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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I wouldn’t expect people up north to do so. The early ones in the season tend to nail the east coast coming from the Ivory Coast of Africa. The ones later in the season seem to develop down by Mexico, and head towards occasionally the Naples area, but other times hit texas, LA, the Panhandle, etc. these are generalities so always exceptions. If anything the August, September ones are the ones Tampa people watch closely. Charlie scared the hell out of us. If it didn’t break south to Port Charlotte only 40 minutes from landfall, it would’ve made South Tampa, Katrina making it completely under water. South Tampa is below sea level. It would’ve destroyed this city for a decade.
  2. Good times What’s the contract out of curiosity?
  3. That’s why you go to Tampa. No direct hit in 100 years. One scare in 2004, but broke to Port Charlotte. That place looked like Lebanon after for a year. Hurricane Charlie. Canes don’t go into the gulf and do a 130 degree turn into Tampa. Anything east coast sucks or the Panhandle. Never really knew until I waited 11 hours for plywood for Charlie for my windows. That crap is no joke. Imagine The Bliz of 77, or the Icestorm if 76 and multiply it by 100.
  4. No worries bud. I hear you on BB wheels, but how can he package something to get either team to play ball? I just don’t see it. Now you maybe right, he gives so much capital away for many years, maybe. They’d have to give away the entire trade at 15 most rounds, and other years as those picks aren’t what Miami or the Jests can do. Now maybe partner as BB could care less after he retires, but Kraft is signing off his team in the dessert if he approved. ok, I’m out. Back to work. You guys are a very pleasant distraction. Just don’t want to ge fired. 🤪
  5. I told yu, sanitachian, not citachian. Classic movie. I don’t know which was worse in college in my frat house, Sunday nights having to choose in the common room, drink beer every time Montana said F...., or Star Trek reruns, having to drink every time the doors went shoosh. Needless to say Monday morning workouts were not fun after classes. Funny H2O.
  6. Everyone needs a Wang on a team. Just for you Maiden.
  7. Teef and Royal. No a snowballs chance the Pats gets either QB. Wilson it Watson. Teef, like the insertion of common sense. There is nothing to worry about. id love an Edge guy, but it’s not happening. I wish it were. It’s somewhat of a terrible event and you keep having ptsd of Brady beating us for 20 years. It’s over. The pats may have an ok team, 9-7, but they aren’t contending for a championship. Hey, bright side, Poyer and Milano get two more chances a year to tattoo Schuster, hopefully as well as the Cincy guy. Maybe a guy can dream a Mean Machine moment. Look at 1:14 into clip.
  8. Or Tinder. Hes quick and I don’t like FA RB’s, but only if he is cheap. Otherwise no. Drat Ettiene. It’s not like we are getting an Edge Rusher at 30. Then again a couple of guys are getting me excited about the Mack thing. That would far outweigh anyone if even remotely possible.
  9. Go to YouTube brotha. Only the pic came through. I’ll try and find it. These spoofs on SNL are hilarious.
  10. SG, if we get Mack, can you do me a favor and hack into Mack’s acct. and play this non stop into Mack’s computer the night before the Bills game. See what happens to the rider and he is Mahomes. Fake his face onto the character. Ok, maybe not as Imlike Mahomes. I don’t want to see what will happen to him if he watches this scene. Can you imagine Kyle Williams, Eric Wood, Conrad Dobler, and Takeo Spikes watching this scene with Mack on the Bills. Get the point Khalil. Here, let us remind you. Brady bad, you good. Get it. Pleas don’t get my hopes up guys. He is a one man wrecking machine. He’s up there with Donald.
  11. Probably at some high level meetings. 😜
  12. SC, god I hope you’re right. I think I’d give my left kidney for that guy. Can you imagine what he would do to Mahomes. It would be worth the fun of him absolutely destroying him in the championship game or for that matter the regular season next year. Ive been kidding with Doc on another thread so for my lack of brain cells sticking with one theme this morning so... SC, ENGAGE! Wait, did we just blow up Zero’s mind right now. I’m concerned he’ll have an aneurism. Someone call a doctor.
  13. That’s it I’m calling you Bones from now on. I coughed up my water reading this one. Not that I was driving or anything. Another damn suit to the cleaners. Watch for it halfway through. Reply “you’re a little of both”. Live long and Prosper Bones. “Why you green blooded inhuman!” Sorry I loved those reruns growing up. My brother and I would try and guess the episode on channel 29 within 30 seconds after school, playing sports and when we were trying to not let our parents know we weren’t doing our hw. Yet. And for the wisearses on the board, not saying any names (Weo, Ridge, House, Gugs), no I’ve never been to Comic-Con, have a suit, but I did watch the Big Bang theory last night.
  14. New Era nailed it with you bud. I can see you’re point. I hope he has enough gas left to have an impact, not only in the field, but can he be that mentor type to Davis and Hodgins. Still waiting for the McKenzie signing as I don’t want Hyde returning kicks and punts. That’s a mistake. I wish nothing but the best fir Brown. Maybe on this other team he has a ***** at earning #1 status again. Brandon Marshall said before the season who is an alumni stadium from UCF along with Davis, he was so advanced in his route running for Davis’s short career at UCF. If Sanders can just help him with a few more tips and even more with Hodgins, this could be excellent. Don’t get me wrong, I still want some kid round burner who is like a Ted ginn. Lots of speed not a lot of route running, but just flat out burns defenses. You can sometimes find those guys mid round. It’s gonna be fun.
  15. Thanks NE. It was fun back in the day. Now I have the joints of an AARP member.
  16. No argument Doctor. So Bones, ya got a pick you like at Guard (shameless Star Trek reference) in the draft?
  17. I think we’re ok brother. McD and Rivera are tight, but last year we really needed a DT, and Tim Settle would’ve been perfect out if WFT. They were deep in their line and he would’ve been cheap. Never happened. He was one of the best run stopping tackles in the league and Star just opted out. I still think he could help us, but I’m guessing Rivera told Beane to metaphorically go fish. I must have said this a couple of dozen times, I could be wrong. I just don’t see it. From the Texans perspective, what’s their motivation at all in conference. The other two have a lot more to offer. I’ve read Watson walked back from the Jets, but who knows if that is true. The Fins for him should be a no brainer. For the Fins, they have to compete with us, and proabably could if they could land him. Tua might be fine in time and remember Josh only had a 52.8% completion rate his rookie year. The fins are going to have to give up a lot for him. God I hope this DOES NOT happen. The only joy would be maybe the Jets improve with a much better coach, and we Duke it out with the Fins, the Jets third, and lowly Pats fourth this year and beyond. I just want so desperately for BB to go into anonymity as terrible right Brady leaves. I don’t hate Brady like I hate this crap if BB playing chess when everyone else plays checkers. Go into retirement BB with a terrible record post Brady.
  18. Probably Rudolph. At his age a prove it deal 2 years, but can get out after 1 if needed. He’s a solid dude. That was funny on the inaccuracy. I don’t know if you played or coached you’re kids, but it was pounded in my head as a kid to catch, secure, and then over guys. My coaches knew I liked to hit people. One of the reasons I liked Mike Allstot. I used to bartender as a second job in graduate school and he would come in pre-marriage to see one of my bartenders who was sweet and beautiful, we shared a register, and Allstot would sit right in front of my register ever weekend for one of the nights. One week and this was NFCC days so the Vikings played the Bucs. Allstot made it through the line and was running right for the end zone. He had a safety from his position would be left of him. He could easily run in to the right without an issue. He purposefully ran left to literally knock the guy four feet back. He came 5e next Saturday of course to the club. I was raving to him and he told me the guy jawed at him earlier in the game. He said I was going to score anyway so why not have fun. He was funny as he said “Dan you could’ve knocked that .... on his ..... back then I was a powerlifter, and I told him I’m not you bud. Knox just needs to focus. I drilled into my kids I coached and there are several drills you can do to improve, but you can’t try and play hero ball. If the defense allows you a 7 yard catch, take it. After secured which takes less than half a second, then hammer a guy, or evade. Bottom line is never get ahead of yourself as a player. I was fortunate. I had great coaches and did the best I could with the kids I coached. Youre question was good BTW.
  19. SC, I’m guessing primetime wanted to just list offense, but I’ll agree the four needs or upgrades are the ones you list. Knowing primetime a little from the board, my guess is sometime this week he’ll do the same with the defense. My rank order on offense is equal on TE and RB. I like Ettiene at 30 and the best TE’s are gone. The only two left I see as serviceable are Ertz and Rudolph. I never want to spend $ on a RB in FA. It stinks this year we didn’t have the $ for an edge rusher.
  20. The problem with Knox is he never learned in youth football, catch and secure the ball before you look up field. That’s a 12 year old mistake. I’d love an experienced TE, but just not sure if it’s Ertz. Maybe. Kyle Rudolph has similar stats and ages 30/31. Either one can help, and you’re right maybe Sweeney and Knox will improve. If they do, and we grabbed one of these older guys we would have a 13 personnel option.
  21. CS, I expect the same. Not sure where in the draft, but it makes sense. I think they will be smart and matchup BPA to Need. That’s what most teams do in the draft. They single out say four position groups and then stack up their board. Whoever’s highest in each slot gets the nod and so on. Beane will hit on some and miss on others just like other very good GM’s. Looking back on 2020, the jury is out on Epenesa and Hodgins given Hodgins injuries, but Davis, Bass, and I believe Dane Jackson were or are going to be hits.
  22. He’s declined in play. The only drug I occasionally take is caffeine.
  23. A plane sighting? Has anyone thought it could be a business meeting for one of his many businesses? We don’t have the $ for Mack or Fuller. Everyone would love Mack, but it’s not happening.
  24. Last night on NFLR analysts expected he would be cut in the next day or so. If cut, maybe a vet minimum to try him out. I agree he’s not worth a trade, but a try out on a minimum and maybe he’s healed up.
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