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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Not exactly smart for anyone over 30 to mess with their team in a year where the cap goes down and just about everyone but Watt took pay cuts to stay or move to another team. There was 800 or so one year contracts. All of these guys, Ertz, Jones, Julio are going to lose $ in the long run.
  2. babushka, now that’s funny. Reminds me of Just Jack video he put out of the 2020 New England Patriots. Now we have Cam “I have a fargin tree growing out of my head” Newton as quarterback. That video cracked me up I had to watch it a few times. This summer Jack you need to bring that one back.
  3. Dougie fresh typifies please dont go away mad, just GO AWAY! God bless McBeane. He is the quintessential reminder of all things bad about the bills in the day. Oh that day lasted 17 years.
  4. Ramza, he’s won more than enough games with crowds. Don’t you think we may have lost not because of 6000 fans or so, but because our strategy which was smart to make them run worked but worked too well. We had limping Brown, White, Milano, and Edmunds. The second game we had four WR’s banged up, and again we were out coached and outplayed. There’s no easy excuse of crowds and no fear of fans. Josh will be fine with 73,000 fans. Besides he has Neil Sedacka and Elvis to keep him calm.
  5. Instead of the 1st 100 Days (POTUS), it’s the last 100 DAYS. Foolers not Stillers are going DOWN! I hope Harris gets absolutely tattooed by Milano! (Of course a legal hit with no serious injury just shutting them up). Welcome to the NFL Najee. Nothing against him.
  6. I think I know a TBDer who has arrogant fingers and thumbs. He has a bad leg. 🤪😜👍🙏😇 Seriously, he is a great backup QB from a place akin to the Jests. He’ll most likely be a one year phenom if JA17 gets hurt for a game or two (btw- I certainly hope not at all). We have a guy for once depending on the time of the season and opponents who could take us 3-1. That doesn’t mean we want it as I trust JA more than anyone, And with Him staying in the pocket more (rushing 2018, 600+ yds, 2019. 500+ yds, 400+ yds). We’re in good shape and is going to be a fun year.
  7. Hey Iceman, can you tell Rodgers to follow his own advice to fans a couple of years ago, R-E-L-A-X! I always root for you guys primarily because of you as such a class act. We luv ya bud. Even though I live in Tampa, can you please kick Tampa’s but this year? I was happy for my friends getting another SB, but enough of Brady. You are always welcome on this board friend.
  8. Whoever hits no and this such a monster problem, I encourage you to find another much better ensure for all things Bills. As my old AVP used to say to me when we had to fire a guy for lack of performance, we’re going to miss that guy. He was making a point. Instead of complaining leave. SDS, Hap, Chand, don’t honor these comments. Shut this crap down as you guys do an amazing service I’m imagining at a great deal of you’re time because you love the bills. Not because you’re trying to make money. You have that much of a problem at clicking one no, really.
  9. I hear the fridge is available. Once K Benjamin washes out of the Giants , he’ll be there too. Heck are drought castaways could fill a team.
  10. Couldnt have been written better and thanks transient or maybe I’ll just call you nomad. Anyway, I felt we had life in our defense against the Seahawks. They pulled it together after two tough losses against the 2019 AFCCG opponents in KC and TN. Seattle looked unstoppable at that point until we schalacked them. The Cards were a big test when we were on the upside. When we lost to them in that fluke play, it looked like the hawks was smelling blood in the water, whereas the Cards loss was a we are going to devour people amd we don’t care who is in our way. For young people, this is what it felt like in the late 80’s to the 90’s. No matter how down we were, those of us at the right age just thought, Jimbo, Thurm, Andre, Lofton will get it back. No matter what! It was a great feeling as you didn’t feel invincible, but you did feel you could beat anyone and we did. We beat the great 49ers back then, the Giants not in the SB, and so on. I know I had my early 20’s arrogance of saying screw you to any opponent fan when they would boast of their team. So for me, I can’t wait for the Chiefs, Pats, Fish, Bucs, Saints, TN, Colts, and most importantly I can’t wait to stomp on the Steelers in week 1. BRING IT because we will! 🏈🏋️‍♀️
  11. I really liked the Colts drive listed above, but the Cards last drive was riveting to me. I guess many won’t pick it as we lost, but we went down that field methodically and Allen threw that laser to Diggs. 9 out of 10 times Murray wouldn’t have hit that Hail Mary, and he never even did it before in high school or college. I still think we earned 14-2 last year. That last throw was a fluke. I was so proud of my team in that drive.
  12. GB, I’m betting they keep JA, and Trubisky, and have a slot for a PS QB like Jake from State Fromm. Webb is probably cut. I understand the vaccine comment, but it’s going to keep coming up. They really made a mistake discussing it whether it’s Josh’s research answer, or the silliness of Poyer’s wife, or Beasely. The last two can have a private opinion, but they draw attention to a topic vs. just decide what you want or don’t want to do. Its certainly not going to be difficult to figure out as more press is allowed at some of the practices as they.l see who has to wear a mask, and who doesn’t. The Bills will want to stay in compliance with the league as they are paying attention. As far as the $, it’s possible it was freed up for Ertz, but consider teams like to have $2-3 mil. for emergencies going into the year. Well they had $3mil. They still haven’t finished all contracts for rookies so that’s another $1mil. This means they have truly free around $7 mil. It could be for Ertz, another player or getting parsed into the Allen and Edmunds contracts. I have no idea. The comments above on Ertz is correct in that his numbers prior to last year were not far off Kelce’s career numbers. He’s not any older or been hurt for several years. Whether they decide to take him or not is their call. Someone mentioned we only had 3 TE’s last year which is not true as Sweeney went out for multiple reasons in season, and they did have Kroft, Smith, Sweeney, Knox, and Gilliam as TE/H. Right now we have Knox, Hollister, Sweeney, and Gilliam. If we pick up Ertz, then we’ll drop most likely either Sweeney or Gilliam.
  13. Jeremy, the op posted the interview so you can listen to it about 5 minutes or so into the interview. The rules for vaccinated and non-vaccinated players was posted and you can search for it in the board. It was last week. I hope that helps.
  14. Sorry, I left you out CS. DO I HEAR 65, 65, 65, and yes the young man in the red shirt, CS Bill offers 65. 😜🤪🏈😷
  15. But, but, but, we can trade for the ghost of Walter payton, manning in his prime, Megatron, Aaron Rodgers before he was a weasel, LT, Ronnie Lott, yadayada yada. my god, this happens every year. Sure and I’d like to win the powerball for a bajillion dollars. Not happening.
  16. sounds like Hap. He cheats. Just ask Badolz. I’m kidding badolz. Trying to keep it light as you both seem like good guys. we all know Chand cheats. 😜
  17. I’m with Bruce, I think Allen has Achilles arrogance. That bastage. https://youtu.be/6GVCgTFw2Qk Fargin Icehole. Never gets old and clean so no points for me mods. 🤪🏈😂😏 Just kidding. Luv ya guys.
  18. House will be proud. I feel like an auctioneer, do we hear 50 pages, my good man Gugny says 51, do we hear 55, 55, 55, yes my good man 3/12 says 55, do we hear 60, 60, 60, yes the old curmudgeon Mr. get off my lawn Chandler says 60. My god, trade for him or make this please end! This is like the never ending Rodgers thread which followed the never ending Watson thread. Im officially Ertzed out. Sold to Mr. Hapless for 61.
  19. The DE pool is long gone. CB2 or TE makes sense. There is no way we are going after Jones. We are too loaded in that spot and we havent even seen Hodgins yet.
  20. Chand, I was thinking the same. For this very reason, I can honestly say I’ve never been to PFF. The only reason I know a small amount of what is written and said is one of you guys keep bringing it up, so I’ll look on our board, or PFF is brought up on NFLR and WGR quite often. They have a show on NFLR on the worst slot on the weekend, so when I’m driving home from a movie or whatever if they come on, I go to their save material and listen to another show. That’s how much I care what they have to say.
  21. if I can find you brother, and I don’t drink hardly ever anymore is on me. If helps my dad, one uncle, another uncle as a resident doctor, and a third child in Korea, never were hurt, but they served. That doesn’t include all of my dads best friends including my dads best bud jimmy griffin who served together. I,m proud of my other uncles in in Vietnam. I just care about who is ok. I think that’s ok..
  22. Cold front, I’m assuming you’re handle is you so thanks for keeping us safe. This is a day you honor people. Seriously thanks. Instead of mats, just know when to duck as we want you back here my friend. and for the record, NO MORE DOORMATS and be home my friend!
  23. We’re friends. Everybody else out of convenience just says MGK. I haven’t called hapless more than Hap, or Chand in years. they put up with me. Enjoy the rest of the well deserved holiday for our guys who’ve given that ultimate sacrifice.
  24. All true Raid which kind cements why when Allen hasn’t hit all of those other hurdles of large endorsements although he will, and so on helps, his wife shouldn’t matter as we all choose our partners, and everything you just said, infers why would Allen ever give a break on a contract. The benefit is the willingness to do a long term contract. That is the nicest, most reasonable thing Allen could do to help the team and preserve his multi-generational wealth. CB, you’re points on Mahomes even further cements his long term help to his team as you referenced around $30 mil., but his 10 year avg. is $45 ml., so again back ended as the cap balloons. Allen can do the same. Why not? His agent would tell him if you do a four year deal, the cap goes up and we can do another, and maybe another. Doing a long high deal gives him success for a very long time and we have flexibility in the cap to keep a really good team together. That’s my point. The longer Allen helps us out with a longer contract, he still gets his $, and the team has flexibility.
  25. CB, it does because they structured this 10 year deal with this in mind, and my suspicion is Mahomes was fine with it. He’ll barring a catastrophic injury see all $450 mil., and help his team keep tons of talent to be in the hunt every year for the SB for awhile. These guys were also smart enough to know there would be a new group of tv deals so the chiefs can absorb these restructures. It was a little evil genius. This is a little off topic, but I read a friend on this board suggest this morning the hometown discount thing for Allen. I don’t ever see that happening in anyway. Why? He’d help the team a lot more to do a similar 8-10 year deal where Josh gets $43-44 mil./yr., but because so long they can go back to the well of Allen for years and when his cap hit balloons who cares because the cap will go up eventually from $250-350 mil. by the end of this CBA. That would truly be the most unselfish thing Allen could do is make that $40+ contract, but that long that they can play with the deal for years. If he is pushing strong 8 years from no, they can extend and do it again. Brady had various versions of this where he still did well, but he kept helping the team get talent. When they stopped helping that problem he quietly had a two year plan to get out, and didn’t whine like Rodgers.
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