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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. It’s basically one of three things, restructure, reduce, or release. Restructuring doesn’t necessarily mean they lose $, it’s just converted to bonus so you kick the cap $ down the road if he doesn’t live out the contract. Reduce is not common, but in this year, there may be some guys if at 30 or above may be willing to take a small haircut to have two more years with a team we hope going to the SB. No one is going to take a massive haircut. Release, we’ll, that’s going to happen, and again the over 30 crowd, you have to look at what has and will be their production in the next two years. I think it’s premature as Thurm said there are so many variables, and ABC’s the next one up for contract renewal. Then the others follow son thereafter. The guess by some say as much as 100% increase. I don’t see that and some that I respect speculate in 2022-24 there could be a 50-75% increase, or maybe more if they not only go from 17-3 regular to pre-season games, amd an extra wildcard game, to the ultimate prize for the teams and players to 18-1, and two byes. The pie keeps getting bigger, they probably will increase starting roles to 55-57, amd I bet they maintain the 16 PS. Now this is just me piecing together a bunch of different analysts, but that means nothing. All of it could be wrong, so I’m not citing one particular I know the answer source, as that’s just not possible.
  2. Thanks Mark. Can you keep us in the loop maybe once a week or so. You know he has a lot of fans here and he’ll be recovering for sometime.
  3. Miyagi-San, always good to hear the wisdom from the ultimate Sen Sai. We were excellent pass pro, went 13-3, amend couldn’t agree more we lacked in rush offense. That doesn’t mean you throw out everyone, but to Lime, I agree Kroger was a very good influence on this line. There’s nothing wrong with floating that thought at all. Ford was pretty good as a first step Guard, and someone mentioned the other day Morse is meant more of a pulling Center, vs. a mauler. Maybe Kroger could help. Extending Williams would really help. Keep Boettger for depth, and let Winters walk.
  4. Thanks Lime. When I first scanned, I was surprised, but I was thinking about dad Dante, who retired from NE, but was commonly known as one of the best O Line coaches in football for 25-30 years. Not sure with Salah, but he is an up and comer and looks like he could be a very good HC. The proof with Salah will start this year as he is changing the D to a 4-3 like SF, has lots of cap space on a great year to have it and nice draft pick slots. They have six in the top 4 rounds with two #1’s, 1 2nd, 3 3rds, and a 4th, plus 3 more. Salah and Douglas will prove this year if they are solid hires. Last year Miami had 11 picks, and spent $235.8 in FA. They went from 5-11, to 10-6. That’s a nice improvement. They now have $30.8 mil., and another 10 picks. That should help them if they have a good Mgmt team and Coaching for the Jests to maybe start turning things around, but that’s a big maybe. Same for Miami. I’m really not worried about BFLO retaking the East, but maybe these other guys get to 7-9 for the Jets, and maybe another 10-6 for the Fins. Not rooting for them but realistic. Let’s see what good decisions our guys make.
  5. I don’t know as the opt outs are coming back so we’ll see how many on defense that took the biggest will help. They have a line, and RB’s, but need a QB, and targets (WR/TE). They have so much $, I can see them spending there. It’s not beyond to even consider a trade in the division with Darnold, but more likely they bring in Fitzy as a stop gap. The Jets will mop up in FA, so it’s possible they go after Milano. Both these comments does not mean I think they are both going to be good, but probably improved if the Pats find a QB. I’m not that worried as we’ll just have a little more competition this year. I can see another 5-1 divisional record as we might lose 1.
  6. I wasn’t, but then I don’t read people. I’m sure a lot of guys may have wanted to know.
  7. He most likely didn’t sign a futures contract as he probably thought he would shop his skills for more $ somewhere else, but the Bills can readdress once FA gets going. It makes sense. I’d love to take credit, but that was speculation from Sal C., and made sense to me.
  8. Some of my friends laugh as well as coworkers as I don’t even do Facebook. It’s not important to me, and no one has a vision into anything stupid I would write. I opened an act. Only to order my bike in SPIN classes years ago as that was the only way, but it’s completely blank. I’ve always thought, I’ll call, text, or email you. I guess the only thing is LinkedIn for me, only for professional reasons. Think about it, if you were famous for whatever reason, social media can only hurt you. You’re real friends aren’t going to share you’re texts, or emails. You mean the one with you and the midget. Don’t worry, I won’t tell.
  9. Happy to hear. He still needs prayers. Just to make sure a healthy recovery with no complications. To you guys that knows the daughters, please let them know all TSW is thinking of him and for many praying for him. 🙏
  10. VF, bud, you’re hearts in the right place, but jettisoning 4 DT’s, and you’re best but aging DE is not the solution, especially Star as it has been said hundreds of times Hughes is our most productive DE, Star is the requirement for our defense in a space eating DT. McD’s defenses have been historically depending on that one. I’m sure you’ve read and heard the implications to Oliver and Edmunds missing Star hurt our defense. I’ll grant you Butler especially, Jefferson, Addison, and Murphy are all an option, but you have to replace. We only have 8 picks. As far as extending Josh, the new contract doesn’t affect anything until 2022, and you’ve heard from a ton of resources the tv contracts should blow up the cap in 22. If we do the 5th year option, Allen’s number only goes up. You can structure a deal between the base, bonus, etc. to make his 2022 team friendly, and backload. As Pat Kirwan always says so I don’t steal his line, Restructure, Reduce, or Release.
  11. I said Cleveland. Why? He would play opposite Myles Garrett, they have $, they have talent, they won a playoff game, and could make their defense punishing even if he doesn’t get 16 sacks. GB, PITT, and some others are pipe dreams. They don’t have the $. Buffalo is a good choice for him, but we are tight on the cap and we need to extend people. You can only restructure, reduce, or remove so many. Id say no on Tampa, because if you were them, they already have Suh and JPP getting older on that line, so why wouldn’t they invest in extending Barrett who is much younger and a destructive force. Light is not dumb. They also have a bunch of others as URFA’s. If they cut anyone or not extend, it’s going to be the guys over 30.
  12. Always knew you were a closet backstreet boy. Next thing i know you’ll be taking sexy back. Seriously, a lot of conjecture as to him being gay, and who freakin cares? He didn’t play up to his draft status, and now he’s an idiot for making a social media statement. I wouldn’t take him if he’s available not because of above issues, just dumb to make this statement publicly. You’re just waiting for the next dumb statement. Remember when Chad Johnson went to the Pats, and he tried to even make a positive statement on the Pats. He was gone pretty soon afterwards. Like him or hate him, BB doesn’t want his players in social media. He can’t stop them, but he doesn’t have to play them. I learned a long time ago, working on the business side of medicine, never write anything at all you can’t defend in court. I used to tell my reps, if you’re upset as some doctors can be a pain at times, don’t text me, don’t email me, call me and we can talk about it. Sometimes people want to vent and I’m fine with it. Then they calm down, and you let cooler heads prevail. This generation has forgotten what our parents banged into our heads when we were young. Once you write it, it’s permanent.
  13. Well if the past predicts the future, he very well may trade up, but not necessarily do it in the first. It could be going from a low 2nd to a high 2nd. I don’t have it, but someone posts every year the trade value Jimmy Johnson or others assess to value of a pick. I don’t care to see it now, but after free agency calms down, on can make an intelligent argument for going from one spot to another.
  14. I’m certainly not an NFL Player, professional athlete, politician, or celebrity, but social media is not you’re friend. It’s too easy to say something from an emotional stand point, and you can’t take it back. It’s merely impossible today to not text, and email, but the rest always gets these guys in trouble.
  15. Agreed which is why I placed other. It actually depends on the week who gets hammered the most whether it’s Singletary, Knox, or Murphy. For awhile it’s Klein.
  16. Respectfully, that’s not how it works. The cap is based on shared revenue, so if that goes up, the cap goes up. There is a 10 year labor agreement, so at that point they have much more influence on what happens from the next contract. What will influence sooner the cap is in 2022 if the tv contracts explode as several outlets are speculating. My guess is these capologists are projecting they need to get through 2021, and then they can expect to manage these contracts. Stinks for us this year whether the cap ends up at $180.5, $185, $190, and so on. It would’ve been nice to make a run at a guy like Shaq Barrett, but that’s unlikely. Beane and crew should be able to figure a way to extend their priorities. Their may be more pay cuts by some players, but that’s still a minority. As much as I love for example Milano, someone with serious space, will probably grab him, and we will lose on that one. Someone shared a podcast that did a nice job articulating the cap, influences, restructure, pay cut, or cut and the implications.
  17. Kenny and family, 🙏 As Hap mentioned prayers for no complications. When I worked in coronary, it is absolutely amazing how many advancements have been in this space. Happy thoughts for the guy who has been a symbol of Bills Mafia. OP, thank you sincerely for sharing. If you know the family, please let them know we are praying for him.
  18. I don’t want to go down the Covid path other than I trust we’ll figure it out as well as the nfl. Cant wait to see a somewhat full stadium in orchard park in the fall.
  19. I think we can add Einstein to the Plato, Socrates, Aristotle to the list. In the indomitable words of bugs bunny, “what a maroon”, but that’s what you were going for to tick people off. Be more creative. Lastly, HE’s 21! What’s you’re excuse for saying something so m....c?
  20. Always the s... stir. That was a funny thread last year. When not injured all at the same time in the Championship game. That was fun. We might even see a surprise from Hodgins given a good camp last year before the injury. If we cut Brown, and I’m not suggesting g we should do that as he was banged up this year, but might be a necessity, we need speed.
  21. Well, pope is a reflection of either performance or crap opposing talent, or injuries. It makes a great deal of sense the lower drafted persons get incentives to play better.
  22. Well he played Guard in HS, was rated one of the best going into college, and in college was an excellent Guard. The mistake was ever placing him at tackle, but they had a need in 19. The footing and blocking skills is so much different from a Tackle than a Guard. Some guys can do it, but usually they had varied experiences younger, or placed in a pinch due to an injury from the starter. John, you might be right. They will give him at least a year to see what they have in 2021. If he’s horrible halfway through (I doubt at LG), he might get benched to second string, but I doubt he’s traded. He’s cheap labor. It’s likely he helps in our run game. If Morse is used as a pulling center which is a strength for him, then that leave a nice cut back seam for Moss, Singletary, or whoever they draft. That would help when we need it. We are now a passing team (which is weird saying given m decades long watching this team), but having a solid run game when it is needed is a nice addition. Tampa was not a top running team, but they were effective when they needed it. Nice take John.
  23. I don’t see how they could find the space, but if Beane had a plan to target one edge rusher, it would be Shaq Barrett for me. I don’t see any scenario where that happens, but Tampa will most likely prioritize him the most for an extension from all of their URFA’s. We’re going to need to have one heck of a draft.
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