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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Don as always, you’re calling me out being nice and right. I couldn’t agree more and I guess I was trying to give them a little break. We definitely made out, but so did they just not now and not as much. The author may be right later in two years if the talent and capital is used well. The issue is can Zimmer pull all of this stuff together in time to save his job and his staff as otherwise it’s a mess that will start all over again. Well written Don.
  2. This was discussed yesterday on MTC with Jim and Pat. Pat made the point all teams look for this stuff all the time and the likelihood it evaded all defensive coordinators and was some shocking revelation is somewhat unlikely. What they indicated is maybe it’s found out, but the visibility of potentially leg lift, and in time to make a change is probably why they are not making changes. They went 11-0 before the problems. their running problems were more about a line that couldn’t open holes, and thus with a crappy line now is going to be a blood bath this year at least in the opener. We are going to beat them commandingly. Harris will have his first start with a bad o line. It’s going to be ugly.
  3. Vince, I don’t have time to look through every post and I’m casually listening to the news. I refuse to be a tmz guy so thank you for the summary as I was only getting bits and pieces. That's kind of what I’m hearing so basically drunk driving is awful and thankfully only his car was damaged. It makes sense several states don’t allow bail with DV. They are worried a person will go back for horrible outcomes. We’ll find out later the details, but sounds like he should’ve made that one more call to a friend or family member to talk him off the ledge. At least his girlfriend has stuck up for him. I want to believe the best for him, but if not, it’s going to come out. Either way the details always comes out eventually.
  4. This article was slanted to a point. What he should have written was the trade was excellent for both sides. I would agree with that one. We received exactly what we needed in Diggs. No need to explain that one. The Vikings given Jefferson’s performance received what they needed not only on cap relief, draft pics, and overall health for their team. Their feelings on Diggs is ridiculous as they don’t want to accept they never handled him well. He should’ve been the key WR as the clear #1, not Thielen and was proven last year. I really don’t know what these MN guys have in terms of just simply MN won and Buffalo won.
  5. How dare you insert common sense, logic, and an intelligent response when the guys want to play Madden and turn off the salary cap, but keep it on for all other 31 teams. Dam you man! 🤩👍
  6. Oh yeah, well….. Fook Mi, Fook Yu Always a good time for an Austin Powers reference, now behave. As far as Ramsey, it’s already been said this isn’t Madden, and no way we could ever afford both Ramsey and White. I’d take White over Ramsey which is basically the choice you’d have to make. Remember how he left Jax. Sure and LA can get a draft pick on 2059. Ramseys delusional.
  7. I hope they at least give him a half each game right next to Daboll in the booth would be good for his development. They may want him up there in the regular season for part of the game if they really have a succession plan for Dorsey. Its short sighted to think if we have another excellent offensive performance in 2021 that Daboll won’t get his HC job. He’ll deserve it at that point.
  8. We’ll if we needed someone, we could always get a seasoned vet like Richard Sherman, oh wait…. Sorry, too easy. As far as Howard, no thanks. I’m putting my 21 red on Dane Jackson. I’m hopeful he surprises all of us pleasantly this year.
  9. 3rd is perfect, amd if he even reads these things, gives him motivation to want to be #1.
  10. That’s it, this means War, war. Just kidding. Everyone’s been so melodramatic lately.
  11. Shirt stir, but luv ya bud. I think he’s thumb warring with Davis Webb. I declare thumb war!
  12. A bunch of quick knee jerk remarks including mine. My feelings are just simply let it play out. Most of us have made an initial comment. It really could be anything. Why bother speculating anything more just offer thoughts once we really know what most likely went on last night/today. Hes definitely not quiet or reserved, and let’s his feelings and thoughts known, but part of me believe he is more calculating in his comments than some think. This is self serving as I wanted to admit that point, but glad we didn’t bring him in here. I do respect his prior skills. I don’t know if he has anything left though.
  13. I don’t know about good dude, but he’s always been relatively smart. He’s a Stanford grad., and you don’t get in there even if you’re are a great athlete unless you’re very bright. this was a surprise to me. I never pegged him for a dumb decision, but my guess and just a guess befor knowing anything, it’s a relationship that became ugly and trying to get something back important to him. who knows? She could have done something rotten and he handled badly. Then again, he not be who he portrays himself to be either. It will eventually come out. It always does at some point. For his sake, I hope he was just a jolted guy trying to get back a momento or something.
  14. It is shocking to me (I guess I shouldn’t be at this point) that Edmunds is respected by coaches, execs, etc. and the first thought is trade him now? What? Thank god to that crowd you’re last name is not Beane. Its not like we extended him already and certainly can let the 5th year option play out.
  15. MJS, I normally agree with you, but this guy is practically in a walker. At least there is hope with Sweeney. As far as Hollister, I don’t know. He played well in college with Allen so he’s worth at least evaluating in camp. Then we’ll see. there’s a difference between the third best receiving TE in football in 2019 (Ertz) and an over the hill beat up 36 year old who is desperate to get a job. Im not crying (I’ll let Donuts do that - just kidding my friend) if we don’t get Ertz, then we’re done unless someone is dropped in camp on another team.
  16. Saint, I don’t disagree, but he was relegated to the third TE in Seattle. He has a chance as Don points out for the 1st position with us given how weak that position group is on our team. Considering Holloster has a 67% completion vs. 55% for Knox, and was a teammate of Allen at Wyoming, I think very probable he has a chance. Should be a fun camp. Let the best sticky hands man win. I don’t care which is #1 as long as they prove it on the field.
  17. I’ve been told Bruce Smith played with this guy. just kidding. I’m the farthest from homophobic, but just wanted to give you guys a chuckle.
  18. Not to be glib, but this article is like “water is wet”. Of course head coaching jobs are transient. BB is a rarity. Im very hopeful McD will be in terms of longevity another Tomlin. He and Beane have built up such a solid franchise and I don’t see that changing. I understand the comments on Zimmer and he is most at risk meaning the only one above McD in terms of tenure. Given he has brought MN to the playoffs in 2015, 17, and 19, you’d think he gets a pass of he brings them back to the wildcard this year.
  19. Even though I voted for CB as I think that will end up more of a dedicated position and rooting for D Jackson. It’s not that DL isn’t important, but no such thing in this defense as a starter given their rotation. I am very interested in seeing which or 10 we keep. It was asked we keep 10 and I believe so if we include PS. Im not rooting for this, but a guess is Zimmer and Johnson may not make it. The RB situation kind of doesn’t matter as the number of snaps will fluctuate throughout the season between Moss and Singletary, and Breida is almost assured to make it as he played in SF in all four phases of ST. Kick and punt return coverage and returns. What I’m interested is if Antonio Williams can be more useful in. ST to supplant Taiwan jones. Not that I have anything against Jones, but if Williams can do what Jones does in ST, Williams might be nice depth at RB.
  20. Ill see you’re Johnson and raise you a Wang. We’ll, Not really. I honestly don’t think they ever made a Wang Jersey.
  21. The veteran minimum for 10+ year player is around $1.1 mil. so no. Even if it was lower he is taking a spot up for Sweeney or someone who can still develop. No. He’s saying what every other 30+ player is saying who isn’t signed yet.
  22. Used to have it as a kid there. My dad played in a softball team so after his gang had an adult beverage back at the KofC, and us kids played hide and seek or whatever we’d press our parents to go to Franceil’s on the way home and it was always orange, or my fav. Lime sherbet. Simple times before a nighttime swim in our above ground pool.
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