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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Atari, Galaga? You must love the movie Pixels. I swear Adam Sandler is permanently stuck in the 80’s. That’s a Catana, or Japanese Samauri Sword.
  2. You the great JoPoy can’t find a negative? 🦬😂. Just kidding bud. Too easy. I like Macafee as well, and I can’t think of one critical thing I can say about Beane. If you really try, someone can say McD was too conservative in this play or too aggressive on that play, but even there it’s a reach for me. He’s been such a good coach for the last 5 years. It’s easy to find fault, but they just ascend in every way a team can ascend where I just do not believe they will regress as some are stating. I know it will be a fight, but we are one opponent away from the promised land in the Chiefs. We can beat any other team in the AFC. I’m not saying we’ll beat all of them and have an undefeated season, I just mean there is no team that worries me we do not possess the talent to beat them. Until we beat the Chiefs, we haven’t. Good take JoPoy. Someday you’ll have to tell us why you picked that name. Mine is as simple a fourth grader could figure out.
  3. 17, thanks bud as that was nice of you to give us a heads up. Appreciated.
  4. I resemble that shirt talker comment. Just kidding as you’re right. I will say for quite sometime we’ve had the following as Allen supporters to some degree. Adam Schein Kyle Brandt Mel Kiper Colin Cowherd has come around Ross Tucker Chris Mortensen Im sure there are more, but just thinking nationally, not local of course. Ross is kinda a homer, but he doesn’t have a hard time reporting critical things of us so in my book he’s included. He was very guarded on JA in 18 when he was still on NFLR. He came around a bit in 19 and really came on board in 20. That’s fine with me for any National reporter. Just give the guy a fair shot I see Cowherd as a guy who is smart and doesn’t want to be the last on the bus. Holding onto old takes is stupid so he’s jumping on the JA17 bus. Good for him. Watch how many bandwagon guys make a 180 this year and act like it was some revelation of 2020 and didn’t see anything in 18-19. Those are the guys that are tools.
  5. All kidding aside, I promise myself and a lot of others can’t wait for you to get to 2017 as I can see that breakdown getting 15-20 pages of responses. If you want to rile us up for the season, make it sometime close to the regular season starting. I can see it getting top billing of threads for several days. I know it takes a ton of work on you’re part. You know the guys are going to find clips of the locker room when Cincy won, the Red rifle clips, and so much more. That season was as special as when I was an idiot college kid jumping on the goal post when big old Freddy Smerlas brought us to the AFCE and the AFCCG in 88.
  6. Thanks bud. I thought it was 22 he was at the senior mark. I defer to great opponent of Bruce Lee, the Dragon. BTW- not a big karate movie guy, but that one was a cult classic.
  7. If Kumerow produces in ST in preseason, I agree. He’s more versatile, and that could then lead to Antonio Williams making it. I think back to last year in the playoffs, and our RB’s were banged up, and our WR’s are banged up. The other position group that seems to get injured more than others is the OLine. I kind of like the idea of keeping the two mentioned above than Jones.
  8. Ace, whereas Id be a little more polite to our friend in Portland, I agree Tasker changed the way 5e game is played on ST, which if you listen to David Baker from the Hall on HOF radio (it’s actually kind of a boring show, but occasionally on a weekend drive), one of the main premises for HOF status is if you helped the game transcend, and for Tasker that’s a yes. Ethan, you hit the nail on the head, if we were playing today’s game, Tasker would’ve been used as a slot guy like Beasely or Edelman and had significant stats as a WR. Kelly used to beg Marv, especially in the later years to get more playing time for Tasker as he ran great routes, and was intuitive knowing where Jimbo wanted him (Kelly’s words in interviews, not mine). I can’t remember the OP for the other thread on first time eligible HOF class next year, but it’s a weak list. Couple that with we just cleaned out 20 guys from the centennial class. That should free up a lot more. I believe this is the first year Tasker is eligible in 2022 for the senior class. It wouldn’t surprise me if he makes it next year. Of all the Bills from the last, he’s at the top of my list. I hope he gets it. What a fun speech that would be with the rest of the crew on stage. Maybe Jim would throw him a ball like he did for Andre.
  9. I was thinking the same in that instead of 53 and 46 dress, it would be 55 and 50 dress. They get paid whether they dress or not. Those two spots would help, and the PS is always vulnerable to be poached. Several of the young guys mentioned above that would be cut, will more likely be offered the PS. One thing I didn’t know that Sal mentioned yesterday morning was they changed again this year in the cuts. Remember a couple of year ago when they went to just one cut from 90 to 53, and now Sal mentions there will be cuts after each preseason game. He only knew off the top of his head we go from 90 to 85 next Tuesday. Then the following Tuesday’s after each game will be additional cuts to the final 53 I think it was the Saturday after the last preseason game, but don’t quite me. I’m sure one of you guys know the exact numbers. I didn’t read about this change until he mentioned on the morning show yesterday. Lastly, very well written Alpha. You put some hw. Into it so Soup For You!
  10. It wasn’t on the Bills camp tour. Jim and Pat mentioned the two being placed on the Covid list, but it was the guys who were put on it, not Hughes. Maybe some other show. That show as an aside was great. It was a little more special as it aired the day of Allen’s contract last Friday. Im not disagreeing with the earlier post, but that means it was one of the morning shows. They’ve had a lot of backup hosts do g the morning shows as their A teams are doing all the camps.
  11. Corta, 2017. Anytime bud. I know I’m a broken record. novel idea. We talk about good times. Bye- I know you mean we’ll.
  12. Not worried. Dions hurt and Hughes is 148 years old. Just kidding. So they are taking it slowly with these guys. Works for me. We need them both.
  13. I know some of his comments for that era are fine, but didn’t want to repeat as they could be taken the wrong way now. He never meant b.y in the derogative way it sounds now. I loved Foghorn back in the day.
  14. And he twists the knife. Hehehe.🤣😂😅🤪 As far as Friday, I d like to see Breida, the Antonio Williams. Then maybe Kumerow, McKenzie, all the TE’s as no one is special, and backups overall on defense and rooks.
  15. Eman, well said as it is a win win. Of course Allen’s deal is better for him as he can go for another contract before Mahomes. They both won though and long enough so that they can manipulate $ for other contracts to maintain the talent level on this team.
  16. Ware maybe, and Wilfork has against him (forget the dirty part as that will have no bearing on the voters) is he played DT. It’s a thankless job and hard to get in vs. the glory guys of DE’s like Ware. I don’t see Romo at all. He was a good QB, but not HOF.
  17. Jay, Metcalf caught 108 yards and Moore I think had 70 or so. For Metcalf, that is keeping him in check. He’s one of the best WR’s in football and you’re right White had him most of the game. These were mostly catch up yards as we were leading the entire game.
  18. The defense was top 3 in 18, and 19. We didn’t lose a ton, just a couple of pieces and were 14th. We’ll be at the least 6-9th. Top 3-4 offense and the above ranking defense means SB entry.
  19. But but we’ll throw in a Lucky Charms box. Their magically delicious.
  20. Leonard’s deal has no bearing on Edmunds. He must even know he’s not the same guy. Beane will give him a fair deal and Wsmunds will chase $, as someone will offer more, or he’ll know he has the best shot at a SB ring if he stays here.
  21. First, I’m really glad to hear Sal is ok. I love that guy on WGR. I look forward to his segments in the mornings. Second, how hot was it as I live in the third ring if hell in the summer in FL, where the heat index is well over 100 degrees everyday. You don’t normally see heat exhaustion when it’s only in the 80’s. He must have not hydrated the whole day for that to happen. You’d think it looks silly, but I commonly see women using an umbrella at the park when it is blazing hot. Im sure Sal will put out a training camp rundown this morning. My guess is Howard and Jeremy will bring it up this morning.
  22. It’s my understanding from the local news outlets down here in FL, is he has issues and that is why he’s potentially available. I’m very sympathetic with persons having mental health issues, but don’t think we need to add that to our team when we have a perfectly capable CB2 in Wallace. Again, it’s not Madden. You’re. Not going to have superstars at every position, but you want an overall healthy team. Wallace is fine for that role. We also have a top 5 CB1, and one of the best Safety tandems in the league. We were 13-3 against a couple of tough divisions last year. People want to point to T Hill, but they never mention how we kept the Seahawks WR’s in check which is difficult since they are two of the toughest in the league.
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