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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Sorry for the kid. That really is too bad. I hate hearing sarcasm not there was a lot here about a kid just out of college out before his first NFL game. I hope he heals and can help his team next year. I can’t imagine you prepare for 21 years of you’re life for you’re dream come true in the NFL, and almost never hurt in college, and BAM out for the year. if it were my son I’d be heartbroken for him.
  2. t he stated he was under the two week window after the second shot, per him. I’m not doing the vacc argument as it’s a dead horse. It’s stupid to not do it, but people do a lot of dumb things. Their choice. for not a star, you’re lucky not to be released though if you don’t. You don’t think quietly the staff is letting them know for the back up safety or whatever position they will be released. Beasely is fine. He’s needed until he’s not. He’ll be here this year. So will Davis, but a Antonio Williams not getting the shot or a McKenzie. They can live without them. They cannot live with forfeiting games. Reality of life. all I care about is we start against Pitt with our team and whatever someone wants to choose or not is up to them. go bills!
  3. Corta, I like you bud, but serious question, is he now called T-Law. If I’m in the dark, sorry. he’s a rookie. He has a college coach. Jac shouldn’t expect a lot at this point. That doesn’t mean over a couple of years they improve. I just don’t have an opinion other than they will be maybe 3-14 this year. I have nothing against the kid and hope he is not Darnolded. I actually hope except against us Darnold does well just like if we use Mitch this Saturday, he does well. Sometimes they are a victim of their circumstance.
  4. The only thing I don’t like is all red, or all blue. If using those two colors, they just need to be balance with white. All white is cool. I actually like the blue pants and looked cool in Chicago.
  5. I’ll roll with that as Tua is the wildcard. They have a talented team. No one knows though how much he really improved from last year to this year.
  6. Allen makes this team fun. Bandwagon fans come usually to dynamic, exciting offenses and they make the ESPN highlights each week. I moved down here to Tampa 6 days before the Giants SB, and it was fun, and a ton of Tampans became Bills fans for the next several years. The Bucs sucked back in the early 90’s until Dungy’s team took off towards the end of the decade. They faded like most bandwagon fans do when we regress. I honestly don’t care as I know me, and I’ll never change. It took me a decade to be a Bucs fan as my second team, and that’s only because I had kids, they are Bucs fans, and they are in the NFC.
  7. I’ve missed “In no particular order”. Great to see it bud. Im happy with some improvement in AJ, and GROOT has shown he’s better than I expected, but again it’s preseason. Basham who I expected to come out strong has been a slight disappointment. I didn’t expect him to be a starter, but he just looks pedestrian. I hope I’m wrong.
  8. Every coach is looking for the kill. I’ll agree with you they probably will play solid defense, and a run game, along with short safe passes. That doesn’t win divisions or playoffs. It will potentially get them to a 9-10 win season. I have serious doubts about them contending with us twice, Bucs, Titans, Ravens, the Colts if Wentz goes back to SB year form, and even the Chargers as I expect Herbert to be better. The Fins are a wildcard as it all depends on whether Tua has improved. The rest of their team is solid. This is where I see this division finishing and I’m just making guesses as are we all. Bills 13-14 wins Fins 10-11 wins Pats 9-10 wins Jests 5-6 wins Ive been known to be wrong, but that’s my expectation now. With an improved running game and front four pressure (we hope as it’s only preseason) do we have what it take to beat the Chiefs? We’ll find out.
  9. Cents, the two teams that are contenders and have space that could make it happen would be the Seahawks and the Packers. Some of the others with space that are close have top ends. he’s most likely there.
  10. How the heck with cash to cap could bowl cut Mark Davis afford that one? He doesn’t even close to have the cash ready for that type of investment. flip side, Mack and Ngakoue would be formidable. The Bears weren’t going to lose that asset.
  11. PTR, would you? You’re $. Cmon brother. It was interesting, but I could see Allen giving the dog head turning sideways look. Uhhhhh. Thanks mr. Pegula but wait I’m getting a phone call. Thanks mr Pegula.
  12. Hey mods, the passive aggressive morons are back out. Guys that are fans of other teams, but pretend to be Bills fans and then do everything they can to get a rise. Last year as you guys know they create 8 persons and talk to themselves. I don’t relish you’re work, but trust you guys. It’s one thing for a silly take. That’s understandable for a newbie who really is a bills fan or even a respectful self admitted fan of another team. It’s another when the crud we deal the with last year is propping up. God it must suck to be a jets and pats fan now. You must absolutely hate you’re future. I know I don’t go to their boards as I don’t care about them. Wish them well being 2nd-4th, not making the playoffs, but beyond could care less what they write on their boards. Irrelevant as they will be for awhile.
  13. This week, we barely will notice the cuts. Next week will be interesting.
  14. And that’s all I have to say about that. Moving on. Go McBeane!
  15. Alright these are just butthead takes made to get a rise out of people. Why don’t we trade Diggs, Allen and White. What do you think we could get? Hint, sarcasm.
  16. A QB coach who is taught how to dissect a defense. Those guys are best for this learning.
  17. I don’t think you’re wrong with a caveat. It’s going to be game plan specific. There are going to be teams we face where McD see a more traditional 4-3 base defense, and maybe they’ve targeted in that game it’s one of our two main and Breida. That’s a logical plan. Regardless he’s cheap, has speed, we haven’t game planned anything for him yet, so some weeks he’s our new yeldon, but he offers a different wrinkle than a yeldon.
  18. Happy B Day Paul. Fond memories. I’m too young for his punting days, but broadcasting, yep.
  19. You make a very good point. I’m not sure if a team unless desperate is going to give something as high as a 3rd. It’s short sighted to give him away and it doesn’t matter as Beane won’t do it. it’s also likely he may not get some real chance to start, but he needs a higher paid backup contract.
  20. No argument Doc, but there is the matter of winning a SB and he makes us better insurance. I’m not worried about next year as he may get a shot with a team, or not but we up the contract to $6 mil. As a lot of other teams are paying even more fir a backup. Not sure if he gets much time at all with GB, as they are trying to figure out whether it’s Fromm or Webb who gets released or released and resigned to the PS. I’d only play them. If on the chance Mitch doesn’t play which is great, we had piece of mind on our backup, and deal with the issue in 2022. It’s not like we’re getting a 1st for him.
  21. OMG, we get our next Reich and some people say, TRADE HIM. This is why I’m glad McD is our coach. Absolutely not under any circumstances as anyone saying that and then Allen gets hurt, and the same people scream the sky is falling. I knew we should’ve kept Mitch. Just play the percentages and even though Allen has been playing smarter and smarter every year, he still rushes so that’s a potential injury waiting to happen. Not likely, but you really want to trust Fromm or Webb for four games. Didn’t a percentage of posters whine about Barkley. So we upgrade on the cheap as top level backups are getting $5 mil.+, and now trade him.
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