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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. You mean Josh From State Farm. 🤪😇 you’re the man, man. As far as a small market thing, it won’t matter if he lights it up again. Rodgers has done more than enough commercials in probably the smallest market team in America. Indy’s not big either and we’ll Peyton M. Once the media pundits fawn all over him as he repeats this year, we’ll see him more than enough.
  2. Buftex, I know it gets blurry so I finally looked it up this morning. Lofton’s last year with Buffalo was 93. Beebe’s last was 94. The guys after those two were not as good as them. After Lofton, I would’ve started using Tasker more in 94. It’s all water under the bridge now. I just remember when Tasker had a shot in the slot he did well.
  3. It is really sad some of the homophobic and prejudicial response from some. The man was couragious for his outing, and it will be a great day when it becomes a non issue. I said it earlier, for the get to guys making silly remarks, you have no idea how many gay men you’ve been around that have kept it to themselves. Maybe it is only 4% or so, but why does it even matter. Ive hired a couple of reps who are gay men (I am not), and had some open conversations once we became friends as I was their boss. It is not easy for a young man to deal with the discrimination and secrecy until finally they are at peace with themselves.
  4. Thanks for sharing as I was hoping a Californian would elaborate on the law. With this climate on violence, and it was absurdly blatant carrying around a non secured automatic weapon, it’s possible the NFL caves under pressure and does have the suspension this year. This isn’t tampering with the ball. The guy thought he was Scarface, and already from college has a domestic violence that was kicked down. The NFL has more than enough time to investigate from June to September to make a decision. That was Texas, this is CÀ. That’s like opposite world.
  5. I’m surprised as well with Newton and Wentz. Heck Dalton is a better Qb at this point.
  6. Agreed to what you and Bob wrote. Beasley (forget the non football stuff for now) reminds me of in spot duty what Tasker when he had his chance. As far as a commentator, I’m in the minority as I enjoy listening to him and believe he does have a high football IQ. It’s hard to blame the hosts when Brown and him on their show are employees of the Bills aren’t they? The other shows on WGR have more latitude I thought to be critical of the Bills when warranted.
  7. I remember hearing the same, and if memory serves as I’m not looking it up, we lost Lofton, Beebe left on 1995 for GB, so they needed WR’s. So Tasker finally started getting time on offense from 95-97. His predominant role was still ST, but I remember him going in on offense much more. To the OP, John I didn’t listen today, but the guys are usually pretty receptive to answering questions on air especially if framed positively. I think Brown is out so it’s Maddie and Steve. If I have time or you can do it, one of us can wait on hold and call into the show. My words would be something like “Steve, quick trip down memory lane. I remember hearing in the early 90’s, we were stacked with Beebe, Andre, and Lofton and you were the best ST player ever, I’m guessing you had to focus so intently on ST, which probably made you so effective at ST. Then by 95, Lofton and Beebe were gone. Was that a contributing reason to you getting much offensive playing time? If so, I remember how well you did towards the end of you’re career and I was asking why didn’t we do this more earlier in the 93-4 at least after Lofton left the team. it might be interesting to hear his response. I think I know his answer, but it’s just so you have time to wait on hold today. im not sure on. My part, but I’m interested on his take as well.
  8. Yolo is right it shouldn’t be news, but it still is even today in a gladiator sport. I’m happy he’s comfortable enough that he doesn’t care what people think and when eventually more players do the same, it will really be a non-news issue. Im happy for him and I know real teammates Won’t make a thing of it like small minded people about the showers, etc.. Besides for anyone who showers at their gym to go to work from there, I have news for you. Youve already showered with a gay man at some point in you’re life meaning the same great room. I know most gyms now have personal showers, but you get the point.
  9. Since it’s the boring season for football, I’ll bite and say the 49ers. Just sounds personal. Remember BB wanted to move on from Brady thinking although wrong on the decline, so would make the most sense. TB went to a highly talented team that needed a QB. Another that fits that bill was the 9ers. JG made it to the SB, but TB probably would’ve won it for them. They had a line, a great running game and top flight defense. Even last year they were 5th in defense. That has to be the team. I think he could care less about the Broncos or Bears QB to drive that response.
  10. MJ and Bird, off the wall, off the building, off the satellite, nothin but net. You know after this season with another 69-70% completion record and lots of tread in the playoffs, I could see a Mahomes vs. JA17 version with the football. Remember that gadget QB who was throwing from all kinds of ridiculous places. Now that would be a hilarious SB. Allen is turning heads nationally. People love him. He just needs to shave off that horrible, I’m 13 trying to grow a mustache and beard thing. Those two could really have fun with that stuff, and I bet off the field they probably both like and respect each other.
  11. Sirebores, he must have read the article as he just cited the last line of the article. I read it as well, and the article is confusing as he writes on one hand news willing to structure the deal to remain competitive, but then Allen will not take a cut from market value. The only logical inference is he’ll agree to back end a deal. That’s what I read from it. That still gels with Weo’s point. No low end deal, just placed in a way where there is more $ Up front. My only hope is Allen agrees to a similar deal that Mahomes took over a very long period of time. Mahomes deal will be obsolete in five years from elite QB’s in 2026. Mahomes still won as he has security for a decade and allows the contract people to keep converting over time to signing bonus so the team keeps finding ways to keep Kielce, buy another offensive line.
  12. Oliver- If he plays the three tech, he should improve this year. If not, we’re looking for a new DT. Ford - it’s true he was hurt a lot the last couple of years and he should’ve never been placed at RT. He was in HS and College the majority of the time at LG. In addition, the multiple line shifts last year makes it hard to evaluate. All of the excuses aside,’this is his telling year if he shines, we have a G. If he doesn’t I don’t think they’ll even keep him as a backup. Three years is long enough. Knox- I suspect Hollister could overtake him as the #1, and we don’t play a lot of 12 personnel so Knox might not see a lot of the field. Singletary- this too is his telling year. Throughout the year, the easiest way to see if he is here in 22 is by his carries this year. I’m intrigued with Breida.
  13. did you ever see the simpsons one where homer was trying to get betting advice at $5/min. And they would say one letter or word every five seconds. Would …. You…. Like…the…..lockdown….bet….etc.
  14. I’ll agree Beane needs to meet with him as soon as all these guys are done with vacations as everyone is gone for a month. I’ve said in another thread it was a different issue, but Polian pulled in Thurmond and Kelly and basically made them cut it out. For me Both Pegulas, Beane, and McD should sit him down and reaffirm choose to vacc. Or not, but face the league penalties with no reprieve. Escalate and cut. The Bills have too much momentum to blow it because of his temper tantrums. The choice on vacc or not is his, but the tantrum of I refuse to follow any rules like a child is not. That’s my problem, not the vacc. Choice. I’m vacc. But I don’t care if he doesn’t as long as he is not an infection risk to others.
  15. DJB, that was pretty good for a Father’s Day morning. What’s next wait this isn’t the tight end thread either. 😇 thanks for the chuckle.
  16. I’ll say something I almost never do, but respectfully disagree. The Tuskegee Airmen were one of the most heroic stories on WW2, and broke the barrier as you guys may know allowing African American men to be pilots which then sparked the development of the Air Force division post WW2. Not the only reason, but it’s cited as one of many contributing factors. This embodies heroism, courage, and progress. Redskin is pretty obvious as a derogatory depiction of native Americans. I just read a story in Forbes of he is one of the grandsons of one of the Redtails. He went on and on what pride of his country, his football team, and what a positive symbol of the progress our country has evolved to name the nations capital after those brave war hero’s. Besides, can you imagine how they could play it up with one of those vintage planes at the front of the stadium, doing a fly by before games with those Redtails planes. It would be a marketing bonanza for a team that is just getting over a scandal on top of the public pressure to change the name. Lastly, most of the articles I’ve read have stated in polling the two names with the most fan appeal in the Washington area are the Redtails, and the Red Wolves.
  17. Same to you Shady and the rest of the gang. My kids are taking me to 12 Mighty Orphans. I’m sure most of you have seen the promo for the true story of a beginning football program in an orphanage. My daughter is even interested (normally not a football movie fan) as she is adopted from China. My boys are biological. Ian and Ryan (my sons) said, Dad, we knew in a heartbeat what to do for you for Fathers Day. I hope you’re kids are doing fun stuff for all of you.
  18. You make tailgating in Buffalo look like this… That’s eball in the uniform. 😁
  19. Chand was that you as a kid? I didn’t know they had color pics back then.🧐🤓. Sorry about that. I was actually just making a joke about that nameless person who keeps coming up like Beetlejuice.
  20. Trout, luv ya bud, but WFT? I read the article and not really sure why if this is just temporary and will have a permanent name hopefully by 2022, so they lose on some knock off merchandise, and get a few jokes on Family Guy, big deal. I don’t know why they don’t just go with Washington Redtails. It’s patriotic, real hero’s from WW2, and addresses breaking diversity barriers. That’s really the story if the Tuskegee Airmen who broke serious barriers in the Army in our most important war for freedom. I do not believe there is a professional American Sports team called the Redtails. Trout, I know this title is a trademark topic, not another let’s name the team like we did last year, but two names have had real momentum amongst Washingtonians. Anyway, thanks for sharing the article.
  21. Gotta love auto correct at 4:45am. Thanks for catching. I fixed it.
  22. At worst I hope Obada makes our ps. They can take two veteran players as I think he doesn’t fit the traditional criteria. We definitely have a real competition for the guys making the 53.
  23. I’m starting to think all posts lead back to Ertz. I’m not busting youre chops, just funny. it’s funny we have collectively fired Cole in less than 24 hours. I’m hoping beane can pull a polian, and talk it out with him.
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