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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. EMan, BILLIEVE! Im not going to talk you into optimism as you can handle my friend. We’ll find out this season.
  2. Rock, nice thread and you’re right, we are deep. I feel today like I did in 1988.
  3. Isn’t Hebert a poster on this board?🤪🏋️‍♂️🦬😜 Just kidding JMF. The reality is what is Mahomes supposed to say. Herbert is a talented guy. I’m just sitting here bein happy (LW reference- for the youngins that’s Lethal Weapon) he wasn’t taken by Miami. The Fins would be tough if they picked him over Tua Time. The rest of their team is solid. They should be spending $238 mil. Last year and 21 draft picks in two years.
  4. Not everyone’s a fan of the police these days. 😇 Just kidding. They were my first favorite band as a kid along with U2. You know Noggin you’re a Roxanne fan.
  5. A strongly worded letter. You sound like my dad. 🤣. I know you were just sarcastic. I don’t think its his remarks whether people agree or disagree. It’s if he means it, and is a major distraction by making some stand on refusing to wear a mask, be tested daily etc. Him talking to the media like he’s Norma Rae is not going to rip our team apart. Other players in the league have made provacative remarks on a variety of topics. It’s not being able to count on him to be on the field if he refuses to comply and thus repeatedly suspended. I trust McD should be able to talk him down as he has a calm demeanor and will most likely acknowledge his POV and personal choices.
  6. We’re DOOMED! Just kidding Boxcar. I’m just reading you’re post and the madness remark sounded like a 1950’s movie. I agree Beasley is absolutely a better WR than McKenzie. The crappy reality is not knowing how much will Beasley keep to his remarks. Will he really retire or Will he back down from his comments. I don’t want to hijack into a vacc. Conversation but this relates solely to his ability to play and impact our team on the field. Him not getting vacc. Is a personal choice, but the NFL will suspend him or at least fine him if he doesn’t comply with the protocols. The NFL is not going to change Protocols for one vocal player even if others quietly agree. I hope he comes around with the testing, etc as I’d hate to lose him, and respect his personal choices as long as it doesn’t hurt the team.
  7. Or any other part of his or her body. All you do when you injure you’re child is teach them violence is the final solution. Not a great lesson. I understand a toddler who touches an oven smacking his/her hand to teach them HOT. No Touch as they don’t understand language yet.
  8. Abuse on any level to a child (17 and younger and you’d know that if you’re a parent) is wrong. there is no parsing it. It’s all wrong. One can state well this person had it worse etc. but it’s all wrong. I understand to allow the process play out. That statement makes sense, but there is absolutely no justifying even if it has been done to you. None. I can certainly bring up a lot of examples of people who didn’t continue to do it after done to them. More of us than not know people who have been hurt in one way or another.
  9. Zero, that’s not true. There were a lot of people on this board who condemned his actions and even before it was found he didn’t drink at all. He blew a 0 on the breathalyzer. Had he blown an illegal limit number, it would have been worse for him as he had a firearm in the car. Listen, I’ve backed you before supporting you’re team on the field, and as Hap has said on behalf of the mods, we invite polite fans to our site from other teams. I don’t know how you can back any of these guys with their actions. I was not supportive when Marcel Dareus was drag racing down a road in Hamburg, NY when he was playing at a high level as he couldve killed someone. Not many others here did either. If anything, you should be embarrassed Clark has acted terribly as well as Andy Reid’s son. Clark is going on the exempt list and eventually get suspended. I don’t doubt he’ll use his millions to try and get as reduced as possible the charges against him, but he’ll receive some punishment. If you think he’s playing this year, that is enormously unlikely. You still have a very good team, but I don’t doubt the Chiefs are already planning on a substitution like Justin Houston. It’s not a position of strength defending these guys. If anything, I would’ve thought You would denounce their behavior. Do you really think someone who was accused of domestic abuse in college even though bumped down to a mis., then has two separate incidents of illegal gun possession including one with an automatic weapon is going to play? Goodell is almost assuredly going to place him on the exempt list in August. I’m sure he wants it to go away too which is why he hasn’t yet. He will though.
  10. Ktulu, exactly. Tampa was an embarrassment several years ago, and the community was worse in their juvenile reaction. There were at least two different incidents of teachers separately not linked together of young female teachers (20’s) having sex with a young boy (I think 16 or so). So two young boys are scarred from that life event and morons at the gym, restaurants, etc we’re trying to make jokes of it as they were attractive. I look at these decisions as just as disgusting for a female teacher to a teenage boy as of it were reversed. My daughter is 17 and I would do something I can’t discuss if that were to occur by a man or woman. Its likely since he turned himself in that he did something so rot in prison then hell.
  11. Jack, that’s a great idea and proposing on the 50 yard line would be pretty memorable. Alpha, I’m very sorry for you’re loss with you’re friend, but glad you’re taking the big step. I’m sure whatever you land on will be the best day of her life. I haven’t read all four pages, but I imagine you’ve heard enough suggestions by now. Wherever you go, as long as you get some pizza as ours is different than other areas in the country. I love Blasdell Pizza which is close to the stadium, but there are a lot of quality wing places, and you can’t leave Buffalo without a Beef on Weck. What out of towners usually don’t know is there are a lot of fine dining local restaurants that are excellent. You may not know if you do a fine dining restaurant around the falls, Niagara is where they make a good percentage of Iced Wjnes so a nice dessert type drink. The Frank Lloyd Wright tour is fun. The best part of Buffalo though is the people. You won’t believe how nice and friendly the people are which surprised some people I have brought to town. HVe a great time and congratulations a little early on you’re engagement. Go Bills!
  12. UCF has built up a powerful colllege offense, and fun to watch down here in FL. Everyone around the country thinks about UF, Miami, and FSU, but UCF has been building their program up for years. GD was the second leading WR In their history ahead of Brandon Marshall. He was a steal in the 4th round and will be excellent for us barring injuries for years. Hypothetically, if the Beasley thing resolves, then he’ll be our #2 next year. Sanders is an excellent rental, but it’s hopeful Hodgins will be another pleasant find once he gets on the field.
  13. Kzoo, first very thoughtful to honor Ralph’s memory, and yes, you’ll read negative comments that are so common, it’s not worth repeating as everyone knows the talking points. Where I politely disagree with you is the positive remarks which are just as common regarding Ralph. First, historically he had such a love of football and history, he made a point of naming the team after the 1940’s Bills from that naming contest (Buffalo Bill). Second, he was an integral part of the formation of the foolish 8, and when Al Davis was broke and may have needed to fold on the Raiders, Ralph bailed him out. (I think 50k, but Chand or one of the guys can confirm). He also was a principal in pushing for integration of the AFL into the NFL, and played hard ball in the draft and plucking off what would’ve been NFL talent. Next, he was a staunch advocate of the revenue sharing that now exists in the NFL keeping at bay the Dallas, NY’s of the world maintaining the NFL brand is better with a balance of small market teams and regionalizing. Some of the guys can elaborate, but I believe he was part of the owners along with Modell for the inception of MNF. He had multiple opportunities to move the team when others did move like the Baltimore Colts, first Browns team to Baltimore, and so on. I believe he was offered to move the team to Jax. There are a lot more examples, but he loved Buffalonians so much he made it all, but impossible to move the team with the sale of it to Pegulas. He also in his will with Mrs. Wilson’s approval set up foundations in Detroit and Buffalo for the $1.4 bil. For the sale. Tell me Jerrah or that tool in Washington would do that upon his death. Youre probably going to read a lot more as you have several historians on this board who know the great things tje Wilson’s did for Buffalo. He was cheap and meddling and held us back in many ways, but to say Bills fans don’t know the history or don’t appreciate anything about the Bills is not accurate.
  14. Don’t forget ROC, there were 45 mph. winds that day grounding both teams. It surprised me BB played 8 men back to stop our passing attack as I think Daboll played it safer by running, and not a lot of bodies up fron to tackle on their side. In normal conditions in the second game, we destroyed them. The Pats will not be able to win by just having a short passing game, running, and defense. We’ll get up on them fast like we did to many teams last season making it harder to maintain with a running game. I’d love to see us get up on them by 17 fast and see how long they stick with a running and short passing game.
  15. Are you sure they didn’t write necrophiliac? 🤪🏈 I read the BN article yesterday about potential camp cuts, and they added Breida as one of the names. I seriously doubt that will be the case as they need at least four on the roster, and it’s commonly known they want more speed. The article is on the main board from yesterday for anyone interested.
  16. To be fair to djp, he did also mention our Steelers win which could be a fun watch. D. Williams kept TJ watt in check the whole game primarily with no help. I get the frustration with the AZ loss, but it was a good game until the last 29 seconds. thanks DJB for sharing. Heart in the right place in July bud.
  17. HB, I’ve long felt the same in the 59% was only one data point, and just looked much better. It’s funny pre injury the exact opposite opinion was held of Cam with a 59% for 10 freakin years. He was lauded forever and Allen was slammed. I had a buddy saying to me, but Cam had all of those rushing yards. My reply and this was after 2019, I’m year and did you not know Allen ran for 1100 yards in his first two years. He didn’t know that point, so I just told him the difference is Allen will keep getting better and be a generational QB. I’ve been rubbing it in on him for that last 6 months. He acted surprised and I’ve just reassured him this is just the beginning. As far as rushing, I think Allen and Daboll had it right last year. Before his leg injury, Alex Smith avg. almost 500 yards a year in rushing and was good at it. Like Allen, Alex never received the credit for his accuracy and ability to know when to throw it away, or take what he can scrambling. He was always titled a game manager when really all solid QB’s are game managers (Brady, P. Manning). The difference is Allen is so dynamic much better than A Smith, and is going to continue to grow with each year. Greg Cosell had it right in his generational talent. Barring injuries he will be known as one of the best QB’s of this era. This year will cement it with another mvp performance.
  18. He was great and I even like the thick NYC accent. Nicky was in WITSEC, now get the papes, get the papes.
  19. Ive been known to resemble that remark, amd don’t call me Shirley.
  20. Very impressive from a self admitted Fins fan. Protocol, thanks bud for finding for us. He built a nice story on JA17. If TB12 can have his logo, our guy is JA17, JA17. He was great and I even like the thick NYC accent. He’s like Jimmy Two Time. “I get the papes, get the papes”. I just need to know, who is our Nicky the no nose, Pete the killer and so on.
  21. First round, my favorite was my Dad, again pre-internet in the fall of 91 would get all of the articles including Mr. Felsers which was my favorite, and send it down in a tube overnight (on the BN of course, he wasn’t a saint). So Tuesday after work and the gym, I came home to reading all of those articles TBD puts up for us now. My buddy and I shared a townhome for rent sharing, and he used to say, you Buffalo people are a little nuts about you’re Bills. My other bud who was from the northtowns who relocated when I did would beg me to save the articles for him, and he started coming over our house every Tuesday night. Van and Felser were good times. I’m not old enough for the Buffalo Braves stuff, but heard he was awesome calling those games. I can only remember the multi colored ball.
  22. Yep, I think barring injury we should have our best lone with depth. My guess again barring injury we will have our front five set and a solid group of backups. It’s a mistake to not replay why we didn’t have things set. I’m guessing as Don the leaders of our team probably have dissected every last point on scheme and getting the most out of our guys. Last year this team surpassed everyone’s expectations. I challenge anyone who was seriously not high in the sky expectations we were going to finish 13-3 facing the AFCW, NFCW, TN, and Pitt. You’re lying if you said in August 13-3. I don’t remember anyone writing that prediction. Now we face the AFCS, NFCS, KC, and Pitt. We’re battle hardened now, won two playoff games against tough teams, and most likely have a fully functioning offensive line. Why wouldn’t they play even better this year with a QB even more experienced and poised than last year. Lastly, we were solid in pass pro. We can most likely all agree our run blocking was a legit problem. I expect that to improve.
  23. Well written Don. We blew it in our scheme last year. Added to that though was shifting the line until it finally settled down with Feliciano’s return.
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