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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. He’s not poor. He’ll be on Sunday morning evangelistic tv for years. Not that I care as it’s a lot better than thug behavior. I wish him nothing but the best. Hopefully he does well with his next steps. My guess is he’ll be in media for a long time.
  2. One word. STIR! love it though. I think we need a wang.
  3. While I agree King’s article is not insightful for a Bills fanatic, he’s writing for across the nation, and the avg. football fan in Indiana, or Minnesota, this is probably a good read for these people. Several people pointed out the Rodgers piece was interesting, but I bet if you lived in Green Bay, or Milwaukee it is a big so what as they read about Rodgers daily. I thought it was a fair piece.
  4. Johnson is the logical choice and makes it on the PS if not picked up by another team.
  5. I know you’re kidding, but GB is the farthest from a Bills hater. My Brit friend is just wrong here. Sorry GB. Bease plays the same role as Edelman in NE with Brady. The difference is BB, aka, Chancellor Palpatine, didn’t give Brady in a decade a Randy Moss like Beane gave JA17 in Diggs. If you think about it, JA had 4600+ yards throwing. 2500+ came from Diggs and Bease. I hate his outward COVID defiance crap (not his decision to not get vacc.), but he would have been getting another 500 yards as he was the reincarnation of Hogan (7/11, I’m always open). He was open on almost every play if you watch all 22 every week. That’s worth the investment. Bease is a rare find. im glad he’s toned it down as I didn’t want to lose him. The finality of this is who cares what others think. We go 14-3, and win the SB, I don’t care if anyone makes the top whatever list or any power ranking or any other list. Hated the jump suits but big Al said it best…
  6. EU, I think the consideration for the 7th is only possible if they only keep 3 TE’s with Gilliam as the third even though he’s a FB. That means Sweeney doesn’t make it, and they use that resource as a 7th. It’s more likely they keep Sweeney as the 4th, and 6 for WR’s as that is what McD has done historically. If not, where are you stealing from in the position groups as it has to come from somewhere. It’s more likely Stephenson and Hodgins go to the PS.
  7. Alpha, I commented the other day, but when scanning this morning you’re title, it made me think of this.. Alpha likes this. Signed, The Alpha. Have a good Sunday brother.
  8. Yeah that some wind is a b…h. Turk, I don’t have the heart as you seem like a nice guy on most takes, but this one was a bit. You might want to spare yourself the ribbing and just delete the thread. The reality that I see is we are using like Marv used to do as a practice meaning workout the kinks with certain drills for the beginning of the game. McD knows by now Kumerow’s abilities. What he and Beane have eluded to all off season is how do we get the synergy down with the O Line and backs so when we need it have an effective running game. Second, they want to get their rhythm and combinations down on the. D Line so we can get pressure with four. Well, the running game looked decent so kudos to Singletary. Rousseau on defense shined so kudos to the D Line. Lastly, they are simply rounding out the back end of their roster which is why everyone hates preseason games as they are boring and you never see half of these guys once September roll around. I enjoyed seeing the above mentioned points. I hope they don’t any of the starters we saw miss the first game in the next two.
  9. I am so glad I spent so little time watching other PS games when I read names like Rosen, Zay, Nate, and Duck Duck Go.
  10. YES! Just kidding Hap. First I knew of it was listening the other night on NFLR. They brought up Hodges and I did a double take at the radio.
  11. I don’t know if it was a mistake, but Basham didn’t look good in the game, and there have been several reports his first TC has been mediocre. I originally thought he would shine given his college experience and Rousseau would have to develop over time. It’s only 1 PS game, so we’ll see.
  12. Cotton and Maiden. I have a much much better response. When he sacks someone, 73,000 raving lunatic Bills Mafia fans screams at the top of their lungs, He is GROOT! and they show a video clip on the videotron. Now wouldn’t that just make our nutty, but lovable fans insane. This one from a marketing perspective would stick like Megatron from Calvin Johnson. What an incredible freak that guy was. GROOT could be the next BRUUUCE phrase when he earns it. This fan base would explode! Roussu doesn’t do it, but GROOT does in spades. God I hope he repeats those 15.5 sacks. He is impressive.
  13. Point taken Donuts, but also remember Marv would go 0-4 in all preseason games to try out players and schemes. I believe we were working out schematically our running game and a revamped pass rush. It looked like that was McD’s primary goal probably coming from Beane. To me, mission success! I hope we keep doing it. I could care less if we win either of the next two games. They don’t matter. What I and I think you oh great yelling Donuts (had to sneak that one in) is we button up our TE’s, running game meaning the backs and changes in scheme to the o line, and our pass rush. We figure out those pain points we beat the Chiefs!
  14. My apologies oh great syntax one. 😇 I know, I’ve posted for a few days on the phone vs. ipad, and it shows. Appreciate the needle. I deserve it. It wasn’t a hair of the dog thing. Not me anymore brother. It hurts too much in the early am on a stair master paying for it.
  15. I thought Breida was fine, but he should be schemed for more outside plays. Let during the season for Singletary and Moss focus up the middle. When one gets hurt eventually bring up A. Williams from the PS. with that said, I would hide Moss for the preseason and limit Singletary to at most 1-2 quarters. Give the bulk of the reps to Williams and Breida.
  16. I wouldn’t say Fromm deserves any accolades, but Webb played well. I liked Obada, Rousseau, and Spencer Brown. He’s way too tall for Guard, but he very well may be our backup swing tackle.
  17. Yeah his voice is right up there with Captain Quint’s nails on the chalkboard, not that the content was poor. Maybe he can have the Chinese voice over guy from Bruce Lee movies dubbed in.
  18. Freddie, don’t swat the Bug yet. We finally have a GROOT, Boogie, and now a Bug. Let’s not forget a Wildgoose. If only we still had a Wang! Honestly, the five names cut we probably as a group won’t even recognize as they are camp dummies. Hart did play awful.
  19. The last 3-4 posts more eloquently than humble me have amplified my thoughts. I truly want to give each of these guys the benefit of the doubt as they are young men and their lifelong dream. I’m not unsympathetic to each of them. My point was simply where you are drafted with what talent, and most importantly, how well is you’re organization built around them. It was somewhat of a blessing we didn’t take Mahomes, and took the long road with Tre and then Allen (Id add Edmunds, but too many of you would get ticked at me). Not that I am by ANY means a Jests fan, but I really hope just for the sake of the AFC Salah, can replicate what McD did here, and build a team the right way. It will take three years, but it would be nice to have the AFCE be what most think the NFCW is now. I say this as the old phrase iron sharpens iron. Having a tough division means we are battle tested every year in the playoffs. I still think we will be kings of the mountain as outside of Mahomes (maybe Herbert in time) will come close to our JA17. He and Mahomes will be the reincarnation of Manning/Brady. Mark my words it will be the top billing nationally every year for many many years as it should.
  20. Everyone except Lawrence has bust potential. I’m not getting in that trap as much as I’ve watched all of these guys, no sure things. The biggest variable for so many is the coaching and Mgmt. Josh walked into a double down awesome situation with Beane, McD, Daboll his entire first three years, and Frazier is underrated for his consistency at defense. I don’t think Darnold would be Allen if he were in Buffalo, but I also don’t think Allen would be who he is today with the Jests. Lawrence makes me nervous as Meyer has no idea how to be an effective NFL coach. The last HOF conversion guy is J Johnson from my POV. Shanahan and Lynch have a great program in SF. Tons of talent and coaching, and all injuries coming back. Lots of raw talent if he sits. You get my point as I believe Salah could be another McD. It’s possible. I think Fields I’d screwed as those guys at the top are toast.
  21. And send it down to Tampa. I’d have to increase my workouts by another 5hrs a week to what I already do. I have to admit, my name is Dan and I’m a Mighty aholic. HEELLO DAN! (My real name). Don’t tell anyone. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Insert Coach McD clapping.
  22. Please Pats fan keep coming here all year, he’ll everyday. It’s called masochism. Enjoy the pain! 10-12 wins for the Cheats is delusional. I’ll grant you it was the first preseason game, but it’s not going to get better week 1, nor week 12.
  23. So as far as the coffee, he gets a Venti Black Eye which is the biggest Starbucks and two shots of espresso. I used to drink a red eye which is one shot, but two bentos with two shots each. That’s probably an eight back if 5 hr energy. That is so bad for cardiac output and blood pressure, it’s ridiculous. As far as the heat, you guys are funny. I understand the wearing a lot of clothes, but it’s 93-97 degrees with 95% humidity down here. Tampa is the most humid city in the US. There is humidity even when it’s cool in the winter because of the shallow bay. It’s 5 am and it’s 81 degrees outside right now. You guys just aren’t used to it. I’ll admit I wouldn’t wear a sweatshirt. They’ll be cold on the plane and the Lions play in a dome. People give me crap that the Rays play in a dome and not real baseball. They have to as it’s miserable here in the summer like you’re winters.
  24. I hear similar things on NFLR with some of the morning hosts, especially Weiss. They just can’t accept Brady made a lot of problems go away. My thought is the narrative will change after this year when they finish 8-9 to 9-8 amd miss the playoffs again. This would be the best scenario as they win enough games to not get a top pick, but still miss the playoffs. All of the talking heads will credit Brady, not Belichick. Oh, and Brady take the Bucs to the playoffs again, but they don’t make it to February.
  25. THATS IT! My latest clip, but NO SOUP FOR YOU! YOU COME BACK 1 Year. Just kidding just fits the story. I actually thought pretty funny. Ertz name is like Beetlejuice these days.
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