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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Hey, but that third string battle at long snapper is a hot one! 🤩
  2. Hey now, it’s all about uncle Hulka and the big toe..
  3. Billy paragraphs are you’re friend. I started reading and developed a headache buddy.
  4. The discount thing is a myth. The best we could hope for is a longer term contract. Mahomes in a way gave KC a discount. From the quick glance people think $450 mil. is insane, but because over 10 years, he is projected to be the 14th highest paid QB in 4-5 years. He also left signing bonuses on the table. As Kirwan from MTC says, the bank of Mahomes is open for years converting bonuses to assist KC. In this way Mahomes has generational wealth, and KC can keep going to Mahomes whenever they need to convert bonuses to assist the team. This is exactly how Allen could help us for a decade. Agents hate a 10 year deal. They love a 4 year deal so the QB can keep going back to the well. The risk on the team is catastrophic injury.
  5. Well now it’s trade for Foles as surgery is required for Wentz, 5-12 weeks. Makes sense to me if going into October as the first 5 games are brutal if they take a 5th. selfishly as I hate injuries for anyone, but certainly helps us with early losses by the time we meet them. They have a tough first five weeks. Calling Dr. Foles, calling Dr. Foles.
  6. If you believe in Antonio Williams, why wouldn’t you just state that directly and you’re rooting for him. I’m hopeful too, but measured in any excitement as he only played well in garbage time in the last game of the season against an opponent that all but gave up knowing we were the superior team. I’m confident he’ll get every opportunity in camp, and this coaching staff will give him a chance. I’ve said in other threads if he really wants to make the team, he’ll need to do something well in ST. He’ll have a much better chance at making a roster spot, and then can hopefully get worked in a game. As you know, you have to make the most out of an opportunity.
  7. What is you’re assertion by asking this question? It sounds like you are claiming the greats like Manning, Brady, Brees didn’t need off season coaching, but others have corrected you in they all have personal coaches and there are others where they went to baseball coaches to learn how to slide. As you can see from results Allen has had continuous off season coaching and went from 53, to 59, to 69+% in three years.
  8. That’s because it’s negotiations 101. For example in my business when selling medical capital equipment in a hospital you always start at list price, and a five year warranty for proprietary technology to repair, and then they low ball you, act like they don’t even want it, you get you’re choice champions involved, director of or, etc. and then you always end up where no one is really happy. How much do you want to be in the end there will be concessions on both sides and PSE will pay a portion of the costs. I’ll agree on an earlier point though that a stadium is a luxury item.
  9. Why would we even consider a trade when we have the best backup at a cheap price back to Reich, the player. I wouldn’t. We’ve been very fortunate Josh played through the shoulder, and he was out a couple weeks in 18, but eventually as happens with almost all QB’s get occasionally banged up for two or three weeks. I like we have a backup that give us 2 and 1 if necessary. I really don’t think you could say that about Webb or Jake from State Fromm.
  11. Man it warms my heart seeing 30,000 people down there at the stadium. I wish Kim and Terry let even more for the next one. You know Buffalo will show up.
  12. I can’t believe you guys really care about this stuff. My Boys play Madden and did a little until they played so much I couldn’t beat them anymore. It does speak to how silly the rankings are when the 2020 #1 WR in receptions and yards is ranked 4th in Madden. Have fun guys.
  13. Whew I thoughts Ertz was over. I’m hoping another 97 pages. Oh veh.
  14. It’s alive, it’s alive… Houston is Weird Science. He has been around forever. Good for him. I thought for sure with the Clark thing he’d be back in KC.
  15. If there was an opportunity for these two, which is a reach, these two if Trubisky plays well in an Allen injury (which I don’t think happens) is Denver. that’s a good defense and some talent on offense. Trubisky with a good offense around him could do well. The other to think about is Miami. I’m not a I hate tua guy as he hasn’t had near the time to develop, but that is a really solid team minus the QB.
  16. Or But then again there is the classic… Don’t you just love both times when Darth Vader lost his s..t, it was against us. Maybe this year Josh can get him to throw one of the tv monitors. This is perfect for an Airplane movie spoof. And now starring as Bill Belichik we have “Lloyd, I picked the wrong week to start… Bridges” Jake you’re scenario is perfect as Cam keeps the team long enough to wrack up losses, Mac is still green and never really develops enough to do anything significant in the last half of the season. Cough up another losing season for Belicheat!
  17. Tourists! (Meant for the ranch, honey this, bbq that). Crispes, Hot Sauce and B Cheese. You can’t beat traditional. Zero, I’m not a huge BBQ guy, but we went to some good places in KC when I was there for training with work two years ago. Great food from again not a BBQ guy.
  18. Looks good but a real need on weck the beef is cooked in gravy and the dill pickles are like hamburger picked right in the sand which. I have to stop looking at this thread as I’m getting hungry at 8am. Zero, bring in you’re own cheese brother, never breaded and tried and true if you ever make on you’re own is Frank’s Red Hot.
  19. Wallace’s comment was my favorite. I hope they play with discipline, but an anger that can’t be satisfied until the end of the year. When I was a wrestler and football player, I hated every opponent I ever faced and didn’t even know them. Mine is just an amateur experience, but it fed my competitiveness. Time to be civil amd friendly is off the field. Keep up those comments Levi and as much as I want to see Dane shine, I love how he just refuses to give up his position. It’s impressive as he’s been written off for three years. It’s impressive this guy was a walk on at Alabama, didn’t play his first two years and earned like Rudy a walk on scholarship his last two years. Talk about never giving up.
  20. Bear in mind we were a top 3 defense in 18 and 19. Those were some good teams we opposed. Last year ok 14th, but our offense finally came together. I know it’s a fluff piece, but Beane has delivered on bringing in talent to compete. We all have our favorite hopefuls, but they will come together. I don’t see our offense going backwards so a top 2-3 offense coupled with a 6-9 ranked defense will be what’s needed to win in February. I could see us up at 6-7th if things come together. 13-14 wins brothers!
  21. I like that as Indy with an old form Wentz (SB year) could be problems for us later as could be a whoops loss. They were close in that playoff game. A bunch of losses would be nice even if he does come around and healthy by week 4-6. It could also be nothing and be healthy in a week or two. It is remarkable though he’s as durable as Mr. Glass from unbreakable.
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