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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Daddy O Town and Timmy, I might go to the Bucs and Ajax games. It just depends on my schedule, but living in Tampa, those are easy games to attend. When I was younger I used to go with a couple of buddies to the annual Fins game. Getting too old for South Beach. If I do go to at least the Bucs, I’ll PM you guys as we can always catch up and commiserate outside. There will be a ton of Bills fans there. Even though Tampa won the SB, if both teams are hot again this year, it will be an expensive ticket, and there are tons of Bills fans that live in Tampa. It seems to be a favorite transplant are for prior Buffalonians.
  2. Yolo, I’m glad you at least mentioned it was Josh who Davis was referring to in the clip as it’s never said. I assumed he was referring to Josh, but as always I always love paint by numbers.
  3. Stafford is someone I’m watching this year. He’ll finally has a decent line, solid running game, weapons, and a punishing defense. The Rams could be the next home team SB host as I believe it’s in LA this year in Kronke’s Taj Mahal. As far as George, remember when he was a rookie and Bruuuce literally tattooed him in the backfield. Thx MJ as always. A fun watch. Let Chandler know you’re editorial in the end about having to go to YouTube was funny. He’s always great for those vintage films. Both of you are smart as you’re title makes it easy to do a search in YouTube to find it.
  4. No Don he wants phone a friend or 50/50. I had to sit through enough of that stuff with my parents years ago when I came to visit. Sad thing is my dad still watches wheel of fortune. Whenever I come to visit I feel dumber in 30 minutes.
  5. Ethan, you make some good points as I went back and looked a little at his college career, and he was pushed when drafted to be our 1 tech DT rotating with Star. I don’t if he has added any size from 2020, and that concerns given his longer rehab on a tough injury. This is a telling year for Harry, but also a step forward for AJ, and on offense Ford.
  6. You beat me to it Lime. There is no way one of the poorest owners in the NFL is going to forego the remainder of a $100 mil. Guaranteed contract. The latest I saw on Audacy is Davis’ net worth is $250 mil., one of the lowest in the NFL compared to Tepper of Carolina at different reports of $14-16 bil. Davis is stuck with Gruden whether he sucks or not. Believe me I’m no fan when he was in Tampa. He brought the Bucs their first SB, but then was up and down revolving from a winning record one year to a losing one the next. He pushed out the architect of the team, Rich McKay to get a lapdog in Bruce Allen. He brought in old over the hill guys until fired 7 years later. The two teams that stick out to me are the Bears and the Broncos. My reasoning is the Bears have a very good defense, have a young new to develop QB, and a fan base sick of their anemic offense. They made the playoffs several times, but almost felt like they were limping in except their best record year. I can see if a bad year Chicago moving on from Nagy. The Broncos would need to pull off a trade with Rodgers for them to get deep in the playoffs. They too have a decent defense, and an anemic offense. They have a defensive minded coach so as it often occurs owners seem to lean the other way after firing a coach. If Daboll is promoted to another team, and a good leader (McD) always want to develop others for success. Looking at their track record, I can see one of the offensive position coaches as strong candidates fir the next OC. This is just wild off season speculation so we’ll see. It shouldn’t be anything to worry about after JA having the same OC for four years. He’s in a far different place now than a guy like Lance or Fields. Fields would probably benefit greatly from a coach like Daboll. Thats my 2 cents.
  7. Ktulu, the 49ers, Fins, and Stillers tried that exact strategy. It didn’t work in good conditions. We’ll see. The Pats defense may be better as they received a couple of their opt outs back and Chung I believe retired. They also brought in slower, but bigger WR’s and two TE’s that were an upgrade. That should help a weaker QB or inexperienced one. I’ll still place 21 red on Allen and Diggs all day long.
  8. Sure. I won’t debate that point at all. What I’m saying is in those winds even with Josh Allen’s arm there is still a margin for error as a gust of 50 or so can draw the ball off and you’re snacks can pick it off. Therefore why so worried about the pass. it sounds like you are a pats fan and as the mods say welcome here. My point was if the pats ***** down te run which was suspect in 2020, even though successful in the pass, the pats would’ve forced our passing game meaning more opportunities for the pats. It was a critical error for the pats. I doubt even Favre with that rocket back in the day or elway would’ve had an easy time with that wind. The thing about OP is the wind swirls which makes it even harder like the old Giants stadium. you may have won that game if you put 8 in the box. You’re team played into our hand. When a level playing field in the second game it wasn’t even close. You can say they had nothing to play for but neither did we when we shut out the jets from a playoff birth when futz was there. Our guys wrecked the jets season. We weren’t making the playoffs finishing 9-7 even with that win.
  9. He has an ejection fraction of 44 vs. the norm of 55-70. That’s a precursor to CHF. He had a legitimate medical condition and this was negotiated last year by the NFLPA and the league. whether people agreee with this joint decision last year or not, he had a right under that agreement to opt out. whether he plays or not is tbd. I dont expect him here after 2021.
  10. Boxcar, you’re right it is voluntary. He has leverage in the sense they really won’t fire him as they get no savings from it. you would think after a year off and much less concerns for COVID given recent developments (vacc.)
  11. No worries. I actually thought you were being sarcastic. If you really didn’t know, no problem. If it helps I’m a little concerned he didn’t show.
  12. T- are you serious? This was discuss d hundreds of times and yes he was paid $350k as he had a medical reason with the cardiac issue. Others get $150k, and comes off Their contract.
  13. Didn’t we just have a thread in this topic. I’m not complaining as it’s fine with me. Indy, Tampa, Chiefs, and most importantly destroying the Pats twice!
  14. Stampede, I agree. I think all of us have a POV on the vaccine stuff, but I honestly want to hear more about how Dane Jackson had a good INT against Hodgins and for that matter how is Isaiah coming back from his injury. Im a little surprised Star didnt show up. My point on vacc. Was simply they will have more obstacles with daily testing, masks, and it is within the teams choice to push for virtual learning for in vacc guys. It stinks, but if they choose not to get the vacc. that’s their choice. It also draws a team to protect everyone else in the building. im hopeful we’ll hear more from Vic or Sal on the football stuff.
  15. But did he put ketchup and tobasco on the eggs. I know, I’d almost forgotten Jones at this point. It was sad as understood the pick in 2017. He had at that time the most catches in college or something, but couldn’t catch a cold for the Bills. I didn’t know his nickname is Zones. I assume that wasn’t a typo Lime as you wrote a couple of times.
  16. To me, it’s his call. If he’s vaccinated and proof he’s tested once a week, and no mask. Not proof of vaccinated, tested daily and mandated to wear a mask. His call. It does effect others as he can infect others, if positive, but then gain he’s tested daily while working. Notice I’m not making an opinion. I have a strong one, but everyone has a right to their body, and I’m not going to dictate what a person should do. They also own the responsibilities with their choices. What I don’t believe is he has some responsibility to tell the public what he will or will not do. I just hope regardless of a person’s choice is this darn health problem goes away, and it has hurt so many millions of people from a health and economic standpoint on top of the social and psychological issues.
  17. Thats partially true. In the first game the winds were avg. 45 mph., so it became a running game for both teams. We ran for over 200 yards, but BB’s problem was he dropped 8 back which was surprising he was that concerned with our passing game in those conditions. If he would’ve pressed on us, we may have lost that game. He was so concerned with shutting down our passing game, he missed it. I was surprised as he typically is much better with strategy. The Pats need a QB to compete. We’ll see if if Jones is the answer.
  18. I seriously doubt anything substantive happens at this point. Possibly post June 1 some guy who is older for depth, but not much else.
  19. Folz, lots of data. I promise not trying to be a pain, but was there a point, meaning some overarching theme. I guess I’m just dense after midnight. I really do appreciate the data.
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