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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. There’s not really a downside. He played well and kept his head on straight the entire year so if anything Jerrah took the huge risk. He’s not worth paying anything more than the minimum with a bunch of incentives. He has incredible raw skills. His first three years were electric, then his problems and the longest suspension I’ve ever seen to come back and have a productive year. What is accurate is that defense was terrible. Why not bring him into camp, let him compete and see what happens? If he is not the best on one side, or starts his antics, then they cut him with no foul.
  2. That’s what the NFLR guys are speculating, but about SF. Keep Jimmy G., have a red shirt year for Lance and work a trade for Jimmy G. in 22. I think there is still a chance a deal is put together to trade JG from the 49ers to the Pats and gets executed once either the Jets make their pick or the Jets consider giving a heads up to the 49ers. It’s unlikely, but could happen. Otherwise the Pats sit with Cam, and if JG has a good year, they trade for him next year. $25 mil., has become cheap for QB’s and JG will be playing with a healthy team as the year he was winning the SB for 3.5 quarters. Stranger things have happened on draft day. Whats probable though is the Jets take Wilson and SF Lance. Not sure on Fields. The question was what do we want and Id want them to retain Darnold, but I bet they still take a QB.
  3. Solly, I’m confused unless this is a joke. Trubisky I’m sure you know played for the Bears, not Washington. They weren’t even in the same division. They were $ for the owners as the season ticket holders had to pay even though half at best showed up. The real $ is the increased national tv revenue. Overall I’m happy and keeping three pre season will most likely get knocked to 1 when the owners push the 18th game in 5-6 years. The players might be able to get a second bye out of it. It will be tricky as they’ll have to the SB 1 wk after the championship games, and start on Labor Day. I know the owners don’t want it, but the tv revenue will be insane hence the cap will probably be $350 mil. By that time. Let’s hope they increase the active roster to 55 and maintain the 16 PS guys. More players get to play in an NFL jersey, more $ for them, and yes more injuries. Im not saying that’s a perfect world. My point is I’m prepared as that probably will happen.
  4. No a RB, a DT, a DE, a CB, oh yeah maybe a G. This is fun. Let’s keep speculating on nothing we know at all.
  5. Roy, thx for wisdom. You maybe right, or it could be a coordinated payday. How does any of us know? I just think in these situations sit back, wait and the truth you hope will come out. I don’t want to disparage him or the women. Either wrong result is not good. more times than not the truth comes out. Even if it is an NDA three years from now we figure it out. If there was criminality, the police is going to be all over it with this press. No one wants to think the press matters and everyone is equal, but now they have more pressure to make a call than most. Whoever is wrong I hope they feel those consequences. Considering Weo I’m an avid Chicago PD fan, nothing is truly deleted. I’m just kidding bud. If Watson did stuff like that, they’ll find it. The techs on the board can enlighten.
  6. Who wants to take the over/under this thread goes south around page 37, and closed down. I’ve given my sincere responses before, but now this is going down personal attacks. It will all play out. I don’t know how you can make some of the assertions being made by a minority on one side or another.
  7. I’m just saying guys, an addition at TE who can block and catch even more than another speed RB is a solid answer. I want both, so hopefully Brenda can give us speed when we need it.
  8. It’s somewhat complicated based on when they signed their contract pre or post new CBA. For an extra game it’s written in a cap of an extra $250 k. You just type in this question and multiple articles come up. Nucci is right. An easy example of a contract under the new CBA is a guy who gets $17 mil. In a 16 game season. That would be $1 mil. a game check as they get paid during their bye week. Therefore if we now have an 18 week season for the 17 games and the bye, then in th least week of the season he will earn an additional $250k max on top of the $17 mil. Im not the best and copying and pasting links from google searches so I’m sure you guys and copy some over to the board.
  9. So many guys have stated in lots of threads they are going to matchup need and BPA in certain categories and whatever Beane can do as you have to want a trade partner, but we don’t have much capital to do it. So most likely they have a list for the following categories, Edge, RB, TE, O Line maybe, and CB. He’ll prioritize in rank order and see what’s left at 30. He could maybe muster up to get to 24-26, but he’s not getting to the top 10. I would love it if we only selected 4 players form the 7 slots by moving up, but the two 5’s, 6, and a 7 are going to move us up very far. We’re probably going to end up where we land.
  10. Doug, you’re correct except one exception so many people make. The designation nonprofit, and not for profit are different. Much more strict guidelines on nonprofit. I’m sure many appreciate you’re explanation as I was going to write the same. As far as the name, people will just naturally shorten it over time to Blue Cross Stadium, Blue Shield Stadium, or something. A little bummed we’re not the TOILET BOWL, flushing other teams down the drain. 🤪👹
  11. Correct. Sal was on the morning show at the end of the week with this very discussion. He was asked by Howard about the impact on the run and Hollister. Sal mentioned he should be an upgrade somewhat over Smith and Kroft in that Holister can block in 12 personnel for running plays and can catch in the same grouping. This is also not going to be a surprise if we take one last run at Ertz at a more depreciated value. The longer this goes towards the draft, the lower his value. For the person asking how does it help the run, well most effective 12 personnel teams can run very well. One example we should be familiar is the Patriots. When they had Gronk amd the criminal, they also ran the ball very well. So does the Ravens. The opposing defenses have to account with bigger players if they start getting burned with a nickel approach. They have to flip to base 4-3, or 3-4. This allows the two WR’s still on the field to beat their guys. We didn’t have the personnel for this last year, but we might have it now. Ive been beating the drum fir a long time to invest in the TE position. Knox has let me down in year 2, but maybe he grows into his position in year 3. Last year I was bummed we didn’t make a stronger offer to Austin Hooper. He could’ve changed the completion of the offense. It’s not that you’re not going to roll with 11 the most, and from time to time 10, but you have much more flexibility if you have TE’s who can block in the run, catch intermediate passes and RB who are effective at screens.
  12. I don’t know. 24 women making allegations and no charges, not even 1 filed. This smells of a large settlement, and the NFL could still suspend him. Even so, there will still be suitors.
  13. The point of radioactivity, or a suspension I’m not so sure. These are civil charges for now, and these teams maybe minus the Pats know they would have a top franchise QB for over a decade and more. The problem is BB wants and needs to win now. He’s 68 so having a great QB with potentially an 8 games suspension, doesn’t help BB. He’s probably done in five years. Now Miami is down to 6, but they also have 18, Tua, and either this years 2nd round at 4th, or next years #1 from SF. Miami has still a lot of picks so if there was any doubt in Tua, they could do it. Watson would be happy as Miami has quite a bit of talent on their roster, no state taxes, and Miami is not exactly a bad place to live. If it were an AFCE team, it would most likely be the Fins. I just don’t see a scenario where Watson would ever agree to the Jets. Even with possibly a better coaching staff, they have a complete rebuild. Why would he ever want to go there. That’s just going from one mess to another. With all of that said, I still think he stays put.
  14. FWIW Virg, on last Fridays rock the mock on MTC/NFLR Pat had the Bills and he picked Jaelan Phillips. I picked Ettiene.
  15. I do Augie. When people are not responsible and know to say no after 1-2 for several hours and certainly not mixing with prescription meds, that’s a problem and if you hurt yourself or others, that’s where I have little compassion. As a small example I can tell you how many times I’ve gone up the street to watch the Bills game at 4 pm at Wild Wings. It’s two blocks away. I’ll maybe get 5 wings, and have two beers over 3+ Hours. I’ll watch other knock back a six pack or more and watch them get in the car. It just reminds me it’s not just after dark, there are a lot of people putting themselves and others in danger. It’s irresponsible. You know, nuff said from me.
  16. Exactly. I have compassion with people who suffer from addictions, but not so far as when they hurt others. Thanks for you’re input.
  17. Hap, I just read the article and maybe you can clarify something. I know you work in medicine and you probably know by now I’ve been in medical device, biotech sales and Mgmt., for twenty years. When we were trying to get an LMN (letter of medical necessity for others) approved with needed documentation, if we needed another A1C done or for Medicare a C-Peptide, we could get the patient to go to the hospital and get a result in hours. For those who don’t know, a C-Pep is a frozen test which measures insulin production out of the pancreas. I think most people know an A1C is a simple blood test for diabetics. One of the areas I used to work in was selling glucose sensors and insulin pumps. When you are trying to make a number, you do what it takes to get a perfect file together as the patient finally makes the decision to change and wants it now. why does a simple blood test for alcohol or narcotics, prescription drugs takes weeks or months. When most of you get a job, you have to take a drug test to clear, and background check. The drug test results are back in less than 24 hours. My point is this is sketchy why he hasn’t been charged and going through the criminal justice process. It screams of privilege and not cool. For a guy who has a previous DUI, and this time injures someone and admits he was drinking, this should’ve been adjudicated by now. I don’t care if someone has a beer at a sports bar, watching the Bills, but because I drive for work and I care about others, I will never have more than two beers over several hours. First, because I never want to hurt someone, amd second, I don’t want to lose my career.
  18. Beast, I thought the second one was a Dolphins helmet with those colors.
  19. Um yeah pass. Some fans are just so heck bent on changing things when we already have one of the best unis including the helmets in the league. I hated the previous changes with those god awful unis with the stripes. We are who we are. You know what I like about the bears? I can’t remember them changing like the wind. They are who they are and it works for them. MYbe they did change somewhat and I don’t remember, but for as long as I can remember, the Bears always valued continuity and tradition. Beyond that I could care less about the Bears. I just respect their belief that this is who we are.
  20. OMG, this like Patriots syndrome where people freak out over something from the Chiefs. You guys do know the National media is applauding Beane for extending necessary parts of our team and didn’t expect the Bills to get these guys at decent contracts. Milano was reported on Spotrac as worth $13.75 mil. in value and we had him for $11. D. Williams was projected much higher than $9.4 mil., and even Feliciano was projected much higher than his contract. Beane is making good decisions. Zero, I’m happy for you as I don’t feel less than because you beat us. You have an excellent QB, and so do we. Just because you’re team won twice against us, doesn’t mean you’re now the Pats during our sad 17 years. We have an excellent team and so do you guys. It should be fun for the next decade. Adding a decent DT is good for you guys. Losing both Tackles is not easily recoverable in the draft. You still have some space, but not sure who is out there at this point. You did pick up an excellent Guard. I don’t know why to get wrapped around the axle because a good team picks up a DT. I wanted Ngakoue too, but Beane is being smart with our $. I never want to be in cap hell again as the early 2000’s, and when Beane came in was awful leading us to a 6-10 season in 2018. For me, moving on.
  21. Thank god there was no internet when they changed from 12 to 14 games. You guys go bananas on each if the games (me too), yet it’s so terrible we have another week to enjoy a game. Whether it’s popular or not, we will make it to 18 games and at most have two pre-season games.
  22. I’m surprised he even has a profile. Most VP’s I’ve worked for in the past dont. They don’t want the connections, messages, etc., and yes you guys have too much time on you’re hands. 🤪🏈
  23. Interesting takes. Honestly, I don’t know enough about the talent to do this like many of you. Now that FA is pretty far down at this point is the time I start really researching potential draft options. For those of you who have Sirius, it’s fun at this time as NFLR does their mock draft on Fridays on MTC. The first week is only the first round and no trades. Pat picked up our slot and he chose the Edge Rusher from FL. In successive Fridays they start allowing trades, and eventually get to two rounds. It’s on demand right now if anyone wants to listen. I enjoy it so have fun.
  24. The nicest thing Allen could do is allow his agent to do a long term deal like Mahomes. Almost all QB’s want a contract no longer than five years, but preferred four years. The simple reason is they know the market will go up, the cap will go up, and they will make even more $ in the next contract. The team takes some risk regarding injury, but given how well QB’s are protected, Allen’s nicest gift is a longer contract. He’s not taking a paycut. Would you? I’m in sales and management so I give myself a raise by selling more stuff. His play is his bonus as correlative. People ask this question or make these statements all the time on sports radio shows, and the answer regardless of the hosts is a big fat no.
  25. He subbed in once that I can remember on NFLR. He was actually somewhat interesting. I’m glad he’s turned his life around. It would be very difficult to have to live down that mess from years ago.
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