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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. We have been as stated above wagging the tail from above, but with respect. This is what makes this special. Small examples, we extend Tre, but ahead of the ding dongs and now is a great deal. Same with Dawkins. Same wit Milano. This team is so forward thinking and so many idiots on the national media don’t even consider Josh’s contract also includes his fourth and fifth year. Where do you think they backloaded that contract where the biggest hit happens when they are in the 2024 and beyond range when it absolutes explodes. They couldn’t have played this better and Josh knew it. He didn’t care. He was the second highest guy and knows he gets to keep and add the best moving forward. As much as Mahomes deal was genius so was this one. As one of the guys who shall be nameless on this board eloquently said (sounds like Bandher) BLLAAAAAAAHHHHH!
  2. Royale, he’s a Jet a Jet and never belong … Ok Donuts made me do it. Don’t listen to more than 15 seconds or you’ll get that thing in you’re throat. Poor kid, neva had a chance.
  3. What Thad wrote, I heard the exact same all week in Sal’s morning spots with H&J show on WGR. Levi has played very well and Dane has been inconsistent. I was hoping for a better camp and got lucky on a 7th rounder, but I guess he’ll just be depth. Its not Madden so you can’t have stars everywhere. Wallace is not as bad as some make him out to be. He just gets thrown a lot as OV’s want to stay away from White. The real opportunity is just moving White around a lot.
  4. Oh great Sen Seh, you speak truth. Him making the team is the accomplishment. Even if he only makes the PS, he still can get a shot like you said as one of the top 3 go down. I’m not trying to be morbid and wish ill of our main 3. It’s just too common on the NFL you’d better have Four options at RB as you’re going to use them eventually.
  5. People grow into their jobs so some mistakes he may have made in the past is to be expected. I know from my experiences I was. Different leader in year 1 than year 5. He’ll learn and I hope he gets his shot next year. By the way they are grooming the QB coach, it’s plausible the transition will be seamless, and after this year Josh will have the same OC for four years. That just isn’t ommon anymore. Great speech.
  6. I’m pulling for AW. I hope he can pull it together on ST as he can probably work his way up the depth chart as the season progresses. The way O Linemen and RB’s get hurt on just about any team, he would most likely get some playing time. Im suspect on the Fins game as it was week 17, and those players were packing it in at that point. If he can get a chance mid season when it matters, I’m all for it. Lastly, Badolz you summarized well the changes in style the last several years. Dennison was mistaken trying to change what was working.
  7. Thanks Wiz, but whenever I see these clips of Kiper it reminds me of this one.. Todd, Todd, Todd, Todd…
  8. Not Jerrah? 🤪🧐 Just kidding, she is a beautiful woman, and seems very bright. I’m not a big hockey fan, but for the sake of my family, I wish they would get it right and get out of the way like they did with the Bills.
  9. Rabbit Season, Duck Season, fire. You guys are too funny. These videos are awesome. You really know how to rub it in to us out of towers missing home. I hope everyone who made it had a great time. It looks fantastic. I know of I was in Buffalo, I would’ve found a way to get tickets.
  10. Or that Zack E..Z guy. Oh wait wrong thread. What about Deshaun, crap never mind. What’s going on with Rodgers? I heard there might be a …. Oh forget it. Seriously James was worthy IMO. The stats mentioned by Nasty above really spell it out. His knees later in his career is probably where one would think is he.. I really thought Indy was nuts letting Faulk go until I saw how good James was following him.
  11. Grasshoppa, you’re problem is you went to those boards. Jets, Fins, Pats boards baaad. Bills board good. Inigo my friend, you’re thread was so eloquently written, and honestly, I could care less what Jets, Pats, and Fins fans think as they will be looking up for the next decade, and they know it. Delusional Pats fans are living in The past. We have one of the best run teams in the NFL and much thanks to the Pegulas for getting it right the second time, and staying out of the way. As long as we have McBeane and now Allen, the rest will take care of itself. These foolish threads about any possible negative about this contract that have arisen the last 24 hours makes me consider the source. What’s really the motivation? They left enough $ that can later be converted if necessary, and that they locked him up for basically eight years as it’s not like the fourth and fifth year went away. Allen is incredibly wealthy, but worked welll with Beane to maintain his flexibility over the next several years to deal with other contracts. There are just a lot of shortsighted people who aren’t considering the explosion of tv revenue over the next 10 years. As always Inigo, thank you for such a thoughtful thread.
  12. Donuts, have you been watching this again? On shrooms!
  13. Enjoy this debate. How anyone who REALLY is a Bills fan can think getting you’re generational franchise QB since 1996 is somehow bad we’ll, have fun. Im so proud of this team, it’s leadership and sounds so much like someone is trying to crap on our parade.
  14. The Jimmy Johnson trade was the best of all time. The worst, Ditka’s trade for Ganga Ricky. I don’t know why some of you debate endlessly on the Mahomes 17 trade and the trades in 18 for Allen. We have in those 2 years a franchise LT in Dawkins, franchise CB in White, definitely a generational QB in Allen as he is the best thing in Bills history since Kelly and Bruce, and lastly I’m higher on Edmunds that many people. We have built a great team.
  15. I hope you guys liked it tonight. It’s on demand for the Sirius guys for the next five days or so. Good interviews from McBeane, Josh, and all the rest of the gang. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Of course, Josh’s contract was a big hit. As a side note on the contract, I was so happy he went with a six year contract, as we may be able to use it down the stretch to convert some $ to signing bonus down the road.
  16. Zero, this has the makings of a Manning/Brady rivalry for the next 15 years. I certainly hope so as I love you’re coach and respect you’re team. We’ve both won, and we’ll see (In October), and in January.
  17. Just like you to be more articulate than me. 😂😇🏋️‍♂️🦬🤪 Thanks Hap and as always well written my friend.
  18. If I’m going to hate PFF when they trash us, I have to be consistent to hate them when they like us. I swear it seems like Allen’s and our team has performed so well they feel obligated to find a way to walk back all the trashing they’ve done over the last three years.
  19. Bad shoulder. He wasn’t even on the plane. They have a competitive practice Saturday and he won’t be in that either.
  20. Correct in terms of still wealthy. The numbers are down due to the pandemic obviously, but one thing to consider is the tax write offs the PSE gets for the team. It’s one of the draws that helps Terry’s other companies. I wrote in the stadium thread this is just a negotiating tactic and the owners and the state will eventually meet each other in the middle somewhere as both will hurt a little from the deal.
  21. DJ to the B. He knows they are going back to sucking for the next decade like IDK the Machpherson, Rust years. That was 9-36. I can keep going if you want prior to those abysmal putrid Pats teams. Pats fan, this is probably not the year to troll with cam, I can’t hit a barn if I tried year. Even if Jones will be good it won’t be this year. BTW, I’m happy to keep identifying how much you’re team sucked for Erhardt, Bengtson, Mazur, Rush, and so on. You’re team was a loser before Brady, and it will be after. BB will retire knowing it.
  22. It’s with the secret Nixon tapes and Area 51.
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