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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Shady, have you noticed the threads from posters under 1000. They are inane.
  2. It’s an odd deal, but ok. Detroit gets a lot from someone they want move on and Goff is a hold over. As far as Stafford, we’ll see. He was on a bad team forever. 32 is not old for a QB the way these rules are for protecting QB’s. He might kill it on a good team, or he may flop. Its very difficult to predict his success on another team. Should be interesting. At least we’re done with the NFCW for another three years.
  3. Do they get cupcakes after the game? Seriously bud, do you think any NFL player would actually play this game? If I’m McD, I’d forfeit. I do appreciate the courage to float this one as you knew people were going to bust you’re chops. Sounds like you were just jonesing for a football game this weekend. I am too.
  4. Ok, 6969, So who are we replacing these 8 guys, and how much net savings do we have from that $42 mil. of 1 speed WR, 1 Edge Rusher, 2 DT’s, another DE, a pro bowl type Safety, a Center, and a blocking TE. You missed that part. How much are those 8 replacements? There’s only 8 draft spots amd a few are late in the draft who are far passed over. Were not moving on from Hughes,and Hyde.
  5. At least you have the tar this time. Finally I don’t have to do everything for you. 😏
  6. Ridge, when I think a Greggo defense, I think of this.. Sweet Dreams Witch!
  7. I think you’re right. They should’ve allowed him to remain in the 270’s and he would’ve been able to penetrate and contain better. He’s just not the same as a 255 lbs. Hughes. Epenesa is more like a Phil Hansen type than a light quick burst Hughes. Hopefully he’ll figure it out in the off season.
  8. I know Pettine’s defense finished 9th overall, 7th against the pass, and 13th (which is not bad) against the rush.
  9. You might be right. The easiest way to tell is who Beane extends. The only way we take a shot at a guy like this is if the owners find a way to keep the cap at $200 mil. If that happens and I’m not suggesting it will as I don’t know, but if you cut some dead weight there would be $ to add. It’s just hot air at this point (by me).
  10. Agreed, not to risk his burst, but Id like to see 15 lbs. of muscle added so he can match up with some of the road grader guards. A young elite athlete can put in around 10-15 lbs., of coached properly. Anything more and you’re talking about enhancements (I was a competitive power lifter at The national level for 14 years til I blew out my knee, but that was 100 years ago)
  11. The OP is asking about which to add, WR or TE. I’m not sure the relevance of Tampa has nothing like the Chiefs. Regarding that though Mike Evans, Godwin, Miller, Brate and Gronk are all assets. They also have Ronald Jones who ran for 978 yards on a team like us who is a passing team. Anyway, to the OP, Hunter Henry, amd he would cost $10 mil. The only reason I’m not saying $10.6-9 mil. which is his market value is due to a possibility the cap goes down. Too much confusion as to where the cap will be, so we have to wait for the owners meeting as they will decide and bring it to the NFLPA. The article that came out the other day cited a bunch of player agents, and unnamed owners sources. It might be true, but it’s pointless to give a number. These billionaires will weigh out how many guys they have to purge vs. lose and figure out how much of a hit and how long you want to space out the hit. If they do proceed like some speculate it spread over three years, then that also means even if they go with $190 (pure guess with nothing to back it up), then the only way in future years the cap goes up is if the new tv contracts dramatically go up.
  12. B3, All the slots are perfect, but I said in another thread, Henry would be a perfect free agency add. Any edge rusher or #2 CB would be a lot more than Henry’s $10.6. His $10.6 mil. is possible, but then that means Milano walks. I’ve said all week, you get something, you have to give something up. TE’s don’t usually come out of a draft and just blow it up as a rookie. You know Henry is a proven winner. The other thing is of the doom and gloom cap comes to fruition, we might get him for less. Using you're first two picks in either order based on their board for an Edge Rusher and CB is smart. The only way you go for a RB in the first is if he is a game changer. I agree all four spots are important, and everything after that is depth. We were fortunate our 2020 later picks were valuable. Bass will be our kicker barring injuries for a decade. I firmly believe Dane Jackson will add to our DB depth for a long time as well. We hopefully can find gems on the O Line and possible LB later in the draft. One thing is for sure, if we went after Henry, that would be it for free agency other than just a guy at a bargain price.
  13. Thanks Thurmon. Not a subscriber so can’t read it, but appreciate you’re snipits. I’ve been on the pulpit since last year when we missed going after Hooper, or we just did it unsuccessfully. He’s not Kelce, but he is a lot better than what we have now. I’m fine with dropping a couple of our TE’s and go after Hunter Henry. Of all the position groups, TE is much more affordable than Edge Rusher, CB, never a RB as they wear out too fast. Even with O Line, look how much Morse cost. The other reason is several TE’s need a couple of years to develop so why draft one, when you have a finished product. Remember Kelce wasn’t explosive his first couple of years out of the draft. There are exceptions, but having only three TE’s such as Henry, Knox, and take you’re pick (guessing Sweeney as he’s cheap and only depth). It’s not like we will morph into a Ravens team and run 13 personnel all the time. It’s crazy, but I can see us going after a fast RB in the draft, a CB, and an Edge Rusher. With the rest if they let Milano go, and I hope they don’t, the a LB. I wouldn’t expect much more than a Henry and just other guys for their depth as they purge some underperformers.
  14. It seemed to me they became pidgeon holed into Allen passing 90% as all of their efforts throughout the season to run were unsuccessful. Whether it’s simply a faster RB, or in addition, bring back a very effective old school FB, or line, or scheme. The other part similar to what some others have written is they got cute. They should’ve trusted what brought them there, and all of the changes blew up in their faces. I trust these coaches will learn from it, and adapt next year. Reid is brilliant and he anticipated exactly what McD was going to do. That’s why it looked like the Chiefs looked like they knew everything Allen would check to and they adjusted in sync with our offense. Reid also knew McD well enough to know how he would try and change things up. A couple of the players may have been grinning etc. after the game, but they were the better team. We had a an excellent year, and we will keep improving in 2021.
  15. Cherry picking games makes no sense, and seems like someone is trying to instill doubt. He’ll get paid and Beane will be creative in how he drafts the contract to not hurt the team in the lean cap year as he’s still on his 4th year rookie contract in 2021.
  16. If I’m him Watson, my list to tell the Texans is the Dolphins, Bears, Rams, 49ers, Steelers, and Colts (which would never happen in division). These teams with a QB like him would immediately be a contender. There are different strengths to each of these teams. The one unfortunately that has the most to offer is the Fins. The Fins could make this work if they gave both #1’s and Tua. In essence three #1’s. Since the fins had 11 picks last year, and 10 picks this year, and all of those free agents last year, it would be a good deal for both sides. I’m not writing this like I want it to happen as I hate them, but it’s the most logical where each side gets something they want.
  17. Which is why this foolish talk of Watson agreeing to consider the actual Jests is a comparison from one dumpster to another dumpster fire.
  18. I was thinking the same on a fullback. It’s a boring underappreciated asset, but when we had a younger healthier DiMarco, we ran better. I know he retired, so I’m not saying him. We should find a good one as it will help, amd dump Smith. Just because he’s a blocking TE, that doesn’t help up the middle. Some say that’s Gilliam, but I didn’t see him used in this manner.
  19. John and Greg, I’ve said this as well several times. Look how many people projected a Cam Patriots team as a winner and then what happens. SF, a SB attendee but was decimated with injuries. Who knew the Rams would be this good on defense? Who knew Seattle’s defense would fall off a cliff after attaining Jamal? This year, who knows a post Brees NO and so many players in their 30’s? What if Tampa, god I almost threw up a little beats the Chiefs. Will Brady retire and go out on top? What is Indy going to do about QB? After the draft, we’ll know who we gained and lost in both FA and the draft. What no one can predict is injuries. I almost felt bad for SF with all of those catastrophic injuries. They still finished with a top 5 defense. I would just enjoy the off season and we can probably talk more about how we really might do in May. It’s just depressing there is only so much we can talk about until May. Let’s hope and pray we have a good off season with acquisitions and come into next year stronger. I want to believe we can repeat a 13-3 2021 season and win the East again. Maybe Beane does so well we actually really make the SB next year. We’ll have to beat the Chiefs though. With some additional pieces, we might be able to do it. Howard and Jeremy made a good point this morning. They discussed how TE’s seem to be a developing position, so you don’t really see a guy progress often until year 3. Kelce has been a stud, but he developed slow. With that they discussed, TE being one of the few positions we could get an ascending TE in FA, and not being as expensive as say an edge rusher. This way we get a more finished product and draft the CB, Edge Rusher, RB, etc. If we hit on all four of these four slots, we would be markedly better and Star is back.
  20. Agreed with the vaccines ramping up, I don’t see why they wouldn’t increase significantly next year. Josh is pretty special with one correction from one of the attachments. He had 46 TD’s as he had a receiving TD in addition to the 8 rushing and 37 passing. Isnt nice to know we won’t be one of the teams calling Houston for Watson. I haven’t felt that way since Kelly.
  21. Epenesa has come in slow, but that doesn’t mean he’s a flop. Some guys develop into a solid player in years 2 and 3.
  22. The problem is he has been injured a lot in his career even though he played almost all of the games this year. He’s also expensive and getting older at 31. Beane just said in his presser, this is not the year they are going to make any splashes. His name came up last year, and the year before. It’s not Beane’s M.O.. Just my take.
  23. Thanks for ruining my night. 🤪. You’re right though. Houston is the gift that keeps giving. I know I was steadfast he’s not getting traded, but maybe. He’d have to go nuclear, and the coach and GM are going to get torched by the owner for not salvaging the situation. The football gods are against us. If I’m him (and I’m not), if the Fins make the right offer, that’s the place Watson would approve. The agent telling him, they turned around their team to 10-6 from 5-11, lots of young talent from last years draft and FA bonanza last year. Another 10 picks this year and they still have $26 mil. In cap space, why wouldn’t he want that destination? They have the $ to deal with his contract. The other would be SF. They have $12.5 mil. In space and just went to the SB last year. When their guys get healthy, it makes complete sense. I can’t see him approving a Jets trade. They have everything you want to make the deal, but that team is a hot mess. That actually would be best for us as even Watson can’t fix that team. So go J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets. Miami is a real threat. SF not so much so that would be second for me from a Bills perspective. We won’t see them for four years unless we both make the SB. Please not Miami as I still hate those guys from the 70’s.
  24. He is such a Swiss Army knife. I know that’s Lorax’s nickname, but he’s a WR, Returner, RB for gadget plays, and even last year a CB. That was impressive. He’s under utilized. Its not like he costs a ton. He’s definitely a value investment. Considering in the Titans game Roberts showed he’s not a great WR, I’m doing a 180 on him. I originally thought because we were 1st and 4th in the league fir kick and punt returns he’s worth the pick. Now, knowing McKenzies worth as a WR, and a gadget guy, he’s probably a much more versatile guy.
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