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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. As much as Zane Collins BB looks sharp, he would be rotating with Milano or Edmunds and I think Beane may want someone in the first who is an impact starter right away. That keeps taking me back to CB and Ettiene. There are supposedly 4 good CB’s with a first round grade. We can only hope there is a. Serious run on QB’s and Tackles. You know someone will take a LB or two some of the CB’s, and two teams are probably going to take Philip’s or Owe as edge rushers.
  2. Was it this.... Or this... Notthat there is anything wrong with that (always fun with a Seinfeld reference)
  3. ATL, rock on brother for the video. What a nice kid, and St. Jude is special. My family has donated there including myself for a long time. You ever win a powerball, that should be you’re first donation. How can you not support a charity that is helping to treat and cure various cancers, along with families not getting a Bill. I hope maybe this gives him a little juice in his fledging broadcasting career. He did a nice job.
  4. You had to expect the Chiefs to do something about their O Line problem. Surprised the Steelers haven’t done more even if they are cap strapped. There are always ways to kick the can down the road. The Saints have pulled that off forever. I think they have it finally coming to bite them and Mr. Rooney knows enough not to take on that strategy. The Hunt family is in for a problem a few years from now. They are fine for now, but you can’t do this forever. Its one if 5e reasons I like Beane’s approach. He seems to know how to win now and later. He has me very intrigued as to what he’ll do next week. My best guess is still a CB, and the dark horse would be Ettiene. The Edge Rusher candidates don’t impress many. I don’t believe any of these tell the truth, but if his truth is meant to be a lie (I know that sounds silly) then maybe he really is targeting Ettiene.
  5. Thanks for sharing Lime. Even after reading the link, I still can’t comment. I can only hope these players really didn’t know the details of these loans and how corrupt Texas is for allowing this to go on in their state. There’s a reason other states do not allow these types of loan shark for lack of a better phrase type loans. Preying on the needy is disgusting.
  6. BB, he was the one Kirwan picked in last weeks mock draft on MTC. He’s interesting. They were mentioning he would convert to DE. In today’s NFL, it’s not a surprise a guy who is 260 lbs. to be a DE. The old days of 275 lbs. or more are just that and outdated. Hes intriguing to me.
  7. Not trying to be difficult, but the defense ultimately is built around the players they have or chosen. if we had Ted Washington, Wiley, Paul, Speilman than yeah Wade’s defense was awesome. If we had Super Mario, Hughes in his prime, And so on we should use the wide 9. we now have this staff so McD’s defense makes the most sense. For McD who is capable of doing it can rebuild an entire defense and suffer the years it would take to change then changing the defense makes sense. Not saying the question is to change just you’re favorite. All were good, but we have a top secondary. He’s doing what he needs to do with this defense. it is nice to reminisce, but we have McD. Now if he can plug a couple holes in this draft, we could go back to being special. We were 4th the year before.
  8. Looks like the gay guy in Key West who hit on me in my early 20’s wearing the same satin jacket, but his was pink. I of course did the only sensible thing after 12 beers. I told him my cousin was interested. Then sat back and laughed the whole time while he Dealt with him. my cousin after that at 4 am said, did you sick him on me? ... would I do that? The dumb things you do on spring break.
  9. The man is the first Kelly tough. Surviving those beat downs in the 70’s, and those multiple cancer afflictions. God bless you brother. Loved ya as a little tyke.
  10. I like you’re lost as I was going to type a similar one, but unknowns fir me are Ford and Butler. Ford hasn’t had a full year without going out for IR at LG, his natural position since HS. Butler was forced into a 1 tech DT, when he was brought in to rotate with Oliver as a 3 tech. Spot on for the others.
  11. Thanks Papzoid. I had no idea who they were talking about and I like ND. I’ve just always known him by his given name. Born Again, I read he declared as he finished his Junior year. He’s undersized so he’d have to play more of a big nickel safety as he’s a tweaner. I wouldn’t have a problem with him in the 3rd round, but our 1st is probably going to be an Edge Rusher, CB, or not my choice anymore, but RB.
  12. You guys heard A. Faneca HOFEr also had epilepsy and has supported him. He spoke to the schedule and what to do daily and basically stated it shouldn’t affect teams decisions.
  13. You’re such a wise ars Augie. Luv ya bud. My sister in law used to call Des Moines DS Mones as another like you. We can all stay at a Motel 8. We’ll leave the lights on for ya.
  14. I only care for my Canada friends. What it tells me is if the CFL fails, that means an expansion at some point if the NFL. They will see as an expansion opportunity for the wealthiest cities in Canada. A portion of Canada already are NFL fans and if they don’t have their league, the teams closest to the states would consider investing in an NFL team.. you can bet if these things happen, Toronto would try and bide for a team. I honestly don’t care as baseball and hockey have made it work. Again, for my Canada buddies, I hope it works out for you.
  15. Bud, I’m not busting you personally’s chops. I’m saying I believe non of them. No matter what he or any of them say. They lie and they lie even more before the draft. Its a smart move so no one knows what they are really doing. Sometimes they tell the truth, because they want others to think they are lieing. It’s not about you, and I see you put a nice summary together. I’m saying I’ve been watching drafts since espn made it popular in the early 80’s and they all lie. Hell, Gil Brandt from the 60’s to the 90’s and so many others say the same darn thing. Believe nothing. You can’t read anything into any GM except maybe the jags that sent the playbook to Lawrence. They have no reason to lie as they are #1. That one I agree. I don’t even know if Wilson will go to the Jets at #2 even though all accounts say he will. I have absolutely no idea even with all the speculation who the 49ers are going to take nor do you or anyone else. At 30? Anyway, glad you put some thought into it for fun. With absolutely no information, or anyone telling me anything, I agree. That’s my WAG as it is most likely a better CB is there at 30 or close than other positions, but then I could completely be 100% wrong. What do I know or anyone else.
  16. Cmon bud liars season. Do i have to send again the animal house remain calm youtube. Note to anyone who wphasnt watched drafts for over 30 years. They all lie. Believe NOTHING. There is nothing that is true. NOTHING. I didn’t even watch his pre draft presser. Why? He’s living like every other GM. you can’t read a tea leave to find not one thing out and I wouldn’t either if I were them. That’s giving away you’re leverage. These guys are smart. they are not dumb enough to give you any hint of what they will really do. The whole RB thing from the other day. Lie! or not. We won’t know until the end of next weekend. enjoy it like Christmas and see what toys we get.
  17. Alright bud. Imagine you’re in Star Trek and we did one of those time warp things and you can just start at 2017. Here let me help. Sad thing is I’ve never even listen or watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Just looked stupid to me.
  18. Before he opted out that was his last clocked time I found on his stats. If there are others, I didn’t see it. Interestingly, Poyer and Hyde both ran something like 4.53 and 4.57. Can’t remember which ran what speed. I can see for a CB, not Safety Beane wanting a guy who can run 4.3-4. Thanks as I didn’t find a faster time.
  19. He seems to have decent skills. He ran a 4.7 in the 40 so a little slow, but that’s not everything. He’s not really big enough for a Big Nickel Safety. As a side note, I can see Beane taking one of the better CB’s in the draft as I don’t see any Edge Rushers even close to being there or worth trading up for one.
  20. Corta I can see you put a lot of prep into this thread so thank you. My vote is we don’t bring up any of the 17 year drought games anymore. It’s like watching a car crash over and over again.
  21. Correct, but that doesn’t mean you trade up in the first which is the most costly. If Beane ends up with targeting 4-5 guys, then it’s more likely if he trades up at all it will be in the mid rounds. Those are more likely scenarios like when he traded up for Knox.
  22. It’s almost a lock ATL gets Pitts. Given they feel Ryan still has juice, Pitts is logical. They need defensive help, but there really isn’t any Lawrence Taylor’s out there. If Miami thinks they can get the same type of player at 9 or 10, I guess. To me it’s liars season. I trust zero reports out there.
  23. As long as you want to give all 7 picks up as the draft value is 1091.2 pts for the entire draft for the Bills and pick 14 is 1100 pts so that means you probably want to also give up you’re 6th round pick next year. That’s 8 picks for one pick at 14. Do you really think Beane is going to consider that as an option?
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