the other stuff wasn’t we’re being disrespected as I could care less, but we also didn’t have the absolute toughest path either. We are Ed everything we’ve accomplished. I’m sticking with 60/40 we win tomorrow and could care less if every talking head picks the Chiefs. At some point if/when we win, we’ll see if more people go for us over the NFC winner. Right now Id rather face GB on,y for the reason we can stand toe to toe offensively, but the Bucs have the better defense than the Packs. All good GB.
  17. Even if the new Houston GM commits political suicide and career is over before it starts, they would never trade in division to an ascending AFCS team. After looking at their draft capital, and cap space, it would’ve been great for Indy.
  18. There’s a lot of variables in play. Conventional wisdom is the Jets. They now have a decent coach and probably the patience to develop him. The Dolphins is a possibility, but we only know what we saw, vs. how their staff evaluated his progress. I wouldn’t rule it out to push Tua. The Pats may, but they have a lot of cap space now so if Watson was allowed a trade (and I still suspect they won’t as that is suicide for Houston), then the Jets and Pats are towards the top in space at $64 and $55 respectively for the Jets and Pats. That would definitely be a Belichick move if he could pull it off. My reasoning for Miami not getting as heavily into the race is they are farther down in space at $25.8 mil., but they have tons of draft capital and they could package Tua for it. That seems far fetched, but anything is possible. Youre question was first so the Jets. I wouldn’t be surprised though if all three teams draft one early.
  19. GB, I agree the Bills have been a fan favorite for awhile, but several pundits have picked against them on several shows. They say positives about the Bills, but only half at best of NFLR picked the Bills/Colts. Almost no one picked the Bills over the Ravens, and I have yet to hear anyone pick the Bills over the Chiefs. It doesn’t matter as long as we keep winning. As far as the hardest path, read the e v a l. of SOS of the 2020 season, after the season. Bottom line is our opponents ranked us 16th in terms of path to get into the playoffs. Based on 2019 which shows how little these things matter it was projected we had the 5th toughest SOS. In the end based on how they played in 2020, we didn’t necessarily have the toughest road, nor the easiest. By one of the betting lines the following playoff teams had an easier path. Note I was having difficulties copying the link - my fault. In addition, this is just one betting line group and the others I noticed were all relatively similar, so again just take it as a reference point, not gospel. Honestly, I thought in the beginning of the year our schedule was going to be very tough. Whether it’s our improvements or the opposing teams were not as good as we thought, or they had key injuries, it really doesn’t matter. So I was in the club get 10-11 wins in this hard schedule, and we get in the dance. Well, our path wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t as hard as I thought either. Rams 7th Redskins 8th Saints 9th Bills 16th Packers 17th Seahawks 20th Bucs 23rd Steelers 24th Chiefs 25th Ravens 27th Bears 29th Browns 30th Titans 31st Colts 32nd Next year we get the NFCS, and AFCS + the Chiefs and Steelers again. This again will come out repeated stories due opposing the Bucs, Saints, Titans, Colts, Chiefs, and Steelers, we have a tough schedule not to mention the stories the Dolphins are ascending as I can see that one. I’m going to reread this later in the spring before I get worked up we have the x hardest schedule. If posted after May so free agency, trades, and the draft are over and maybe after UDFA’s are signed, we’ll get some handle, but again things change. Everyone thought the Pats as it was reported at nauseum were potentially going to win the East. How could anyone foresee the 49ers having all of those injuries? If I forget to read this post, please knock me over the head with it as a fellow TBD poster and for many of you, friends. For me this year, the 4 best teams are in the championship games, and all of them belong there. I do think we have a fair and winning chance to win it all, and as much as I relish the thought, our season could easily be over tomorrow night. That’s what makes it fun as we are playing the absolute best at this point. We can hold our heads high if we keep winning, amd even if we lose a close game. One thing is for sure, I will not accept the notion any of these teams will blow us out. Sorry, after I posted, you guys can tease me I was too long winded. Whoops.
  20. The closer we get to this game, I’m in agreement. Could be an overtime Bassomatic kick that puts us in the SB. Sal and the guys said yesterday morning said it would be 34-40 degrees a little rainy and only 10 mph winds. The rain or temp. Isn’t an issue, but 10 mph winds was the key as 30-40 mph winds would affect any QB. Allen and Mahomes arm strength wouldn’t matter.
  21. Well, hopefully he employs his brother’s antiquated and too complicated defense in part so we don’t have to worry about seeing them again in the playoffs. This is really not a Harbaugh like move. He’s normally smarter than this one.
  22. Way to go Juice. Have you bought the onzy for the little one? Need to break in the kid now. Very happy for you.
  23. LA, agreed. We’re not going to change everything for one game, and we’re not going to play keep away from Mahomes. That’s like a prevent defense. It doesn’t work. Consider the defenses we beat this year. The Rams #1, Steelers #3, 49ers #5, Ravens #7, Colts #8, Chargers #10, and the only loss is to the Cardinals #13 (and was a fluke as we drive down to win, but that crazy Hail Mary). We are #14, and the Chiefs are #16. We've scored more points on offense than the Chiefs and had a stronger SOS than the Chiefs faced this year. From the data point, we should be favored, but it’s the Chiefs. They were going to be favored no matter what as the SB Champs. If any team can beat them it’s us.
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