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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  2. Man it warms my heart seeing 30,000 people down there at the stadium. I wish Kim and Terry let even more for the next one. You know Buffalo will show up.
  3. I can’t believe you guys really care about this stuff. My Boys play Madden and did a little until they played so much I couldn’t beat them anymore. It does speak to how silly the rankings are when the 2020 #1 WR in receptions and yards is ranked 4th in Madden. Have fun guys.
  4. Whew I thoughts Ertz was over. I’m hoping another 97 pages. Oh veh.
  5. It’s alive, it’s alive… Houston is Weird Science. He has been around forever. Good for him. I thought for sure with the Clark thing he’d be back in KC.
  6. If there was an opportunity for these two, which is a reach, these two if Trubisky plays well in an Allen injury (which I don’t think happens) is Denver. that’s a good defense and some talent on offense. Trubisky with a good offense around him could do well. The other to think about is Miami. I’m not a I hate tua guy as he hasn’t had near the time to develop, but that is a really solid team minus the QB.
  7. Or But then again there is the classic… Don’t you just love both times when Darth Vader lost his s..t, it was against us. Maybe this year Josh can get him to throw one of the tv monitors. This is perfect for an Airplane movie spoof. And now starring as Bill Belichik we have “Lloyd, I picked the wrong week to start… Bridges” Jake you’re scenario is perfect as Cam keeps the team long enough to wrack up losses, Mac is still green and never really develops enough to do anything significant in the last half of the season. Cough up another losing season for Belicheat!
  8. Tourists! (Meant for the ranch, honey this, bbq that). Crispes, Hot Sauce and B Cheese. You can’t beat traditional. Zero, I’m not a huge BBQ guy, but we went to some good places in KC when I was there for training with work two years ago. Great food from again not a BBQ guy.
  9. Looks good but a real need on weck the beef is cooked in gravy and the dill pickles are like hamburger picked right in the sand which. I have to stop looking at this thread as I’m getting hungry at 8am. Zero, bring in you’re own cheese brother, never breaded and tried and true if you ever make on you’re own is Frank’s Red Hot.
  10. Wallace’s comment was my favorite. I hope they play with discipline, but an anger that can’t be satisfied until the end of the year. When I was a wrestler and football player, I hated every opponent I ever faced and didn’t even know them. Mine is just an amateur experience, but it fed my competitiveness. Time to be civil amd friendly is off the field. Keep up those comments Levi and as much as I want to see Dane shine, I love how he just refuses to give up his position. It’s impressive as he’s been written off for three years. It’s impressive this guy was a walk on at Alabama, didn’t play his first two years and earned like Rudy a walk on scholarship his last two years. Talk about never giving up.
  11. Bear in mind we were a top 3 defense in 18 and 19. Those were some good teams we opposed. Last year ok 14th, but our offense finally came together. I know it’s a fluff piece, but Beane has delivered on bringing in talent to compete. We all have our favorite hopefuls, but they will come together. I don’t see our offense going backwards so a top 2-3 offense coupled with a 6-9 ranked defense will be what’s needed to win in February. I could see us up at 6-7th if things come together. 13-14 wins brothers!
  12. I like that as Indy with an old form Wentz (SB year) could be problems for us later as could be a whoops loss. They were close in that playoff game. A bunch of losses would be nice even if he does come around and healthy by week 4-6. It could also be nothing and be healthy in a week or two. It is remarkable though he’s as durable as Mr. Glass from unbreakable.
  13. I know Corta has the best of intentions, I really do, but I see no point in rehashing 17 years of misery. There’s no upside for me. I’ll write the same when he brings up 2016, and then applaud him when he gets to 2017. There was a fish story about I think it was Cat Fish Hunter looking at all the misses when he was in a batting slump. Yogi comes in and say, what are you doing? Cat Fish said I’m trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong. Yogi responded, stop looking at what you’ve done wrong and start looking at when you were batting well. Study what’s right, and do that more. That’s a philosophy I agree with completely.
  14. I meant per game Turk, but yes over 17, I believe you’re right. I’m confident though with a retooled and improved line, we may be able to get more yards per carry. I don’t disagree the mix between pass and run probably will not change and I have very modest expectations for TE’s. They’ll help in spot duty, but we again will repeat in the highest teams in 10, and 11 personnel.
  15. Looking forward to 2017. Id rather forget the others after 1999.
  16. This performance last year is only going to be added this year. 70% is a minimum bar. He may have a few less yards, but because I have faith we’ll improve our running game to maybe 10th. As Tommy, Hendry, Pauline, and Jimmy said, it’s gonna be a good summa (and fall through February).
  17. I was hesitant to comment as it relates to that pesky word C…D, but I agree. Keep the flow going at a fast pace I practice. Sal mentioned yesterday the pace is fast as almost all of the veterans so there is no adjustment period during OTA’s, Mini-Camp, amd now the beginning of camp. Sounds like we are on a nice clip right now. I heard the other day we were working on red zone offense and defense. God, it is so nice to get back to talking about football material. Not Bease, Rodgers, Watson, Ertz amd so on. Typical off season distractions.
  18. Yeah bud, I thought if the Sirius subscribers had a heads up at least they could listen during or after. I look forward to hearing what was relevant to you. Im hopeful a bunch of guys reply after the show.
  19. And GM, President and if he had his way owner. That’s only fair right? I’m so glad he reported so this crap goes away for awhile. Now Watson, give you’re $10 mil. away (not minimizing whatever he did, but if no real criminal charges on him, then) and move to whatever NFC team that will take you. Just stay away from the AFC East. As far as the Raiders there is no way Gruden is quitting. Would you give up $10 mil./yr. for 10 yrs.? Mark Davis has the least amt. of wealth of owners in the NFL SO I seriously he’s giving up what $60 mil. as he was hired in 2018. If it were the Allen family in Seattle, or in Carolina where they were worth billions, it’s one thing, it’s another that is not even a billionaire.
  20. I know a lot of you guys like NFLR, so Pat and Jim from MTC are in OP, the day and time listed above. For those that don’t have Sirius, I’m sure there are more than enough guys to make comments. Cool things is you’ll get interviews from most of the stars, Beane, and McD, and sometimes you get the Coordinators. For those that do have it, but a bad time, they do have that on demand option for about a week after the broadcast. What I don’t know is how you download the broadcast so you guys can listen if you don’t have Sirius. I’ll leave that for smarter guys than me. I’ll throw in my two cents after the show. Go Bills!!!!
  21. I see them taking Obada over Johnson, but otherwise nice job Elijah. with this talent I can see a very competitive display for the PS.
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