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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. The Steelers author is about as smart this guy. yeah, we’re so disheveled. Enjoy you’re fantasy for 12 more days until we destroy you and you’re offensive line. You may have a Najee, but we have…
  2. Chand, don’t forget the giant rolling pin. Put you’re shoulders into it!
  3. CS, I’ll take you at you’re word as you’ve always seemed to be a fair minded guy. I just don’t know how well informed you’re scout is on the inner workings of Miami and Houston. Everything you wrote may be true. I don’t think it’s a foregone conclusion Miami’s getting DW, but it’s possible. It’s also not assumed he is innocent and a $ grab. Who the heck goes to 20+ different massage therapists. That is highly abnormal for a professional athlete and a regular Joe. For people that believe in this therapy, they normally lock into 1-2 people. A solid correlation is of you believe in chiro, you normally lock into one person because you trust the person. I don’t get the 4 either.
  4. What I believe I was wrong about as the games haven’t been played, but just purely on PS. I thought Dane would’ve had a better camp and pushed Levi harder. I thought like many GROOT would be raw and Boogie would be more polished. I was right (I believe) Breida will be a nice add to this team in jet sweeps and short passes. I’ll add a category I am pleasantly surprised at Andre as a LB. I don’t think he’ll get much playing time, but good depth.
  5. It makes sense. They are desperate and need bodies. Probably a one year prove it deal.
  6. First thanks again for the thoughtful post again as I’m sure it takes a lot of time. I think they find a spot for Obada. It could be a swap with Dodson, or maybe Beane and McD has seen enough of the young guys to cut Addison. We don’t know as he hasn’t played in the PS.
  7. Chand and that’s why you never hear coaches refer to #1, 2, etc. They scheme for each game. Sure it’s easy by the # of receptions Diggs is the top target. Allen is going to throw to whoever is open.
  8. Didn’t know you were joking brother. Put a sarcastic smile after you’re post bud. Would work for me. I really thought you were serious.
  9. Excellent points GB. I have not been impressed with Ford, and I’ve been giving him all the excuses of moving him around, injuries, etc. He is healthy now (I think as I haven’t read anything) and in a dedicated Guard position, which is supposed to be his natural position. I’m almost inclined to cut him and send a message to the team we don’t care about draft status, just how well you play, and every play counts. Boettger and Bates look better than him. You can always place Doyle on the PS after they cut him. Finally, we use Breida the way he should be used. One Jet sweep, and two short passes. He will be an asset on the team if he used outside. Let Moss and Singletary handle anything related to cut back runs, and straight up interior running plays.
  10. You’re TD, but AZ did it with Rosen. We’ll see as I would think teams would slow down once the FBI entered the story. They usually don’t investigate unless they know they can get a conviction. Two unnamed GM’s told Pat Kirwan (that’s what he’s saying, but he’s pretty credible) they would engage in a trade even if they knew he would be suspended for the 2021 season. Whats interesting to me is the hearing isn’t until February, so does the league put him on the exempt list as he is a distraction, and already is refusing to play. That might be Goodell’s smart move (I know it’s a disciplinary committee, but he has influence) as he doesn’t want distractions as we enter the season. They are trying to recuperate 2020 revenue. I don’t think any of us want the Fins to get him as if he was allowed to play, accepted a trade there, and not suspended would make the East very different. I’m not concerned at all with Cam, Mac, Z. Wilson, or Tua. Miami has a solid team, and with a Watson on their team, I’m not assuming 2 wins against them as I am now.
  11. Same, for example in the 2nd quarter that throw to Beasely while under pressure, and even moreso the throw to Nate to save the play. The only thing I didn’t like was Allen rushing for the 1st down when 4th and 2. You never know a defender for the Packers playing for a job could’ve hammered him if one step faster. That wasn’t worth any risk in a PS game. This sounds silly, but I was proud of him early in the game for just going down for the sack, and recognizing he tries to escape, he could get hurt. It was a very smart decision.
  12. He just needs to repeat 2020 for him to get to top 5. Does it really matter? A ring is my only concerning matter.
  13. Who’s trading for a 34 yr. old DE who had a pedestrian 5 sacks last year? Why wouldn’t they wait to see if he’s cut. I doubt he will as there’s no economic value to it except they want the spot for someone else. I just wouldn’t hold my breath that will happen.
  14. Does it really matter what number he’s assigned and you don’t hear McD say #2, 3, or 4. I’m not attempting to be disagreeable, just it kind of doesn’t matter. Sports writers have a tendency to assign numbers to WR’s. Davis is a heck of a good young WR. Beane made an excellent choice in the 4th round. I watched him at UCF as it’s on down here all the time. He knows how to anticipate D Backs and counter on his routes.
  15. That’s funny. He seemed to be a nice guy and a role player and maybe Saleh needs that now. Shaw saw the bad in Wrex, and the food in McD. I may be giving Saleh a lot of credit, but he just seems to me like a McD kind of guy. Shaq could be good for that room this year. They will be lucky to get 5-6 wins. They need stability and Shaq can potentially help there. Maybe beat the Texans and Jags as examples.
  16. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Lawson made the Jets roster with their injuries.
  17. Post career, he’s not always been so fond of Buffalo. He’s a distant memory I care not to remember. Just another crappy couple of years of the 17 yr. drought. I’d rather forget all of it. much rather like the one kids dad post fun videos of Allen and now I think the boy is working on Diggs. I think the poster was my kids dad. Tell you’re not to keep em coming.
  18. Don, I’m normally with you and you know that one. It’s just recently one is fully approved. We’ll see what happens. The other vacc mandated to let you’re kids get into every public and private school in America are well studied. Heck the first small pox vacc was in the late 1700’s. Anyway, I’m hopeful keeping to football that some of the 20% or so meaning once at 53, the 10 people maybe half of them change their mind. I hate to say this but the peer leaders need to be overt in their comments. That basically means no matter how much I love Allen, he needs to come out and say guys I respect you’re decision, but guys Om vacc. And I hope all of you do the same. We’re playing for a SB. Yesterday on one of the radio outlets made the remark KC has been very overt on this matter. I don’t think Bease or Poyer should be singled out as they’ve already been so outward (Poyer wife), but quietly no media just tell the Indic. To get it done. I just want our best players out there. Not a epidemiologic comment. That’s for the COVID board.
  19. This SI dude was on WGR at 8 am this morning, and he acknowledged he was flamed for the 7-9 prediction last year. He’s a nobody in my eyes.
  20. As some of the regulars say, 3, 2, 1, and it’s closed. All I care about is we play this year with our studs. Even though for entry in Hospitals, Surgery Centers and my company, there is no option of no if you want entry (if not you’re basically fired), I think these two groups of the league and pa will figure it out. My guess is they increase vacc testing to once a week as suggested and keep the other protocols the same. From a football perspective if they tested all staff, coaches, and players once a week on Monday, that provides time to get them back by the following Sunday.
  21. For all that is right Peter said it best.. I have enough social issues to try and ignore with The Pandemic and BLM (not that they aren’t important as they are) to resuscitate another one from 5 years ago.
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