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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. It’s with the secret Nixon tapes and Area 51.
  2. I’ll take a look tonight GB, but knowing you it’s as thoughtful and thorough as a rock pile review, or in no particular order posts. Thanks in advance for you’re prep.
  3. I’ve thought about that point Royale. I guess it just depends if Kumerow is as good as Jones as a gunner. Jones really has no other role. Kumerow can do both, but it’s really a matter of diminishing abilities from Jones to Kumerow if there is any. The other thing to consider is if we use Kumerow as WR #6, how much Dow we gain over cutting McKenzie or Stephenson. Can either of these guys add something Kumerow doesn’t have in offensive game?
  4. Swing away Merril, Swing Way…. I like it GB. I’ll think about it tonight and reply again, but that was my first thought. BTW- BB is the evil alien.
  5. You’re already crazy! just like a guy with a hurt leg to bring up a veiled E four letters ends in a Z Vanna. Pat, I’ll take a RSTZ and vowel E. What is….
  6. I think anything you give us will be just fine. The kids certainly are far more important, so not to advise but no need for notes. Just write whatever comes to mind once you get the kiddos down, have an adult beverage, and get a good nights sleep. I think God would give you a dispensation from church Sunday.
  7. You’re the tree in the forest guy. Funny of this we’re the Bills, I honestly believe the O and D Line would be beating each other up just to get Allen out of there. Mongo would’ve gone nuts! It’s actually a testament to our players and coaches there has been so little skirmishes amongst the guys as Sal seems to say almost daily the energy level is so high. Supposedly the competitive practices is the usual times where fights start. Remember two years ago when we and the Panthers mucked it up a little.
  8. I finally was able to read the article. It was a good read so thank you. As far as Josh’s development, it was quite dramatic, and interesting by PFF standards is the greatest in NFL QB history. I don’t know whether to be impressed or cynical it is a way for PFF to justify crapping all over Josh for his first two years. in my opinion, Josh walked into a firestorm his rookie year with a terrible O Line and the worst WR’s probably in NFL history. What he accomplished with his athleticism was impressive. I just remember when Mahomes came out, he had talent around him. So did Bug Ben 18 years ago. I think Josh will improve again maybe not as dramatic, but in many ways he’s already arrived.
  9. It just seems to me you’re 5th and 6th WR’s have to be ST players who can due to injury play of absolutely necessary as a WR. So who are the best two to play ST? McKenzie (history of fumbling punts but maybe he has improved it not), Stephenson, Hodgins, or Kunerow. We’ll see in camp, but Duke is all but gone. I trust McD will figure it out. If I had to guess it would be Stephenson and McKenzie and others might be offered PS.
  10. Correct my friend. It should be very calculated and rare to make a point, and not a regular matter. As Liar Liar said…. Love that movie and we’ll said. At least that’s what GB, Donuts, Gugs, Eman, and Chandman keep telling me. I can’t say what Weo tells me as there are ladies like Cowgirl in the room. Simon says I can’t and you know what Simon says… Ridge on the other hand.
  11. I’ve had my share of gassers, suicides, stairs, etc. but I was a kid. These are grown men. Even hard ass Coughlin had the captains get together and he listened. He realized he couldn’t do that to grown men anymore.
  12. Riot, that’s equivalent to my dog eating grass. He eats to well you know…
  13. I think Joe Judge went to this guy for coaching advice….. Or lost 10 of the 17 overweight. What a maroon as Bugs says.
  14. How dare you bring up a veritable Druid artifact like Stonehenge!
  15. That’s not part of the drought. There was still hope at that time.
  16. Focus Dania San as Miyagi teaches. You’re focus needs more focus. Wax on Wax off. 🤪
  17. Ferry was my first guy. I didn’t have the pleasure of Kemp. Not as Old as Shaw and Chandman. 😇 Just kidding guys. You know I luv both of you guys. Its funny I think Fergs was like a 56% guy and we loved him when I was a little boy. I only remember his later years, just he was a tough son of a gun.
  18. Donuts, I’m more of a Flutie guy than most. He gave us some glimmer of hope when it was clear Collins and Van Pelt weren’t going to do it. He also came in when RJ was 0-3 and won us a bunch of games. I know he was only going to take us so far, but still reminisce that if he was in against TN, if we could’ve beaten them. That defense was #1, and they made it to the SB. Im not sure the intentions of again reminiscing the drought years. Sometimes I question intentions here. I’ll take foreboding at his word he just maybe wants us to remember how special it is to have Allen. Glass half full.
  19. I think they can Duke it out! 🧐 Duke has every opportunity to make it. He’s too slow. If Jake can make it great. If not let’s get a 5th and make A Prissy happy.
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