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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. He watched Slapshot. Just foilin up coach… Guys, this is like last summer. No one is convincing anyone of anything. Everyone already made up their mind. I just wish he would keep his fellow players safe if he wants to not vacc. Totally fine if he doesn’t. He should absolutely be able to take any risk he wants for himself and loved ones. That’s his call. Screwing up our season is another. I hope kind of like Polian pulled Thurmon and Kelly into his office in 1989 with the bickering bills, he was able to get them to cut it out. Not in this case getting vacc., just get out of the media and work together as a team. No shot, no problem, but just live with the mask and other stuff. If the answer is no, goodbye and we’ll miss you.
  2. RL, who are you kidding, you wear a seatbelt because of that annoying beeping. 😎😀
  3. I cracked up on that one Yolo. I swear this thread is like a car crash. You hate when everyone slows down and delays you, but then you do it too, even a little. Now what the hedouble hockey stick is going on with Ertz. House wants to know and his leg hurts over it.
  4. Where the rubber meets the road is the actions, not discussions from the Pegulas, Beane, McD, and even the good guy cop of Daboll (referencing how coordinators a lot of times play good cop to the HC bad cop or GM). Will the heads of the organization be willing with all players, not just Beasely as he shouldn’t be singled out, for strictly enforcing the non vacc. Rules. Will they maintain a list, and at the first glimpse of any player not following the right side protocols send them home, or even send them him from an away game. If they do so, then Beasely will be tested for brash words on Twitter. He’ll have to walk the walk. I was going to get out of this, but then I keep reading interesting takes on both sides. Either way, I do appreciate you’re opinions wherever you fall on the topic. Mine is not at all whether to take a shot, but just follow what you have to do if you choose not to get a vaccine. The choice should always be the persons in a limited tested and surveilled medicine. I seriously doubt we re talking about this in 12 months.
  5. H2O, agreed and still getting the sleep out if. My eye as the 315 encapsulates the people that had the two dose and single JNJ dose. My apologies.
  6. For a topic that has gone from education, opinion, to anger, frustration, and absurdity after all the pages, this made me laugh. WE WIN THE SB! YEAHHHHHHHHH, but now let me tell you about how evil the Covid Vaccines are for 30 minutes in a post SB press conference. They need to make that a skit on SNL. Bring back Will Ferrell for that one. Thanks for the chuckle. Now I’m really out.
  7. OMF: Thank you for such an informed and thoughtful response, not from Facebook. I appreciate you’re work on you’re scientific committee reviewing the post marketing clinical data, and expect we will probably have full approval by next year. Given there have been 315 million first doses given and 148 mil. Fully vaccinated in the US alone, there will be an overwhelming amount of phase 4 clinical data by mid 2022, and the politicization of this issue will be moot. This was one of the best posts in this thread as it was logical. Beasely is dug into his position and somehow feels he has to be the voice for the anti vacc. Crowd. I look at it that from the above paragraph the greater the size and length of time from the population vaccinated, the better and may convince others to choose to do so in the NFL. In essence he has a choice, but he shouldn’t be able to choose not to do so, and then say by his actions I don’t care for my fellow players who are not vaccinated as I can infect them. If other players follow the non vacc. Protocols, I see nothing wrong with it as there are consequences for one’s actions. Anyway, I’m out on this topic. There is really nothing else to say after reading hundreds of replies. Maybe we can have a football topic come up to enjoy.
  8. They did in 2019. They were in 13 personnel more than anyone else in the league. They lost two in free agency. The Roman issue was discussed just the other day in NFLR. The announcers mentioned in 2019 it was all about the running game and TE’s as Harbaugh and Roman knew they could get the most out of LJ with this philosophy. The problem is opposing defenses caught up to Baltimore in 2020. They tried to bring in WRs by drafting one and Sammy, but the problem is Roman will have to adapt and develop a passing game for LJ. I don’t know if he’s capable so if not the Ravens will slide and he’ll get fired. I don’t know if they will close on a new contract for LJ. They may want to wait until next off season.
  9. McCoy grew on me,but I don’t know about a great guy. Great guys don’t throw parties in Philly where he did that contract thing. As a player, sure until his last year. He was slipping.
  10. I thought the same nucci. It almost infers he never did his own “research”. Keeping it to football, I’ll miss seeing him out there if they cut him, but I wouldn’t want him creating potential infections during the season. If he would just wear a damn mask etc. I’d love to keep him. It’s his unapologetic defiance that’s the problem. it’s too bad as he’s almost always open.
  11. Given I don’t live in Buffalo and only fly up for one game a year I guess my opinion only has so much weight, but I like the idea. The infrastructure is developed in OP, there will remain to have lots of tailgating options, and having partial roof will serious cut down on the wind. I’m guessing it would be similar in nature to Seattle which everyone knows is loud. I assume they would put large heaters to encourage higher November/December attendance. I hope it works and is profitable for the Pegulas. It’s the one way to keep the Bills in Buffalo by increasing profitability.
  12. To me it’s simple. If you choose not to vaccinate, you have that right as they haven’t fully tested through normal fda procedures for full approval. Once that is complete, then it increases to the level of public health standard like polio and small pox. Until then, it should be a choice, but that also means you make the choice to follow the protocols put in place by you’re employer and union, or you’re services are terminated. Hes muddying the waters with I’m above the rules, and trying to keep the focus on a vacc. Choice. Vs. following the rules. Im fine with cutting him, and sends a larger message to players to follow the rules. It can start with fines and suspensions that need to forced not rescinded in a whim. If he continues you escalate and just cut him.
  13. I guess I’m in the minority, but the Bears outside of that year with Grossman where they lost to the Colts haven’t really been that relevant since the 80’s. She’s pretty much saying what fans are thinking. I know she should be above calling them out, but she’s standing her ground. I can’t remember the figure, but I thought it was over $500 mil. Invested in Soldier Field upgrades.
  14. Wjag, liking the assessment, but the problem is it took an incredible overachiever and worker nut like Allen three years to get there, and he’s not done. LJ has a long way to go and not showing his throwing drills sounds more like he is behind. LJ will take a couple of years for him to be great. He might, but it’s going to take time. Not this year.
  15. Mickey, I didn’t know you were a closet lifetime watcher. Is the notebook you’re fav. Movie. 😜😇😂 Just kidding bud. Who is Bug? I hate to admit, but I’ve never heard of him. Weren’t those three guys coaches on Wrex’s staff. I remember the bike. 😜👍🦬
  16. I think they’ll adhere to whatever NYS law is at that time. Probably one would have to have proof of vacc. To enter without a mask. I know I keep mine in my wallet, plus have pics of it. The part is completely unenforceable is once you’ve entered the stadium and you’re in the bathroom, concessions, or seats, there is no way to keep forcing people to wear a mask.
  17. It really depends 100% on Wentz. He’s looked good although reckless getting hurt when he was under Rich in Philly. He looked terrible after Reich. So if he is not reckless and is playing like he did under Reich then yes, I would put them over Pittsburgh. The four they mentioned plus the Titans, Colts, and Steelers basically makes up the playoffs is my best guess. I don’t see the Dolphins, Patriots, Raiders, or Chargers surpassing the above 7 to make it in as a wildcard.
  18. Guys TD is right. Even though I’m in Tampa, the weather often is similar as it goes across our peninsula. What some Might no know as most northerners don’t vacation in Fl in the summer as it’s the third ring of hell down here in the summer. Anyway, rain looks like up north drizzly, etc. for the other three seasons, but from June-September when it rains, it’s like God and the Angels take a bucket and dump it on us for 40 minutes at a time. If it was lightning then they take them off the field, but the Bucs will practice in heavy rain. Im certainly not making excuses for Tua as I want to see him struggle as much as the next Bills fan. Just put it in perspective. Hindsight is 20/20, but the Chargers are looking smarter and smarter for taking Herbert. I think after watching a couple of their games, he is the real deal. Tua, it’s too early.
  19. I loved that kids movie. I saw a minute of it the other day in a doctors office and it was on. I didn’t know the mom was Trudy from Chicago PD. Im sure Josh will have fun. Didn’t he play baseball in HS?
  20. Agreed Noggin. Remember how JB raved about how well prepared both Hodgins and Davis were before camp last year. He should be a good outside sideline WR.
  21. https://coachingkidz.com/nfl-practice-squad-salary/ Hey Jokeman, I had to look for a bit, but here is a breakdown for the practice squad for 2021. Most of the articles were for the 2020 season. They reverted back to 12 from 16. 2 of the 12 can be at any age and eligibility. It’s about 3/4 down the article. The other 10 are under the new CBA rules (you can read it to not bore you). The bottom line is for 2 guys there are no real restrictions and thus he could easily be placed on the PS if he is not an IR candidate, and I hope he isn’t as they probably will do an injury settlement and just release him. It’s a crowded room for his position. Regardless of his dad, I am sorry for the guy. No one likes to see injuries.
  22. It’s a bad look for Howard no matter how spun. He’s making approximately $15 mil./yr. so not like he is grossly underpaid. If everyone wants to renegotiate whenever another player gets a better deal, it would be never ending.
  23. This should be fun. Very talented, but one year into a five year. Good luck with that.
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