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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. In 45 mile per hr. Winds and you’re coach was not smart in leaving 8 back. You might have won that game as you had a line and RB’s. We put up 194 rushing yards as you made it easy. You had a good team with Brady. If you draft some gem at QB, you might be right. You won’t do anything with Cam. Our secondary will pick him off and 20 years doesn’t matter. We have Allen now. You’ll see this year. I don’t hate the Pats like some, and certainly don’t hate Brady. You did leave if they had such an option of a HOF O Line coach. You’re guy was amazing for so long. You should be proud of him.
  2. So listening to NFLR just now, I heard the Pats are in on H. Henry as well as Jonnu and the two new WR’s. Smart on their part, and they had RB’s, and a decent o line. Now can Cam actually do something about it? I don’t think so. They get a defense back. As long as we have Allen, and we have an online that was never complete last year, we should be fine. Our secondary and LBS on a nickel defense is still better, the issue is will Star be back as he is critical, will Edmunds and Edmunds be better with Star, will Milano be healthy, and this could be a much better defense. I’ve wanted a Kamara guy like Etienne, but maybe we need d linemen. still too early to tell.
  3. I would never want to give $3 mil./yr. for Roberts. He was excellent for us, but this is not a year to spend on a luxury. McKenzie will do fine and hopefully has an expanded role in the offense. He’s quick, and we lost overall speed from Brown. It would be great to get another speed receiver in the mid rounds from the draft.
  4. Reddick and Dunlap, but we don’t have the $ to afford them. Clowney is horrible and can’t manage to play a whole season. He was supposed to be the next Mario Williams down in Houston, and he flamed out. If he couldn’t get sacks and penetrate effectively in next to Watt in his prime, he certainly wouldn’t here. Seattle never had any decent performances from Clowney.
  5. One thing that chapped me a little the other day is one of the shows was commenting on NFLR were commenting how with the opt outs coming back, and actually saying with the talented players most likely will have new weapons, the Pats will win 10-11 games and take a run at the East. I spit out my water as I was driving. I thought deja vu again after hearing all off season last year how great Cam will do with BB. I was thinking have you buttheads not seen the games last year. The Cheats will be lucky to win 8-9 games unless somehow they luck into a solid QB in the draft. Unless they bundle picks to move up, they shouldn’t be able to get there. QB’s always get pushed up in the draft as you get closer.
  6. Both out performed for their contract years, but this year, they both stunk (Phillips and Shaq). Star was more important than many wanted to admit in 2019. We had the 3rd best defense in yards in 2019, and 2nd best in points. Star played his part. If he really wants to retire, I would understand, but he’d leave a lot of $ on the table amd he’s only 31. If retiring, we would need a 1 technique guy either in FA, or in the draft.
  7. It’s evident they are choosing bigger taller FA as BB knows Cam is inaccurate, and needs targets with a large catch radius.
  8. Pass. Too expensive, too old, plays a 3-4, and was hurt and Covid last year. We don’t have the $ to pick up an expensive FA. I wanted to give it a shot, but a bunch of top guys are already gone.
  9. Agreed MM. I’d add Star returning also helps Edmunds. SC, good points. Frazier’s scheme was really out of necessity IMO, as our players weren’t good enough to get there with four. Therefore out of need we had to blitz. We can only hope as MM mentioned, Edmunds can get back to his sideline to sideline play. I’m hopeful a rotation of Oliver and Butler in his normal position, along with that Beast in Star, amd Jerry may improve to a degree. My concern is the Epenesa/Addison rotation. I was underwhelmed to say the least in Addison. I was taken in on the avg. of 9+ sacks the four previous years for Addison. I saw flashes from Epenesa, but not acquiring someone better yet is unfortunate. I’ll table judgment until the dust settles. GB has been on record several times indicating Addison was fading the last few years.
  10. He went to the Raiders fir $13 mil./yr., fir two years. I was a little surprised as he was projected in value at $15.5 mil. I would’ve liked him for his skills, but moving on. It is a little odd he’s joining his 4th team in three years. I can understand his issues with Ajax, but MN wasn’t a bad team, and the Ravens definitely not a bad team. Most players like Harbaugh.
  11. Well, they made it through three reductions in Morse, Butler, and Addison, but I haven’t seen any restructures yet (kicking the can down the road). It’s not Beane’s MO especially as he had to clean up the mess he inherited. I’m guessing he may ask for one or two more reductions before it’s over. As of now, we have $10.1 mil. In space, but Spotrac projects we need $6 mil. for the draft. Many teams like $5 mil. for an emergency fund for injuries during the year, so it’s a matter of waiting to see if there are any restructures, reductions or releases before we can consider any other acquisitions.
  12. Bruce, I believe it’s in Buffalo. The AFC is the home team in the 17th game, but you’re right in 2023 we play them in Washington for our normal 4 year rotation. That’s my understanding when they announced the proposed 17th game. I think it still has to be ratified by the owners and PA, but I believe that’s a formality.
  13. Scott, not getting in an argument bud as I like you’re arguments. Just Sal and the guys made a good point. There was not one game where we had Dawkins, Ford, Morse, Feliciano, and Williams. What happens there. I think that is a solid point. Injuries happen and maybe we have to sub in Boettger or Bates who showed promise. No doubt we need to be better so I agree with you. We just haven’t seen what that looks like and we have a limited amt of $, and more needs. I hope that’s ok as I agree we were good at pass pro but seriously deficient at run blocking. We just never saw a complete A team. If they suck, we’ll find out amd fast.
  14. As much as I thought him and Jonnu could help, so be it. Moving on.
  15. Did we go 6-10, or 13-3 and get to the championship game? Winners know how to keep winning.
  16. HD, thanks as so much easier than a new thread for every guy this week. Always knew I liked you even when I didn’t. 🤪
  17. I wanted him but not at this price. Good luck Jonnu. Not even close to worth $12 + mil.
  18. Not surprised. Isiah welcome to the family as you’re getting extended. He won’t cost much.
  19. Coot, thanks. I’ll check this out tonight. I like these kinds of articles using All22.
  20. Exactly, they reworked the line throughout the year with Winters, Long briefly, Ford towards the beginning and so on. 2021 you can assume Dawkins, Ford or Boettger, Morse, Mongo, and Williams. Sal keeps talking about Bates was a popular development guy from the coaches so we’ll see what happens. I didn’t expect both Feliciano to resign with us, and for him to accept $5.5 mil.
  21. I’m no on Carson. If we had the $ Jonnu Smith, not Henry. Similar talent, younger and more durable.
  22. At first I thought this was a bad joke, buts pure saints once again kicking the can down the road. Winston will probably start. Now that his eyes are fixed, maybe he makes better decisions. I doubt it, but just one more reasons the Bucs aregoing to own the south if they can find the $ for Barrett.
  23. With night games I sometimes watch the first half and dvr the second. I’m up between 4:30-5 am each work day so keep rhythm I’ll get up at 4 am and watch the second half I’m the am. It’s why I turn off the phone and won’t look at tbd until after I watch it. As far as terrible moments, I’ve never been so angry when McKelvin fumbled when we had the lead on the Pats. Uggh!!! Did I mention my freakin brother told me before I saw it. I wasn’t sure who I was more angry at after the play.
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