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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. He’s a cute little guy. Congrats Hughes’. I always liked Jerry on this team. It will be a little weird when he moves on as I’m so used to him on the team.
  2. Yesterday morning I called into NFLR and spoke with Vic Carucci, and he made some interesting comments on Singletary. He was referencing a conversation he had with the guy that trained Devin from January-May. The trainer stated to Vic when Devin came into his facility in January so right at the end of the season Devin looked out if shape. He went onto talking about the intense training program and drills he put Motor through and why he looked so chiseled in that pic. The trainer also stated in drills, Devin when cutting to get through the hole was cutting laterally too much East/West. They worked on every cut to move north so he gets every inch forward each time. To me, that clearly states he wasn’t putting in the training time to be the best last year, so not my Bill to root for success. As others mentioned, I want everyone ina Bills Jersey to do well, but here are my two. Offense - Breida. I’d love to see him used the right way and when we do run for him to use that explosive speed for fun running plays. Defense - Jackson, although Obada would be great as well. I’m concerned Obada could get cut, but if he makes it, I’d love to see him capitalize on that natural athletic ability. Jackson, I think is going to be the surprise Cinderella 7th round pick that ascends to our #2 CB. I loved what little I saw at the end of last year.
  3. Chandler, I love when you do this Mr. Historian so thanks.
  4. H2O, I don’t think so. He does have a voice that come off quirky to some, but As I mentioned, I would call into his show on NFLR at least once a week, and he was quite engaging and could debate or discuss with certain callers that liked to debate issues with him, and he was spot on most of the time. He is a Princeton Grad, and has his hand in a lot of different things. He’s the sideline guy for the Eagles as he lives near there, this podcast and a couple of other things. His voice takes getting used to though so nderstand you’re comment. I’m just used to him. He was a loss on NFLR, as he had loyal callers, and an audience.
  5. The Pats might win some games, but they won’t win enough using the sink and dunk strategy. 8-9 to 9-8 is my prediction. They’ll beat the Houston’s and Jets of the schedule, but they are toast against us, Bucs, Saints, Colts, Titans or even the Fins at least once.
  6. I forgot about that point. Ok, you changed my mind, red=bad, old throwback=good.
  7. Only you could find Daffy in this activity (kept it clean mods) As far as the red helmets, they are fine for 1-2 games, but love the current uni. Regarding superstition because we had red helmets During the SB years, I don’t believe in it. Besides, we get to the big dance in Feb., we’re wearing white helmets.
  8. Given the ankle history, it sounds like this is a precursor to retirement. I don’t wish injuries on anyone, but watching Big Ben hopefully sacked 4-6 times sure would be fun, and recently Some of the arrogant Steeler fans on NFLR have been getting on my nerves. What a nice start to the season annihilating Pitt. week 1. Here’s to the Steelers going 9-8, missing the playoffs, finishing third in the division, the Browns sweeping them. Too many wins to get a high draft pick.
  9. We save $1.8 mil. by cutting, but have a dead cap of $3.5 mil. if I read it correctly. As far as Hap’s initial 53, it makes sense to me and can always take the young guys who were not on the 53 and place in the PS. There are 12 spots, and two can be veterans as exceptions to the normal restrictions. I don’t see the NFL increasing the 53, but 5ey should able to dress more than 46 as I wasn’t sure if they maintained the pandemic changes. I also think they should’ve with the extra game kept the pandemic 16 slots vs. 12. Next year they go to 14, and even that would’ve been a compromise.
  10. I used to call into Ross a lot on his 6 am show, and sometimes on the opening drive with papa. There was a rumor he said something to piss off someone on air, but I have nothing to confirm. He was one of the most popular guys in the morning shows. He has a real following. I've occasionally listened to him on tune in radio, bit it’s not a call in show and that’s where he shines interacting with the callers. As far as the podcast, I listened and thought Cosell’s analysis was spot on with respect to our defense. No real surprises, but worth a listen. For those who haven’t listened, there is an app Tune In Radio. It’s free. Type in Ross Tucker once downloaded and another free resource to get in you’re football fix. Tuck’s takes are pretty funny and insightful.
  11. No he’s going full 1989 Daytona Beach jumping off the balcony belly flopping into the pool after chugging a yard of beer. The world according to Grimm.
  12. Yeah Chand, he mentioned as I heard it he was increasing his media presence so was vague. You’re right.
  13. John, to put in context Polian was speaking more to Basham as a possible effective hybrid, so being moved inside and out. He saw Rousseau more only in the outside, but needing more development. He did make a big point bow under respected Milano’s impact on the entire team. He pointed specifically the difference how the 20 defense looked with and without him. Also, part of the impact of 18, and 19 too NFL defense in the Bills was the role Milano makes. Not the only factor, but somewhat if the glue in the defense. He indicated he wasn’t surprised at all at Milanos contract extension.
  14. Thx Hap as this was interesting. I called Polian on NFLR last night and he had some interesting points too many to share but as it pertains to Basham, he thought he wojld be a nice compliment to Oliver as he could see a way to get him in the rotation at DT more than DE. He said a big if on Rousseau only in his gap playing, but he could see situations where if Rousseau progresses to exchange with Addison or even times where they play 5 up front with Rousseau as the 5th lineman. He then went into how McD plays his defense etc. it’s on demand in the last hour last night on late hits not for me, but his comments.
  15. Don’t take it personal PT, these guys are just busting chops. It was kind of funny all of these responses. I voted slightly better as it will be hard to beat between passing, rushing, receiving TD’s and almost 70% comp. record. The other hope is even though we’ll probably still remain at 58-60% pass over run, I am hopeful we make progress with running more efficiently this year. The key is a healthy, Stable line. If Ford wins the LG, and that’s a big if, we hopefully will have the same five all year. That inherently could bring down some stats for Josh, but he and is only care about wins. of he finishes with 67% comp., a passing TD or two less, but several more rushing TD’s, I’m not composing with a 14-3 record. Next time PT101, can we do a complex poll? 🤪😏🏈
  16. Or stone them… (insert PFF for Jehovah) Now we know the scroll guy is Hap. 😇, name the other guys… Thanks for the laugh Donuts.
  17. Sounds like access is a real pain so I hope these new deals with various outlets makes it easier for my bills buddies gets better access. great to hear from you guys abroad.
  18. A guy who worked for me who we became very good friends and was at his wedding with his partner was really cool sharing some things as you spend a lot of drive time in a car in medical sales. He used to tell me it was incredibly easy to see who was gay and who was not. He said the funny thing a lot of straight guys don’t get is once we see the eye motion that a guy is straight, most gay men move on. They aren’t disrespectful to the guy. Kind of like straight guys when you make eye contact with a woman and there is interest. You wouldn’t think to talk or interact with him he is gay. He loves football and sports and works 5 days a week. he was very enlightening to me as he didn’t see me as prejudiced or a threat, but a friend. I do think it was great the president not because of hos politics and that is a no go here on this site, but just that he applauded Nassib for his courage. Regardless of you’re politics, I think it was a nice Gesture he made a quick reference. Why would they?
  19. Not that I care that much, but didn’t get to scan a link. I’ll trust you guys. I’ve never once been on the PFF info. Other than when you guys send links. If anyone wants to send great. Not really that worried as they constantly send tainted lists. Who really cares what they write when so far off on Allen, Diggs, and I’m guessing White wasn’t referenced so not in top 50.
  20. Guys, will not debate just a response. I said none of us know meaning there are a ton of things that could’ve contributed to this incident. I don’t know. What I do know is the likelihood of someone being shot four times would be highly unlikely an accident, or random. The reasons will probably come out sometime. I don’t care other than I hope he is ok. You guys have fun with the what if’s. I won’t and not saying why just what is not likely at all.
  21. 4 times, 4 times. Did the guy have an M16 by accident? I’m all for giving the benefit of the doubt as sometimes things are sensationalized like Oliver last year as it turned out he was completely sober, etc. 4 times though. That’s not an accident. None of us have any idea really what happened, but it wasn’t by accident. Whoever shot him, for whatever reason did it on purpose. It doesn’t mean he’s a criminal, it just means someone wanted him dead again for whatever reason. I can think of lots of Law and Order, Chicago PD type reasons like he was dating a girl who’s jealous boyfriend went nuts, or something else. I’m not saying that’s what happened as my point is the guy might just be a lawful citizen, or maybe not. I won’t speculate there, but it’s beyond reality someone gets shot four times by accident.
  22. PJ/ agreed, again not in his choice, but in his terrible choice to flaunt a blatantly disregard for the protocols made to keep his team safe. I could care less about the rally. I hope they have a lot of security as this will end up ugly and on the news with both sides over yelling their points. The real solution is simply as Duffy pointed out talking privately to him and I would include both of the Pegulas as there would be teeth if they’re all there. If the NFLPA is really on board, then a representative from there should be present. They should inform him the rules for non vacc. will be strictly enforced, and then really do it. if the NFL/NFLPA and the Bills take a stand, other players will definitely comply. He may retire, but the chips will fall. I’d rather have him retire, then let this issue spread and interferes with the entire league.
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