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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. You have absolutely no idea like me and everyone on this board has no inside sources. Star is key to this defense and smells like inspiring fear. Done with is silly thread.
  2. Don, I don’t disagree at all, but it’s been around since FA started with Reggie White. I don’t see it ever changing. I’m happy they added recently the comp pics for promotions in management and coaching for diversity persons. It was a solid decision with the Rooney rule stuff. One of the things the MTC guys mentioned that I thought was interesting was it’s really an 8 round draft, not a 7, and what about the teams that did everything right, but their 4th round pick, picking 2nd is now several spots lower due to the 3rd round comp. picks. Don, if you have Sirius, I think you’d like it. Anyway, good to hear from you brother.
  3. Listen to MTC on demand from yesterday, Wed. on Sirius, in the beginning Pat and Jim review exactly the comp. pick system. You don’t get a comp. pick for cuts like Brown and Jefferson. They go through in detail the formula. I hope that helps for those who don’t understand this formula.
  4. I never thought about the Bengals, but that makes a lot of sense. A healthy Brown would be great for Burrow. Burrow looks like the real deal before his injury. I felt bad for the guy, and the Bengals need weapons for Burrow. I’d hate see Smoke at the Pats or Jests. Both need weapons, but if I’m Brown, why go to a team that doesn’t have a QB. Now if the Jets take Wilson, and then another 1st, and then 5 more picks in the first 98 slots without anyone trading for Darnold. I wouldn’t be surprised another team giving away a 3rd for Darnold. I’m certainly not rooting for the Jests, but they can improve significantly and Brown could agree to it if they give him some assurances what support they will provide for him. I would strongly prefer the Bengals, But it could happen.
  5. Reduction, not restructure. Restructure just means you push the cap down the road. Now if he earns the incentives back, that’s fine. I forget he was primarily a 3 technique guy so thank you for sharing. Since he took the cut, it sounds like a good decision to play opposite of Star, and rotate with Oliver. The key is what can be done opposite if Hughes. I was in favor of Addison, but he had a down year. Can he come back to the four years prior to 2020, or can he be replaced and cut? I don’t know, but I’m expecting more moves from Beane. He’s not dumb. His end of year conference screamed he wante upgrades at TE, Edge Rush, and the running game.
  6. To me it’s a balancing act. Mortgaging the future too much will place us where we were in the late 90’s with John Butler. I loved him at the time post Polian, but he mortgaged the future buying tons of defensive talent like Spielman, Big Teddy, Wiley, Paul, and so on. Donahue was brought into fix it, when Butler went to SD and we know what a banner job he did. I understand the sentiment to buy a couple of stars and I floated the possibility of Ngakoue, but Inigo you are right. The problem even for some of soundest smartest guys on this board who are so passionate about the Bills, they want to whatever it takes to get that first SB championship. Most of us aren’t old enough to remember the 60’s championship wins. As always Inigo, thank for such a thoughtful and thorough thread that places things into perspective. I guess the insiders knew what they were doing when they voted him for executive of the year. I see the mood down here in Tampa after they pulled off what most thought wasn’t possible. To completely emasculate the Chiefs to 0 TD’s in the biggest game of the year. People in this city have been on cloud 9 since that night. I just want the same for my present and former Buffalo brethren. Besides, unless there more pay cuts, we don’t have that much. Some wise man again on this board have reminded us in years past we have to keep $12 mil. minimum in the rears. $7 mil. for the draft, and a $5 mil., emergency fund as players get hurt, and replacements are needed every year. So if we can find one or two more players to accept modest cuts, that would be optimal.
  7. He was mediocre in SF and worse in a Miami. It’s too bad as I saw him a couple of times in Brooksville in HS. For those that don’t know it’s a risky dink town about 50 minutes north of Tampa. He looked so fast back then, but he was playing against slower players. Maybe give him a workout post draft and I’m sure Daboll and McD will evaluate whether he can contribute on this team.
  8. He’s 32 and took a year off. I wouldn’t write off Ford yet. He had one season and was moved back and forth out of necessity from RT to G. He was a natural G in HS and college. They were placing a square peg into a round hole. It wasn’t fair to him. If they went ahead and just slotted him at G, he may have had a better 2019. Now if in 2021, he plays strictly at LG and loses the starting job fine. I’m guessing he will steadily improve all year and he is still cheap labor. Thats much better than bringing in a 32 yr old player that could get hurt again. This is not a great year for players over 30.
  9. Exactly. This argument has been made so many times, and people keep demonstrating a lack of understanding of comp picks. When you lose good players to free agency like possibly Milano of happens, you get a comp pick the next year. The design was never ever to help bad teams. Those teams like ours for 17 years was mismanaged and drafted poorly, hired mediocre coaches and management so they perennially did not perform. The Bills did it to themselves in the drought. We constantly received higher draft picks, played for 2 of the 16 games opposing teams that were bad, and we still couldn’t get out of 3rd or 4th in the division. When teams are outbid in FA, they are given some compensation to develop draftees. It’s that simple. Dont take my word for it. Call into Movin the Chains tomorrow on NFLR and ask this exact question to Pat Kirwan and Jim Miller. Seriously ask that question. It’s one of their main points in the business season is to explain to the audience these points. They do it every year. Even if you don’t have Sirius, you can call in to their number and I’ll warn you most days you have to wait on hold for an hour or so, but it’s worth it. For those that didn’t play or coach, they also explain depth various aspects of the game. I’ve been meaning to call before one of their guest spots to get an answer. They have an o line coach for 35 years, name Paul Alexander. He’s very in depth in his o line answers to various questions. My question for the guys is to ask Alexander to make an assessment of the Bills o line, and why it seems they were excellent in pass pro, but lacking in run blocking. Was it as Polian mentioned not calling holding often in 2020, or is the Bills line that good in pass pro? The next point is what is it in their scheme that didn’t seem conducive to run blocking when they were better the two years prior. Im going to try and carve out time tomorrow afternoon if anyone is interested. I’m not sure the day of the week Alexander is in, but I’m going to ask them if they would table for his weekly spot and see what happens.
  10. Well said Hap. Reminds me of Jordan Phillips who did next to nothing until his contract year both in Miami and here, and then did nothing for his large contract in AZ. I’m weary if a guy who is mediocre, but then in a contract year pulls it all together. I’d much rather invest in Milano if he’s willing to accept a prove it deal for a year, then if he performs well in 2021, we look at a long term deal with the expected increase in the cap in 2022. From his perspective, he’s shined here, but who is to say he’ll shine in say Cleveland.
  11. You know the crazy thing they put out in NFLR and NFLN last year is no one has complete footage of SB#1. I believe it was called the world championship. They had to piece it together from multiple sources. Wow, has the league changed. Chandler is always such a great historian reminding us of our roots in this league. Keep it up Chand. I think it’s a great service fir the younger generation here in this board.
  12. We man, it’s funny you say this as I was listening to WGR this morning and the two were debating whether they release Brown, and use the $8mil, to make a run at Jonnu Smith from the Titans. He’s one of the best young durable TE’s available right now. They didn’t tag him, and spotrac has his value at $ 8 mil. I’d love to have the option of 12 personnel at times. Losing Brown was predictable, but they can get a speed guy somewhere in the draft, and we have Hodgins for another possession guy. As far as Marv., one small vignettes I appreciated was that I take my kids to Buffalo every September for a game as my Dad is a snowbird so we try and go up before he comes back to FL. Well, we’ve made a thing of it where between my siblings, cousins, nephews, we’d have 18-20 people at the game, and of course the bug Irish Catholic family reunion. Long story short we saw Marv in the airport on Monday morning, and he was so gracious taking a pic with my boys. He was kind and made small talk with my guys when he was ina. Rush to get to his plane. I’ll never forget such a small, but very kind gesture.
  13. David has been a significant contributor for the Bucs for nine years. I don’t see them keeping him during the voidable years.
  14. The NFL couldn’t agree on the length of time to steal from the future. The PA wanted phased out over 7-10 years, the league wanted th exit over 1-2 years. I don’t know where they landed, but the owners don’t want to shoulder all of the losses so hence, restructures, reductions, etc.
  15. I don’t have a strong opinion on him other than I thought he was drafted higher than expected, but then again some of the prognosticators thought he was a steal. He did improve throughout the year. You’d think he should improve in year 2. Part of the problem for all rookies is trying to have an impact with a training program like never before.
  16. You’re such a wisears. Probably one of the reasons I like you’re posts. He’s bored. That’s all. Levy was a good coach and a better guy, but not a great coach. I don’t think he could’ve done much about the last three SB’s as those teams were just better than us. The Giants one was a sin. I just moved to Tampa a few days before the game. It was so painful being across the street at the Tampa mall with 15,000 other folks. The local radio station similar to 97 rock in Buffalo put a movie screen on the side of Macy’s. They had vans with monster radio speakers. I had the unfortunate luck of being with friends who were all for the Giants. Ughh! McD will probably end up as the top Bills coach someday, but not today. To the OP, this will be a great conversation for us to have in seven years or so. I have a great deal of confidence he will get us past the finish line, and may end up the winningest coach in Bills history, and he does have something in his corner. Beane like Polian will go down as one of the best GM’s we’ve ever had, and like Polian has a vision for what he sees for our team.
  17. God if they kept those rules, someone would be dead today. Deacon Jones one year if they calculated sacks was speculated to have 36 I think in a 14 game season. Crazy thing is he caused the NFL to stop the ear slap given how many injuries he caused. I know people romanticize the bad old days, but the game is safer to a degree than it was back at that time. Guys are just too big and powerful vs. in the 60’s.
  18. What he said! So many people think o lineman grow on trees or franchise QB’s. You get an excellent player, you keep him. We benefited from cheap labor with D. Williams. Now we hopefully get a somewhat discount with the cap, but you don’t cut him. I may tick off some, but this isn’t Madden. You have a vision for you’re team, and you follow it. I love John Brown when he was healthy, but if it’s a choice between Brown and Williams, I’m protecting my QB. You can always draft a fast one trick pony WR, or you pick up one of the older guys for a year. Im curious on Hodgins as he’s a tall possession WR, not speed, but he had so much positive affirmations before his injury. I agree with Sal this morning, if it’s a question between Roberts, or McKenzie, it’s a no brainer. Roberts may be a great returner, but McKenzie is far more versatile, younger and depth. Last year I was a Roberts fan. Now with a lower cap, McKenzie does more for us.
  19. I was guessing this would happen as these players aren’t dumb. There have been future cuts to team rosters of upwards if 615 players and counting for when they can officially cut them. Feliciano is not going to get huge $ nor is Williams. Players who are smart will take lower prove it deals, and then rework their contracts next year. Dont be surprised if Feliciano and Williams accept lower than market $ with the agreement they can address again next year. With this kind of competition for jobs, players don’t have the leverage this year. Once the tv deals are redone, they will have the leverage and expect a lot of pay raises. It actually works somewhat in our favor as Allen, Edmunds etc. will come when we have the $ to pay. It really is too bad on Milano as some bad team with a lot of cap space will outbid us. Milano though will have to go to a non playoff team unless the Colts want him.
  20. We can’t all be old coots like you Chandman. 😜. Thanks for sharing pal. I love those old NFL Films presents stuff. That guy had the best voice for those films. My dad is 90 and he even remembers the first Buffalo Bills in the 40’s before he went off to Korea. I asked him if he’s so old he went in for the naming contest is 46. Needless to say, I can’t tell you how he replied as this is a family friendly board.
  21. Why Yolo, do you have some dumbbells needing to be rearranged? 😠
  22. Barley my friend, I enjoyed one or two of yours this weekend. It’s a running joke between he and I. Now cool up those hops for this weekend. On football, excellent points. It’s a significant risk to think we can do a mid round draft on a RT and expect To get the production of Williams.
  23. Mr. Unlimited is really Mr. Boring. In what world should he have a say in personnel decisions. It’s ridiculous. He’s still a great QB, most likely top 6-7 in the league, but publicly airing out criticisms of lineman is at you’re own peril. Does he realize they can let him get killed next year out of spite? I guess he never saw this... I think he just s..t himself.
  24. MAJ, nice write up and very thoughtful. I don’t agree with all of it, but you put a great deal of effort into the evaluation, so thank you.
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