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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Exactly, they reworked the line throughout the year with Winters, Long briefly, Ford towards the beginning and so on. 2021 you can assume Dawkins, Ford or Boettger, Morse, Mongo, and Williams. Sal keeps talking about Bates was a popular development guy from the coaches so we’ll see what happens. I didn’t expect both Feliciano to resign with us, and for him to accept $5.65 mil./yr.. He and his agent must have realized the market, and realized its best to just sit tight here. There is no reason to overreact that our line will not perform. They were one of the better pass pro lines in football. Barring injuries and the return of Ford at LG, things could be better this year. We blocked well in 2019 in the run. My guess is the line shuffling and the scheme are more if the problem vs. the players. When Feliciano returned, the line looked better. Beane is proving to our players, if you play well consistently, you’ll receive fair contracts. People freaked out about Diggs and then he turns out to be the best WR in the league and even with his restructure, was a heck of a lot cheaper than Hopkins and others. Some people went nuts when Tre received his contract, and then Ramsey fleeced LA. This is why Beane won the executive of the year. It probably changes our strategy moving forward. My guess is we may either release or get one or two more pay cuts (guessing maybe Hughes) or restructure one or two (Dawkins, Diggs, Tre). I’m still holding onto the fantasy we get Jonnu Smith as we are way out of the edge rusher market. No one really knows what will happen in the draft until free agency opens up and see what Beane does with whatever he has left. This should be a fun two weeks, and then we can obsess on the draft.
  2. I hate to do the social vs. just football thIng, but you fixed it for today. I know enough alcoholics to know they only say I’m sober today. I love that about those guys as they admit I have/had a problem, and I can promise today is ok.
  3. This screams of what I have been diametrically opposed that the Texans would be idiots to trade Watson. So I guess I’m wrong, and ok. Not first and certainly not the last. It’s such a sign the Texans are in full rebuild. Shaq was nice here, but it was a smart call for him for his family. These guys at their core want the $, so they set up their future. I never fault a guy for that call as it’s not about sports, winning, it’s about their value so they have 30 years just figuring out their real career post football. Shaq, hopefully you can prove yourself on a bad team, and maybe there is another move in the future.
  4. If you want 1-2 guys, you keep getting pay cuts, or restructures, then it’s Jonnu, and Ngakoue. Draft Etiene with the first. Fill the G with the second as I’m guessing Mongo is gone. The rest is just BPA, and enjoy. With Star back, Oliver and Edmunds immediately gets better. Dane Jackson has a breakout year. Whoo, whoo, Go Bills!
  5. And then there is Val Kilmer. Ugghh. Now Tombstone, “We’ll Johnny Ringo, looks like somebody walked all over you’re grave”. “I’m you’re Hunkleberry”. “ I was kiddin”. “I wasn’t”. Top 10 men’s movie.
  6. Congrats JMF. 32 years is quite the accomplishment. Sincerely. Dan (MGK)
  7. I’ve tried to listen on radio.com through my phone and my iPad, and it is blacked out for the NFL. It’s an NFL rule I believe, but all of the games are played on one of the Sirius stations. It’s annoying though if you are at a sports bar, the delay drives you nuts, so to me it’s not worth it. I don’t mind when I’m in the car as I don’t know what already happened 8-10 seconds ago. It’s a good question though and someone usually asks Howard and Jeremy at least once a year during the season. The cool thing is if you have Sirius, search from 80’s to the 100’s and you’ll find the radio broadcast from the Bills side, and from the opponents side. It is interesting to hear the opposites team’s position on plays vs. Murph, Steve, and Sal.
  8. WG, I know the steps. I was trained to be a Licensed Psychotherapist and practiced for five years and treated patients with addictions among other things before going into business. I’ve attended professionally to gain some understanding and interviewed many reformed alcoholics to better understand the influence had over them. As to the lambo and the outing of himself, I’ve known many alcoholics who were very comfortable sharing with acquaintances. What they told me is it is a very personal decision to be vocal or not about their addiction. I asked one guy was there ever a concern you’re employer would hold it against you, and he said that is one risk for some, especially if they drive fir work like a salesperson. I honestly don’t know if he went from social to heavy drinking to alcoholism. It is a progressive disease. I’m just happy he acknowledged and is working to remain sober so in that position, good for him. WG, I know you’re trying to be helpful so thank you.
  9. I have some perspective on the topic of PED’s. For perspective, I started lifting in HS, like most guys. The purpose for me at the time was to remain functionally strong and lean. When entering college, a couple of friends convinced me to try conventional powerlifting (Squat, Bench, Deadlift). I entered in both tested and untested meets. That went on until I blew out my knee at 32. I competed once or twice at 165 lbs., but 90% of my meets were at the 181 3/4 lbs.. So in my early 30’s I was squatting below the knee 600lbs., 410 lbs. bench (that’s with a press call = pause), and a 620 deadlift. I never once in my life took steroids, GH, or anything else except Creatine, and a bunch of other natural supplements. None of them helped except creatine (I later learned it can tax you’re kidneys. My thoughts are that in college if he was still developing, he could’ve gained a significant amt. of body weight, but as an adult, typically guys can gained maybe 15-20 lbs. on lifts each year. That is a generous estimate as some guys plateau and struggle to keep getting stronger. Guys, and. I knew a ton of them that took Roids or GH, have a tendency to blow out tendons and ligaments because they cannot strengthen at the same pace as muscles. I honestly don’t know if he is taking enhancers, but it’s fairly simple to test for steroids, but GH is a little more challenging. There are tricks people try to avoid a positive test. I don’t believe steroids are rampant as they would be testing positive more frequently, but they may be able to take GH in the off season and find a way to evade the test. I know back in my day which they don’t do anymore, the tested meets would do urine and lie detector. They stopped the lie detector long after I retired from competing. I was hair tested in the US championships, but they were only intermittently testing competitors as it was too expensive to test everyone. Im sure it’s in the NFL, but just don’t know how common, nor do you guys. You can get strong naturally, but just takes time, a ton of energy, a perfect nutritious diet, etc. What I suspect is when I see a grown man gaining 25-30 lbs. in one off season, and all of it muscle. One old example is Cornelius Bennet in one year going from 220 to 250 lbs. He just looked like he was juicing with the puffy face and had the juice look. A guy on this board who knows (not that he took them) a lot on the topic is BB (Buffalo Barbarian) as I think BB is still competing. Anyway, has Watt taken drugs, maybe, maybe not. It’s these guys personal decisions, and if caught should get suspended as it’s cheating. I never had the urge.
  10. I hope we can keep him, but $ is getting thin. Spotrac projects we need $6 mil. for this years draft, plus usually teams like $5 mil. For the insurance fund. Another $2 mil. for Bojo is coming from another player. I value Bojo., just not sure where Beane would find the $.
  11. I’m very happy he felt he was going down the wrong path. I’m a little surprised unless there is more. It he went only three times. He may have just not added any additional information. The people that I’ve known going into AA or any other addictions forum like NA, usually go for an extended period of time. As I mentioned, maybe he just didn’t want to elaborate more, and it’s his personal business. I think it was nice he was willing to open himself up to others. For those going south in this thread, I don’t know what to say. You must not either know or are aware of people struggling with addictions.
  12. I had foggy memories of OJ and Fergy in the late 70’s, but one of my distinct memories was beating the Fins for the opener in 1980 at Rich 17-7. It was so awesome as we were beaten 20 times in the 70’s by the Fish. That was a great year. Knox just exuded confidence and we would be a winner. He’s definitely the forgotten winning coach for the Bills. The old timers liked Saban, the middle aged guys was Levy, and the youngins McD, but Knox was the guy that turned our team around. Had Ralph not had the ego problem as Knox was a stubborn guy, it could’ve worked out better.
  13. I still contend both these QB’s aren’t going anywhere. Wilson complained about protection. Seattle just needs to use draft capital on linemen. Watson is dug in, but if Houston waits him out past the draft, they send a message to Watson you’re going to have to holdout and lose millions. His new GM and HC will keep working on Watson softening him up.
  14. Well, on the Roberts side, on avg. we were 1st in kick returns and 4th in punt returns. On McKenzies side, he just adds so much not only in returning, but in the offense in gadget plays, backup WR, and even without practicing (I guess) filled in as a CB. My vote is McKenzie. If you go by veteran minimums, you save around $240k by signing McKenzie over Roberts, but it’s really the impact McKenzie can have on offense in addition to returns I’m leaning that way. In a normal cap year, keep both. This year, no.
  15. GB, do you really think we can get an upgrade as a pass rusher at 30, or do you think we look for a trade partner to bundle picks to get much higher?
  16. Or ever. He is the most overrated player in the NFL. 0 sacks last year, and 3 in 2019. He’s only played 16 games once in 7 years. It’s not no, it’s heck no from Beane. I’d love Ngakoue, but I seriously doubt we can or would pay for him. Jonnu Smith is possible.
  17. I wouldn’t assume that one although logical. They could be targeting someone, and start the negotiations, amd the plan is convert Addison’s pay cut to just cut the guy. They could have him as the fall back plan, and if they lock up one of the studs talked about this off season, then go from a $2 mil. pay cut (hypothetically) to dropping him and save the $6+ mil. We’ll find out this week. Beane is getting a lot of love from NFLR lately at extending people that are priorities for the Bills. I’ve heard it on multiple shows amd good for him.
  18. We can rebuild him. The first bionic man. A little too old for me, but loved the reruns. As far as Barkley, hard pass.
  19. Well said and a reduction is not a restructure per se. It would be great if people just use Pat Kirwan’s three R’s. Restructure (kick the can down the road), Reduce (pay cut, maybe sometimes incentives to get part back, ie. Morse), and Release, ie. Brown and Jefferson. Restructuring into bonus can help for 2021 for some of the players mentioned like White and Dawkins, and there is very little downside for the player as they still get their $, just spaced over several years. This is one year as an exception Id advocate some restructuring, and keep the pressure onto to reduce where possible. I also wonder if they ask Hughes for a $1 mil. Reduction. He’ll be 33 by the time the season starts, so you know he doesn’t want to be on the street right now. He’d get paid even less by another team.
  20. Bud, just like the rest if us, you just have to keep checking Spotrac or OTC. They have the most up to date info. Anything else is questionable.
  21. MKD, sounds like a really nice boy. Tell him we loved it.
  22. McKenzie is more versatile. Maybe a few yards less in avg. returns, but can do so many other things. Roberts is a luxury.
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