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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Restructure - just change the contract where if it’s $30 mil over 4 yrs, just means you convert salary to bonus, they get the same $, but just pushed back to future years. Reduce - Pay cut, ie. $9.5 mil to $7 mil. this year. Release - cut the player. A lot of people say restructure when they mean reduce. Not accusing anyone, and as many agree (eball, Hap, Gugs, and so on 😜) I’m not the brightest bulb in the house, but I stole from Pat Kirwan on MTC. I thought it was a catchy phrase others are now using on various shows. I hope this helps. We definitely can restructure $, but just means we are banking with the new potential tv deals, the cap goes up exponentially so you kick the can down the road. The Saints practically invented it, but they are going to pay for it this year. If it does go up even remotely close to the prognostications, we’ll be fine.
  2. The problem guys is sitting in Beane’s seat. He did not value J. Phillips and Shaq’s at what AZ and Miami did so he was in a bind. He has his colleague and friend McD in his ear, we need a pass rusher and now. They went to a guy who was avg. 9.5 sacks a year for the last four years and they knew him. It’s easy in retrospect to say this was a mistake, and maybe they should’ve kept Phillips, but Phillips didn’t exactly have a banner year in 2020 with 2 sacks.
  3. He reminds me if the crypt keeper from that old hbo series. I don’t mind him on his little spots on espn, but when he subbed in on MTC with Kirwan. It was like Captain Quint with the fingernails scratching. No offense to you Quint on this board.
  4. Inigo, my Spaniard friend, and no I don’t have six fingers before you ask (still is my favorite family movie), you pose a question my Uncle Gene would pose. So Daniel (my real first name, but only followed with Edward, my middle name when trouble with my mom), would you like the liver or the Lima beans? I don’t relish GM’s of perennial good teams with excellent records (can’t believe I’m saying that about the Bills, but feels awesome), the difficult decisions they have to make about excellent players that they can’t keep. If pushed for an answer, Id say Williams. I’m on record hundreds of times how much I love Milano, but Williams was not the o line problem this year.
  5. NP mate. BTW, love the accent. I would’ve dated a lot more women with that accent. Hopefully you made the most of it in you’re youth.
  6. Both of you guys class acts. Nice to see when guys just agree to disagree and both have good points.
  7. I loved Kiper’s interview on Josh stating the number of players at Wyoming were drafted, and the lack of volume of throws. Kipper stated this before and after the draft. He was spot on with his evaluation.
  8. Marino like Sapp (dude is such a tool) dropped due to the wacky tabaccy. Even more than Kelly, Marino is the best QB I’ve ever seen. I loved Manning, but that release of Marino was something I’ve never seen. Him singlehandedly winning over the 85 Bears was incredible.
  9. Rc, IDK, he was the third highest TE in the league as a pass catcher behind Kelce and Kittle in 2019.
  10. PT, coming through again. Nice link. Not on you, but if the writer would’ve done his hw. and added either the spotrac or OTC market value for each of those guys, would be awesome. Seriously, thanks PT.
  11. All of this talk about Yannick had me thinking and others have mentioned in some form. Cap Savings with Release Addison $6,162,980 Jefferson. $6,500,000 Butler. $6,818,750 Total $19,480,750 Yannick's market value $15,500,500. Given we get Star back, it would upgrade our line as I didn’t see a lot from the above 3. I was in favor last year so true confessions of bringing in Jefferson and Addison. Certainly a lot more than that tool Clowney. I was wrong. We still have Hughes, Star, H. Phillips, Oliver (who performed better when next to Star), Ngakoue, Cox, Epenesa, and Johnson. If he in a tough year accepts that contract for no other reason as a fair contract, and a team one game away from the SB. To me, that is an upgrade from the 2020 team. Like so many others have said, what are the three priorities? A pass rush with four, check Hughes would be better with Yannick on the other side. A run game, and an upgrade at TE. I don’t know if we can accomplish all three, but we are close.
  12. Yep, Rivers is a big boy. All 6’5” of him. It’s crazy as he hasn’t missed a game in 15 years. I was shocked considering how much he’s been knocked around for 15 years. Allen is one competitive dude. I love it.
  13. Doesn’t apply when you have a Super Allen! Look it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s SUPER ALLEN! Id love it, but seriously doubt it.
  14. Amen GB. This is the first time since I was in HS, I have felt we were going to have a decade long run of success. If you were a fan at that time, we were in the playoffs 10 of 12 years from 88-99. It became an expectation. IMO, we are on our way to another run. The good news, with all respect to our founder of the foolish 8 (or at least a part of it), Ralph kept the Bills here and was an advocate for small market NFL teams, but he had his flaws. The Pegulas have run this team very well minus the Wrex hire. This will support having a proper organization from the top down, and as a result success. We just had the GM of the year, and IMO, the real Coach of the Year. Everything else falls from there. Go Bills!
  15. Inigo, “spot on with the conventional wisdom”. This was exactly the mood around here. My recollections were we would continue to have a top 5 defense, we would finish 10-11 wins, and win a playoff game. I also thought we would have success if Allen could improve to 63-65% completion rate. Well he and they blew all of these predictions out of the water, and took time, but the defense came around halfway through the season. I felt the change took place starting with the Seahawks game. I didn’t think we would win that game and was so happily excited to be wrong. That was the time I started raising my expectations for the year. What a great year for other worldly matters such a hard year. This team made 2020 more palatable for my affect. Sounds crazy, but they were one of the shining distractions. I can’t wait for 2021. For the person who thinks Allen has to do something more, that is the definition of glass half empty, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.
  16. As much as I’d love to have him as our backup, if he feels done, he’s done. Most players don’t want to coach other than maybe their kids in little league or HS. I don’t blame him for just being a dad. He certainly after 16 years or so doesn’t need the $. To the OP, thank you for sharing. It was a good read, and Clayton doesn’t usually report sensationalistic stuff. He’s usually sourced his stories from what I’ve read over the years.
  17. As I stated all of it was his opinion and was on demand, not sure which night this past week. Either Tuesday or Wednesday. I did paraphrase, but did not insert my thoughts as I would have said this is my opinion. He’s worth listening for a few minutes on his show as he has interesting opinions on various teams. It is fun to call in and for the couple of times I have done it, I would just ask his opinion on a Bills point.
  18. Hap, he’s on some weeks on T night, and some nights W night. Listen for yourself. I did try and summarize as best as possible, but feel free to edit. I’m not in the habit of creating fake news. He was pretty fair balanced in a valuable player, but not we have to keep him at any rate. They do store those shows for a couple of days if you have NFLR.
  19. If you read the article and not sure if any other outlet reported it, but it was not disclosed on the link. As far as him in Buffalo, that makes no sense. He’s 32 this month, although relatively durable the last 10 years, he’s not played since 2019 due to Covid and the injury. He’s a 3-4 OLB, so he doesn’t make any sense in our scheme. He’s been a great player, maybe HOFer especially if he comes back strong, but he’s way out of our price point even if we played a 3-4.
  20. You beat me to it. There has been such an overreaction to one game, and that game was only you know the Championship game against a team that won the SB last year. Now the other night I was nodding off to late hits on NFLR with Mr. Polian. That’s the only night of the week I’ll put it on for a few as he makes very interesting points. He stated what a lot of people think. The one directive with this odd season was to hold back on holding calls to escalate scoring and more interesting offensive play. That is except the SB. As a result, I don’t know if our pass pro was that excellent, or we benefited from refs friendly offensive line play. Probably some of both. Then a Bills fan called in and asked Polian about Feliciano. His response summarized is the ability to play efficiently play both Center and Guard means Mongo is incredibly smart. He also said he saw improvement in our line play when Feliciano came back from injury. He wasn’t necessarily inferring to extend him at top pay, but he did say it would be a loss to our team by not working with his agent for a reasonable contract. That’s just one person, but he is in the HOF. He did say if he tries to outprice himself this year with the issues in the cap, he’s going to make even less $ potentially from another team. Bottom line is Feliciano is taking a big risk if he pushes too hard on top $ in 2021. He’d help himself more if he took a 1 yr. extension with us, play well, and try again next year on a longer deal. Morse restructuring is smart and can partially be used on either Feliciano or Williams. If they really want to try and upgrade, they would be smart to do so in the draft in a mid round pick. Cheap labor, but a gamble he’s an upgrade from our current talent.
  21. I wasn’t surprised on these teams. The Packs have been flawed on their defensive picks during this four year period. The Pats have been a bad drafting team as well, and Wilson has commented how he is not surrounded with solid o line talent. Its true, Rodgers, Brady and Wilson have covered up a lot of flaws, and as much as so many Bills fans hate Brady, he had grown weary of BB not hitting on weapons. So as usual, we’ll articulated GB. PT101, thank you for the kind words and you couldn’t be more accurate that all drafts are still a game of chance, and there are no sure things. Lastly, the draft is only part of any story. To evaluate a team, the hardest part is sizing up drafting, choosing when to trade away draft picks for solid veterans, ie. Diggs, UDFA hits, and quality FA pick ups at the right price. Per his peers, the NFL seems to think Beane was the best overall GM for 2020. The sin as was stated by others a month ago is giving Coach of the Year to Stefanski over McD. That was a real sin.
  22. I wrote in another thread, Pat Kirwan on MTC Thursday tabulated 615 and growing Players are set to be released. He also had a bad year, and there is always a possibility with creative negotiations with Feliciano and D. Williams. You would have to be convinced he is far superior to Feliciano or Ford, or Boettger to sign him. Ford may only be able to play Guard, but Feliciano is serviceable at Guard and Center. I’m not saying to replace Morse, but he is the sure fire backup at Center to a guy who’s had five concussions. This is a big risk last year’s performance is a fluke vs. his play at this point. Beane would have to be convinced of his skills. If he and McD have reviewed all of his tape, and truly believe he is an upgrade to our line, then fine.
  23. To the OP, thank you finding a creating some data to support what the eyeballs see in Beane does a nice job in the draft, as well as McD if you include 2017. It’s one of the main reasons I’m confident he’ll find some gems this year although even more challenging as we are picking at the bottom of the draft order for most rounds. One thing I found interesting in the table is a false assumption. You would think the teams that have perennially excellent records would be picking towards the bottom of the draft, so you would assume they were not as good in the draft. It’s really the opposite. Outside of the Packers, Pats and Hawks who ranked 21-23rd, most of the top teams are also very successful teams. Basically supporting these teams not only draft well, but really well as they pick later in the draft. So OP, the next time some knucklehead posts again how bad McBeane is in the draft, feel free to post this reply over and over gain. If you don’t, I will. Good job bud. The issue for me is not a critical eye on the flaws of the team as every team has flaws. The no duh is we didn’t run well, we are flawed at TE, we haven’t found a good rush with four. Those are well founded, but the remarks that just aren’t accurate in anyway is what I think annoys some.
  24. I’ve only read the first page so apologies if others have commented. Restructuring just means his current contract in part is converted from salary to bonus so spread out over the contract (there are other nuances, but basically not a pay cut just moving $). There is no reason for a player to not accept as they just get more $ up front. What I’m guessing whoever reported was not a restructure, but a reduction. For example, John Brown is $9.5 mil. against the cap and a cap reduction of let go of $8 mil. A reduction is he is willing to reduce his contract to $7 mil., from $9.5. That is the most logical situation. He’s 32, plays almost every game, has a dead cap hit of $2.1 mil., and a cap hit of $9.45 mil.. They are probably asking him given his age to shade off say $2 mil.. He knows this is a tough year so he doesn’t at 32 want to be on the street. I was listening to MTC yesterday on NFLR, and Kirwan mentioned they are up to 615 reported releases by FA time. He speculated there most likely would see an increase to 700 in the next week or so. What was interesting is that is approximately 35% of the 2020 league. It’s never happened in the NFL. Do you really think any player over 30 wants to be part of that crew. These guys and their agents aren’t dumb. They know of they hold the line, they’ll have to accept less than their reduction somewhere else. Beane is smart and that is why we didn’t get Watt. He was only willing to go so far for an over 30 guy, and AZ overpaid. That’s a Doug Whaley move.
  25. This was a good decision and doesn’t affect the 2021 cap. With these new contracts wherever they land the cap will certainly go up in 2022 and beyond. Having this tandem in the backfield and Tre’s extension before the ridiculous contracts for others like Ramsey was a smart move. Get er dun Beaner.
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