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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Not saying at all he was a great player for you guys. I don’t believe he rises to that level. If so Tasker would be in at some point for ST. Best non kicker punter in the history of ST. I don’t know if tasker will ever get into the yellow jacket club. He gets more love each year, but maybe Edelman will get there. I have nothing against the guy.
  2. I can see negotiations going like this.... In all seriousness,the Mahomes deal couldn’t have been any more team friendly as so much is pushed to the back end and currently makes less the R. Wilson. Most agents wouldn’t let Allen do it. The Watson deal is much more onerous on the Texans than the Chiefs deal. I have no expectation of a discount fromAllen, but a longer deal is great for the Bills. The Chiefs already went back to the bank of Mahomes this year to convert more to a signing bonus. We should be hoping for a big deal that is very long, and we can convert $ when we need it. I get the QB’s side. They always want a shorter deal to come back t9 the table as the QB franchise guy market sill keep going up exponentially after the next two years.
  3. Fair enough friend. Don’t forget Milano had a Spotrac value of $13.75 mil. and took $11 mil. If, big if he plays the whole season. Sal broke that down he could get less if he has another season missing several games. As far as motor, which I hate saying at this point, I just don’t see a taker. You’re right if we draft someone he definitely could be on the block, but someone has to want him. The question is who. I guess what teams desperately need a RB, that would help our draft position. The only one I can think of is Pittsburgh, but do they value motor to trade from 24 to 30, and what do we have to give back. They need linemen desperately. They lost three. I don’t see that happening, but they need help for Big Ben.
  4. Yeah if you’re C3PO, R2D2, or Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory. Just join my friend. I do love you’re chart and have referenced to others.
  5. Im not sure on Sunday, Monday, or Thursday, but I agree with you 5ese four teams make sense. Given we went for the West to the South, for both sides, don’t expect a lot of 4 pm games. That’s fine with me as I love 1 pm games. I’ve said it before, I get through my Sunday ritual of the family breakfast, church, the gym, and gameday. Still get a nice family dinner (with the televised 4 pm best matchup on of course), and fall asleep at some point during the SNF. I know a lot of you guys like the night games, but I hate being up til midnight, and then trying to be productive getting up at the latest at 5 am, usually earlier. The 4pm games were awesome last year.
  6. Tom, the researcher then has to go to meetings fir the rest if his life. Hello ..., I’m now an alcoholic. Damn those Bills as my finale. All kidding aside as alcoholism is not a joke. Shocker, people drink too much at NFL games.
  7. Weo, not busting you’re chops, but who is BR? Not familiar with the initials. I think it’s very difficult to make a sweeping statement the Bills are the best front office. The proof to me they are in the top 5 at least is a steady ascension over four years from one of the worst run teams to taking their licks, but making the playoffs three of four years finalizing with making it to the championship game. Other teams like Baltimore, Indy, Tampa and Buffalo are building for now and later. I was a little surprised didn’t use of more of their $ in FA this off season. Tampa has been building for awhile, amd although some players are getting older, they have drafted well along with plugging in holes. They are really banking on the real increase in the cap from 2023 and on. I say 2023, as 2022 being around $203-4 mil. Is really getting back to normal. The Steelers were a very good FO for a long time, but now are looking down the barrel of a rebuild. Three linemen gone, their QB needs a replacement, and so on. They were very good though for a long time. I appreciate the OP, and Shady thanks for those links. Last JGMcD2, I love you’re data, but you’re handle drives me nuts. Why don’t you go ahead and put a special character in there as well. 🤪😜🏈😂
  8. He contributed to their team, but in no way will he make the HOF. Guys like Megatron get in the Hall. We may see Julio Jones someday as an example, not Edelman. He certainly was a good outlet for Brady and helped them win a lot of games. I seriously doubt anyone wants him at this point.
  9. Mango, respectfully, we’ve filled holes effectively in FA and the draft. Absolutely Addison, Jefferson, we’re underwhelming, but Morse, Feliciano, D. Williams, and so on were effective adds. Diggs was a hit.Brown in 19 and Beasely overall were solid. Hyde and Poyer have been fantastic as a tandem. White, Edmunds, and Milano have all worked out as well as Dawkins, and after three years Allen. I realize the 17 draft was before Beane by a week. In perspective, this is a very good team, one of the most talented in the NFL and went 15-4 with a relatively difficult schedule. We definitely need to improve to win the Championship, and there is no chance Beane drops Singletary as a rookie contract. He may be dropped to the third position, but he’s cheap labor. RB’s get hurt more than a lot of other positions. Like most, I was very disappointed in Singletary’s performance this year as his rookie year was solid, but his trade value is almost nothing.
  10. Dollars to donuts they watch not only all players, but also their employees, conduct detrimental, etc., and heard they keep an eye on this site for various reasons. It’s one of the reasons I really don’t have almost any social media footprint. If I want to communicate, I’ll text, call or email. I can understand the organization monitoring, but then again if you’re not doing something stupid or venting on social media which is dumb, one should have nothing to worry about. Im glad Diggs is having fun, and I don’t really see a tandem jump is a big deal. He could twist an ankle just as easily playing hoops on the court with friends. Wasn’t it Suggs who was out fir the year with an injury playing basketball in the off season.
  11. Good save Solly. You can send me a 1$ to my Venmo once I figure out how to do that. as Chandman says, GET OFF MY LAWN! 😇😂🏈🤪 just kidding and having fun with my buds. Too many guys get all rarrgh. Love when we can disagree but can have fun when we disagree. Makes the board awesome.
  12. If I could put two smiley faces I would’ve. Now go file you’re corns, amd don’t forget to take you’re meds at 4pm. Mother would be upset.
  13. Why, you want directions? I’m telling you’re wife. 🤔😇😂🏈🤪
  14. Are you the reincarnation of Ditka with the Ricky Williams trade? I’m hopeful you’re kidding. As far as this guy, it sounds like a Beane pick. Upgrade from Kroft and Smith, cheap, can block well, had better hands in Pitt., and is still young. It makes a great deal of sense so wouldn’t surprise me.
  15. You have to excuse Chandler. He just woke up from his afternoon nap. 😏. All kidding aside, I hate the Washington Football Team name. For criminal sake, just name the darn thing already. I swear every time I read WFT, my eyes play tricks on me to WTF. This quote from the author of OTC reminds me of the ESPN article last June asserting in a pandemic off season, the teams with the players with the highest retention of snaps from starters have a better chance to come out if the gate fast in 2020. Interestingly the team with the most snaps returning from starters was guess.. the Chiefs. We were 2nd. Interesting how we both ended up in the AFCCG. Gues who was down and this was before opt outs were reported, the Cheats at around 69% if memory serves, amd again this was before we were aware of the opt outs. Theres merit in this point, and we haven’t had the draft yet. We’ll get an infusion of talent from some starting adds 1st team and depth. NFLR has been applauding the Bucs and us in how our respective management of the two teams have done a good job of retaining and extending the talent that brought both teams success. I suspect both us and the Bucs are going to have another solid year, but the difference is we are younger overall except the D Line.
  16. Too much $ for someone who may fall off a cliff at anytime. It’s one of the reasons I was a little surprised Beane wasn’t able to get a haircut from Hughes given his production is solid overall, but he’s not the same guy from 4-6 years ago, and turns 33 in August. Im a hard pass on Houston. Open to opposing views, but if we were going to pay a 32 yr. old Houston $12 mil., why wouldn’t we have acquired Ngakoue at $13 mil. like the Raiders did in the beginning of FA. It’s not what Beane wanted to do.
  17. no worries Chand. It’s as easy as just look at the title go to YouTube and look it up. I don’t mind, even if there is an ad. 🤪. Sorry that was for dingbat who has a problem closing out a simple ad for all of half a second on the whining thread.
  18. Chandman the historian. Keep em coming as good for those who don’t know or remember our origins. It is an extra step as you can’t open these YouTube’s from you’re link, but you can get the title and just do a two second search and watch there. I wouldn’t change a thing bud. Thanks again.
  19. This kind of like could Ali beat Marciano in his prime? It’s a non starter. We don’t have the capital to get there so why discuss it? Hey if we have Ray Lewis, the original LT, and Jim Brown in his prime would we win. thats bar stool talk that will never happen. My short answer is yes we already had the #2-3 offense in the league depending on the metric, and sure Litts could take us over the top, but it’s not happening. Sucks as I’d love a most likely elit TE, but I’d love to be 20 years younger, win the powerball and drinking margheritas in the Fiji Islands. Not happening.
  20. Everyone gets screwed and sometimes at terrible times like the Saints in the playoffs. That one sucked for them. I’m with Virgil. This team galvanized around that loss. They didn’t whine over the call. I remember when younger, a tough loss can fuel you to work that much harder. Even coaching my boys when younger in a football game, we lost to some very good coaches of another team. My coaching staff and myself were so focused on helping our kids get better,it was so sweet when we beat them in a rematch. The best way my oldest son scored 80 yards on the first play of the game and the opposing defensive coach almost lost his mind. He was such a tool and my boys (the team) outplayed them so much and the other coach was going so nuts the red ejected him. It was so sweet. This team will not forget about the chiefs and given their character we’re going to see a different outcome next year. That one is penciled on their calendar.
  21. So do you drink alone..., All by yourself, when ridge drinks alone, he prefers to be by himselllfff. Ba Da da da da dat. Tribbles.. is this what you were talking about... Are really still complaining about clicking out of one little ad? Has the OP ever been on the internet? Mods, if this keeps the doors open, and the lights on, have at it.
  22. I stand corrected oh great Motorin one. Reminds me of some very foggy fraternity parties at Oswego.
  23. Works for me. Let’s see those centers getting past this guy. Wha ha ha ha! doesn’t the little animal on the left look just like Ridge? 🤪🏈 Just kidding Ridge. I was going to say Weo, but then he would’ve done a Boba Fet on me. I thought you were going back to that WW2 movie, Tora, Tora, Tora. Love John Wayne.
  24. I don’t know. Watson at this point with criminal investigations in addition to the civil ones screams of him going on the commissioners exempt list until resolved. Kirwan on MTC was floating the other day Bridgewater to Houston as he would be an upgrade over Tyrod. At this point Tyrod is a career backup. I thought he only received something like $2.5 mil.
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