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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. If you guys remember in 2019 our five starters did not all play in unison until week 1 of the season as different injuries in preseason. With the quality the Chiefs brought in this offseason, this is unfortunately going to be a strength and Mahomes will cover up the rest.
  2. That’s funny I coached against him twice in flag with my boys and his. It was fun as my defensive coach and I beat him once at least our boys and they won once. You can say it’s just flag, but this was a ridiculously competitive league. All our boys played every or every other series as I’m not one of those coaches, but our parents were invested as we cared about winning, but more importantly about the boys having fun and learning the basics of football. I can’t say the same for some other coaches if you know what I mean in the league.
  3. Augster, I know. When I first moved to Tampa, fans were so nuts for UF, FSU, and Miami. Now UCF, and USF have built up their programs over the years. It almost felt like the three teams in FL were an afterthought. The Bucs grew on people here after Dungy came and it stuck to a degree.
  4. Badol, I don’t always agree with you and I am sure you feel the same, but well written. Last year was a 9 game season. The previous 6 years were 14 (one year) and mostly 15-16 starts ranging from 1400-1871 yards per year. He’s not some injury prone every year guy who is over the hill. I have no idea where he can help a team and maybe he benefited from Matt Ryan who is an excellent passer and a meh running game so his stats get padded, but to say he’s meh, is a mistake. Im no Falcons fan at all, but I respect talent. His contract is such I doubt he’s really going anywhere. This stuff happens every year.
  5. HB, I have managed and hired people for over a decade. Yes, you’re comments are well deserved as always, but past performance does predict future performance. That’s why most people start low and work their way up. You can work you’re way up or down in a career. The reality is I haven’t read anything about her accomplishments at any level to know whether she is a solid coach or not. Her gender has no bearing on her skills. Lots of very successful coaches played if at all at the lowest level in some sports, but they are darn good at recognizing and teaching skills. A small example is my oldest son is a D1 athlete on a full scholarship. He’s great and is an average coach when working with younger guys. My middle son was a good athlete, but not a great one, yet he is an excellent teacher and can relate so well to younger athletes and was born to coach. Im not going to judge this young coach. I doubt seriously McD is participating in a gender experiment. I think he doesn’t care what people think and will have his coaches under him decide whether she is the best at the role. I don’t see this as a gimmick. It’s kind of sad so many think just because she is a woman that there is a possibility of this situation. if she stinks, the players will know it and she’ll be gone.
  6. I’m sure McMuffin probably was screwed, but as my grandpappy said, “that boys oars all don’t touch the water”. Hes a walking advertisement for CTE. I really hope he does get help if not already as I saw one of those specials. I think it was 60 minutes in how screwed up he was as a result of football and head trauma.
  7. Dirty old man. Raquel Welch, don’t forget that 100 million Bc girl from the 60’s. I know my mom was always enamored with Paul Newman, Robert Redford, and Steve McQueen, the ultimate cool guy. the reasonable guys on the board, thanks for not insinuating a female coach has to be attractive. Do I need to insert some of the horribly ugly men who are gods as coaches and no one cares. Lombardy is a good example. That man hit the ugly tree all the way down, but does anyone really care? I teased before and of course Chand did a better job than me with eloquence, but if she’s freakin good, who gives a crap. If you are the elephant man, kidding, but you make our line and rb group be the #1 running team in the nation coupled with the top #2 passing team, you care?
  8. Been a long time, but I’ve enjoyed a few libations there. I grew up about five miles from there closer to Blasdell right on SP Ave.
  9. So do I. He’s been on a winning team with the 49ers two years ago that has one of the deeper RB group in the NFL when they went to the SB. Moss may improve, but it’s a stretch to make the claim the author made on Moss. I don’t either which made it easier to defend the run as other teams were playing from behind against us for most of the year in 2020. That feeds into our strength in our secondary vs. the run. It will be interesting if we play with a lead again how these bigger guys on our D Line manage the rush as they will get lots of opportunities. Oh, and Bruce, thanks as always for the find. You’re a good egg.
  10. Shady, thanks for sharing. If she’s the best for her role we have the opportunity to pick up, then great. Not a fan of hiring for a quota, but I do think you work harder at expanding the net for people of different backgrounds as leaders like the Pegulas and Coaches.
  11. You mean the four jokes I made with Donuts and Ridge with Star Trek, etc. until this one. My point was simply what I said. I trust the defensive minds and they’ll figure out how quickly to weave him into the lineup. My above serious point bout these second and third year guys is more important in next steps.
  12. After six pages, here’s a crazy idea, how about we trust McD and Frazier, and they get now a more normal off season so OTA’s, Pre-Season games, training camp, and if he picks up quickly he moves from 5-10% snaps, to 20%, then maybe 40% by mid year. Everyone knows McD is a rotational guy for his linemen so at most he’s going in for half the time. He’s competing on rotation with a 34 yr. old, who before last year was getting 9.5 sacks in avg., for five years and dropped preciously last year. Rousseau will get every chance to get put in the lineup. It’s up to him after that and if he’s good enough he’ll see time. If he needs more development like Epenesa in the beginning of last year, he’ll get moved in a bit slower. for me what’s important is Epenesa taking the next step, but the same goes for Oliver and even Ford on the offense. We have some aging players so it’s more important our year two and three guys are now in stride like H. Phillips. He had a tough road with his knee injury so this year we need to see a big H. Phillips year. Im a relatively patient guy so instead of fretting over guys not even in camp yet, I care more about the other I mentioned they now breakout.
  13. I know you Dollars. Ch. 29 at I think 6 pm back in the day, and Donuts was saying *****, I’m a womanizer not a doctor. Bones, wait that’s my line. Kirk, hey Spock, give him the Vulcan mind meld, I have pon Farr business with Yeoman Rand. 🤪
  14. Leave it to Dean to profile the Uber driver. 😂🤪🏈
  15. Jump the fence in the right spot and closer. God we sound like we’re still in HS.
  16. I know my cousin and some of his friends like O’Daniels in Hamburg post game.
  17. Gonzo, I’d love an 8 year deal, and the guarantee can be backloaded and then with the ability o go back to the bank of Josh to leave room to convert more to signing bonus to spread out as an out when we need $ like they did this year with Mahomes. You’re avg. is $38 mil., so I’m guessing it moves to a $41 mil.avg. As higher than Dak, but spread out. By several Accts., the cap projections which who knows of accurate early estimates. 2021 $181.5 mil. 2022 $203.5 mil. 2023 $225 mil. 2024 $255 mil. With these tv contracts they project the back half of the decade is going to keep ascending to at least $350 mil. Even of these are just guesses, the contract for Beane is going to be with what their capologists are guessing as they have to figure in Edmunds, and all the others they are guessing will make extensions. That’s way too much math for me, but Beane is weighing out all if these opportunity costs to see what keeps the team sustainable. I made a lot of assumptions, but they were educated guesses and I don’t have Beane’s inside info. I trust Beane in that he’s looking at all of these things. Thanks capologist.
  18. I would’ve been fine with him as 5th ahead of Watson, and not because of his off field stuff. Allen just made huge strides last year. This year will be the one where no one will be able to come up with excuses when he hits 69% or better as a repeat.
  19. The longer the contract the better. Mahomes contract was actually very team friendly. I seriously doubt under you’re scenario the Bills would guarantee $200 of $230.
  20. Nah, you bloke, you just want to see him get eaten. Now get in his belley.
  21. I’m going back a bit 87, but yep they are open until 4 am. As Jimmy Buffet once sang, there is a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning. Big Tree is fun always, but you’re missing out if you don’t check out Hammers which is diagonal to the Big Tree at least around 10:30 am, as it gets fun around that time. There are a few other places in Hamburg, not too far of an Uber away. As a,ways and I’m sure you would anyway, just Uber the night. People are good folks there and why bother with the cops or worse get hurt. you’ll have fun and honestly, you just need to talk to some people who you like and they’ll tell you what’s fun around there. Nothing wrong with a couple of pops before as they don’t serve after halftime so you have an hour and a half to throw back a 5 hr., not that I’ve ever participated.
  22. Don’t forget that damn meat eating dolphin from Ace Ventura! Purpoise scum.
  23. I think the Lions will be ok with this guy. But now this guy. We’ll get a 4’5 out of you yet linemen.
  24. i know those two slackers Frank Clark and Chris Jones. Slackers! Well be fine. In Beane we trust.
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