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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Well said SoCal. This isn’t Dallas that a makes a bajillion $ (I know it’s not a word for the syntax police) or LA, or Vegas. The team may be valued at $2+ Bil., but they forked out $1.4 bil., to buy it, whatever they spent on the Sabres, built up downtown with the luxury hotel and common area, etc. They've made Buffalo a better place, and will end up kicking in some $, but the county and state will most likely contribute a significant portion if it. They do get to borrow $200 mil. from the league, and I believe there are very favorable tax implications which is why Billionaires want to buy into a recession proof business. Cleveland never thought Modell would move the team, but he did when he needed another stadium to be profitable. They lose the team, have to wait three years, Baltimore comes out firing on all cylinders as a winning team, and the new Browns sucked for 20 years. The funding won’t be 100% public $, but it’s not going to be 100% private either. They’ll figure it out, and no the team isn’t moving. Most of the real negotiations we’ll never really know as it will all be behind closed doors for two years, and hacks like this author will keep on writing chicken little stories. As Sandra Bullock from the Blindside said…. ”Don’t get you’re p…..s in a wad”.
  2. In the mirror darkly. I prefer this version. Primarily because T’Pol has the best abs ever. Is it time for the Ponn Farr yet? Ralonzo, if we both know these references, we’re not just Bills nerds, we’re Star Trek too. Good catch on my reference. It’s exactly what I was referring to with the original quote.
  3. FWIW to the out of towners, Audacy just gave me a notice WGR has their pregame show starting 10 minutes ago with the Dibiasi brothers. Have a listen if in the car.
  4. Interesting teams. He may be better at the interview process. I’m skeptical on the Steelers as they are so reluctant to Change coaches. Tomlin has yet to give them a losing season. I believe his worst year was 8-8. The Rooney’s will take into account Ben sunsetting probably after this year and a chance of getting Rodgers or Watson is plausible. I know Daboll probably would take any job, but guessing Dallas wouldn’t be his first choice even with Dak. He might NYG though.
  5. Pitt-W (their line has not figured it out, and Harris gets very little yardage -GROOT sacks Ben twice and bats a ball down) Mia-W (close though as it will be 148 degrees or at least feel like it) WTF-W (closer than expected due to their defense and Fitz loses it for them with a pick in the 4th quarter like that Jets game a few years ago) Texans-W (by 40) Chiefs-L (much closer than expected maybe 27-24) Ten-W (we kept Henry in check with 83 yards last year and that is a win for us, it’s more of stopping their passing game) Mia-W Jags-W (by 21 at least) Jets-W Colts-L (surprise but Wentz surprises people and gets back to his SB year performance under Reich - they are a complete team) Saints-W (Winston throws 3 picks and 1 pick six) Pats-W Bucs-L ( Brady’s arm finally starts fading, but just enough for a loss -Bucs 24-21) Car-W (they are rebuilding and by then Darnold is benched) Pats-W (very very close like an overtime Bass 60 yard field goal in the snow) Atl-W Jets-W (we destroy them with our backups) So 14-3, but there is always a possibility of a trap game loss which at worst we are 13-4. Enough for the second seed. By the AFCCG our defensive line is firing on all cylinders so we beat the Colts, Browns, and the Chiefs in KC. SB - Bills/Rams and we win in LA. BTW -491 pts. GB. “You aimin to shoot the dog” again with an extra game. Uhuh, 518 pts. and a new franchise record. And we do repeat a sweep of the AFCE.
  6. No argument on the Eagles. It’s not just the HC, but the organization. They have been in free fall since their SB win. It has to start with the owner. I’m in a wait and see on the Pats. I’m not concerned we’ll beat them and win the division, but until they figure out the QB, and I just don’t see Cam looking as good in season. He’s never been accurate, not improved, and his body is shot. Any rookie QB can look good in the preseason with vanilla defenses. We’ll see how Jones does when he has blitzes and pressure coming from all different angles. Maybe he’ll figure it out like Herbert surprised the majority of people, or more likely he’ll look more like Tua. BB will do what everyone expects him to in what has been said above. They picked up tall WR’s who are not that athletic, and two TE’s who are very competent. Run, high % passes, and their typical complicated defenses. If I had to predict, they’ll win against the Jets, Falcons, Panthers, Texans, Jags, Cowboys, Dolphins once, and maybe the Chargers (Saints are a wildcard as you don’t know what happens with the QB) That’s 9 wins. They are going to have a tough time with the Bucs, Titans, Colts, Miami in Miami as for some reason they often give the Pats a tough time down there, Cleveland, and us twice. It’s why I’m guessing they will be a 9-10 game winning team which does not make the playoffs. This is all predicated on they win every game they are supposed to win, and no hiccups. The hype on the spending and BB a genius stuff is overrated in the media. It was last year when they picked up Cam and they won 7 games.
  7. Now that is interesting, but not surprising. A guy whether built or not who’s never had to block anyone, will not all of a sudden learn at the drop of a hat. Too many people who’ve never played football, don’t understand the technique involved. I’m sure one of the cable sports stations will pick him up broadcasting on college football.
  8. Kwai, the difference with McDaniels is he has to be in line for BB’s job when he retires or just moves over to personnel as he is 69 so he only has a couple more years you’d expect. Daboll is behind McD as you know who most likely isn’t going anywhere for a decade at least we hope. I was a little surprised Daboll didn’t get an offer unless we don’t know it on the Chargers as he and Telesco have known each other for 30 years. That was a little telling.
  9. This thread left football awhile back and is now just the three non starters. Sex, Politics, and Religion. Mods?
  10. It was always going to be messy. They are using the media on both sides as a tool to spark fear, etc. for their own ends. They’ll figure it out.
  11. You know the South lost right as it looks like a Confederate outfit. not going farther as Simon will kill me As far as our god bless America general Allen, love the man. An officer and a gentlemen.
  12. It’s Fantasy not real football. In the real football world, I’m cool with a competition between Mahomes, Rodgers, Brady, Wilson, Allen, and Herbert over Murray. I have absolutely nothing against Murray. I think he might be a solid franchise QB, but he’s not there yet. Nothing against him if I were an AZ fan, I’d be very happy. One thing is for sure, that is a tough division so he’ll be battle tested every year.
  13. LT is the only player I place over Bruuuce, with Lott as a close third. Minister was great, but he didn’t play in a traditional 3-4. If Bruce was in a 4-3, he would’ve been the unprecedented beat defensive Player.
  14. I read it this morning. My guess is Daboll finally as well as Biennemy get their shots as there are always about 7 open, and he takes Mitch maybe if no QB with him and possible the QB Coach as OC. If so our guy moves up to QB coach, not leapfrogging to OC or McD keeps our WB coach to OC and yadadyada. Everyone moves up either way.
  15. 606 is an avg. on 17 rounding up to 36 pts a game. Everyone knows I love my Bills, but no. I hope so, but doubt it.
  16. 13-4 to 14-3. Most Likely. We won’t lose games we are supposed to win. The issue IMO is it’s another off season where they predict Cam, now Mac will win for the Pats. They are going bananas on how great they will be again. OTOH, the Bills get no press and top trio lists are everyone but us, even though we were the second best offensive team in points. who freakin cares. We win, as drago said, they lose.
  17. I’m liking the Dirty Dozen more than Kelly’s Heroes. Allen Diggs Bease Dawkins (muscle) Mongo (ugly, just punch the horse) Milano Groot Tre Mr. Hyde Dr. Jekyl (Poyer) Davis and finally the Gadget Man, McKenzie Dirty Group! The Colonel is of course McD. Lee Marvin was a bad ars.
  18. ITS SIGNS ALL OVER AGAIN! Anyone have a glass of water I can borrow or 100. Swing away Merril, swing away! Conrad Dobler
  19. Yep, this has been the plan all together waiting for the next CBA. The next CBA might end up 18 games and might negotiate down to 1 preseason game and a couple of competitive practices. Coaches seem to report they like those more anyway. I’m fine with keeping everyone who was out last week, this week. It’s not like they’re not practicing. It’s also not 1979 where they need two a days. I hope they let Mitch just rip it though as would be a nice gesture for him to dissect his old team. He’d probably love it. Dawkins playing for a series is good, but I hope they take him out after and slowly let him build up his strength. I trust those guys. Spencer for hire or deadlifting given that Goliath can use all the reps possible so he can be the effective swing. His first year he can most likely survive on raw power when needed. I loved this pick as we have two excellent tackles and one that can be groomed who is a behemoth. Perfect for a tackle, way too tall for a Guard. My concern is Moss coming back too fast with the hammy. Let him sit for another week, Devin and Breida carry the rock, and save Moss for next week. 17 games and a bye is a long season. We need all 3 completely healthy walking into it. My hope is we use Motor inside and Breida outside as well as some dump off passes.
  20. 1500 miles or so (Tampa), but grew up on South Park Ave. near 179 so Hamburg. Maybe 7 miles. Loved delivering for Blasdell Zza, back in HS. The original on South Park. It really doesn’t matter as how many guys on this board were either from Buffalo, or fell in love with the Bills. I’m impressed with people never affiliated with Buffalo (geography), but are just as passionate as us lunkheads there or from there. It’s in our DNA. Guys that never ever lived near Buffalo, I am so proud to call you a fellow Bills fan as you made a choice and you stuck with it through a 17 year drought. You guys are the ones that deserve… 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
  21. UConn, I’m no fan,but I grew up in Buff. And lived second half of my life in Tampa. It was awful I felt compelled to root for him as my second favorite team, but a distant second as far as rooting. Believe me I’ll be in my Fredex or Kelly Jersey at the game in December with my sons. Think of it this way, Brady just reinforces it was him not Chancellor Palpatine (BB) that caused those two decades of nightmares for us. At the end of the day, Brady is still a husband, dad and I don’t remember him slamming the Bills. He just kept beating us. I’d much rather have him healthy, beating him in December, and ultimately beating him and the Bucs in February. An injury is an excuse that if he was in the game, yadayada. I’d rather have JA17 beat him twice and the Pats suffer in misery again got a second straight year with an 8-9 record. Now that is a dish better served cold.
  22. Isn’t that puff n stuff? You’ve outdone yourself Ridge. Damn Jake from State Fromm!
  23. Oh god, please prayers guys. I hate this crap. I get a hammy for a couple of weeks or whatever as it’s sports, but anyone, and I mean anyone (insert the player you hate most) is wrong to want or accept a terrible injury. saying an our father now.
  24. Dude, a cat (a blimp, we’re not in the stratosphere). Chris Brown promo reference. Dogs brother. Cats are for old ladies and spinsters. Dogs are a guy’s best friend. Now go take a shot of toradol for that leg.
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