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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Wow, we are in post Bills Season boredom if this thread has turned into are farmers hard workers? Have fun gents.
  2. Thanks Bill for the review. I’m hopeful for Harris in the first. I seriously doubt he makes it to the second.
  3. Everything you said is irrefutable, but I believe he was asking if the media was using every excuse to not admit he had a bad game. I would agree he had a bad game, and his turf toe was more severe than he let on for good reason. You try not to let onto you’re opponent the significance of an injury without going too far to get in trouble with the league. My answer is yes, he had one bad game although it was in the biggest game of the year. It’s also a little demeaning to the Bucs as that defense had a great game, so when some media folks twist what we saw, it doesn’t make sense. Nord, I don’t read your post as not acknowledging how great the beginning of a career he’s had, just that several don’t want to admit, he played a bad game. I agree. It’s part that and part the defense played a great game in all phases. Thats my vote, and One reason I like Cosell is he’s not afraid to just state reality. He doesn’t pump up or down people. That’s why my favorite football show although least favorite station is Matchup.
  4. I could really see a push by the players and former players. I love Andre. It wouldn’t be a stretch to see Allen make a push, but privately. Who better as a Bills ambassador than Kelly to reach out, and have these guys go beyond the game and what his pass rushing abilities could do on the field, and speak to how he and others stayed in Buffalo because of the people. Bills mafia is the most well known and best fan base in all of the four professional sports.
  5. Now that we don’t have to trade, yes on Clowney, amd heck no on Clowney. He did nothing this year and has never lived up to his draft position.
  6. I don’t think they would restructure Brown as you’re just kicking the can down the road. With his injuries this year (I said this year not injury prone as that is not true if you look at his whole career), and subpar performance post injury, he probably would accept a pay cut. No necessarily the minimum, but a hit. Just one man’s opinion and could be wrong. Mosquitos don’t bite him out of respect. The most interesting man in the world. Stay thirsty my friend!
  7. Thanks Lime, amd good idea to do the wrap. I’m sure you know if you repainted you’re wife’s van, it immediately reduces the value by 25% on avg., at least that’s what an old friend who owns a dealership told me. He wasn’t selling me anything. I just don’t see the team putting out that kind of expense and labor for one game. It doesn’t make sense especially in a tough fiscal year or two.
  8. Now sure bud. They have the NFCW and SF will probably be better, AZ, same, and AFCN. Pitt’s going nowhere, nor is Cleveland and Baltimore. They also have it easy you’d think with Washington, but the Saints if Beees comes back. Here he has the NFCS, and AFCS. I don’t see an advantage and Buff is on the rise. He might like what’s happening here. I see top guys wanting a ring, where there is a need, would take good but not great $ to be part of it. Can you imagine this guy jumping on a burning table. This probably would be fun for him. He’s made around $100 mil. not including advertising, so a lot of guys like him wants a ring. GB and Buff. makes a lot of sense. With us he doesn’t have to play more than maybe 60-65%.
  9. I know I’m a pain in the butt with a bunch of fantasy stuff, but this one makes sense. STOP GETTING ME SO EXCITED! I’m in boys! Make it happen Beane. I hate this as I sound like a Madden kid. Just think about Star, Oliver, Jerrah (ours), and JJ. Edmunds would have a cake walk in his job. Jefferson, Butler, and even Addison should start worrying. Cut Brown and maybe we could even keep Williams, Mongo, Ford comes back, draft what we need, and sign a TE in FA. This morning they pointed out an experienced TE is critical as so few blow up in the draft. Cant wait for September, maybe.
  10. If at his age he wants a ring, he’d be smart to come here. I never wanted to trade for the guy, but with Star back, Edmunds and Oliver will be better like last year. Now you get him at a fair deal, you can cut several guys that didn’t perform. You can afford if there are some restructures, pay cuts, and cuts. I’m all for that one in this situation with no draft picks. Hes not dumb. He knows instead of GB, with a QB with only a couple years left, he could go with a #2 rated power rankings team, immediately help, keep someone to rotate, and make Oliver look really darn good. If he just wants $ then no. My guess is he wants a ring. Pitt doesn’t need him on defense, amd if he could be a 65% guy vs. 90% guy, he could maybe extend himself. How does any older but valuable player not want to get on this train when he knows he is what we need. Ive been anti watt trade, but I’m all for an ok contract no trade worries deal. That’s different.
  11. As long as we do the rest of the current units, I’m totally cool with the red helmets for a game or two, but the league I thought doesn’t allow that one. I could be wrong Hap. just don’t ever ever bring back the crap after with the stripes. I hated that league wide, and never want to see that stuff again.
  12. Royale, you’re normally on it and this doesn’t surprise me. My guess and I have nothing to back it up is Feliciano moves to Center, they use Ford at LG, cut Morse and most likely Brown (even though I don’t like it as I’m guessing he played hurt and why he was slower), and at RG, maybe Boettger. I know I threw Brown in there, but he’s a cap hit that allows us $ for extending Williams, or Milano. I doubt both, but Williams was fantastic as an example against TJ Watt for one game. I absolutely love Milano, and Sal and crew this morning even pointed out what an impact he made, but we can’t keep everyone.
  13. Seems to state what most know. We were fine in pass pro, and terrible in the rush by our line. Defense couldn’t get home.
  14. That’s a good point and San Jose is pretty. I had two companies I’ve worked for in the past have their home office there. I used to have fly out there (hated it for meetings four times a year) and there were no direct flights.
  15. GB, pay not attn. This is just a troll trying to stir things up. No one is saying they want Watson over Allen, and for that matter Watson isn’t going anywhere, nor is Wilson. QB’s like these two will never get released, and they certainly aren’t leaving $25-35 mil. on the table sitting out. This happens every off-season. Some person floats we should trade for Rodger, P. Manning back in the day, and so on. The worst part is solid Bills fans fall for it and starts a never ending thread. Have fun guys on scenarios that will never happen.
  16. That is a more than fair offer for a guy who is a .500 QB. I wouldn’t do it, but maybe Reich thinks he knows how to fix his problems.
  17. It’s funny you say that as my ex, wanted to go there so years ago, I flew with her on vacation to LA. We drove up and down the PCH a number of cities in CA. Of all the places we went and all the talk about how beautiful SF was to visit, I found it older and dirtier than expected and the bums everywhere in the streets was disgusting. There were some good parts, but several other places were much more beautiful.
  18. Appreciate you sharing, but it’s history. He could’ve helped us and I believe an effective FB would help our running game. Look what it did for SF in their SB year. They had one of the best running games in football. This year was just a mess for them in injuries at critical positions. Next year they will come back. We won’t face them for another three years which is good. it’s too bad as the girl would’ve probably grown to love Buffalo. Now they live in a beautiful city, but it’s one of the highest costs of living in the country.
  19. Teams most likely don’t think Milano is just another commodity like so many here. Our team was 12-1 when he played this year. Without him we were 3-3. I can definitely see Indy paying fair market value for him and they are a team that is close. They looked very good against us minus the Josh Allen factor.
  20. If we have another excellent year and get the national spot a couple of times, I could definitely see Geico, Amazon, or one of these Uber mega rich companies (and good for them) as they’ll get lots of exposure. These large companies want to be associated with a reparable winner. They know their will be more exposure to their name. I know you guys are having fun, but a Tim Hortons, Mighty Taco (as much as I love them) will never fly. It’s going to be a multi-national company who banks on lots of advertising. Look at how many insurance or commercial products companies flood the airwaves with advertising.
  21. You know I love what Roberts did for us, and he’s a value player, but McKenzie could be that Swiss Army knife. He’s a better WR, can return, probably not as good as a 31 yr. old, and has almost looked like a RB on reverses, and even played CB in a pinch. Roberts is a couple million, and if we get a decent return and reliable back up WR, and a gadget guy, who even can back up in a pinch CB, why let that go? I truly believe of the coaches put Stills and him in the game at KC, maybe there would’ve been more openings for Allen. It’s all hindsight, but the coaches should’ve known the limitations of our guys. Maybe the same outcome, but two healthy guys out there could’ve done something. It’s not just the KC game, but an example that a guy in a pinch as Roberts isn’t that guy as seen in the Titans game. Please know I always was a proponent prior to the year for Roberts, but he is a luxury. Just my opinion, but I want versatility, and he would be cheap.
  22. The voice of wisdom. I couldn’t agree more. It’s always nice to hear need vs. boa, but the truth for almost every team is BPA at say four positions if need. So if this team has decided we need a RB, Edge Rusher, CB, LB, TE, OL, they are going to look at their board say of these positions who is the best of one of these spots.
  23. I thought similarly once I listened to the longer clip. It speaks to though the media will twist words around so he’s not a rookie. He should know to just say I could've done better, and I’m sure my teammates who I love feel the same, but comes back to me. He should know people will parse his words bending to whatever they want to purvey.
  24. H2O, one thing I like is you try and provide thoughtful threads, so thank you. You also don’t just say what if, what if that? ive read and heard the same from a variety of sources. I don’t know how real these points are as it is a stretch to see Wilson, a franchise guy who you’d assume there is some serious deadcap $ with him. He might be just wrangling or his agent to have more input on strategy. I just don’t know as it’s not normal like the GB thing with Rodgers to think he’s going anywhere. You might be onto something, but again thanks for the thread. Definitely worth hearing discussions. The other part is in a Covid cap world this year, that’s a big swallow for his contract. I think it’s around $35 mil. Per year.
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