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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Fraaaken. You a battlestar galactica fan too. My fav was Boomer. Love Grace Park.
  2. Always a goodie. Forget The Godfather. One of my favorite movies. Then again I watched way too much in college. All is Well!
  3. Well given this is a 17 game season, I’m seeing a number of people not taking this into consideration. On a 17 game season and facing the NFCS, AFCS, WFT, KC, and Pitt., I’d definitely take the over on the Bills. Although I see WFT is improving and has a good defense, they are no match for our offense, Pitt. lost three linemen has no running game so that is a win. NO doesn’t have Brees to hide things, Carolina is in rebuild, and I can keep going. I can conservatively see us 12-5. That is conservative. As always Inigo, thanks for the thread, and no I’m not the six fingered man. 🤪🏈
  4. The best way to manage defending against the run is to be explosive in offense as Daboll was doing in the pass game. When we get up on teams fast, we place them on their heels so they have to pass to keep up. Therefore, it just reaffirms an Edge Rusher, possibly a behemoth DT, CB opposite Tre, and a big nickel (either a punishing Safety or an undersized but fast LB to convert to big nickel safety to handle TE’s. I used to want an explosive RB, but we somewhat filled that gap with Breida. I think he’ll surprise people the way we’ll use him. The part I have no idea of we could find as Pitts is a pipe dream is another pass catching TE. It would be nice to have flexibility at time to 12 personnel. It might be Hollister. We’ll see. This is my wish list and think Beane is looking in these areas if possible. What a nice thing to have a relatively good roster and can look for these niches vs. all the years of the draft where it seems like where do we start as we need talent everywhere.
  5. And Diggs was taken in the 5th, Milano in the 5th, and so on. I agree, but I can only enjoy so much time looking at draft picks, and I really do trust Beane. Last year we hit in Davis in the 4th, I think Moss will be good from the 3rd in time, Bass was an excellent pick, and I have high hopes for Dane. Bottom line is I like Beane even more the deeper he goes into the draft. He has a way of finding people others missed out. Im going to enjoy watching the draft, and bet he’ll find people in the mid rounds we don’t see. To the OP, you’re not off on you’re feelings.
  6. That’s a nice article I read on the main board. High praise from Archie. I don’t know why, but in reading it, I was finding myself rooting for Darnold in a new city. I already knew Allen had raw talent, but nice to see the progress he made in four years. I really hope Darnold can do the same. He has a good head coach who knows how develop college QB’s. I know this article was about Allen, but just kept thinking how a young QB’s future is so tied to his team that drafts him. It also speaks to what a great organization we have in Buffalo, and the way McD brought him along being patient and building a team around him.
  7. Considering last year Vegas if memory serves was 9, I’m good. 4 wins over is a huge miss. Normally they are close, but as stated in 17 games, not going over 11 is silly. We didn’t get worse, and Daboll is still Allen’s coordinator. That shouldn’t be overlooked for a fourth year. They will get better.
  8. Chan’s the offense is relevant to the defense. C’mon bud. Having a #2 offense means you can get to a championship game with a 14th defense. Just like in 2019 we had the 24th offense and the 3rd best defense. It’s a balancing act. Maybe you’re frustrated as some were hard on you, but they are linked. If anything look at the SB Champs, the Bucs. They were 6th and 7th 8n the offense and defense, but in 2019 they were 3rd in offense even though Winston threw 30 picks, but were 15th in defense. My point is you’re right we need to be balanced, but it’s odd to see a team top 5 on both sides of the ball. Usually something gives. If we simply can get to 8-10th in defense and stay top 5 in offense, we should be great. It’s not a miracle needed on defense, just a small improvement will go a long way.
  9. Brandon, Brandon, Brandon, Brandon.... What the hell do you want? I’m the flash, I just knocked 30,000 times, sign him. You mean like this fellow American.
  10. Drought, all I could think scanning this one was the famous happy Gilmore reference we are all dumber from you’re response. I award you no pts and god have mercy on you’re soul. then my mind went to inconceivable from the princess bride. Indigo will like this one. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle? Morons!
  11. We are in a great spot. You know why? Because we were so damn good at 13-3 we pick late in the draft. That is a great accomplishment. Other teams dealt with this fir years. Seattle when they went to back to back SB’s, the Steelers forever, the Cheats, and so on. If we are good in the FO, they’ll figure it out. We kept the band together. That’s a very good thing. Do you know who turns over their rosters? Bad teams as they can’t figure it out. We will add a piece or two and this isn’t a let’s fix everything today. I could give so many examples, but there is room for improvement with who we have on the roster right now. Lets see what happens in the draft and we’ll know a little more on their plans.
  12. 2020 Team Defensive Stats Overall 14th Pass Defense 13th Run Defense 17th Pts. Defense 16th Average. Not bad. Oh, and we are 2nd in offense. Insert eyeroll.
  13. Now that’s funny. I’m glad they are having good natured fun.
  14. guys I’m sorry if I’m off but did anyone congrats to Marv for making the CFL HOF this week? I checked but happy for the guy. He’s one kid very few who made it in two leagues. Good for him. mods if a duplicate, please close down. Thanks guys. That’s not bad for a 95 yr. old Ivy League guy.
  15. My bad the great GB, my Brit friend. You’re absolutely right on the Titans.
  16. Overall, well said mean. He had 2 sacks total over two years. He is incredibly overrated. He’s never had double digit sacks in a year. There is some fascination with this guy and for several years was opposite Watt in his prime. Garrett is great, but if Watt can’t make him look great, then I doubt Garrett can do better. $8 mil. With $2mil. In incentives is overpaying. Overall Cleveland is a solid team and ahead in my opinion than Pitt. They are basically neck and neck with Baltimore. I’m happy for Cleveland fans as they’ve suffered as long as we did for the last two decades. I think they will be a very good team and should expect to see them in the playoffs in the future. At this point I’d rather see clevelandas a repeat playoff contender than Pitt. I see the afc usual suspects are going to be Indy, us, Cleveland, KC, Baltimore, Chargers, and possibly Miami. There are always surprises, but these teams look like either good or on their way to being good. There may be others but we’ll see.
  17. Classic fir the college kids on this board to rent. Bruce would approve of this message, Vilanch that is. Dugga, Dugga, Dugga. Isn’t that how a bong sounds Bruce? Been so damn long I forgot given I was in college at the end of the 80’s, early 90’s.
  18. I almost always agree with Chand, but Ethan you’re right a 1 technique DT like Star looks and acts like a NT. I don’t know if we do that as a trade up, but I’ll agree the two positions listed are very similar.
  19. Who ordered the pizza. Rigghhtt here bud. Huh, huh. Narley. Mr. Haand.
  20. So the Bills pick 30th which is worth 600 pts., on one of the more used value charts for GM’s. The Steelers pick 24th. Are the Steelers willing trade partners as you would assume they want O Line talent give they lost three this off season. Their 24th pick is worth 740 pts. So we need if they are willing to find 140 points. Our third is worth 128 pts. Ok we need to find another 12 pts. to get in the ballpark. Our 5th is worth 21.8 pts, so that’s too much for a fair trade so we go down to our 6th round, but that’s only worth 6.8 pts. and the 7th is probably less than 2 pts. To move up 6 slots, at a minimum we exchange slots, give away our second 6th and 7th, and they give us their 7th. basically you can google and get trade value charts, open up say one ESPN the draft order, keep going back to the chart, figure out the estimations, and then make a statement, my .... pick is worth these pts. and my trade partner needs these picks I have and maybe has to give back x spot(s). Saying trade up for Pitts or anyone else so not picking on anyone who said that is not considering the pts system what GM’s look at, and I haven’t even went into value of next years spots as that is even more complicated. This is why I’m not a GM as my head was spinning even writing this at 5:30 am. If you guys want to talk exchanges and can look up vale’s and our draft positioning, and I know a lot of guys here are good at it, I’d love those ideas. They have to make sense though. assuming it’s an Edge rusher we wanted, is this one guy worth the picks and values they are giving away for or are you just playing Madden. As many of you know when not in appointments I enjoy MTC in the afternoons, and those guys have conditioned me to have my ammunition ready before I make a statement to them as these are the questions they ask to their callers. It’s a great show and keeps listeners grounded to how GM’s think before the draft. This take is not directed towards anyone specifically, just a general comment regarding we should do this for that, etc.
  21. I gots to know.... It’s too bad we still don’t have Bruce Smith to welcome him to the NFL like he did that to the Bears rookie. God, I can’t remember his name, but he could throw for a country mile, but washed out after awhile as a backup. I’m sure someone will remember.
  22. Hap, it s not after 2am, it’s midnight is what I was taught. I hate being out that late and forget about driving home. You take you’re life into you’re own hands at that hour. I don’t care what the guy did as I don’t doubt he provoked Donald, but he shouldn’t hit him even once. Donald easily could’ve shoved him back (god knows he throws guards around like rag dolls and those guys are over 300 lbs.) and left the bar calling the police. Im making a lot of assumptions, but both in a perfect world are charged with assault and battery and the other guy does not get a payout if he started it. I don’t know if the NFL would suspend him for the act, but I’m sure they’ll do their own investigation.
  23. Ok, pandemic stuff aside, a private company can deny anyone they want so if they make a vaccine cards a requirement or a negative test within an approved time, it’s their choice. They are not mandating a vaccine. They are just saying you can’t come to a private event. I don’t see the problem. If you don’t want the vaccine for whatever reason, the entire public should respect you’re decision regardless of my thoughts or anyone else, but you don’t have a right to a private, for profit event. Then you are forcing a private company to let you go. do whatever guys. For me, not getting vaccinating is dumb, but you have the right to do it. Private companies also have the right to say, bye bye, you can’t come in. Live with you’re own choice. Again, don’t get vaccinated if you don’t want, but can’t push private companies t9 say great. It’s similar to schools saying you don’t have to get regular vaccinations for school kids but you can’t come here.
  24. Rock, I just don’t see anyone considering him an add at draft day after last year. He’s not that valuable on the trade market. That’s all.
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