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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Maybe a little more Lime? 🤪😂 As far as Wilson, it just reassures the Jets are a shirt show, but at least Wilson’s camp came to its senses and knew they needed to get into camp. If he is what the Jets need, then he’ll make more than enough $ in four years. It’s not like $35.1 mil. Is exactly poor.
  2. SUNSHINE! A little Soul Power. Listen baby…. Still up there as the best football movie ever. Almost as good as… Chiefs, you remember forever the night they play the Bills! As an aside, with that leg, I can see him hitting in good conditions one in the 60’s. Love that guy. He developed a few games in ice in the veins. I wonder if Josh was talking to him as no one was under more pressure last year. Man we have a good team.
  3. GB, good clarification, and I’ll add they went back from 16 last year on PS back to 12 and only 2 can be veteran players. So they did hold over to a smaller degree the pandemic rule change on PS. Incidentally, they will move up to 14 next year. He doesn’t meet the traditional PS qualifications.
  4. John, thanks for sharing although I’m one if the many who don’t have a subscription. You’ve listed 1-6 including Allen at 6. Would you mind sharing 7-10 or farther if you feel like it. Appreciate as always you’re thoughtful threads.
  5. As mentioned cherry picking mistakes on one play ball. Another is not as significant as consistency. I don’t see it unfair to place Allen 6th. When, not if Allen repeats this year, his status should go higher. These coaches and administrators are biased as are we.
  6. This was a spoof. He was simply cut as he didn’t show enough in mini camps and OTA’s. I hope he likes Canada as I don’t see another NFL team giving him a chance. I have nothing against him, he’s just not talented enough anymore.
  7. I’m hoping Hodgins makes it and on a rookie contract for the next three years. He had a good camp last year until injured. Kumerow is ok, but if we could get a 6th for him, and GB gets to appease Rodgers, that’s a win for everyone. I think this is going to be our roster anyway. Diggs Sanders Beasely Davis McKenzie Hodgins The rookie to the PS, with the option to activate him if McKenzie hasn’t improved in fumbling returns. It’s not much, but we’d save $920K in Kumerow’s salary, there’s no dead cap, and I don’t see GB giving up anything more than a 6th. They will probably wait us out and hope he’s cut, but that’s not a lock. We could always keep Hodgins on the PS and have Kumerow as the 6th. As far as 7 WR’s, most NFL coaches seem to keep the same number of guys in each position group, so I expect us to keep 6 active.
  8. I did say the Bills had a winning record against NFC teams during their playoff run. I didn’t say the AFC dominated the SB rings, but then again you can say the exact opposite about the 70’s. The interesting point whenever you speak with an NFC team fan, they always think the NFC has won more SB’s than the AFC, but in reality the NFC only as of 2021 were 1 championship up on the AFC as if the Bucs win. Prior to that it was tied when the Chiefs won the previous year. It doesn’t really matter. Hopefully we win in 2022 and can tie it up again.
  9. I’m sorry for these two guys and although pretty rare, at least these guys did their best to be vaccinated. I thought Beane said one was symptomatic, and was not to date. The pressers seemed pretty focused on these guys remaining focused on football which is always a good thing.
  10. Thanks GB. I forgot they extended the pathway program. I don’t see him making the 53 though.
  11. I can see an outside chance Antonio Williams making the team if he can contribute on ST. Obada makes the team and Addison is cut on the 53 cut down. Wade’s time is finally over.
  12. Why would any team seriously go after him when he agrees to a deal and then a short time later tries to shake the team down for more. I want nothing to do with him.
  13. Chand, tell us what you really think. I’m not sure the offset language is really worth this much of a fight between the player and team. I honestly don’t know who is the difficult party, but if they meet each other in the middle, this shouldn’t last long.
  14. That’s a mistaken notion as I watched like everyone else 30 for 30, amd Polish referenced we had a winning record against NFC teams during in those years so I looked it up a couple of years ago. The Giants was simply bad coaching, but we were simply outmatched against the WFT and cowgirls. If we ran the ball down the Giants throat, BB would’ve had to adjust and not play 8 back. Then our passing game would’ve been more effective. Note to TBD friends, can we just forget about those painful losses. I hate reading this every so often. What makes it all go away is winning this year.
  15. Since we seem to run by committee, the question I have is who will be the 1-2 punch. Singletary, Moss, Breida? I definitely want to see more from A. Williams. Let them duke it out in camp. I don’t have preconceived notions, as no one lit it up except for a handful of plays out of Williams.
  16. I’m assuming by you’re handle you’re a Pats fan so welcome to this board. Any other fan who is polite to us is always welcome, and you guys had a great run the last 20 years. Per Brady on his town hall on Sirius, there were other offers he wouldn’t consider. I’m confident several other teams were interested in him, but Tampa made the best offer, and look at the talent on the Bucs. Arians received exactly what he wanted in Brady. He did the same thing with Palmer in AZ.
  17. I agree over 30 and too expensive. I know I’m a broken record on this one, but if we were going to spend $13 mil. (and he wants more), why wouldn’t we have invested in Ngakoue? He’s cheaper and younger by five years. That guy avg. about 9 sacks a year. I know it’s too late now, but my point is we already decided not to pursue a high priced DE. So bottom line is pass.
  18. Weo, basically the last cluple of years it supposedly was quietly discussed between Kraft and Brady, he wanted a change in scenery so Kraft let his contract run out and Brady was sought after by several teams. He chose Tampa and the rest… This is what I’m referring to as Rodgers will be sought after by several teams. It sounds similar to Brady what will happen with Rodgers.
  19. Ok, you must have photoshopped that one as too funny. Roy was funny on the Be….y, E..z. Thing. Can’t say the words as it like Beattlejuice. Say them three times and you get banned.
  20. C’mon, Roy, you love the bumblebee secretly. Those things are putrid.
  21. Funny thing is Pat Kirwan has been saying on MTC the smartest move was to give him more $ and let him walk after this year so the problem goes away. GB was able to do it without more $, and AR gets to go where ever he wants. Makes sense. Im just glad we can stop hearing about this guy. I’ve had enough.
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