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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Correct my friend. It should be very calculated and rare to make a point, and not a regular matter. As Liar Liar said…. Love that movie and we’ll said. At least that’s what GB, Donuts, Gugs, Eman, and Chandman keep telling me. I can’t say what Weo tells me as there are ladies like Cowgirl in the room. Simon says I can’t and you know what Simon says… Ridge on the other hand.
  2. I’ve had my share of gassers, suicides, stairs, etc. but I was a kid. These are grown men. Even hard ass Coughlin had the captains get together and he listened. He realized he couldn’t do that to grown men anymore.
  3. Riot, that’s equivalent to my dog eating grass. He eats to well you know…
  4. I think Joe Judge went to this guy for coaching advice….. Or lost 10 of the 17 overweight. What a maroon as Bugs says.
  5. How dare you bring up a veritable Druid artifact like Stonehenge!
  6. That’s not part of the drought. There was still hope at that time.
  7. Focus Dania San as Miyagi teaches. You’re focus needs more focus. Wax on Wax off. 🤪
  8. Ferry was my first guy. I didn’t have the pleasure of Kemp. Not as Old as Shaw and Chandman. 😇 Just kidding guys. You know I luv both of you guys. Its funny I think Fergs was like a 56% guy and we loved him when I was a little boy. I only remember his later years, just he was a tough son of a gun.
  9. Donuts, I’m more of a Flutie guy than most. He gave us some glimmer of hope when it was clear Collins and Van Pelt weren’t going to do it. He also came in when RJ was 0-3 and won us a bunch of games. I know he was only going to take us so far, but still reminisce that if he was in against TN, if we could’ve beaten them. That defense was #1, and they made it to the SB. Im not sure the intentions of again reminiscing the drought years. Sometimes I question intentions here. I’ll take foreboding at his word he just maybe wants us to remember how special it is to have Allen. Glass half full.
  10. I think they can Duke it out! 🧐 Duke has every opportunity to make it. He’s too slow. If Jake can make it great. If not let’s get a 5th and make A Prissy happy.
  11. I’m jealous. Take lots of pics and share Virg. In no particular order of course. 😇
  12. Hey, but that third string battle at long snapper is a hot one! 🤩
  13. Hey now, it’s all about uncle Hulka and the big toe..
  14. Billy paragraphs are you’re friend. I started reading and developed a headache buddy.
  15. The discount thing is a myth. The best we could hope for is a longer term contract. Mahomes in a way gave KC a discount. From the quick glance people think $450 mil. is insane, but because over 10 years, he is projected to be the 14th highest paid QB in 4-5 years. He also left signing bonuses on the table. As Kirwan from MTC says, the bank of Mahomes is open for years converting bonuses to assist KC. In this way Mahomes has generational wealth, and KC can keep going to Mahomes whenever they need to convert bonuses to assist the team. This is exactly how Allen could help us for a decade. Agents hate a 10 year deal. They love a 4 year deal so the QB can keep going back to the well. The risk on the team is catastrophic injury.
  16. Well now it’s trade for Foles as surgery is required for Wentz, 5-12 weeks. Makes sense to me if going into October as the first 5 games are brutal if they take a 5th. selfishly as I hate injuries for anyone, but certainly helps us with early losses by the time we meet them. They have a tough first five weeks. Calling Dr. Foles, calling Dr. Foles.
  17. If you believe in Antonio Williams, why wouldn’t you just state that directly and you’re rooting for him. I’m hopeful too, but measured in any excitement as he only played well in garbage time in the last game of the season against an opponent that all but gave up knowing we were the superior team. I’m confident he’ll get every opportunity in camp, and this coaching staff will give him a chance. I’ve said in other threads if he really wants to make the team, he’ll need to do something well in ST. He’ll have a much better chance at making a roster spot, and then can hopefully get worked in a game. As you know, you have to make the most out of an opportunity.
  18. What is you’re assertion by asking this question? It sounds like you are claiming the greats like Manning, Brady, Brees didn’t need off season coaching, but others have corrected you in they all have personal coaches and there are others where they went to baseball coaches to learn how to slide. As you can see from results Allen has had continuous off season coaching and went from 53, to 59, to 69+% in three years.
  19. That’s because it’s negotiations 101. For example in my business when selling medical capital equipment in a hospital you always start at list price, and a five year warranty for proprietary technology to repair, and then they low ball you, act like they don’t even want it, you get you’re choice champions involved, director of or, etc. and then you always end up where no one is really happy. How much do you want to be in the end there will be concessions on both sides and PSE will pay a portion of the costs. I’ll agree on an earlier point though that a stadium is a luxury item.
  20. Why would we even consider a trade when we have the best backup at a cheap price back to Reich, the player. I wouldn’t. We’ve been very fortunate Josh played through the shoulder, and he was out a couple weeks in 18, but eventually as happens with almost all QB’s get occasionally banged up for two or three weeks. I like we have a backup that give us 2 and 1 if necessary. I really don’t think you could say that about Webb or Jake from State Fromm.
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