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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Shocker, another anti bills thread from someone who wants to claim the sky is falling.. oh god, chicken little. Nice try. Won’t be back. Have f7n with you’re anti bills fans so you can have fun with each other. real bills fans. Let them have their fun. God knows anyone with a brain won’t listen..
  2. Not you New, so apologize. I just don’t see us spending significant capital right now. We have much more pressing needs. Im actually impressed with these guys how much they did in four years. They didn’t have the benefit of other teams that inherited some talent. McBean had our LS, and Hughes as of this year, or maybe you can add Lee smith. Others were bad gone or retired.
  3. It’s a lot better on you’re eyes. I had a doctor One of my reps called on 10 years ago we were just making small talk before our dinner. I commented, god i used to have 20/15 vision. He asked me about how much time I spend in the dark working on my tablet or laptop. I responded basically every waking hour in the hotel. Well, you killed you’re eyes. Dark mode is a lot better.
  4. For all the Moss is a beast, Yeldon is listed at a higher weight then the other two. He is a perfect third back, and McKenzie is the younger version of Lorax as Swiss knife. What I mean is he is a WR, returner when needed, CB like in game 17 2019, and with end arounds like a RB. Yeldon is a RB almost like a short yardage WR. I believe it was a mistake not to use him more. But, I’m not McD amd trust him.
  5. Royal, I think we’ll be ok. There are guys we really don’t need they will make decisions on and we all know the names, ie. Murphy, Kroft, pick a D Lineman, and so on. I honestly believe bud McD ‘s strategy is a defense built back to front, and Hyde and Poyer as a tandem is one if the best. Both are good, but together, they are like the Wonder Twins. Wonder powers, ACTIVATE. Its not that he lost a step, and has been a leader on the team. I thought in the beginning of the year Hughes might be a cap hit, but he had a very good under appreciated year. McD is going to rely even more on the system guys he has as it’s not star player power that makes our defense this year 14th, but in past years top 3-4. Frazier is probably gone so McD is going to groom someone in his image. Frazier was a much more established seasoned coach. He’ll want to rely on his cornerstones, Milano, Edmunds, Hughes, White, Poyer, and Hyde. I’m not sure who he trusts the most on the d line outside of Hughes. The others are expendable.
  6. I’ll click once on a fear factor thread and then done. I only jumped back in as I respect Sotier and he replied to me. Im out. Have fun with the sky is falling threads. I encourage other real Bills fans do the same. Then the trolls can just have a fun conversation going back and forth with each other. I’ll always open once. If someone I know or trust replies I’ll check. Otherwise see ya.
  7. Thanks Dave as the game was chippy the longer as it went on and wasn’t sure from the original post. Appreciate it bud.
  8. Gugs, I’m in dark mode in the top right is report and share. I’ll change the mode and see. Thanks bud. You always have my back.
  9. Maryland, you might want to read some of the other threads before you post. I’ve said and so have others many many times the following and I can write much more succinct. The Fins spent $235.8 mil. In FA, last year. They had 11 picks last year and 10 picks this year. It’s been discussed at nauseum the possibility (although unlikely regarding a Watson trade as Houston’s GM might as well put a gun to his head if he did that one). severla people question Tua, although I’ve tried to remind Allen was only 52% completion his first year. They are very different players. Nothing I just wrote spoils my day. My grieving ended yesterday on the playoff loss. What you wrote was not a thought not already discussed over and over again. I have written and stand by it, Miami will become our competition down the road if they can develop Tua or pick another guy in this draft. It will be at least two years away. I have absolutely no fear in the Fins as I implicitly trust our brain trust to make the right decisions to continue to grow. I don’t know what’s up with the fear factor thread. I’ll agree though, their coach should be able in a normal off season to start to get that team to gel and should improve. They played the NFCW, and AFCW like us.
  10. Don, I was confused as well, so SDS if you could just let us know how to easily edit of you want to change something. I also don’t know unfortunately in this new dark version (which I love as much better on the eyes) know how to delete a post of mine. I don’t often as I try to be thoughtful and not demeaning to others in a post, but every once in awhile like to just rewrite in a different manner the post.
  11. Thanks Thurmon, amd feel free to plagiarize as I don’t want to be the only one beating the common sense drum (besides you’re more eloquent than I ). BTW, I really liked you’re girl in the bar analogy as it was spot on. I remember back then there was only one guy we could’ve plucked away from Washington especially as he was cheap, about $800,000. / yr. for two years, was a 5th round pick and was rated as the 5th best 1 technique in the NFL his first two years per PFF. It was Tim Settle. My reasoning in July was Rivera and McD are tight, he wouldn’t be that high if a draft trade, and I’m not even saying he is as good as Star. What I am saying is he could’ve plugged hole. He weighs 308 lbs. Maybe they didn’t think he was worth it, but it was I believe either a Washington or Syracuse paper that made some good points on Settle. Washington is one of the deepest in their defensive line talent. Its water under the bridge now, and Thurmon you’re timeline was perfect on the summer. Bottom line is we are going to read about 500 more posts over the off season about this guy that guy to add an this and that guy to cut. Just please if anyone is going to make all kinds of suggestions, please consider the implications of what I typed above. I love the enthusiasm from fellow Bills fans as long as you can reason through how it can be done logically, and within our means. Ther are a lot of very smart guys on this board so if you look at losses, replacements, costs, what we lose vs. what we gain, I’m so open to reasoned opinions. Thanks for listening to another very frustrated Bills fan, but a very proud one of this team, it’s players, coaches, management and owners. We really do have something special here.
  12. It’s hard to assess Oliver without having Star next to him. Edmunds played terrible when hurt, but was a disappointment Sunday night. Sal mentioned two months ago, Edmunds needed a guy like Star as he wasn’t prepared to take OG’s. Both of these guys are contingent upon a large 1 technique DT. It is definitely possible these guys could be busts. We’ll probably know next year. Not a great answer, but whenever people say cut this guy or that guy, then the important question that has to be attainable is “who do you replace him if he’s gone?” You have 7 draft picks, and $ will be tight next year. One can’t operate like it’s a normal off season and the cap will grow like normal to $210 mil. Think like the worst at $175 mil. Without cutting someone (because if you cut someone who is his replacement and for how much), we have $2.6 mil. to spend and Spotrac makes that assumption with approximately $178 mil. cap. That is why a lot of suggestions aren’t looking at the whole picture. It’s easy to say we should cut this person or this person, and replace with this one or that one. Bottom line is I trust Beane and he’ll figure it out with his team. The SI article the other day makes it very clear the margin for error is small, and will get smaller. The reason we had a drought is previous administrations tried quick fixes for two decades and made poor choices in drafting. Just prepare yourself we are not going to make big splashes in FA. It’s not going to happen.
  13. MB, you make a good point in that instead of they had no fear, Allen should’ve thrown to the RB’s and TE’s and take what they were giving us, or he runs. That’s why he ran for just under 100 yards. That was a good decision, but we have to trust our RB’s and TE’s. Not using Yeldon more was a mistake. He should’ve been our primary back Sunday evening. Knox caught some passes, but I said last year we should’ve made a bigger push for Hooper. He’s no Kelce, but we also had a chance with Ertz. TE is a glaring need for this team. Knox can be a decent second TE, but we need a true #1.
  14. Op, very thoughtful post and agreed, the largest flaw that Zipper mentions is how absolutely horrible the drafts prior to McBeane were and I don't think people remember how absolutely horrible were their choices. Most 2014-16 picks are not even in the league or backups at best. The other problem is what are you’re expectations in a draft. If you hit on 55-60% of you’re picks that can be contributors to the team, you’re drafting well. When you hit in a 5th to 7th rounder, you’re doing great. Milano is one example, another is Bass, and Dane should be a good contributor in time. I don’t know at this point of Ford, Oliver, or Epenesa were good choices. I expected more from them, but then again guys like Derrick Henry only ran for 500 and 700 yards in 2016-17. He blew up in years 3-5. That just typifies a player can break out after their first or second year.
  15. First we need to extend key players for this team like Williams and Milano. Draft 1. CB 2. D Line - Inside and Out 3. TE Again, the sky isn’t falling and we went 15-3 in arguably a difficult schedule. Everyone including me is pissed, emotional, upset, sad as we lost badly Sunday. It doesn’t mean we didn’t beat a lot of tough teams. We beat 6 teams that were top 10 all year, and another close to top 10. If we could’ve beat the Chiefs, I contend we would’ve beat the Bucs. The Chiefs are the best team in football and then there are the rest.
  16. It is not Beane’s MO to pay for a FA RB. Maybe one in the draft, but we have more pressing needs. We have 7 draft picks and again if we draft one at all it will be late in the draft. This is a bit of a knee jerk reaction to yesterday and I understand. It’s just not fantasy football and will have to prioritize the things we need much more.
  17. The reason KC and Mahomes made this work was it was a rare 10 year deal. Those almost never work and agents know the market will go up. In 5-6 years it’s projected that Mahomes will be the 13th highest paid QB. It worked for him as he wanted KC to have the $ to retain Kelce and others which is what they did, and he has piece of mind for life. Most QB’s and their agents want no more than a 5 yr. deal so they can go for their third contract before retirement. This was a risk for KC with a lot locked up in Mahomes against injury, and a risk fir Mahomes as he could’ve tried to get more up front and negotiate for the next contract. Allen might go for what Mahomes did and the Bills would go for it. What’s more likely is a fair market contract for four to five years. That actually hurts the team more if Allen were to be healthy. We’ll see.
  18. Exactly MJS. Blitz, if you play predominantly dime you expose yourself badly to the run game like we did in game 6. We were 15-3 this year and would’ve been 16-2 if not for a fluke Hail Mary play that normally doesn’t work. That’s not exactly a failure. To take the next step, we must improve getting to the QB with four. The backfield is fine. They may use their first pick on a DB depending on their board. If not, it will be a pass rusher. One last thing is I watch all of Tampa games as I live here and they run a 3-4, and run nickel more than dime. They can do that because they have penetrating defensive lineman.
  19. Exactly. They were overpaid and Beane was shrewd not to commit. They would’ve been retained at a better price. How much impact did each player make in their respective teams. Was either one in Miami or AZ considered a household name and talked about all year? The answer is no. Star was an opt out, but in his case I understand. He has a heart condition and did the right thing for his longtime health. It’s funny last year so many on the board complained he wasn’t worth the $ etc. Star will be back in the fall doing the unsung hero job. By the fall, the vaccines being prescribed will be widespread, guessing I’ll have one by the summer. This is why these draft picks are gold amd not to be traded away. We have to pull it together with primarily the draft as we as well as many teams won’t have the $ for free agency. Free agents are going to have to take reasonable $ or they’ll be dropped across the league.
  20. I agree with a lot of what you said except two. The lone completely changed when Feliciano was and anchor for the team. I’ve been a Roberts proponent for awhile but if you had make a tough choice, you live with McKenzie as he more reliable in too many positions. Roberts is a nice to have, whereas McKenzie even played CB one game when a lot of guys were hurt. He’s versatile.
  21. This is nothing but a thread to inspire fear from a non Bills fan. Be prepared for many more trying to cry the sky is falling because their team didn’t go to the AFCC game, and they will cite I’ve been a fan since ..... It was already said well he renegotiated last year to make him happy. What evidence does anyone have he’s so unhappy with his contract. Wouldn’t you think Beane was smart enough to speak with his agent last year about the plan in how to build a championship team. He’s not asking for a hometown discount, just be patient and in a couple of years, they will probably extend again his contract.
  22. Note to everyone. Don’t go to chiefs boards after you lose especially in a championship game. What did you think they were going to say? thats massocism unless that’s what you wanted. good luck to the chiefs and don’t care if there chest is puffed out. We lost. They won. Moving on. We stil had a great season. Sucks to say, but we weren’t the best. If we were we would’ve won yesterday and would’ve felt great about two weeks from now. I like the Bucs, but they dont have a shot against these guys. we beat the chiefs next year and we will have them in the regular season as well if luck would have it in the playoffs and we are the team to beat. idont know about my friends who are former athletes as we’re dads now, but it’s over. Moving on and be better next year.
  23. Pitts, TE. A game wrecker if he is there. He’s projected around 10th. Look at what the best TE, Kelce did to us. We have a bunch of needs, and I’ll agree we can improve at CB, D Line, and so on. We won with offense this year. Keep building it. I thought they missed with passing on Hooper to Cleveland. Knox is a good role player, but he’s not the answer. How many top teams have a game wrecking TE? So as a brief example, you have Kelce, Gronk, Brate, and before he went out, Howard. This is the new NFL. Just a thought, but it’s still an emotional thought so we’ll see in a few months. In perspective, we went 13-3 in a better than difficult schedule, + two playoff wins. We had a good season. We can purge a number of guys, and there is an argument to defense, speed on offense and so on. The one thing Allen hasn’t had is a $ TE and beat with speed and size. Im very hopeful on Hodgins next year for a second big WR.
  24. This is why I stated on the thank you thread, first I am too grateful, and that I was too angry and upset to post last night. Second, I thought it was too early to think about player decisions. You make a solid point about his injury. To me that is the determining factor as to whether he stays or goes. It’s hard to believe he fell off a cliff from a 1,000 yard season, or was he trying to be a trooper and come back too early when maybe IR would’ve been the better option. He was also very productive in Baltimore, just didn’t fit into their scheme. So, John I’m taking a breath and let’s see how he does in OTA’s. That’s the gamble of getting something small in a trade, or cutting after we see what he looks like later. I just don’t think McBeane are a tandem that makes quick decisions. They are both more methodical in their choices.
  25. Dave, this is a true question as I turned off the tv after the game. Did I miss something as to the punks comment. Were they just excited or were they directly trashing the Bills? The question is to everyone if this is a shared feeling. If they were just excited to be going back to the SB. If you’re referring to a KC website, I wouldn’t take any stock in what guys said after winning a championship game. As far as the season, I like many weren’t happy with the ending as we did coach too conservatively and the Chiefs were the better team. I thought and stated all week it 60-40 we could win, but not playing like that last night. I purposely didn’t post last night as was too upset. This morning though like the OP I’m reflecting on a 13-3 season, a QB at 70% or so, the best WR basically in the league, and a team that will be in the hunt most likely for years. Its too early for me to say, if we just get this player or that player. We definitely deserved to be in the final four. This is going to be a long 8 months waiting for the next season. Its been fun guys. I’ve enjoyed all the conversations.
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