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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. You beat me to it Bruce. Wow, three pages in five hours. By June 1st, what’s the over under on 50? No that’s where Rodgers is going. I think that thread is over 100 pages by now.
  2. And he stole House’s TP he’s been hoarding.
  3. At this point Humpty Dumpty looks thinner than Dawkins.
  4. It’s a fun spot and I could care less about Belicheat. Until he finds a sound QB, as Cam is done, Sridharan is worthless, amd the new kid will take forever to get up to speed. We’ll sweep them again, but will be a little closer than the beat down we put on them in round 2 last year. The first game was only close due 45 mph winds.
  5. Hahahaha. But maybe he was just thinking this.... The sad thing is half the people on this board have no idea why that was so funny. I used to love schoolhouse rock as a tyqe
  6. you’re the one darn it. I have to keep using Scott towels. Now my leg hurts.
  7. Will they notice a difference? Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.
  8. Let’s get it over and just trade him to KC and then 10 Bills fans do this ..... Btw- I think Michael Ironside has been in every third movie ever made.
  9. Hap, Gatorade works from what I’m told, not that I know anything about that (Seinfeld reference).
  10. This message as a public service announcement for every married guy over 40, this thread is not for you.
  11. A little less known is never get involved with a Sicilian when death is on the line... INCONCEIVABLE! All kidding aside as I can’t pass up on a princess bride reference, but McD is sharp. As many have mentioned, I’ve managed as well for a decade, and very happy for those 10 years. His comment on Servant Leadership is from a book and philosophy that works. Hire the right people which is always a challenge, train well, and have an attention to detail like Wooden in Good to Great (fantastic leadership book that transcends sports), and then remove obstacles, support, and serve you’re team so they can be the best version of them (I know poor grammar and syntax). I love McBeane as I blend those two together like the Borg. They seem to have a hive mind.
  12. Hey Hap, with all of you're high level meetings at OBD (just kidding too easy) can you get Josh to scan this entire thread? I think he'd be happy with his mafia. Here's to another 15 years my friend who blessed our shores in April 2018. What a great life to have JA still going strong in 2036 as a man on his way to the Bills Wall. An old Irish Blessing. May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at you're back (especially in the Pats Game in 45 mph. winds) May the sun shine upon you're face (and in Tom Brady's eyes when we play at 4pm in December in Tampa) And until we meet again (the Chiefs in the AFCCG where we kick you're ever livin ars in 2022). God Bless our Bills! Father MGK
  13. NG, Happy BDay to you're daughter as well. I have three kids, but my daughter is special. We're a sap for our little girls. Mods will overlook this one.
  14. I just started getting interested after I read through all the posts now. The juvenile posts I guess is an attempt at humor, and the only part there that would concern me is of there really is a bias towards women in a coaching position in sports. There are tons of examples of women coaches in other sports like basketball, baseball, and so on that show you don't have to play the sport to coach it, and women as well as any other group has no inherit advantage or disadvantage in their abilities. Hap made a good point, she most likely is breaking down tape and prepping other coaches and scouts on various matters, but isn't that how you coach you're kid as he is finishing college that hopefully he sucked it up, or her, and took those crappy internships to have something on you're resume. Then there is the problem of kids in this generation not wanting crap jobs, well wake up. you start at the bottom, and sounds like she doesn't mind that at all. There really isn't a way for a person to move up if they can't get a shot at the bottom. 50 years ago, people of color and beyond were discriminated against due to skin color at the QB position. The last 20-30 years is riddled of no african-american head coaching jobs. Now, we are making strides in the management realm for various diverse persons. If the woman is a washout, it will happen fast. If she is promoted to a position coach with the players and they don't respect her, it will be an end. If anything, people of diversity which includes women in football, they feel they don't just have to be capable, but much better than their competitors just to get a fair opportunity. Id like to think the guys here don't have that much gender bias, or because she's not hot, that matters. Some of you need to look into the mirror including me, and say, uh well i could do better.
  15. J-Man I agree on most especially going to Oswego and spending a lot of time in SU, I don’t consider that at all WNY. It’s just Upstate. Rottenchester though to me really is part of WNY. There a lot more ties. I actually liked that city as dating a bunch of girls going to Oswego, but lived there in Fairport and Chili. I always looked at Rochester as more of the white collar Buffalo. It just seemed cleaner for some reason. Then again I worked at the BN driving trucks with all of those bundles fir my college job so I’ve driven through the nice areas, but a ton of time in the crappiest areas in Buffalo, and some suburbs. Im just glad our veteran here has so many great ideas for garbage food (the stuff we love), nice places, architecture, things to do, and the best places to have fun overall. As usual the Queen City guys (all of you) deliver.
  16. Especially if the player sent the singing fish plaque as the gag gift. An oldie but a goodie for secret Santa.
  17. I don’t disagree in a perfect world, but have been placed in the position when I had two territory manager openings to hire one of them as a person of color or in our world of gender. Previously our VP used to say, I won’t make you hire someone of a certain background as we want the best, but I will push you to expand the net. He wanted us to use diversity recruiter on top of our own and really work harder as managers to make sure we weren’t just complacent in who came our way from our recruiting resources. I had no problem at all with it as I already had the second most diverse district in the US. That’s a little easier managing the SE. at the beginning with a regime change, I had a director that was so blunt she said one of the two had to be diverse. The one I chose was white, and won Rookie of the Year and P Club twice. Not because he was white as I could care less about that point. He was just the best. The other I had a local final candidate who was in with all of the specialists in the greater area in South GA. I was taking another position at another company and was overridden to hire an out of town diversity female who on paper and interviews was great, but this area needed a local. She failed miserably after I left, and was able to get a lateral to another division in Dallas amd from what I hear is doing well. I’m not trying to bore you. Im making the point expanding the net and working harder to do so is a managers job or coach. Forcing for quota when not a good fit has bad outcomes. To my last post, I have no idea how qualified she is to coach. I could care less if her gender. As long as she coaches her people up well, that matters. If not, the players will sniff that out and shell be gone.
  18. For the Texans, he makes a lot of sense. He will keep things moving, not make a lot of mistakes, but won’t take risks. If they figure out this recent stuff of settlements, Watson might make it after week 8, or never. If he does make it past this endeavor, and the Texans quietly support him behind closed doors, he might do a 180 on playing for the Texans. If they are on a rebuild and he does ok, then he’s playing for a future backup role which he is well suited for in the NFL. His pipe dream of a starter is gone, but he can still roll another 8 years as a backup and make a nice living for his playing career retirement. They just started one of their many specials on MTC, and this one is an eight day deal evaluating the QB room. So far in two days they’ve done the AFCE and AFCN. Now of these teams Allen rated the highest as an 8-10 for starters, and their backup can go up to a score of 0-6, whereas their developmental guy is 0-4. As a group so far the only team in the running for their top 10 or 5 list is the Bills as they scored a combined 15. My point was simply having Mitch places the Bills QB room better than most. Fromm received a 2 of 4 as they didn’t see him last year and they pick who is the most likely developmental guy of Fromm over Webb. As it pertains to Tyrod is he would be a great #2 wherever for the next 8 years. If he starts for a bad team, does reasonably well say 4-13 to 5-12 and that’s a stretch, then he’s good for a long time bouncing around making $2-4 mil./yr. for the following seven to eight years.
  19. DaBills, I tried YouTube, and after reviewing every Deadpool clip I could find, If I’d posted any of them I’d have so many points, I’d see you and the guys on this board at Josh Allen’s retirement speech, never mind the bloopers one. That was funny. They are stupid, but he is such a wiseguy I love Deadpool.
  20. Royal, can you please stop feeding you’re dog sausages dressed up like Tom Brady. He called me and Scooby and needs an intervention. Freddy will fight you with one hand tied behind his back, two hands behind his back, wuff.
  21. The MTC guys have been tracking and their best estimates from their contacts is the avg. is 85%, we are at 83.3% so around avg. Those guys have been discussing on and off all week. Their discussion which was interesting is of the 15 players on average from teams who didn’t show, who were they. Their speculation was it was disproportionately more the starters and higher paying guys. Why was that important to them is the NFI rule. They discussed with some agents why that’s a bad idea to train on their own as if they get Achilles like Juwain they can be cut per the current CBA and they lose their $. If the players don’t like it then they need to make sure in the next CBA, it’s changed. If they get hurt in for example the Bills sports complex, they are covered. Kirwan is it’s common sense late draft picks, UDFA’s, vets in the bubble, depth players don’t want to do anything to hurt their chances of securing a spot. I have no idea the Hughes, Hyde, Poyer’s, and so on who showed, but my opinion would be to get myself in there no matter what to preserve my income and my slot.
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