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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Given what Hap pointed out in McKenzie fumbling problems over the years, it makes me a little nervous.
  2. I don’t understand what was the impetus for her coming forward. I’m not inferring I don’t believe her, but just seems odd.
  3. GB, you’re right there was so much hype on that TE class, and hasn’t lived Up to the bill.
  4. You may like Hamburg. Its Close to the stadium, good schools if you’re kids are younger. I grew up in Blasdell as that is next to Hamburg. You just have to deal with south towns weather as they get more snow than the northern part of the city. I am sorry about you’re mom. It not easy when a parent is sick.
  5. Hey, that’s Houses comment. Sanders is a fine addition. He didn’t exactly disappoint last Saturday.
  6. Never gets old. How the heck did this guy get an analyst gig? Not really worried about McD’s record against rooks. He’ll boost that one this year, you know when we go 17-0 before we win the SB. Go Bills!
  7. PS, is not going away. This is a negotiating tool for the 18th game. Once we get to the new CBA, 18 games will be the push and they will go from 3 to most likely 1 PS game with more controlled scrimmages as they can manage injuries a little better in scrimmages (aka, no hitting the QB, etc.)
  8. Pm me and we can talk based on where you live as there a couple of great places. Maybe we can catch up for a labatts or coffee
  9. Where he’d fit perfectly is the Bears. Fields has a cannon arm and raw. Run Forrest Run. Then just Chuck it a million yards and he’d shine. I like Brown. I hope he gets a simple run Forrest run job and makes a few bucks. He really helped us and Allen in 19.
  10. I’ll wait til 5 pm until I make any assumptions. Back to work.
  11. You know how they do the outdoors hockey game. Can you imagine a Rockpile Game. An old rival like the Chargers or Chiefs. We win the Chargers ones. id pay $500 for a seat at the pile. Especially in the snow. Just read Tim Russerts book chapter, the Bills.
  12. Hey let’s trade for Newton! Just kidding. It seems like every scrub who is cut were supposed to pick them up. Good luck Cam. I hear Dallas is interested.
  13. Donuts I moved to Tampa five days before the Whitney Houston song. My 7 buddies (all Giants fans which sucked although they made a faint approach of being kind) and I showed up at 8 am in the Tampa Mall across the street from the sombrero. We were pretty much almost the first there with 5 cases of beer. Placed our lawn chairs right in front of the movie screen on the wall of Macy’s and of course we didn’t have the $ to get in the game. Funny as I just drive everything I had down at 21, 1500 miles away and swear I saw at least 100 people I knew one week later. This time we’re going to do it brother. We win at KC amd I believe we are a lock. That’s my SB and I’m going to be on pins and needles all week.
  14. Dust in the wind. Great song. I hope Miami doesn’t get him even with a year suspension if that happens is a problem for us down the road. Miami has a good team. We don’t need a Watson in our division. I may not like his personal decisions if they are true, but I certainly respect his abilities as a QB.
  15. SN, no doubt. I said that last year the Seahawks game and thereafter made a complete change. I’m with you brother. We were a top 3 defense in 18 and 19. We’ll do it again.
  16. This is on the Howard and Jeremy show now, but Sal is on. They are debating both sides. Goodell made a good point that it needs to fit Buffalo. I can see 65-70,000 seats. 60k would be the smallest in the NFL. We’re not SF. this would be a huge mistake as all the players even from other teams state we have a college feel. Go to an AL or FL game and you’d know Buffalo is special. That needs to stay that way. Besides, do you know how expensive a 60k stadium would be? It would completely price out the real fans.
  17. McFarland is a moron. He lived in my neighborhood in Tampa. He continues to say the most idiotic things which is why ESPN as an example continues to go down. ESPN used to be solid. Now they are click bait.
  18. How did you get a pic of Chandler and Old Man Fan’s helmet? Hehehe? (note that was a sinister sarcastic laugh, luv ya Chand, just too easy) You’re dark man. Alright all kidding aside, Iron, that is fine for a game, and I honestly don’t care. As long as no one ever suggests those go awful striped Unis from the early 2000’s. If we keep these normal white, white, white blue, blue white, ya da yada, I’m cool.
  19. Welcome another Tampa Bills guy. I have a rep here so live up to it brother. Us Tampa Bills guys need to stick together. As far as JA17, I hope we see him here like TB12 for the next 20 years. That would be absolutely awesome. How great would it be for us to be a winner for the next two decades?
  20. CB, maybe a mistake, but the 60’s Steelers were atrocious. They traded away Len Dawson and were perpetual losers. They turned it around when Knoll took over in 69. They started winning in 70 and thereafter. Before my time, but the older guys on the board can verify. Bottom line is their line will suck week 1. They may improve throughout the year, but they are in trouble facing this offense week 1. The Bills are going to shred them. GROOT is going to have a field day. I can’t wait to see this guy this year. You can’t underscore how much better this defense will be if he is even close to what he was in the PS.
  21. I was going there too. Miami has a lot more capital than NE. They could easily make the exchange with Watson. NE may want Rodgers in a year. That is something I can see.
  22. Shaw, we’ll get there buddy. This may be the year. I arrived in Tampa to live until now 5 days or so before the giants SB. Im so confident we are going to go deep this year. I was shocked positively GROOT was going to be this good this soon. That was one of the missing pieces. If our main guys like Tre, Edmunds (yeah yeah), and Milano are there in critical times, we will prevail!
  23. Well I hope he comes here as I’ve heard Howard and Jeremy state they check out our site, and in a couple of cases have started a discussion based on one of our topics. My point simply is I liked the guy and thought he did a nice job reporting for the Bills. All the best in his future endeavors.
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