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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I don’t think another WR makes us better. An effective running game and an effective pass rush with 4 makes us better. We have a lot going for us. One of the better secondaries in the league, an offensive line with excellent pass pro, even if run blocking is not the best, and an excellent passing game.
  2. Well, the latest I heard was abc 30%, but the NFL refutes this news. The wide range of percentages are just speculation. One side says 100%, and the other 20%. They’ll end up somewhere in the middle. The good news is once we get past this year, the pie will get bigger.
  3. Hardboy, the NFL HOF started in 1960. You’re correct there are a lot of players from the inception that never made it in the hall. I’m not the best historian, but i know there are guys from the 30’s etc. that will never get in and that is too bad. Even the senior committee tries their best, but not sure if they found everyone that innovative for their time. The century committee was a good start last year throwing in 20 or so total.
  4. Chongli, first I want to commend you. A healthy debate is great and why so many of us keep coming here. Of the rookies this year posting, you have put out very thoughtful well informed, and researched threads. Also, several guys this year for some reason have been veiled or hidden agenda guys not really Bills fans. I’m not the guy to call people out, and it’s fine for people that love this team to question decisions. You on the other hand have started several threads that were thoughtful, seems like you do love this team, and wanted to say thank you. Regarding the thread, my first quick pass as I’ll probably read later tonight in it’s entirety is very interesting. I don’t doubt Gore gets the yellow jacket. He’s the third all time rusher. I doubt anyone is going to let him get another 726 yards to get past Payton. It’s really too bad we mismanaged this team to lose Peters. It speaks to the buffoons we had in charge at that time. I don’t have a problem with guys still early in their career not being a lock like Diggs. Barring injuries for him and White if repeating year after year will get there. Maybe Allen someday. That’s a conversation for a decade from now.
  5. Is it that or does he realize he can’t fix the run blocking mid season and Moss was hurt later in the year. They ran well against the Chargers and Pats. I think they need to adapt their blocking style and yes they need a more explosive back to make it work. My guess is he relied on Allen more because he didn’t think Singletary could get it done, and neither did the Chiefs. I could very well be wrong as that happens on occasion (or more 😇). We’ve all said to get to the big game we need a running game, and an effective rush with four. I like to be a glass half full, so the positive is we get another year of Allen and Daboll together and should be able to be creative with their plans for next year. They have the entire off season to review all of their games and see what they can improve upon and what they need to tweak. I’m betting not as much personnel, but a change in blocking scheme. Heck, they might even bring in a consultant. There are a lot of line coaching gurus out there that could consult and assist.
  6. This topic came up in the beginning of the football year if memory serves when we won the first four games or maybe earlier. Some on this board were calling for his head the previous year, then others were saying he’s going to be a head coach at the end of the year. I stated a couple of times he’ll need to show over a couple of years and he will most likely get a strong look. I also said eventually Frazier would get another shot if we have two great years. I was roasted for those opinions and that’s ok. Most people are polite in their disagreements and makes it interesting hearing opposing views. I’m still of the opinion both are coordinators if they replicate their performances to another SB run whether we get there or not, will receive strong consideration. I firmly believe we will have a very good year in 2021, amd Im prepared we lose one or both in 2022. It somewhat reflects what I’ve read here in that maybe other owners want to see consistency. Daboll was considered by the Chargers in my opinion as he has a relationship with the GM as they go back to high school so they are familiar with each other. The Jets have watched up close what Daboll’s schemes have done against them. Bottom line is if he continues to have a leading offense in the top three and is given partial credit for Allen’s ascendence, then he will be looked at by the avg. 7 teams that fire their coach a year fir a position. Besides no one knows if he turned down the Jets given that dumpster fire. What can elevate him is it’s commonly known McD’s strength is defense so Daboll may work under McD’s direction, but it’s his creativity and decision making that helped this team.
  7. It’s kind of like Bass in the beginning of the year, but for different reasons. Bass had the gutters and needed to calm down. Now we have one of the better long kickers in the league and he’s cheap. Klein on the other hand didn’t have the system down, so it took awhile and then he improved. There’s no doubt Milano is better, but it just seems the Bills are giving subtle notice they won’t compete with the teams that have tons of cap space. I hate it, but it’s the reality of a good team. They are going to lose people at times. I hate it, but it’s true. Im also very hopeful on Dane. I don’t know how many resources we need to spend this off season on these spots. I’m more concerned with a pass rush from the front four, and a running game. My only last interest is TE. Now whether it’s the running back or the line, I don’t know. That line was excellent in pass pro all year. I certainly don’t want sweeping changes, but I can hope and it’s just hope Ford showed some promise as a run blocking Guard. Hap, you said it about Morse, he was not meant to be a mauler, but a pulling Center. I could see Dawkins, Ford, and Morse used differently in the run game pulling to creat more seams for the RB’s. It would be nice to see that improvement, so we can invest a little more on D. Williams to shore up the line.
  8. Well, it’s liars season so I wouldn’t believe much. The only reason to consider another WR is if negotiations (if they are happening at all) with Brown’s camp to reduce or restructure fails, and they feel compelled to release. Besides, is it really sound to bring in a person who’s been injured several times. We have other positions where we could use value players, and even at that, I don’t know we’ll be that busy in FA. Not at least the first wave. That’s reserved for the Jags, Jets, Pats, Colts, Broncos, WFT, Carolina, etc. These guys will get value buys this year with their cap space, depending upon how many have free agents they want to extend.
  9. I still contend it would be suicide for Caserio and the no name new head coach to allow it. Once the draft is over, the picks etc., are less of a motivator for the Texans. What is Watson going to leave $25 mil. In a holdout. That won’t happen. The new coach and GM will have to try and find a way to mend fences. I don’t see it. I'm just a regular guy so I could be wrong, but I would be shocked if we ever see this trade this year. It is even more advantageous for other teams as Watson’s contract had a ton in bonuses making his salary very palatable for other teams, but even more powerful motivator by the Texans to not take any offers.
  10. I was going to say something similar. Given we most likely are not going for something big in FA with most likely less to spend (outlier it’s possible, but not likely we could get Watt if several things bounce our way) so the first three rounds we could stay put, and the later picks we could move down to increase numbers. We have a pretty talented team that will have another year with the same coaching staff, and continuity helps the younger guys like a Dane Jackson. Beane has a hx of trading up so if he sees a target, he may go for it.
  11. I’m glad to hear Beane have a high opinion of Collinsworth. Sherman trying to work the angle to get to Buffalo. I’d much rather see a second year 7th rounder who may be a gem found late that can be our #2 in time. Why go after a 33 yr. old vet who is past his prime. We gave that a shot with Norman. It didn’t work. I don’t hate Collinsworth as much as several, but I’ll agree he is annoying at times. It was still worth a click so thanks OP.
  12. Williams is worth doing our best to keep him. It’s not easy to find a quality RT. As far as Beane, since his arrival we’ve made the playoffs three times, ended the drought, won the East for the first in 25 years, and made the championship game. I think it’s safe to say the professionals think he was the best GM in the league this year. Aussie, thanks as I like Ginetti. Both OTC and Spotrac are a real value to NFL fans, and provide good info. in making decisions as to value of players, etc.
  13. The only way we dump Barkley for Fitz or Dalton, is if they accepted what we have paid Barkley. We are not wasting more $ on a backup when we have other interests to get to the big game, and have players we really need to extend. This is the critical issue in our roster. 😓. Wasn’t that what someone posted in the beginning of the season?
  14. LA, that’s why I voted to let him go. In two years they never have used him to his strengths so why bother keeping him? This is a year picking at 30 where Harris makes sense. It’s not like we are going to get a top flight Edge Rusher at that spot. Yolo, thanks for doing this series. It’s actually enjoyable to talk about in the off season. I hope you consider making this a yearly thing in Februaries, as the free agent talk will heats up especially in March, we’ll see lots of releases, then it’s all draft, all the time in April. Then we just suffer with baseball until it starts again. Sorry for you guys who like MLB, but for me the only thing worse than baseball is soccer. Sorry GB and Aussie. No futbol for me.
  15. Why doesn’t the GMFB audience realize he’s trying to hold on for one more year as he’s aware no one is going to pick him up. He’s been over the hill for a couple of years.
  16. Saint, I just mean it’s easier fir revisionist history to look back 10 years and the author of the article stating I would’ve picked this guy or that guy. Well, he has the luxury of how they performed in the NFL for anywhere of 10 or less years. That’s the easy part. There is no doubt our previous GM’s were not good at all prior to Beane. I hope that clarifies. It’s kind of a big so what as I can look back year by year, see who worked out on ours or another team, or drafted better than us.
  17. I read the first comment, and then looked up. Oh it’s just Augie. You had me for a second. Carry on mate.
  18. You just did. I’m just kidding Iron. The real question is did you actually listen to that music decades ago? I thought it was cool the second 300 movie had it as their song. Probably. Thats why I’m not expecting any of the guys I mentioned. It would be great but not feasible.
  19. Sound points. I agree the top guys, ie. Barrett would be worth it. That is a Diggs move I could get incredible excited about just like McD and Frazier. How Cooke would it be to have that talent in a team that just went 13-3? He could be here for the next 6+ years wreaking havoc on opposing offenses. As an aside, I know Hughes is getting older, but as the #2 guy who isn’t missing games and hasn’t in all he does dropped off ostensibly would benefit. I don’t see him here in two years either.
  20. Roy, I was thinking the same thing, wait for fit, wait for it. BIG BANG reference. What is he supposed to say? He knows he needs to get the FA and Draft done, see what shakes out, see the cap, get UDFA’s done as this is playoff time now. It’s one of the many reasons you see a lot of these contracts get hammered out in the summer. IDK if he gets extended now or later nor does anyone else. He’s inevitable. (a little Thanos reference there). They also have at least one network new contract of the many that may happen in the next four months. More info. Allows them to plan.
  21. weo, I love those two guys too, but I don’t see us finding $19 mil. Which is what it would most likely cost for these guys. Ngokue too. Von is coming from persons not paying attention. It’s already been said on injuries, getting older and under police investigations. That’s along the line of a snowball in ... I seriously doubt GB as they are already -$4.5 mil, have a boat load of URFA’s and just don’t see it. So is Pitt. If a team friendly deal to get OT a winner, I stand that Cleveland is probably the front runner. He gets to play opposite Garrett. No more double teams on him for a team that is closing in on probably competing with Baltimore for the North. Pittsburgh has an old QB, three, I repeat three starting O Lineman gone, and several other expensive players to figure out including Watt’s brother in TJ. We have a chance if he wants to be with us for say $12-13 mil. but we’ll find out how much does he really want a championship vs. a payday, but on a good team. Our offense is far superior to the Browns, not in the run, but the more important aspect, the pass. That’s not changing. Watt could be the savior with the most rabid fan base in the country as edge rusher is what we need. If we had him at the right price, along with Hughes probably showing improvement over an already very good season and a secondary that could lock people down. Don't forget with Star back, Oliver and Edmunds immediately should look better. We’ll see if he really wants to be a champion, or on a very good team that might get farther in the playoffs.
  22. Well lets consult Robs buddy and see if he had an M stool this week. Rob did he say it was anything like this? Just kidding Rid man.
  23. It’s so easy to do the hindsight, vs, actually doing the job of these GM’s. There is no doubt before Beane, the only GM we had worth his salt was Butler and before him Polian. I know Butler placed us in a cap problem, but he assembled a heckova defense primarily from FA and trades. I read it, but these writers get to look how smart they are as they have the results to critticize the guys who actually had to make the pics. Thanks OP for sharing as not toward you. It’s just an easy to write as you have the luxury of knowing what happens for the last 10 years.
  24. Nice Lombardi imitation. You have to insert the NYC in him. “What’s goin Arond hera? Nice laugh and stupid take from the writer. This goes back, “hey should trade for Montana, Rodgers, Reggie White, Aaron Donald, and on and on and on”. Not bangin on the OP, but the author of the article. I’m dumber for reading it as the famous Sandler movie clip.
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