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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. AND GET OFF MY LAWN! I can see a world where we take Ettiene if he was there at 30. Then again, I can see us bundling picks to get an Edge Rusher a little higher if we had a trade partner. Should be fun.
  2. Pot, meet stir. Fergs, you love this don’t you, even more that some thought you were serious. I read you’re comment, and then looked up and saw it was you who wrote it. You had me for a quick second. Guys, he was kidding. I’ve been reading Ferg’s comments for years and this smells of wisears to get a rise out of us. It’s one of the things I like about him.
  3. The best team friendly deal he could take is what Mahomes did last year. The capologists who know contracts have said agents normally would never go with Mahomes for 10 years. Currently he makes less than Russel Wilson. People get starry eyed on $450 mil, but it was structured so he makes less for years and balloons later. He wins, and so does KC. He didn’t take a discount, just a discount now. It’s speculated in 5 years he’ll be the 14th avg. paid QB in the league given the increases in QB pay. That would be my hope that Allen would do the same. The reason Kelce received his new deal was Mahomes contract constructed in this manner. Most QB’s like Dak pushed for a four year deal, not five because he knows in four years he will make that much more. Allen taking a long term deal helps the whole team down the road. Allen taking a team discount is not going to happen in terms of less $. What someone else wrote about Brady is what I heard as well. I don’t know if it’s true, but wouldn’t surprise me if Kraft circumvented the cap.
  4. Josh, not sure on the reference for 3.8 speed. I’m assuming you mean another metric than the 40, but I’ll defer to you. You’re right he’s fast. I’m glad they are considering him, and Yeldon now is officially gone. I know he was UFA, and too bad as I thought he could’ve done more for us. Hopefully this is a nice cheap add.
  5. Mr. Azar was a nice guy. I met him twice as a college kid. My dad was friends with him as my father worked at the B. News for 44 years. I was delivering inter-office mail (yes pre-internet) and my father was with Larry Felser and Mr. Azar. They were just shooting the breeze, and he couldn’t have been nicer to a young dumb college kid. He’ll be missed.
  6. Brandt gets dismissed because of his age, and he also gets a ton of credit. He’s an analyst like others and has experience back to 1960. Sometimes he shows his age, but he also is pretty smart. I just take it as one guys opinion.
  7. Yep, the big jump will be in 2023 up to 225 mil. That is what would have been the case with no societal stuff. 2024 is when we’ll see a big jump. Considering the 2019 contracts were based on 210 in 2021 and 220 in 2022, we’ll see a nice bump the year after.
  8. I disagree on the woman thing. My wife has been hit on tons of times when I was young in front of me while I was bar tending in graduate school. She would get all nervous, and It told her to work it. Saves on my tab as I had to pay 50% for her drinks. The last thing I am is a jealous guy. She said you don’t mind. Nope, you’re coming home with me right. She loved that about me when we were dating. I just knew under no circumstances would she ever cheat on me, and I would never cheat on her.
  9. It’s possible Tre’s restructure could turn out to be an Ertz trade, but I doubt it at this point. They are probably staying put at this time.
  10. There wasn’t a lot to be excited about during those 17 years. Constantly having you’re hopes bashed was terrible, and we would be just good enough to not get a top pick. We were the kings of 6-8 wins. Now when you watch NFLN or listen to NFLR, a ton of National commentators are very positive bout the Bills. There are always going to be trolls (some on PFF), and they are not worth my time. As far as nice weather and large markets, players McBeane would want care more about those who want to win. I used to think players would like states with no state tax, but that has proven to be wrong. If players really cared that much about weather etc., GB, MN, and so on wouldn’t be able to field FA’s.
  11. I’d rather trade up for better talent than down. We have a decent roster now. We’d have to find trade partners and that is not always easy. Last year there were very few trades across the league due to the situation, and this year there isn’t even a combine where people are on equal footing with the same surfaces, etc. Don’t be surprised if we pick where we stand. We are going to have to rely on game tape for our picks.
  12. This is a reason why I don’t go to bars. Too many bad things happen. Regardless of whatever the guy did, you don’t kick a guy when down.
  13. Marlin, thanks for the link. I never heard anything about the guy. Sounds terrible. Glad he ended up ok.
  14. rook, these guys are WR’s not blocking only TE’s. It’s important to look at the total landscape. It’s dumb to parse out rb’s from wr’s, from TE’s. all of them fit into a passing game. I won’t respond, but you parsing just wr’s doesn’t make sense. Tampa’s wrs are in part te’s.
  15. Dave, nailed it. I believe it will only be around $203-4 mil. in 2022 so still behind what the contracts were written in past years. 2021 would normally have been $210 mil. Then in 2023 it should be round $2025 mil. so catching up to the normal trajectory. The cap will absolutely astronomically increase thereafter and will help the large contracts we'll need to sign in future years.
  16. I must break you! Go for it. Never go wrong with a rocky quote.
  17. They wouldn’t do this for the draft this early. They are preparing for a trade or a signing. I thought once the tv deals were announced Beane would be doing something like this move. He now knows for sure we’ll be ok in 2022 and beyond. Should be fun to watch.
  18. John, agreed on Tampa. I give them the edge simply because of the soar subject of TE’s. Evans Godwin Miller Brate Gronk Howard
  19. OP, be careful. If you’re not absolutely sure on a data point, these guys will correct you. I didn’t have the heart to tell you what’s been said on the two plays. No worries.
  20. I don’t see where we could get the $ for Houston, but he would be the best of the group. I don’t know if Beane would want a one year rental for him, but I’d be for him if they are going to spend $.
  21. Good call by Beane and by McKenzie. He can lobby McD for more time, make an impact, and given he’s young on possibly a SB contender, could lobby for a better contract next year when there is $. It’s a smart move for both sides.
  22. Hey bud, don’t feel attacked. If I’m part of that for you I’m sorry. I’m just saying it’s going to be ok, and I don’t care how many weapons they put on Cam, he’s still a 10 year 59% completion guy. The jets maybe taking a rookie means a learning curve. Tua people are hard on but he played only half a season. He stunk, but honestly so did Josh in the beginning. All good brother. As far as counter opinions we have the second best offense in the NFL and a defense that improved dramatically in the back half of last year. Not many teams have a too 5 offense and defense. don’t feel attacked though. That’s reserved for trolls on the board. NOT YOU!
  23. JG, I meant this not for a wish as that is a freakin nightmare, just we are thr kings now in the East. This would be a catastrophie that is the only thing to change it. Josh is a tough cookie and has become very smart not to take the bad hits. We’ll be ok friend. Believe me of that horrible thing happened, we’d all be sharing Xanax pills. It won’t.
  24. Hondo buddy. Never fear Allen is here. We’ll be fine pal. We have a defense that was twice as good in the second half than the first this year. You can’t evaluate a team on the KC game when all of you’re four WR’s were hurt. we had the #2 offense. We extended needed people. A lot of people wanted a big splash, but that was Diggs last year. Let’s get through the draft bud and then take a breath. I’ve always enjoyed you’re takes so four seconds in, four seconds out on breaths. If Allen tears an ACL, yeah panicked time. Now, not so much.
  25. You guys are bored if you’re debating the 2022 backup QB. I’ll think about that one in 2022.
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