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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. So the Bucs lose to the Pats, the Pats sweep the East, and we go 2-4 in the division? The Jets beat us? Who were the interns and what were they smoking? Wait, here they are.
  2. They still complied. I’d contradict only one that the Pats probably wanted to unload him with his injury history and they have a glut of RB’s. You might be right, but if I’m the Pats and I lose 1 zen which o have many and get two picks from it. I’d say they both made out. I do appreciate you’re long though GB.
  3. Allen will probably play one series. The same is probably true for most of the starters unless a situation like Dawkins who is playing his way back into shape. I can see him in for a half. I wouldn’t play MT hardly at all either. Save him for when we need him. Besides McD is going to have to make a decision on Fromm vs. Webb. After Detroit I thought it would be Webb, but in the Bears game they both didn’t look that great. Some people have posted we drafted Fromm, but we also in 2017 drafted Webb in the 3rd. My guess is it will be Webb.
  4. What’s interesting in the article is the author was perplexed how both the Rams and Pats are unaware of league rules. I seriously doubt they didn’t know. Once again the Cheats living up to their name. It’s amazing to me they didn’t think the NFL would come down on them. What’s worse is the Rams aren’t stupid and were complicit in the deal. As far as predictions, I’ve said in other threads they will finish with 9-10 wins. The hype with Mac Jones amd Cam is just that, hype. The same happened last year that with Cam the Pats were going to be awesome. We know how that ended. The Rams must be desperate for a running game as it’s common knowledge Michel’s had knee problems. He must be in their eyes a one year rental while their guy heals up from his injury.
  5. I’m not on the habit of disagreeing with my 3-12 buddy. Thanks for sharing bud as I know your enudicious in you’re reponses. A habit I probably should learn.
  6. Hey Success bud, no argument at all. My point to keep balanced and I hope that makes sense. Shouldn’t be ignored bud. I’m sorry if I mis represented myself.
  7. Or a smart interviewer feeling the room.
  8. Mods I feel you’re pain trying to contain this one. God bless and maybe we can learn from Sal and ask a football question. Think about how Sal just went to #1 on McD’slist moving forward as he was looking for a lifeline. after you ask th he same question 15 different ways, he just wanted a football question.
  9. I think it was a possibility anyway, but he had a chance to finish the contract after next year. Now? You know when you’re dad tells you just fall in line, do the right thing and people will notice you for the right reasons. They are kind of stuck with him this year, but if he’s a thorn next year, Beane won’t tolerate it.
  10. No, but they can do an injury settlement and I can’t remember the phrase, but it’s like a conditional release. the thing that absolutely pi..es me off is not getting vacc., but it’s not following protocols. That’s what angers me. You still don’t trust what 70% of Americans have done and 89% of the league has done, fine. Even though people are begging in underdeveloped countries are crying for ok. I respect you’re choice, but just follow protocols. Mods delete if I’m making a mistake on this one. Just following the thread.
  11. Well the other op did ask the temp on the stillers game. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😇👏😇👏😇👏🦬👏🦬👍 Thanks for sharing as I haven’t seen Madden since my boys were 12. That was 10 and 12 years ago. As a dad, unfortunately they grew up. Funny you don’t realize how much fun you have with you’re sons or daughter in my case until after they start growing up.
  12. Guys, it could be nothing more than a bone bruise in the capsule. I’ve had them multiple times among other things. How about we just slow down and see what happens. Of course Beane is going to get a body for now in case. That’s why they keep that $5-7 mil. Most teams do after the last rookie is signed for emergencies. He could easily get cut in 10 days. If you’ve had a severe bone bruise in a joint, it hurts like hell. They resolve and when the inflammation is down, they are back to work. Just like many of you fair minded guys say a player is innocent until proven guilty when some lawful infraction comes up, the same applies for injuries. I’m in the wait and see and not worry about it.
  13. That’s like saying Beetlejuice. Don’t say it two more times.
  14. I seem to be the NFLR Cheerleader and I deserve it as I’d rather listen to those guys than watch ESPN, or some of NFLN. Well, the MTC guys force rank with a score of 20 as perfect different position groups. They post the top 10, then top 5 from there, but they look at the entire group so they don’t just rank based on the top guy. An example is we ranked much higher than KC in WR. We made the top 10 for O Line. We made the top 5 actually top 2 in WR and QB. No go on TE or RB, nor D Line. I thought that was fair. My point is they are down to ILB as they parse out the two. Right now we are at 18 pts and they only have the NFCS to do last. We should finish by their account either 1st or 2nd with the Bucs. Then they wrap it up with DBacks. I think they do safeties and then the CB’s. Last year we were top 3 in both categories. Have a listen if you like, but I love how thorough they are all the way down to the 5th on the depth chart. GB would love that stuff. I like them as they don’t seem to be biased. They back up everything they state. Enjoy as I’m betting now that the TC tour is over they will list their top 5 ILB’s tomorrow. To the OP, well written brother. We are even deeper here than last year just like every group but TE. That is one area I think we marginally improved being kind with Hollister.
  15. He may have a degree of loyalty to have on the team, but doesn’t necessarily means he plays him which is what I think you were postulating. I agree he will put out whoever he thinks gives us the best chance. He did bench a healthy Morse last year. That was a statement and Morse heard the message. Consodering there is no economic value to cutting him, my guess is he’ll work his way into a backup role. Just a guess. I do think he’ll put Hughes back where he is most comfortable.
  16. They have a right to do what they fell is best for them and their family, but if you’re not one of the 25 expected starters (including the three specialists), that is not a smart decision for you’re employment. The avg. football career is still 3.5 years. If I’m 23, and I know I’m a backup while I fight to improve my spot, I wouldn’t jeopardize it. Beane may not say it out loud, nor any other GM in the league, but they are thinking it. If two guys at LB per se as an example are similar in terms of abilities.p, and one is vacc., who do you think quietly is going to get the job? That’s not my editorial of what should happen. I’m just commenting what is probably going g to happen. I think Arians is making sound decisions. He also making a statement to his team. Hap, thanks for you’re earlier comments as I wasn’t sure whether you guys were going to shut this down. You guys have a tough job moderating this stuff. Lastly, I thought Sal on WGR made some sound comments in that if all that has happened, and now people sent home, and you still are not vacc., they probably never will. Star was the person who surprised me given opting out, and his medical history. His call.
  17. You wrote what I was thinking. I’m as excited as everyone else, but these are vanilla scrimmages. I too thought am very hopeful we’ve improved in two critical areas, having a rushing attack when needed, and an effective pass rush. If these bode true in the regular season, the wee become appreciably better as a team. The last area that will have to wait is TE production. I hope Hollister is the answer, but I’m skeptical at this point Knox will ever improve. It made sense to me with the McKenzie injury we picked someone up off the street today. I’ve been wondering all week what McD will do for the last scrimmage Saturday. I would assume it’s going to be almost all backups.
  18. You mean Stir Turaluralura, or Mitch Pizano on defense? That Barney Rubble. What an actor.
  19. Hey, we can’t talk about that. Where are the mods when you need them? 😇👏👏👏👏 Just kidding bud. I’ll wait for the fourth or fifth thread later to comment in two weeks. Needless to say, but most of you know my opinion about what will happen. Go Bills.
  20. My question is what does Aaron maybin, mike Williams, and insert whatever other guy think? Answer, I don’t care. good luck rg3. That’s sincere as I hope he has a long an fruitful life. I just don’t care what he thinks about the Cowgirls. Then again, I don’t care about the cowgirls at all. Maybe just hoping the WTF team does well as I like Fitzy. Maybe he can exit with a division win. It’s possible.
  21. Well, that and BB thinks he’ll live forever so he deals a guy to get two next year. Clear sign he’s not retiring.
  22. Well, the good news seems to be those not practicing are most likely on the team with the exception possibly, not probably Butler. Even though he took a pay cut, it’s not clear to me he is an absolute lock at the 53. I hope these guys are ok and leave it. Roster cuts will be very interesting next Tuesday. Between the battles at WR, Defensive Line, and Secondary, we almost assuredly will be surprised by 1 or 2 cuts.
  23. This trying to compare Rocky Marciano to Mike Tyson. It’s a non starter as the game was different.
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