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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. That’s true bud. We did sit on some leads, but probably not enough. We have to prove we can run more effectively when we are up by 14-17 pts., and as you stated, give the WR a break. It was so disappointing just about every WR was injured in the KC game. I’m very hopeful with this schedule (not that it means that much as so much changes year to year) we can get the #1 seed to get an extra week off. Until we replicate the running part of 2019, we’re going to run with our WR’s.
  2. Chand, who crapped in you’re cornflakes? Just kidding old friend. The boys are bored. I’ll play. We defeated 6 of the top 10 defenses last year. LAR, PITT, SF, Balt, Indy, and LAC. We have 17 games, not 16, an upgrade in Sanders, retained the key players, and improved to a degree our defensive players. We only lost to three teams. The Cards was a fluke as we had them until the Hail Mary. The Titans was a screwy loss given key injuries. We don’t have an answer yet for the Chiefs. This year we have the AFCS, NFCS, the Chiefs and Steelers. That is a better schedule for us. Still some tough opponents, but was harder last year. Bottom line is we can surpass 29.5 pts./game.
  3. I must be in the few camp, but I loved battleship. Maybe I’ll even have a chicken burrito and talk of the terms of you’re surrender.
  4. NO is known for playing with the cap aggressively and Loomis takes risks. I wonder what is really in the deal meaning when they can get out, how they can extend, rework etc. These days I never take these contracts at face value. He may never see all of it. Teams like this though usually pay the price at some point. You can only kick the can so far. They are counting on the new contracts so paying ahead. That makes sense when they had Brees and a window. Not so much with Winston and Hill.
  5. Enjoy the day guys and gals with family and friends. For all our faults, we live in the best country in the history of the world!
  6. There’s no comparison between Allen and Tua, but I will give Tua slack in he could (and that’s could not will) develop into an average or competent QB. He’ll get anywhere near in the ballpark of Super Allen, but then Allen played with crap in WRs in 18, and improved in 19, and went into the stratosphere in 20. I’ve never seen anyone else improve that much that fast. It’s possible not probable Tua could be a 16-20 ranked QB in three years. What would concern me is Tua has another meh year, and Miami goes all in on Watson.
  7. I’m a little surprised minus the juvenile jokes why anyone cares who Bruce mentioned. When you were young, you most likely played some sport with a person who was gay and just wasn’t ready to come out. It’s not a big deal, and some people keep that piece of their life private just as some guys who eventually become an alcoholic, and quit with help make a decision whether they want that part of their life pen or closed. I have a person in my family who I’m one of the few are aware of his problem, and it’s not for me to share with others. My point is simply it’s their life, and no one has a right to know it. If this player wants to open up, fine. If not who cares. I thought it was great how Bruce shed some light on the matter while protecting that part of his teammates life.
  8. I can’t stand any form of reality tv especially because it’s not realistic. I’ve seen a couple of glimpses of Hard Knocks, but it’s not for me.
  9. It would end up the most logical scenario, it’s built right on the largest parking lot next to the current stadium. They already have the land, the infrastructure getting 75,000+ people in and out of there is already built up over 50 years, wouldn’t disrupt the games as they would simply tear down Highmark after construction of the new semi open one is done. That’s what Tampa did with the Sombrero to Ray Jay Stadium. It was relatively seamless. Back in the 90’s down here there was the same debate to have closer to downtown, but in the end it was the most cost effective how they ended up completing plans. Having a semi covered stadium also fits a lot of the needs and desires. Seattle’s stadium was built to cut down all of the rain there and enhance crowd noise. The owner (Allen) was the richest owner in the league at that time, and made sure the stadium itself would enhance the crowd noise. With OP, the semi covered nature would be more economical, the winds would be cut down, they probably would install massive heaters for November-January to maintain attendance, and given the public/private partnership would keep down taxes, PSL’s, and the eventual significant increases in seats and amenities. Today, Buffalo has one of the lower end cost of seats in the league. It’s going to go up. Im guessing there is no way the NFL is going to let the current stadium just simply allow for upgrades. Besides, it would just be so expensive to retrofit the current stadium, that it just wouldn’t be worth it.
  10. This is when I became a Bills addict. I remember OJ and had great memories, but this is when I couldn’t get enough of the Bills and never left. Klos, I’ll never forget all of the great things Ralph did for Buffalo, protecting the team, remembering the 1940’s Bills, but he was so off in his hiring of Coaches and Mgmt., and meddling. He also did a great deal for the league in protecting small market teams, understanding revenue sharing and even was a small part in MNF. Him having a problem with Knox, placing us in the abyss, and then repeating with Littman over Polian was horrible. I guess some of us appreciate the Pegulas a little more as they made their mistake with Wrex, but fixed it with McBeane. The under 40 crowd may not appreciate unless real historians what we have now. I know I’m talking proud. Thx Chand.
  11. Anyone looking or this again this year… or how about this… Maybe we can get him a laptop this year 👌👍🤩 A man can dream.
  12. I’m with you Duffs. I want BB to desperately try and hold on for four more losing seasons to reafffirm he plays checkers not chess like every other coach, and Brady was the catalyst to his success. It would be sweet to see Pats fans suffer for five straight years of losing seasons, then one of his coordinators take over and they keep losing (oh and we win the East for the next four years and beyond).
  13. Blasphemy, the CHEATS? I want to hold onto my delusion they go back to the joke of the NFL in the early 90’s. 3-13 for the next 20 years I say!!!!
  14. I thought about them Roy and that’s true. I’ve just wonder will the losses and additions convert into a better team. You are correct though sir.
  15. I know when I read Wolfe’s final comments, I almost spit out my water. If he added, Watson settled out of court, takes his 8 game suspension and is traded to the Fins, maybe. I would think that would mean a two horse race each year for the East, but with Tua. Uh,no. I can see them creating space between themselves and the Jets/Pats, if and a big if Tha improves. They are nowhere near in our league. We have to contend with outside of the Chiefs, the Browns, Ravens, and Colts (if Wentz is the old Reich Wentz). These are most likely for the foreseeable future the AFC playoff contenders as I just don’t know if Big Ben has much left.
  16. You obviously have never driven through Stark, FL. 😇. They used to pull people over for 31 in a 30. It was such a scam the FHP took over as they disbanded the local police dept. it’s a necessary route to get to Jax from Tampa. Im no fam of Meyer, but Shanny, and McCarthy were nabbed too. It seems this happens every year. I thought Habaugh and Baltimore were nabbed last year, but it might have been two. I don’t know why these guys push the envelope when all practices are taped and sent to the league office in NY. At least McBeane play by the rules.
  17. Instead of beetle juice, I was thinking whackamole. His name and Ertz just pop up in more threads than not.
  18. I’ve made this argument on NFLR and other outlets. No one has ran more yards in games than OJ. He may be dispicable as a person, and I agree, but he had the best season of any RB in history. It’s not even close if you look at the yards per game.
  19. Admittedly, I don’t care and don’t watch, but believe it’s smart not to have us on there even if was an interest. Why provide the information even if sensored? Id much rather stay as far under the radar as possible. Let the wins speak for themselves.
  20. Virg., why not just order from the Bills store. They are pretty good at delivering timely and I understand if it’s a sizing issue.
  21. I didn’t know Christie was from Ontario, but he lives down here now. (Rather not sure where for his privacy) He comes to the best Bills bar in Tampa from time to time in Brandon. I met his family in the 2019 season and were very gracious. Master, thanks for sharing and I don’t believe there was another thread from here, but the mods would know.
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